Managing multiple datasources in CakePHP - cakephp

I'm planning to develop a web application in CakePHP that shows information in graphics and cards. I chose CakePHP because the information that we need to show is very structured, so the model approach makes easier to manage data; also I have some experience with MVC from ASP.NET and I like how simple is to use the routing.
So, my problem is that the multiple organizations that could use the app would have their own database with a different schema that the one we need. I can't just set their string connection in the app.php file because their database won't match my model.
And the organization datasource couldn't fit my model for a lot of reasons: the tables don't have the same name, the schema is different, the fields of my entity are in separated tables, maybe they have the info in different databases or also in different DBMS!
I want to know if there's a way to make an interface that achieves this
In such a way that cakephp Model/Entity can use data regardless of the source. Do you have any suggestions of how to do that? Does CakePHP have an option to make this possible? Should I use PHP with some kind of markup language like JSON or XML? Maybe MySQL has an utility to transform data from different sources into a view and I can make CakePHP use the view instead of the table?
In case you have an answer be as detailed as you can.
This other options are possible if it's impossible to make the interface:
- Usw another framework that can handle this easier and has the features I mentioned above.
- Make the organization change their database so it matches my model (I don't like this one, and probably they won't do it).
- Transfer the data in the application own database.
Additional information:
The data shown in graphics are from students in university. Any university has its own database with their own structure and applications using the db, that's why isn't that easy to change structure. I just want to make it as easy as possible to any school to configure their own db.
The version is CakePHP 3.2.
An important appointment is that it doesn't need all CRUD operations, only "reading". Hope that makes the solution easier.

I don't think your "question" can be answered properly, it doesn't contain enough information, not enough details. I guess there is something that will stay the same for all organizations but their data and business logic will be different. But I'll try it.
And the organization datasource couldn't fit my model for a lot of reasons: the tables don't have the same name, the schema is different, the fields of my entity are in separated tables, maybe they have the info in different databases or also in different DBMS!
Model is a whole layer, so if you have completely different table schemas your business logic, which is part of that layer, will be different as well. Simply changing the database connection alone won't help you then. The data needs to be shown in the views as well and the views must be different as well then.
So what you could try to do and what your 2nd image shows is, that you implement a layer that contains interfaces and base classes. Then create a Cake plugin for each of the organizations that uses these interfaces and base classes and write some code that will conditionally use the plugin depending on whatever criteria (guess domain or sub-domain) is checked. You will have to define the intermediate interfaces in a way that you can access any organization the same way on the API level.
And one technical thing: You can define the connection of a table object in the model layer. Any entity knows about it's origin but you should not implement business logic inside an entity nor change the connection through an entity.
EDIT: The version is CakePHP 3.2. An important appointment is that it doesn't need all CRUD operations, only "reading". Hope that makes the solution easier.
If that's true either use the CRUD plugin (yes, you can use only the R part of it) or write some code, like a class that describes the organization and will be used to create your table objects and views on the fly.
Overall it's a pretty interesting problem but IMHO to broad for a simple answer or solution that can be given here. I think this would require some discussion and analysis to find the best solution. If you're interested in consulting you can contact me, check my profile.

I found a way without coding any interface. In fact, it's using some features already included in the DBMS and CakePHP.
In the case that the schema doesn't fit the model, you can create views to match de table names and column names from the model. By definition, views work as a table so CakePHP searches for the same table name and columns and the DBMS makes the work.
I made a test with views in MySQL and it worked fine. You can also combine the data from different tables.
MySQL views
SQL Server views.
If the user uses another DBMS you just change the datasource in app.php, and make the views if it's necessary
If the data is distributed in different DBMS, CakePHP let's you set a datasource for each table, you just add it to app.php and call it in the table if it's required.
Finally, in case you just need the "reading" option, create a user with limited access to the views and only with SELECT privileges.
CakePHP 3.2


Grails: Best approach to dealing with an existing database

I'm writing a Grails application that will be pulling data from an existing Oracle database. If I were designing this from scratch I could hold all the information in two or three domain models because logically that's how the data should be arranged. However, this is a pre-existing database that has the data I need spread across approximately 25-30 tables. So I am wondering which of the following approaches would be considered best. I don't want to do tons of extra work to take advantage of what Grails has to offer, but at the same time I'd like to take advantage of as much of Grails as possible.
Create domain models for all 25-30 tables and then gather the data into two or three classes.
Create the two or three domain models and populate them "manually" with SQL calls
Since I'm new to Grails and how it handles data, something else that I haven't thought of yet.
There is one answer to all of your queries:
database-reverse-engineer plugin
You can configure the way you want to reverse engineer the tables to domain classes. Refer docs as well.

Is an ORM applicable for a non-CRUD database?

