Unable to start Zookeeper on windows - solr

Hello I am trying to use SolrCloud on different machine. for that I have refereed these documents: here & here
But I am facing an issue: Could not find or load main class org.apache.zookeeper.server.quorum.QuorumPeerMain in windows
Here is a screenshot:
Can you please help how to Start Zookeeper server on windows.
Please note I have tried to run with command zkServer as well without start word.

Make sure you have zookeeper-3...jar in your classpath.
Its generally placed in zookeeper/dist-maven/
You can add up that location too in ur zkServer.cmd


'clarinet integrate' quickly fails and nothing is logged to console?

Following https://docs.hiro.so/smart-contracts/devnet I can't get the command clarinet integrate to work. I have installed Docker on my mac and am running version 0.28.0 of clarinet. Running command within 'my-react-app/clarinet' where all clarity related files live (contracts, settings, tests, and Clarinet.toml).
My guess is it could be an issue with Docker?
The issue was that I downloaded my Devnet.toml file from a repo that was configured incorrectly. The configuration I needed was:
name = "devnet"
I increased the CPU and Memory in Docker as well.
There is an issue when the command attempts to spin up the stacks explorer, but I was informed that there are several existing issues with the stacks explorer from clarinet integrate at the moment.
Depending on how the last devnet was terminated, you could have some containers running. This issue should be fixed in the next incoming release, meanwhile, you'd need to terminate this stale containers manually.
Apart from Ludo's suggestions, I'd also look into your Docker resources. The default CPU/memory allocation should allow you to get started with Clarinet, but just in case, you could alter it to see if that makes a difference. Here's my settings for your reference:
Alternatively, to tease things out, you could reuse one of the samples (eg: hirosystems/stacks-billboard) instead of running your project. See if the sample comes up as expected; if it does, there could be something missing in your project.

How to use jHiccup with Solr?

I've tried use Solr with Jhiccup to analyze garbage collectors of Azul zing JVM and G1GC of Java-Hotspot. I launched solr, and want include jHiccup on it. of solr process is 1078. I used following command: ./jHiccup -l /tmp/jHiccup-2.0.9/hiccup.%date.%pid -p 1078. It should be work, but an error is displayed : A JNI error has occured, please check your installation and try again. Help me please!
re many ways for it to go wrong Using -p to attach to a running process is "touchy". It works well when the JDKs of both the target and the launching process are configured right, and match in version, but there are many ways for it to go wrong (mismatched JDK versions, varying policy setups, etc.).
In general the reliable and most common way to launch jHiccup (including within Solr) is to use the -javaagent method, as described in the README at https://github.com/giltene/jHiccup

db derby StartNetworkServer

I have problem with starting derby server.
My derby version: db-derby-
I followed this tutorial:
but after typing: startNetworkServer.bat there is no response:
Could you help me?
Maybe there is some problem with my localhost?
I think that i install Derby correctly because after typing: java org.apache.derby.tools.sysinfo
I got some result
The bug is in the localization (for me in cs localization) and the derby server does not print exceptions by default.
Workaround: Under windows in the console run the following commands:
set "DERBY_OPTS=-Duser.language=en -Dderby.drda.debug=true"
The first line adds two options for java/derby. First option to change the local language to en and the second one enables printing debug messages to the console.
The second line runs the server (add path if needed).
Another workaround is adding the missing localization key DRDA_MissingNetworkJar.S to file org\apache\derby\loc\drda\messages_cs.properties inside derbynet.jar.
I had this problem with using derby in 1.8.0_45 but changing the DERBY_HOME back to 1.8.0_31 solved it.
This may occurs due to different Java version in your local.
Try using jdk 11. It works fine and networkserver gets started.
Please check out different versions so that you may get solution.

Make netbeans use virtual box guest installation of phpunit

We use netbean's phpunit / unit testing plugins for all our testing. We used to use xampp and point netbeans at our our .bat file from the xampp installation. We recently started using vagrant and are now running our dev environment in virtual box. I would like to make netbeans use the installation of phpunit within the virtual machine. This would save us from having to have both installed. Is this even possible? Netbeans seems to want a file location and I am stumped as to how I can go about doing this.
[EDIT] I've created a custom batch file that uses vbox guestconrols to forward the commands to the VMs installation of phpunit. I am going to then point netbeans at my custom .bat file. My problem is, now, that guestcontrols doesn't seem to be forwarding --bootstrap. It seems to be trying to take it and use it, rather than forward it along. The docs say that all the additional arguments will just be passed on, but that doesn't seem to be the case. Here is what I am using in my my_phpunit.bat :
#echo off
if "%VBoxManage%" == "" set VBoxManage=C:\Program Files\Oracle\VirtualBox\VBoxManage.exe
"%VBoxManage%" "--nologo" "guestcontrol" "<my_vm_name>" "execute" "--image" "/usr/bin/php5" "/usr/bin/phpunit" "--verbose" "--username" "<user>" "--password" "<pass>" "--wait-stdout" "--wait-stderr" "CustomNetbeansTestSuite" "<path/to/test/suite>" "--bootstrap" "<path/to/bootstrap>" %7
I am almost there, as running the bat file without the bootstrap option at the end takes me to the unit test. I am getting exceptions because of some autoloader issues(no bootstrap), but if I can figure out a better way to forward these command line arguments to
[EDIT 2]
I think I've finally solved this, but I need to get some issues with my guest OS in order. Once I've been able to test it a bit more, I'll post the final solution. I solved the Vbox guest control issue by adding "--" before I actually sent the parameters that should be forwarded. It said to do so in the docs, but it wasn't entirely clear to me at first.
I just wanted to update that I never actually got the .bat file to work. I think I got pretty close, but I was hung up on some linux CLI output that I couldn't suppress. The .bat file that I ended up with was:
# .bat example
I ended up moving to PhpStorm and everything worked out of the box. So, if you're still using netbeans, you can try and give that a shot. Maybe someone with more unix / linux experience can fix the issues I was having. I feel I was like 99% there with it.

How to check if Tomcat runnning using Embedded Tomcat

In reference with one of the articles: Howto embed Tomcat 6?
I understood how to embed tomcat in a java application. Thanks for that.
However I need to know if there is any elegant method provided by org.apache.catalina.startup.Embedded to check if the container is already started or not?
For example, if I create a batch file for the example given in the link above and click it twice; second time it would fail with JVM_BIND error; tomcat is running.
Please help.
You could use the example code given on the Tomcat wiki
Note: This doesnt use Embedded
It is trying to connect to the Tomcat ip:port and seeing if it responds.
