Using readline statically in C (compilation and linkage) - c

I would like to link readline statically with my program and I found this page about readline compilation from source but I'm a bit confused about the process.
The page talks about a variable READLINELIB in the makefile but I don't find it.
Could someone show me the way to use readline statically in my program, what to put in my Makefile for compiling readline from source and link it with my program?
Thank you.

Finally I figured out the proper way to do it, I using the --prefix option of the configure file I can tell where to put/install the library. The problem about installation was that I don't have the right to access other directories than my $HOME, so no problem doing this:
configure --prefix=$HOME/libreadline && make && make install-static
Then in my program I include the file from $HOME/libreadline/include.
To compile the main program I link the program with the archive libraries $HOME/libreadline/lib/libreadline.a and $HOME/libreadline/lib/libhistory.a.
Also since readline files uses directive like #include <readline/readline.h> which doesn't correspond to the location of the files, I must tell the compiler where to look for included files. To do this, before running gcc, I set the variable C_INCLUDE_PATH to $HOME/libreadline/include.
Finally, since readline uses ncurses dynamic library I must tell the compiler to dynamically link it with my program. It might be the case of termcap too...
The overall process looks like:
configure --prefix=$HOME/libreadline && make && make install-static
export C_INCLUDE_PATH=$HOME/libreadline/include
gcc -o myprogram myprogram.c $HOME/libreadline/lib/libreadline.a $HOME/libreadline/libhistory.a -lncurses -ltermcap
I was confused about what make install do, it only copy files to the location provided by the configure, by default it installs in system directories like /usr/include, etc... but providing the --prefix option make install will copy all files in the specified directory.
Installation is just copying compiled program, libraries, doc, etc to a certain location, by default standart system directories, if you don't have access to those directories like me you could "install" it in your own directory and then do whatever you wan't with it.
I could have installed the dynamic library instead the static one, but then I would have to modify the LD_LIBRARY_PATH environment.

get readline source
tar zxvf readline-master.tar.gz
cd readline-master/
examples folder does not have Makefile, which is generated using script.
following steps build static & dynamic libs & puts them inside /usr/local/bin
sudo make install
may have to install curses as "sudo apt-get install libncurses5-dev"
Use following make file (strip down version from examples folder)
(Make sure tab is honored otherwise makefile will not work)
RM = rm -f
CC = gcc
CFLAGS = -g -O
INCLUDES = -I/usr/local/include
LDFLAGS = -g -L/usr/local/lib
READLINE_LIB = -lreadline
TERMCAP_LIB = -ltermcap
${RM} $#
$(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(INCLUDES) -c $<
SOURCES = rlversion.c
EXECUTABLES = rlversion
OBJECTS = rlversion.o
everything: all
rlversion: rlversion.o
$(CC) $(LDFLAGS) -o $# rlversion.o $(READLINE_LIB) $(TERMCAP_LIB)
clean mostlyclean:
rlversion.o: rlversion.c

I was in need of libraries libreadline.a, libhistory.a for both 64 and 32 bit versions.
The answer provided by Rajeev Kumar worked for me. ( Had a little trouble finding and installing libncurses).
For 32-bit versions, using, the following command worked for me.
sudo apt install lib32readline-dev
So it is hoped that for 64 also, it works
sudo apt install libreadline-dev


How can I efficiently patch an external library and compile it in a Makefile for a C project?