I'm pretty new to database development in general and I've never used ORM before. I'm interested in the benefits of using one, specifically saving time writing boilerplate SQL queries. I'd like to use ORM for a project that I'm working on right now, but I'm not sure it's applicable.
This project is more akin to change tracking for very small (<= 500 characters) documents. I need to track edits and categorizations made by multiple users. Not really to see the specific changes they make, but more to see if the users agree with each other. I am using a SQL database for this (as opposed to actual document control) for a few reasons:
The documents are really small; and I'm only interested in the strings, not really in files.
I wanted the ability to perform ad-hoc queries against the data for development purposes, and didn't want an unpleasantly surprised halfway through that a particular document control package couldn't do what I wanted.
From most of what I've read it seems like you need a direct mapping from columns to data fields in an object to use ORM. What I have now does not even come close to this. To create objects representing documents in different stages of editing I have to cobble together data from columns in different tables, in different combinations.
So my question is: Does an ORM like Hibernate apply to this type of project? And if it does can one be added to an existing application/database?
If it makes a difference: I'm using Java, MySQL, and JDBC. The web app users have access to for edits is made with GWT and hosted via Tomcat6. If I need it, I have complete control of the webserver.
Does an ORM like Hibernate apply to
this type of project?
And if it does can one be added to an
existing application/database?
My opinion is that an ORM tool could be useful for you but you really need to delve into it to see for yourself. Remember when you use an ORM tool you are not forced to use only that to connect to your database. ORM tools in general make the most sense for applications that store data in a very object like structure. For instance your user code might be the place to start. Usually you only create 1 user at a time, you edit 1 user at a time, you check if 1 user is logged into. It also makes sense for things where you would return a list of results like Order Lines. Where I have run into issues with ORM tools is when you have complex data that requires multiple joins especially back to the table you started in. For those cases you might want to keep doing what you are doing. Overall, ORM tools are great but they are like a lot of other things in software development. Try them out on a small part of your code and use them where they work and don't where they don't. Ultimately, you are the one that will have to deal with and maintain whatever you make. Just educate yourself on Hibernate and I am sure you will know what to do!
I think that ORM (I would suggest using the JPA standard, probably with Hibernate as the provider) could suit your project.
It is fairly traditional, as you say, for database columns to map directly onto object fields. If you need to keep your existing database structure (which apparently doesn't map at all well to your objects), then you might find that its more trouble than it's worth to use ORM.
While it's certainly possible to use ORM to map to a specific database schema - perhaps because it's used by other systems - my view is that one of the biggest advantages of ORM is that you can almost ignore the schema. Once you design your objects, and tell hibernate about them, hibernate will create whatever tables it needs.

Why not construct UI based on DB schema?

