Nancy fx how to use in Windows Forms - winforms

Here I have a simple WinForm app which has a NancyFx service all working fine: I use a Person object which implements the IPerson interface. The nancyModule has a ctor with a parameter of IPerson and in the post route of the nancyModule I use the this.Bind(); If I want to display the person on the form how do I do it?
using System;
using System.Windows.Forms;
using Microsoft.Owin.Hosting;
using Nancy;
using Nancy.ModelBinding;
namespace WindowsFormsApplication1
public partial class Form1 : Form
private IDisposable dispose;
public Form1()
private void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
string uri = "http://localhost:8080/";
dispose = WebApp.Start<Startup1>(uri);
public interface IPerson
String Name { get; set; }
public class Person : IPerson
public String Name { get; set; }
public class nancyModule : NancyModule
public nancyModule(IPerson person)
Post["/data"] = _ =>
person = this.Bind<Person>();
return HttpStatusCode.OK;

If you want to display the person data on the form then you need to call your REST API from your Win Forms application. Grab the response and output the results. Simply put, this is how you can achieve this.
I haven't used async and await keywords which ideally you would but
for brevity I have omitted this.
Firstly, I removed the dependency of IPerson from your module as this isn't a dependency as such but an output from your POST. With that minor adjustment, it looks like this:
If you still feel strongly about IPerson being a dependency then simply leave it and the code will still work as expected.
public class PersonModule : NancyModule
public PersonModule()
this.Post["/data"] = args => this.AddPerson();
private Negotiator AddPerson()
var person = this.Bind<Person>();
return this.Negotiate
Now from your Win Forms application simply call the API via the HttpClient, like this:
using (var client = new HttpClient())
client.DefaultRequestHeaders.Accept.Add(new MediaTypeWithQualityHeaderValue("application/json"));
var person = new Person { Name = "Foo Bar" };
var serializer = new JavaScriptSerializer();
var response = client.PostAsync(
new StringContent(serializer.Serialize(person), Encoding.UTF8, "application/json")).Result;
var result = new JavaScriptSerializer().Deserialize<Person>(response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync().Result);
TextBox1.Text = result.Forename;
Purest's out there will mention 3rd party libraries such as Json.NET
and Service Stack which allows for easier serialization and
deserialization but again for simplicity in this example I am using
out of the box features.


ABPFramwork - Remove api from layer application in swagger

I have created a project using abpframwork. When running swagger, swagger receives the function in the application layer is a api. I don't want that. Can you guys tell me how to remove it in swagger
Code in Application Layer
public class UserService : AdminSSOAppService, ITransientDependency, IValidationEnabled, IUserService
IUserRepository _userRepository;
private readonly ILogger<UserService> _log;
public UserService(IUserRepository userRepository,
ILogger<UserService> log
_userRepository = userRepository;
_log = log;
public async Task<List<UserDto>> GetList()
var list = await _userRepository.GetListAsync();
return ObjectMapper.Map<List<User>, List<UserDto>>(list);
public async Task<UserDto> GetUserById(int Id)
var user = await _userRepository.GetAsync(c=>c.Id == Id);
return ObjectMapper.Map<User, UserDto>(user);
Code in HttpApi Layer
[RemoteService(Name = AdminSSORemoteServiceConsts.RemoteServiceName)]
public class UserController : ControllerBase, IUserService
private readonly IUserService _userAppService;
public UserController(IUserService userAppService)
_userAppService = userAppService;
public Task<List<UserDto>> GetList()
return _userAppService.GetList();
public Task<UserDto> GetUserById(int Id)
return _userAppService.GetUserById(Id);
I can suggest a workaround as to enable only the APIs you need to appear on swagger (though the ones that don't appear anymore will still be available for consumption).
I would suggest you add a configuration part in your *.Http.Api project module inside your ConfigureSwaggerServices, like so:
context.Services.AddSwaggerGen(options =>
(_, apiDesc) =>
And for the attribute, it would be very simple, like so:
public class IncludeInSwaggerDocAttribute : Attribute
This will let you achieve what you want, however I still recommend reading the doc carefully to be able to implement DDD.