I'm working on a C project which needs an external open source library.
In particular, it needs a version I patched myself in order to add some needed features.
At the moment I'm using a Makefile which expects a statically compiled version of the patched library inside the ./lib folder (let's call it libpatched.a), and the corresponding header files in ./include/libpatched.
The following are the main parts of the aforementioned Makefile:
SRC=$(wildcard $(SRC_DIR)/*.c)
CFLAGS += -Wall -O2 -Iinclude -Iinclude/libpatched
LDFLAGS += -Llib
LDLIBS += -lpatched
.PHONY: all clean
all: $(EXECNAME)
$(CC) $(LDFLAGS) $^ $(LDLIBS) -o $#
$(OBJ_DIR)/%.o: $(SRC_DIR)/%.c
$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -c $< -o $#
$(RM) $(OBJ_DIR)/*.o
This Makefile is working correctly; however, I was looking for a more flexible solution, which does not need any statically compiled library before make is called.
What I would like to accomplish is having a Makefile which does something like:
Download a specific version of the original library (in order to never have any compatibility problem)
Apply a patch using patch and a diff file (.patch)
Compile the patched library (either statically or dynamically) for the current platform, using cmake, as required by the original library
Compile my project, using libpatched
Are these steps valid in your opinion, or is there a much better way to handle this need for a patched library?
If yes, as I'm not an expert at all in creating Makefiles, is there an easy way to reach this goal by simply leveraging on a properly written Makefile?
Which could be the best way to do so?
Thank you very much in advance.
I've done exactly this before, when building cross compiler etc with my patches for my operating system kernel. You can use the wget or curl commands in the Makefile. For example something like
# foo.tar.gz needs to be downloaded
wget https://download.source.from/here/foo.tar.gz -O foo.tar.gz
# the makefile requires the downloaded file.
foo_src/CMakeLists.txt: foo.tar.gz
mkdir -p foo_src
cd foo_src && tar xfz ../foo.tar.gz
# patch the library if flag not present
cd foo_src && patch -p1 ../foo.patch
touch foo_patched.flag
# this depends on patching
libpatched.a: foo_src/CMakeLists.txt foo_patched.flag
cd foo_src && cmake
cp foo_src/libfoo.a libpatched.a
The Makefile format is very simple - unlike CMake! - the rules just say: "to generate the file on the left, please build the prerequisites on the right side first. Then execute these commands to actually generate the file on the left hand side"

What is the CMake equivalent of the GCC -c option?

For example, if I had a makefile that contains this:
dynArray.o: dynArray.c dynArray.h type.h
gcc -Wall -ansi -c dynArray.c
How would I translate that into a CMakeLists.txt file?
Probably CMake's object libraries would do that, that mean compile objects but not archive them like normal library would.
add_library(<name> OBJECT <src>...)
Since an object file alone is not the end result of what you are building, I suspect there is more context to the question that is missing. You are probably building an executable from the objects. Just use add_executable to specify your target and the source files that make up the target. Then use target_compile_definitions to specify the compile options you want while compiling source files for that target. For example:
add_executable(dynArray dynArray.c dynArray.h type.h)
target_compile_definitions(dynArray PRIVATE -Wall -ansi)
You can verify that the resulting compile commands are what you expect by using the Unix Makefiles generator and passing VERBOSE=1 to the make command:
mkdir build; cd build
cmake -G "Unix Makefiles" ..
make VERBOSE=1
This will cause the generated Makefile to display the full command lines used on every step of the build.

Making a makefile for C program on linux

I have a C programming exercise, which I have written (and runs perfectly) in Visual Studio on Windows. I now have to make sure it runs OK on Linux as well, and need to create a makefile for it (it is part of the assignment). Here is my makefile:
all: genericdfs.a sudSolver
genericdfs.a: genericdfs.c genericdfs.h
gcc -Wvla -c genericdfs.c
ar rs genericdfs.a genericdfs.c
sudSolver.o: sudSolver.c sudTree.h genericdfs.h
gcc -Wvla -c sudSolver.c -lm
sudukutree.o: sudTree.c sudTree.h
gcc -c sudTree.c -lm
sudSolver: sudSolver.o sudTree.o genericdfs.a
gcc -Wvla sudSolver.o sudTree.o -L. -lgenericdfs -o sudukusolver -lm
rm -f sudSolver.o
rm -f sudTree.o
rm -f genericfs.o
OK so the main C file is sudSolver which has includes for sudTree.h and math.h (hence the -lm)
sudTree.c includes sudTree.h and genericdfs.h as well.
One of the requirements is to create a .a library which should be linked to the main C file at the linkage operation.
We were given next to nothing of an explanation as how to write these makefiles so all I wrote above was according to makefile tutorials I found online.
This makefile however doesn't work, there seems to be a problem with the linkage to the library as this is the error that is being returned:
cannot find cannot find -lgenericdfs
I tried shifting things around but nothing seems to work, another error which appeared when I put -L. genericfs.a in the linkage line:
genericdfs.a: error adding symbols: Archive has no index; run ranlib to add one
Could anyone please explain how I link to the .a library which was created? I suppose its not that complicated but for the life of me I cannot get it to work
Thank you to anyone who helps!
I managed to make it work by changing the line
ar rs genericdfs.a genericdfs.c
ar rs libgenericdfs.a genericdfs.o
and updating final linkage line to libgenericdfs.a
But now there is a different problem. I included a couple rm -f commands to a clean: tag, but they don't delete the files written there when i run "make" from the terminal.
If I run "make clean" then everything gets removed. Do I need to add "clean" to the "all" tag at the top? I read that you should not do that
gcc is passed libraries by using
gcc -Lfull/path/to/library
Or if the library name starts with 'lib' and is on a library search path then you can use -l with lib and .a removed. For example with library called libtest.a .
gcc -ltest
There are a couple of special cases for well used libraries like maths -lm and zlib I think.