People seem to avoid building user interfaces that pull their information (names, field types, etc. as well as relationships) from a database; they instead hard-code forms (and tables, etc.) that have pretty much the same data names and types and things.
Am I making sense?
For instance, imagine an emumerated field in MySQL: why not just have the UI construct a drop-down list whenever it encounters an ENUM? Why put the same values in both the database and the code?
Perhaps I'm just missing something; perhaps there are projects out there that do this — sort of super-crud interfaces that can be pointed at any database and from it build a fully-functional relationally-aware user interface. Are there?
I'm possibly not quite conforming to the stackoverflow norms with this question; I shall summarise:
Can you please tell me of a project that constructs its user interface (solely) from analysis of the database schema?
Why is this not a common way to do it — surely it is good to only define data structure in one place (i.e. the database)?
Thank you, and may joyous code-love rain upon your IDE.
I'd like to point out that, last time I checked, .NET and Qt (and probably other environments) make it possible to use "database-aware widgets" (sometimes shortened to just data-aware widgets), which is probably the best pragmatic solution available. What I mean by data-aware widgets is that the widgets themselves know that they're linked directly to database fields, so you would have a combobox that knows that it's backed by an enum and fetches the possible values directly from the database at runtime, just like you suggested.
This is a really neat utility, and used well, it probably won't hurt anything. It still requires that you spend some time laying out widgets manually on a form, but then if you update the database to add a new value to that enum, you don't have to rebuild your app to see it show up in the UI.
But the reason most usability experts will cringe when they hear your question is because programmers tend to think that, well, why not just generate the entire UI, form layout and everything, from the database? And this is where it starts to get really nasty, really fast.
Let's say you have a simple Person table, with first_name, last_name, email_address, street_address, city, state, zip, and phone_number. You want to automatically generate a UI based on these fields. How do you sort the fields? I mean, ideally, first name and last name should be right next to one another. And it would look very silly if you had city and state before street address. So you have to add a new column to the table to specify sort order, if you go with the quickest method, or a new table to specify each field's order index to their field ID.
What if you want to group parts of the information separately? Then you have to add more UI-specific cruft into your database layout (to do this generically, you'll need a new table specifying which UI fields belong to which UI groupboxes). So you've only solved two problems and already your database layout has gotten twice as ugly, plus now instead of a simple O(1) layout operation when you load the UI, you've gotta do several database queries to find out what fields exist and dynamically lay them out while applying the correct widget order... and we haven't even dealt with sizing (should every field be the maximum size to fit its possible contents, or should all text fields be the same width? Wouldn't it be nice if you could say that some text fields should be one width and height, and some should be another combination? etc), or text justification, or formatting, or any other really common elementary usability requirements that will require further sacrifices from the clarity and simplicity of your database schema.
Most visual database editors. phpMyAdmin for instance.
Because the database structure isn't always a very good logical structure for a user to be using, especially in the case of databases that have been denormalised on purpose for efficiency reasons.
Yup, this route has already been traveled.
Simply pointing at a database will create an oversimplified UI, not giving much more than the CRUD of an Access UI. That's why Naked Objects (I'm one of its committers) builds its metamodel from a pojo domain model. This allows the UI to expose any public methods as menus ... we call this "behaviourally complete".
Per the comment about the UI not being suitable for end-users, I have two points:
distinguish between power users vs casual users. Most internal apps are for the former (we use Alan Coopers' term of a "sovereign application" for this), who understand the domain and don't want fancy UI stuff getting in the way. Most external apps, eg public web sites, are for the latter.
for the latter, there's nothing to prevent the autogenerated UI of a tool like Naked Objects being replaced with a custom or semi-customized viewer. One such viewer is Scimpi, I'm also working on an Eclipse RCP viewer that'll expose extension points. But even here, the auto gen UI is still very valuable for the development team and business analysts for exploration and prototyping.
Hope some of the above has piqued your interest. If you want more, google around, or you might want to check out my book on domain-driven design and NO, at
List of projects that implement this idea.
Naked Objects
Domain Object Explorer
Naked Objects
Typical Objects
Specifically to your second question: Alot of it really depends on your data model. Some are very complicated and would lead to un-intuitive user interfaces. Perhaps for simply CRUD based systems, having your UI be a front end to the database would be preferable. In that case, I think that some of these tools would be great. However, for some more complicated systems where some db data needs to be hidden from the users, it would be better if you UI didn't mirror the db schema.
Microsoft Access has used this model for years - the database and UI development are very closely tied. You can auto-generate a form directly from a table definition with smart defaults and search built in. The model works well for developing applications with few concurrent users such as custom applications for small businesses where the amount of data stored is small.
If you are scaling to larger relational DBs with a number of concurrent users, or large databases then reliability and performance become more important, and separately constructed UI and databases make more sense. When more users are involved they often have different requirements so decoupling the UI from the DB schema makes it more efficient to develop.
Just a note on Java "projects that implement this idea" - tynamo is the new version of Trails framework
There are many systems that build an interface for you to edit stuff directly from table information. End-user interfaces, however, must be tweaked a little bit. You may not want to reveal to the user every field in your table.
Frameworks that make good use of the MVC design pattern can let you do all kinds of things with your models, which are the preferred way to build new systems (rather than creating database tables directly).
To answer your questions specifically:
django allows you to construct forms (and a complete admin CMS) out of models.
It is a common thing to do.
Naked Objects is about one step removed from this. They base the UI on an object model, and then persist the object model.
I think you are forgetting to consider the user in your design process if you are thinking like that. Bad mistake. Users don't like it when the interface changes, they would especially not like it if it changed frequently as they then wouldn't know what to do. Further, if you generate your UI on the fly based on the database structure, then what order would the objects be in? UIs need to have objects in an order that makes sense to the users not the database designers.
Further in a well-designed database there are fields that are not meant for the users to see. Things like numeric keys, insert date, last updated etc. You don't want to automatically expose these to the users and you certainly don't want them to have the ability to mess with the data in such fields.
Finally, if you don't think about the functionality of the page, then you aren't doing your job. A UI needs to be more than just a list of fileds that can be edited. You need to have constraints on who can see what, checks of the data before inserting to the database, business rules that need to be applied. You can't just autogenerate a lot of this (and you shouldn't even if you could!). Design needs thought and care.
Now as to drop down lists, of course you can generate them from the database and not the code, in fact it is the better choice. Just make the query the source for your particular object, not a list generated in code.
You can do it with the help of this cool tool from a developer in Philippines, it is called COBALT. You can download it here.

Dynamic web form targetting user specified database fields

I have an issue where I'm creating a greenfield web application using ASP.NET MVC to replace a lengthy paper form that manually gets (mostly) entered into an existing SQL Server 2005 database. So the front end is the new part, but I'm working against an existing moderately normalized schema. I can easily add new tables, views, etc. to the schema, but modifying tables is going to be near impossible. There's currently at least 2 existing applications (that I'm aware of) that reference this schema and I've stumbled upon at least a dozen "SELECT * FROM..." statements in each. They exist both in code and in views/triggers/stored procs/etc. That's why modifying existing table schemas is a no-go.
All that being said, the form targets different fields in multiple tables in database. It also has to be dynamic enough to allow the end users to add new questions targeting fields. The end users have a rough idea of the existing database schema so they're savvy enough to know how to pick out tables/fields to be targeted.
I'm have a really rough idea of how I could tackle this, but it seems like complete overkill and will be difficult to write up. I'm hoping somebody might have a simple(r) way of handling this sort of project that I haven't thought of.
If users know DB schema maybe you should go with Dynamic Data project and just create a web app front end of that DB to them. So you would only make the model they need and do the application that will display data from those tables with insert/edit capabilities.
But it's completely different story if they have some additional functionality to it.

how to restrict or filter database access according to application user attributes

I've thought about this too much now with no obviously correct solution. It might be a real wood-for-the-trees situation, so I need stackoverflow's help.
I'm trying to enforce database filtering on a regional basis. My system has various users and each one is assigned to a regional office. I only want users to be able to see data that is associated with their regional office.
Put simply my application is: Java App -> JPA (hibernate) -> MySQL
The database contains object from all regions, but I only want the users to be able to manipulate objects from their own region. I've thought about the following ways of doing it:
1) modify all database querys so they read something like select * from tablex where region="myregion". This is nasty. It doesn't work to well with JPA eg the entitymanager.find() method only accepts primary key. Of course I can go native, but I only have to miss one select statement and my security is shot
2) use a mysql proxy to filter results. kind of funky, but then the mysql proxy just sees the raw call and doesn't really know how it should be filtering them (ie which region the user that made this request belongs to). Ok, I could start a proxy for each region, but it starts getting a little messy..
3) use separate schemas for each region. yeah, simple, I'm using spring so I could use the RoutingDataSource to route the requests via the correct datasource (1 datasource per schema). Of the course the problem now is somewhere down the line I'm going to want to filter by region and some other category. ohps.
4) ACL - not really sure about this. If a did a select * from tablex; would it quietly filter out objects I don't have access for or would a load of access exceptions be thrown?
But am I thinking too much about this? This seems like a really common problem. There must be some easy solution I'm just too dumb to see. I'm sure it'll be something close to / or in the database as you want to filter as near to source as possible, but what?
Not looking to be spoonfed - any links, keywords, ideas, commerical/opensource product suggestions would be really appreciated!! thanks.
I've just been implementing something similar (REALbasic talking to MySQL) over the last couple of weeks for a hierarchical multi-company extension to an accounting package.
There's a large body of existing code which composes SQL statements so we had to live with that and just do a lot of auditing to ensure the restrictions were included in each table as appropriate. One gotcha was related lookups where lookup tables were normally only used in combination with a primary table but for some maintenance GUIs would load the lookup table itself, directly.
There's a danger of giving away implied information such as revealing that Acme Pornstars are a client of some division of the company ;-)
The only solution for that part was very careful construction of DB diagrams to show all implied relationships and lots of auditing and grepping source code, with careful commenting to indicate areas which had been OK'd as not needing additional restrictions.
The one pattern I've come up with to make this more generalised in future is, rather than explicit region=currentRegionVar type searches, using an arbitrary entityID which is supplied by a global CurrentEntityForRole("blah") function.
This abstraction allows for sharing of some data as well as implementing pseudo-entities which represent other restriction boundaries.
I don't know enough about Java and Spring to be able to tell but is there a way you could use views to provide a single-key lookup, where the views are restricted by the region filter?
The desire to provide aggregations and possible data sharing was why we didn't go down the separate database route.
Good Question.
Seems like #1 is the best since it's the most flexible.
Region happens to be what you're filtering on today, but it could be region + department + colour of hair tomorrow.
If you start carving up the data too much it seems like you'll be stuck working harder than necessary to glue them all back together for reporting.
I am having the same problem. It is hard to believe that such a common task (filtering a list of model entities based on the user profile) has not a 'standard' way, pattern or best-practice to do it.
I've found pgacl, a PostgreSQL module. Basically, you do your query like you normally would, and then you tack on an acl_access() predicate to work as a filter.
Maybe there is something similar for MySQL.
I suggest you to use ACL. It is more flexible than other choices. Use Spring Security. You can use it without using Spring Framework. Read the tutorial from link text