How to use TempData in ASP.NET Core React application

I have created an ASP.NET Core 3.1 web application in React.
I am trying to use TempData in a controller action method. But I get an error saying
TempData does not exists in current context
How can I use it?
Controller inherits from ControllerBase,so Controller have all what ControllerBase have.I think change ControllerBase to Controller is a better way.
You could check the source code below:
public abstract class Controller : ControllerBase, IActionFilter, IFilterMetadata, IAsyncActionFilter, IDisposable
protected Controller();
public dynamic ViewBag { get; }
public ViewDataDictionary ViewData { get; set; }
public ITempDataDictionary TempData { get; set; }
public void Dispose();
If you must use ControllerBase.Here is a working demo about how to use TempData in api controller:
public class ValuesController : ControllerBase
private readonly ITempDataDictionaryFactory _tempDataDictionaryFactory;
public ValuesController(ITempDataDictionaryFactory tempDataDictionaryFactory)
_tempDataDictionaryFactory = tempDataDictionaryFactory;
public void Get()
var tempData = _tempDataDictionaryFactory.GetTempData(HttpContext);
tempData["EmailId"] = "adasd";
//do your stuff...
Still repeat what i did in Get method and Get tempData in other action like below:
var tempData = _tempDataDictionaryFactory.GetTempData(HttpContext);
var data = tempData["EmailId"];

Unity: Type registered with ContainerControlledLifetimeManager is not being Singleton

I have an issue with a Unity Container in a WPF application. I am using Prism with UnityBootstrapper. I need to register a class as a singleton. This is the class:
public class RepositoryBase<T> : IRepository<T> where T : class, new()
private string connectionString;
public RepositoryBase(string conne)
connectionString = conne;
public async Task<List<T>> Get()
var db = GetDbConnection();
var value = await db.GetAllWithChildrenAsync<T>(recursive: true);
return value;
In the bootstrapper, I register the above type as follows:
protected override void ConfigureContainer()
var assemblyLocation = System.Reflection.Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().Location;
var path = System.IO.Path.GetDirectoryName(assemblyLocation);
path = Path.Combine(path, "Data.db3");
Container.RegisterType(typeof(IRepository<>), typeof(Data.RepositoryBase<>), new ContainerControlledLifetimeManager(), new InjectionConstructor(path));
However, if I place a breakpoint in the constructor of the RepositoryBase class, I can see it breaks several times.
Can anyone see what am I doing wrong?

Problem loading view with MEF and ExportAttribute

I have a WPF app and I'm trying to use MEF to load viewmodels and view.
I can't successfully load Views.
The code:
public interface IContent
void OnNavigatedFrom( );
void OnNavigatedTo( );
public interface IContentMetadata
string ViewUri { get; }
public class ExtensionMetadataAttribute : ExportAttribute
public string ViewUri { get; private set; }
public ExtensionMetadataAttribute(string uri) : base(typeof(IContentMetadata))
this.ViewUri = uri;
class ViewContentLoader
public IEnumerable<ExportFactory<IContent, IContentMetadata>> ViewExports
public object GetView(string uri)
// Get the factory for the View.
var viewMapping = ViewExports.FirstOrDefault(o =>
o.Metadata.ViewUri == uri);
if (viewMapping == null)
throw new InvalidOperationException(
String.Format("Unable to navigate to: {0}. " +
"Could not locate the View.",
var viewFactory = viewMapping.CreateExport();
var view = viewFactory.Value;
return viewFactory;
I supposed to use this code like this:
1)Decorate a User control
public partial class CustomPause : Page , IContent, IPartImportsSatisfiedNotification
public CustomPause()
2) Compose the parts:
var cv = new CompositionContainer(aggregateCatalog);
var mef = new ViewContentLoader();
3) Load the view at runtime given a URI, for example:
private void CustomPause_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
var vc = GlobalContainer.Instance.GetMefContainer() as ViewContentLoader;
MainWindow.MainFrame.Content = vc.GetView ("CustomPause");
Problem is this line in the GetView method fails:
var viewMapping = ViewExports.FirstOrDefault(o =>
o.Metadata.ViewUri == uri);
The query fails and so viewMapping is null but composition seems ok and I can see that ViewExports contains an object of type:
{System.ComponentModel.Composition.ExportFactory<EyesGuard.MEF.IContent, EyesGuard.MEF.IContentMetadata>[0]
I don't know where I'm wrong. Do you have a clue?
I had forgot this
[AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Class, AllowMultiple = false)]
in the MetadataAttribute

How to store user information in one place after login and access in multiple WEB API controllers