Using make for cross platform compilation

I am currently developing a C project under Linux and Win32. The 'deliverable' is a shared library, and all the development is done under Linux with the GNU tool chain. I am using a Makefile to compile the shared library.
Every now and then I have to build a .dll under Win32 from the same src.
I've installed MinGW on the Win32 box such that I can use make and get far fewer complaints from the compiler (in comparison to MSVC). I'm at a stage where the src code compiles on both platforms
But the Linux Makefile and Win32 Makefile are different. I'm curious as how to best handle this - should I:
have 2 makefiles, e.g. Makefile for linux and Makefile.WIN32 and then run make -f Makefile.WIN32 on the Windows box
Should I make a different target in a single Makefile and do something like make WIN32 on the Windows box
Should I ditch make and use CMake (is the juice worth the squeeze for such a simple project, i.e. 1 shared library)
Use a single make file and put the platform-specifics in conditionals, eg
ifeq ($(OS),Windows_NT)
DLLEXT := .dll
DLLEXT := .so
DLL := libfoo$(DLLEXT)
lib : $(DLL)
I use UNAME := $(shell uname) within my Makefile to detect the platform (Linux or MS-Windows).
I provide below a complete example based on make and gcc to build a shared library: *.so or *.dll depending on the platform.
The example is basic/simple/stupid to be more understandable :-)
To use make and gcc on MS-Windows, Cygwin or MinGW can be installed.
The example uses five files:
├── app
│ └── Makefile
│ └── main.c
└── lib
└── Makefile
└── hello.h
└── hello.c
The Makefiles
app.exe: main.o
gcc -o $# $^ -L../lib -lhello
# '-o $#' => output file => $# = the target file (app.exe)
# ' $^' => no options => Link all depended files
# => $^ = main.o and other if any
# '-L../lib' => look for libraries in directory ../lib
# '-lhello => use shared library hello ( or hello.dll)
%.o: %.c
gcc -o $# -c $< -I ../lib
# '-o $#' => output file => $# = the target file (main.o)
# '-c $<' => COMPILE the first depended file (main.cpp)
# '-I ../lib' => look for headers (*.h) in directory ../lib
rm -f *.o *.so *.dll *.exe
UNAME := $(shell uname)
ifeq ($(UNAME), Linux)
TARGET = hello.dll
$(TARGET): hello.o
gcc -o $# $^ -shared
# '-o $#' => output file => $# = or hello.dll
# ' $^' => no options => Link all depended files => $^ = hello.o
# '-shared' => generate shared library
%.o: %.c
gcc -o $# -c $< -fPIC
# '-o $#' => output file => $# = the target file (main.o)
# '-c $<' => compile the first depended file (main.cpp)
# '-fPIC' => Position-Independent Code (required for shared lib)
rm -f *.o *.so *.dll *.exe
The source code
#include "hello.h" //hello()
#include <stdio.h> //puts()
int main()
const char* str = hello();
#ifndef __HELLO_H__
#define __HELLO_H__
const char* hello();
#include "hello.h"
const char* hello()
return "hello";
The build
Fix the copy-paste of Makefiles (replace leading spaces by tabulation).
> sed -i 's/^ */\t/' */Makefile
The make command is the same on both platforms. The given output is for MS-Windows (unnecessary lines removed).
> cd lib
> make clean
> make
gcc -o hello.o -c hello.c -fPIC
gcc -o hello.dll hello.o -shared
> cd ../app
> make clean
> make
gcc -o main.o -c main.c -I ../lib
gcc -o app.exe main.o -L../lib -lhello
The run
The application requires to know where is the shared library.
On MS-Windows, the simple/basic/stupid way is to copy the library where the application is:
> cp -v lib/hello.dll app
`lib/hello.dll' -> `app/hello.dll'
On Linux, use the LD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variable:
> export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=lib
The run command line and output are the same on both platforms:
> app/app.exe
As somebody who has used both autotools and CMake, I would recommend using CMake over rolling your own Makefiles and using autotools. CMake has so many useful, easy to use benefits, even if it is a simple project. For example, CMake will create an NSIS installer, manage production vs. debug compilation and has a nice testing framework. The one knock I had was that it was kind of hard to find real examples of how to use it. So much open source software uses autotools that realworld examples for it are easy to find. However, if you download the CMake source, there are lots of examples in the Example directory and Test directory.
In other words, the Juice is worth the squeeze.
I had a similar issue a few years back, and found that cmake is much easier for cross-platform compilation AND will use whatever compiler is native for that system. Syntax is clearer and abstracts details that are unnecessary for the most part (sometimes that got in the way, but usually there was a way around it)
As a primary advice, I suggest using libtool, autoconf and automake; they make cross-compilation very easy, and much easier than CMake.
If you are going the hand-crafted route, I would suggest going with different targets. Switching between makefiles tends to hide otherwise obvious errors in Makefiles, e.g. duplicately used objects with different rules. Example: The object foo.o is compiled for the DLL target and for the .so target, but with different flags. If someone switches Makefiles, the existing .o file with wrong flags is used, breaking the build. If you are using one Makefile, this will become obvious through rule conflicts.
If you are willing to use MSYS2 on Windows you might get it to run without
making any changes at all compared to your code written for Linux.
This goes for your C/C++ source code as well as for your makefile.(!)
I have been developing code for Linux exclusively. When I tried running it
inside an MSYS2 terminal, the code turned out to work just fine, and
produced a Windows binary executable. I was positively surprised.
You will need to know how to install and use MSYS2, of course. For example,
to install make and g++, in an MSYS2 terminal run the commands:
yes | pacman -Syu msys/make
yes | pacman -Syu gcc
If you want to find out where in Windows g++ has been installed, you can run
where g++ in the MSYS2 terminal.

