Advice untangling SQL Server 2008 R2 and SQL Server 2014 install - sql-server

I have heard other developers (i.e., not db administrators) complain over the years about the complexity of getting SQL Server installed and configured properly. I installed SQL Server 2014 about six months ago for a project that I'm no longer working on. I tried installing 2008 R2 with a named instance for a new project but something went wrong and I now have an inaccessible instance. My instinct is to remove everything and to just start fresh. Is this the right instinct?
If it is the right instinct, any advice on how to fully, fully, fully uninstall all instances of SQL Server? Seems every time I try to do so, there are some bits and pieces left behind and that gets me wondering if those leftover bits are causing trouble for subsequent re-installs.
If this is not the right instinct, please set me straight. I'm hoping that all of the answers will not be "db administrators are paid to be good at this so go find one." Of course, this is probably the best and most accurate response; but I would also like to solve my problem so if this is your response then I would be grateful if you could point me to a reliable, on-demand SQL Server admin service that I can consult to get this right -- I'm happy to pay for some high quality and efficient help.
Thanks for any advice.

If you are having problems accessing the server it's a good instinct to remove the name instance and install a new one. The reason you could not access the name instance could be compatibility problem b/n sql2014 and SQL 2008R2 or configuration problem. why do you really want to install SQL 2014 instead of sql2008? my be it's better to install SQL 2014 name instance.
please look at this link to remove the name instance SQL 2008.

I discovered that SQL Server 2008 R2 isn't supported on Windows 10:
So I uninstalled everything related to 2008 (which required a couple of reboots and further uninstall attempts) and then uninstalled everything I could find for 2014... and then I reinstalled 2014 from scratch... and I'm golden.


Edition downgrade of SQL 2012 Management and Client Tools

I'm currently looking at a SQL Server which was upgraded (by somebody else) from SQL 2008 R2 to 2012 last year. The database works fine, so apparently nobody noticed that a Standard Edition (SE) instance had been upgraded with Enterprise Evaluation Edition (EEE) media. The two database instances stayed as SE but the Management and Client Tools are EEE.
After 180 days the trial ran out and some things stopped working. I noticed these problems when I did a health check on the server and tracked the cause back to that upgrade (SQL Server's saved summary logs every time you even think about changing it are a great help figuring out what happened).
I now have the correct installation media and the SE license key. But I'm not sure how best to proceed. Just uninstall the existing tools and reinstall the correct ones? I've never run across a situation like this so any experience or suggestions gratefully accepted.
I tried it out on a test server with a similar setup and the answer does seem simply to be to uninstall via Windows, reinstall from the original media, and then service pack/CU/patch back to the right level.

SQL Server Management Studio 2008R2 with SQL Server 2017-- compatibility?

I am working on a project where I will be provisioned a SQL Server 2017 database server. However, the only version of SQL Server Management Studio available to me is 2008R2. I could request a newer version but this may take 1-2 months before it is finally installed on my machine.
Am I going to run into compatibility issues? Are there any database settings in SQL Server 2017 I would need to set in order to use this?
I am pretty unfamiliar with the MS suite of database tools so sorry for my ignorance in this! Thanks
In response to comments:
I have a managed system so I am not able to install or run software that has not been "approved". I have tried the portable version of VS Code but that did not work for me. I am going through the process of requests SSMS 2017 but like I said in the question this will not be available for 1-2 months. In the meantime will SSMS 2008 work?
As unlikely as this may be, I happen to have two, and only two, versions of SSMS installed on my machine; 2008R2 and 2017. I'm in the midst of an upgrade project.
I opened SSMS 2008R2 and was to connect to and generally poke around on a SQL Server 2017 server and the related databases. I didn't do anything too complicated (a few SELECT statments & an UPDATE), but they worked. The objects I expected to be visible were visible. And I didn't have to do anything to make it work. It just worked.
Except that every time I right clicked on a table, an error box opened with this message:
Index was outside the bounds of the array. (Microsoft.SqlServer.Smo)
But if I hit the OK button, the box cleared and the desired right click menu opened and functioned. That will get irritating, but if you poke around in the Options menu, there might be a way to make it stop. I invested no minutes trying to do that.
At the very least, you should be able to work while you're waiting for your upgrade.
For what it's worth, I work for a government contractor and have the same level of security constraints you do, so I feel your pain.
Another approach is to run sqlcmd, which would have been installed with SQL Server 2008R2. I was able to connect from sqlcmd to a SQL Server 2017 Docker container (external/internal ports 1433). I did not encounter any errors/warnings when creating a database and table, and running some light queries.
Interestingly, I was unable to connect to the same server using SSMS 2008R2. Perhaps the protocol used or the security required (e.g., TLS 1.2) for the underlying connection was different. Clearly it works based on Eric Brandt's results.

SQL Server version issue

This Snapshot is the info of SQL Server Management Studio which am currently running.
as you can see its of version 10.50.1600.1
Now when i try to backup a file the below error i get.
So it states that i am having a lower version.
Can you please advice?
Do i have to update? If yes, then how?
Error Snapshot
can you guys please help.
Se we have t o explain to a programmer the difference between the management studio and the sql server? THe server does not care what version of management studio you run.
In case you do not know it, all you do when you do a backup is send a SQL command to the server. Management studio does nothing regaring the actual restore.
Check your SQL Server versions and upgrade them to at least 10.50.1600 - which would indicate a 2008 R2 version. You currently run 10.00.2531, which indicates 2008 Sp1.
Btw., all builds are here:
And, btw., not applying service packs to a database is gross neglect. There are someimtes interesting issues (queries not working) and you seem to have a habit of never patching your system - both, your management studio as well as your server are service packs behind the current patching level.
Can you please try generating Script with 'Schema and Data' option and executing that on your destination server.

Unable to upgrade from SQL Server 2012 evaluation to Standard

I was using SQL Sever 2012 Evaluation edition. As it was about to expire, we purchased a Standard edition license.
I was told that I don't need the lisence key as it was embedded in the ISO installation file. However, when trying to run the installation file, I get the message - There are no SQL Server instances or shared features that can be updated on this computer.
The reason for this is that the edition that I was trying to install was 2012 SP1, which is the version that I was already on.
When trying to do the upgrade using the Configuration manager and then choosing maintainance -> Upgrade, I get asked for the product key, which I don't have.
The advice from the Microsoft account manager was to let my product expire and then try the upgrade again. However after the product expired I still have exactly the same issue.
Any advice besides uninstalling SQL and reinstalling?
You should be able to run an 'Edition Upgrade' of an existing SQL Server instance, even on an expired evaluation, you can do it via the SQL Server setup from the Installation media, and SQL Server Installation Center, by clicking on 'Maintenance', then 'Edition Upgrade' and follow the rest of the installation from there.
The error message is generally caused by applying incorrect versions (patched up, language incorrect etc.) on an instance that is different. The 'Select features' page has a description message on the top right side of the page explaining what is ocurring. I'd suggest taking a look there first of all.
Please check this post, although it relates to 2008 R2, the error fix is the same in 2012 :-
This should have the answers that you need.

sql server 2008 express setup problem

I previously had sql server 2005 express and uninstalled it.. I also uninstalled any vs related programs and installed visual web developer 2008 express edition with SP1. now that I am trying to install sql server 2008, I am seing error messages like no other and leave that alone without any suggestions..
the latest one which I could not come to a proper solution on the internet is;
consistency validation for sql server registry keys error which suggests
"The SQL Server registry keys from a prior installation cannot be modified. To continue, see SQL Server Setup documentation about how to fix registry keys.
as you might have guessed nothing so informative in the documentation... Also, when I try to delete any sql server related registry key, it does not let me. (yes I stopped all the related services..)
anybody here that can be of any assistance?
You can try with this procedure :
Stop all SQL Server Services
Remove all SQL Server Services with sc delete servicename
Control Panel - Add/Remove Programs - Select and Remove all Microsoft
SQL Server programs
Open regedit and remove all SQL Server folders in this registry key: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/ SOFTWARE/MICROSOFT
Remove SQL Server folders from Program Files directory
This procedure should resolve the issue, i've resolved with this procedure ...
i found this to happen if you had an add-in for SSMS installed which hasn't been uninstalled before ssms was uninstalled.
You may need to change the permissions on the relevant registry keys using regedt32 first so that you can then delete the keys via normal regedit
Well actually, I believe, one should not go through such mess in order to accomplish a simple task like this. In the end, I ended up formatting my PC and re-installing SQL Server.
I know this is an old question and you already said in comments that you reformatted the machine. However, I just ran into this exact message and wanted to share my solution because it was so easy, but the error message didn't help at all!
I was using the wrong installation package. I had a 64-bit Intel Windows 7 computer and I was trying to use the x86 version of SQL Server 2008. Once I found the correct version (x64) I did not get this error and the install proceeded normally.
I had a similar problem because I still had some remnants of SQL Server 2005 left - not the services, it was some parts of the IDE. Anyway, to resolve it I used the option to upgrade (sorry, I can't remember the exact option just now). After running the upgrade portion, which took a few minutes, I could then run the full install with no problems.