I am working on Web API with AngularJS. I had implemented Web API token mechanism few days ago and able to login the application using the access token. I have used external DB table instead of ASP.NET identity table to authorize user.
I want to store user information in class so that it can be accessed easily from different controllers after User logged in. Currently I am using ClaimsIdentity in Controller Class to get the user information.
public class UserIdentityViewModel
public string UserName { get; set; }
public Guid UserId { get; set; }
public class Startup
public void Configuration(IAppBuilder app)
var myProvider = new AuthorizationServerProvider();
OAuthAuthorizationServerOptions options = new OAuthAuthorizationServerOptions
AllowInsecureHttp = true,
TokenEndpointPath = new PathString("/Token"),
AccessTokenExpireTimeSpan = TimeSpan.FromDays(1),
Provider = myProvider
app.UseOAuthBearerAuthentication(new OAuthBearerAuthenticationOptions());
public class AuthorizationServerProvider : OAuthAuthorizationServerProvider
public override async Task ValidateClientAuthentication(OAuthValidateClientAuthenticationContext context)
context.Validated(); //
public override async Task GrantResourceOwnerCredentials(OAuthGrantResourceOwnerCredentialsContext context)
string userId = context.UserName;
string password = context.Password;
EmployeeAccessBLL chkEmpAccessBLL = new EmployeeAccessBLL();
EmployeeAccessViewModel vmEmployeeAccess = chkEmpAccessBLL.CheckEmployeeAccess(Convert.ToInt32(userId), password);
if(vmEmployeeAccess != null)
var identity = new ClaimsIdentity(context.Options.AuthenticationType);
identity.AddClaim(new Claim("username", vmEmployeeAccess.EmpName));
identity.AddClaim(new Claim("userid", Convert.ToString(vmEmployeeAccess.EmployeeId)));
UserIdentityViewModel vmUser = new UserIdentityViewModel();
vmUser.UserId = vmEmployeeAccess.EmployeeId;
vmUser.UserName = vmEmployeeAccess.EmpName;
context.SetError("invalid_grant", "Provided username and password is incorrect");
public class StreamEventController : ApiController
public List<string> AddEvent(StreamEventViewModel vmEvent)
//Able to get User Information from Identity.Claims
var identity = (ClaimsIdentity)User.Identity;
string userId = identity.Claims
.Where(c => c.Type == "userid")
.Select(c => c.Value).FirstOrDefault();
//Not able to get User Information from following as new object instance gets created
UserIdentityViewModel vmUser = new UserIdentityViewModel();
vmEvent.CreatedBy = vmUser.UserId;
vmEvent.ModifiedBy = vmUser.UserId;
Instead of writing "Identity.Claims" in each method of every controller I want to use simple get/set approach or any other methodology to get User Information . The use of Static class is also bad in my opinion as it will store one information of user and multiple user login information gets missed.
Please help me and share with me the best approach that has been used in other Web API projects for login.
You can add a private variable which will be set in the constructor of the controller, like this:
// Should only be used in protected methods.
private ClaimsIdentity ThisUser = null;
public MyController()
if (User.Identity.IsAuthenticated)
ThisUser = (ClaimsIdentity)User.Identity;
public List<string> AddEvent(StreamEventViewModel vmEvent)
string userId = ThisUser.FindFirstValue("userid");
Or create a User class where you load all properties:
private UserClass ThisUser = null;
public MyController()
if (User.Identity.IsAuthenticated)
ThisUser = new UserClass(User);
public List<string> AddEvent(StreamEventViewModel vmEvent)
string userId = ThisUser.UserId;
Where UserClass is something like:
public class UserClass
public string UserId { get; private set; }
public UserClass(IPrincipal user)
UserId = user.FindFirstValue("userid");
But this is just overhead for the same thing.
You can consider to move things to an extension. In that case you get something like:
public static class RequestExtensions
public static UserClass GetUser(this HttpRequestMessage request)
return new UserClass(request.GetOwinContext().Authentication.User);
public static ClaimsIdentiy GetUser2(this HttpRequestMessage request)
return new (ClaimsIdentity)request.GetOwinContext().Authentication.User;
Which you can call:
public List<string> AddEvent(StreamEventViewModel vmEvent)
string userId = Request.GetUser.UserId;
string userId2 = Request.GetUser2.FindFirstValue("userid");
I think I would go for Request.GetUser2.FindFirstValue("userid");
The code is meant to give you an idea. I didn't test the code but I think it should work.