How do I add my own header file directory to Mac Terminal gcc?

I'm trying to compile a C program (myProgram.c) that includes a custom .h file that is in a specified directory. How can I add the directory to gcc so that I can build myProgram.c anytime using just a command like gcc myProgram (with no flags and what not)
You can do this by altering the C_INCLUDE_PATH environment variable, e.g.
You can add that to your .bashrc or .bash_profile or whatever to always have the environment variable set properly. Here's a reference on how you can do the same for libraries and C++.
had to use a whole set of flags to get this working on El Capitan:
export DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/local/include
export CPPFLAGS="-I/usr/local/include/snappy-c.h"
export CFLAGS="-I/usr/local/include/snappy-c.h"
export CXXFLAGS="-I/usr/local/include/snappy-c.h"
export LDFLAGS="-L/usr/local/lib"
Makefiles would be helpful in this situation, they ease the compilation of multiple file projects.
Assuming you are using these same files and they are in the same directory
A sample makefile could look like
all: main.o custom.o
gcc main.o custom.o -o myExecutable
main.o: main.c
gcc -c main.c
custom.o: custom.c custom.h
gcc -c custom.c
rm -f *.o myExecutable
Or something similar, the general format is
name: dependency
So by running make all from the commandline you would be instructing the compiler to compile your source code into object files, and then link those object files together into an executable.
Make should be easily available on any modern system. For more information on basic makefiles and usage refer to this simple tutorial:
