Is it possible to customize the DNN 8 modules and Skins? Is it possible to config the DNN 8 and use it in VS 2010 framework 4.0? If is it let me know the steps to do, because I have configured DNN 8 site to the IIS 7 and it works good from the there, but when I am trying to load this to the VS2010 and Build it, it gives me different errors.
i) Unknown server tag 'dnn:DnnCssIncludes' - Which was resolved by adding one line for dnn tag in the same file.
ii) After resolving previous error the another error wsa of ckFinder, and it was resolved by adding ckFinder.dll file in bin folder.
iii) After resolving previous issues it generates new error for ckEditor. It shows me the following error message:
The type or namespace name 'Ventrian' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
I have tried to resolve and search for the solution but fail to do. Will any one let me know the fixes for this?
Yes, this is possible, you will want to do a couple of things
Setup your Environment
Open the Project for whatever you are modifying, this typically involves install the SOURCE package of the extension you want to modify.
Don't change "core", meaning don't change "DNN" itself, you can, it's open source, but once you do you are forked and upgrading to new releases of DNN is very difficult to do if you aren't careful.
Setting up your environment
Setting up your development environment can vary based on what your end goal is. If you are doing module development for your own use, and within your own DNN environments, you can ignore a few of the settings below. If you are doing module development with the idea that you might turn around and give the modules away, or sell them, then you will likely want to follow the guidelines set forth below to support the widest array of DNN installation environments.
I recommend that each developer have their own local development environment, with a local IIS website running DotNetNuke, and a SQL Server 2008/2012 (not express, though you can use it) database for the website. Having an individual development environment makes group module development far easier than if you share environments/databases.
Choosing a DotNetNuke Version
Choosing a version of DotNetNuke is important when you start your development for couple of reasons. For modules that you are developing for yourself, you need to ask, what is the minimum version of DotNetNuke that you have in production. Are you running DNN 5.6.1? Are you running 6.2.6, 7.0.0, 7.0.6? Based on the answer you can determine what version of DNN you should setup as your development environment. You shouldn't be developing on a newer version of DNN than what you have running in production. As with everything there are ways around this, but I am not going to go into the details on that in this tutorial.
As a developer working to create modules and release those, you might have production sites that are running on the latest and greatest version of DNN, but what about your customers? Or your potential customers? You have to ask yourself, do you want to provide support for really old versions of DotNetNuke? From a development perspective you will probably say no, but from a business perspective, you might say yes, and here’s why. Not everyone upgrades DotNetNuke websites as they should, and often times you will find that some people never upgrade. While I don’t advise taking that approach to managing a DotNetNuke website, it is a fact of life that people don’t always upgrade and there are thousands of people, if not tens of thousands, that have sites that aren’t running on the latest version of DNN. You should take that into account when you are doing your module development, if you compile your module against an older version of DNN then your module should run on newer versions of as well, for example. If you compile your module against DotNetNuke 6.2.6 it will likely run on every version of DNN released since then. Though there are extended cases where this won’t always work, DNN strives to maintain backwards compatibility, this isn't always possible.
You might also want to use features that are only available starting with a specific version of DotNetNuke, such as the workflow functionality found starting in DNN 5.1, in that case you may choose not to support older versions of the platform out of necessity. This will minimize the market in which you can sell your modules, but also can make for less support and an easier development cycle due to the features that DNN provides.
Choosing a Package
Now here’s one that may baffle you a bit. I’m going to recommend that you use the INSTALL package for whatever version of DotNetNuke that you download. What? The INSTALL package? What about the SOURCE package? Well you can use the source, but you don’t need it. The module development that I’m setting you up for doesn't require the DNN source, and using the INSTALL package makes your development environment cleaner. We aren't going to be opening the DotNetNuke project when we do our module development, so why have the files sitting around for nothing? Also, if you've ever tried to use the SOURCE package for anything, you'll know it isn't easy.
The steps for setting up your development environment will apply to both the Community and Professional editions of DotNetNuke.
Installation Configuration
Once you have the version selection out of the way you can go through the installation process. While I’m not going to walk you through the minutest of details of each step of installing DotNetNuke in this post, I will at least try to point you in the right direction for each step.
Download the INSTALL package of the version of DotNetNuke you want to use in your development environment.
Extract the files in the INSTALL package to a location of your choosing, this location is where you will point IIS (the web server) when we can configure the website. In my environment I typically use c:\websites\\ (One item of note: you may need to right click on the ZIP file and choose Properties before extracting, on the properties window if you have an UNBLOCK option, click that. Some versions of Windows have started blocking files within the DotNetNuke ZIP files, which will cause you problems later during the actual install.)
Setup IIS
IIS is the web server that comes with Windows computers. DNN 7 requires IIS 7 or later (7,7.5,8.0), so you will need at least Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8, or Windows Server 2008 R2, Windows Server 2012.
In IIS you should create a new website (Note: If you use an existing website in IIS be sure to add the HOST binding for DNNDEV.ME), and point to the folder where you extracted the INSTALL package.
Note: With DotNetNuke 7.0+, .NET Framework 4.0 is required, so be sure that your application pool is configured to run under 4.0, and not 2.0.
Set File Permissions
Setting up the file permissions for your DNN install is often the step that causes the most trouble. You should right click on the FOLDER in which you extracted DNN (c:\websites\ and choose properties. Choose the Security tab. You need to add permissions for the account in which your website's application pool is running under. You will want to setup the permissions to give the account Full or Modify permissions for the DNNDEV.ME folder. Which account you will use will vary based on your version of IIS, here’s a simple list of some of the default accounts based on the version of IIS.
IIS Version Operating System Account
IIS 7 Windows Vista, Windows Server 2008 localmachine\Network Service
IIS 7.5 Windows 2008 R2, Windows 7 IIS AppPool\APPPOOLNAME
IIS 8 Windows 2012, Windows 8 IIS AppPool\APPPOOLNAME
Note: If you are using IIS7.5/8.0 you’ll notice in the above table that we have APPPOOLNAME in the identity, this is because when you setup a new website in IIS a new application pool is created. In place of you should type in the name of the application pool that was created. You can also bypass this and configure your application pool to use the Network Service account instead of a dynamic account if you would like.
Database Configuration
In SQL Server you should go through and create a new database. I always create a database with the same name as the website, so in this case DNNDEV.ME. Once you have created the database, create a user that can access that database. I always use SQL authentication, turn off the enforce password requirements, and give the user DB Owner and Public access to the DNNDEV.ME database. Remember the username and password you create here as you will need them when you walk through the Installation screen for DotNetNuke.
DotNetNuke Installation Screen
Populate the installation screen with the standard DNN information, Host username, password, etc. For the Database option, choose Custom and configure your database connection, providing the Server IP/Name, the Database name ( For the database authentication you'll want to choose the option that allows you to enter the username/password for the database user that you created previously.
Now there are two additional options you can configure, normally I would tell you not to modify these, but from a development environment perspective I do recommend that you change the objectQualifier setting. It should be blank by default, you should type in “dnn” (without quotes), this will prepend “dnn_” to all of the objects that get created by DNN such as Tables and Stored Procedures. This is not something I recommend from a production stand point, but if you are developing modules for sale, then supporting objectQualifier in your development is recommended. It will save you time down the road if you have a customer who has an objectQualifier defined on their production databases.
DotNetNuke Module Development
To get started with your DNN module development, be sure to read our tutorial on how to install our Module Development Templates.
Next, setup Visual Studio Templates (you'll want to use VS 2015) and create a project.
You can find the templates here
Download that, run the VSIX package installer, or search through the online templates for DotNetNuke. Watch this video
I have been working with .NET for about 2 years now and I want to build a complete website out of everything I have learned so far. Essentially I would like the site to represent my portfolio.
Here are my skill set in short:
Core Language:
- .NET C#, ASP MVC3, Javascript, AngularJS, SASS
- Visual Studio 2013, AnkhSVN, CruiseControl
- MS SQL, Postgres, ORACLE
I would like to know the list of things I would need to make this happen. I looked around and I find information in bits an pieces but can't seem to get the whole picture, starting from development of a workable cshtml page to its deployment to a webpage.
Here's what I know so far:
- I need a domain name
- I need a host
..................that's it.. :(
Since no one bothered to look at the big picture and were only focused on answering when provided a specific question, I talked with some experts on the topic and figured how I could get my site up and running.
Right now I'm running two test sites, one on Windows Azure and another on regular GoDaddy host.
Windows Azure provided 30 day trial period and publishing was REALLY EASY. Please note that I found pricing to be a little steep for a test project.
Register at
Develop your test web project as usual.
Right Click and Publish Select Profile->"publish target" as "Windows Azure
Websites" and follow instruction there on.
Click Publish
Things were a little lengthy for GoDaddy.
Get domain name and hosting
Develop your test web project as usual.
Right Click and Publish Select Connection -> "Publish Marget" as FTP and fill in the FTP information as provided by the host.
Click Publish
For GoDaddy you might run into some config issue, so make sure you turn off customErrors so you can debug your issue
<customErrors mode="Off"/>
PS Regards to charlietfl for the FTP suggestion.
I've copied a live Composite C1 CMS based website to a local location to work on. Instead of seeing the site content I'm being taken to the installation dialog pages as if I'm installing a new Composite C1 site from scratch. Any ideas what's going on?
I'm running:
Composite C1 3.2 Patch 3
Build no. 3.2.4681.14221
It's running on IIS 8.5 locally and I believe the live shared hosting server is running IIS 6.
Thanks in advance for any insights!
Turns out the FTP'ing of files terminated prematurely and a number of files had been missed. Once these files where pulled across everything worked as expected.
I'm attempting to deploy a WPF application to IIS. After copying the files to the server, when I attempt to download and run the .application file, I get an error:
Application cannot be started, please contact the vendor.
The detailed log shows the error:
Deployment and application do not have matching security zones.
I noticed someone else had a similar problem a while ago.
Can anyone help?
This error was due to me copying the wrong root path up to the web server. I copied the entire "Release" folder to my target URL, but I needed to copy just the app.publish sub-folder.
I encountered a couple more problems on the way:
My deployment included some files in the App_Data folder. IIS7 was blocking this, and I needed to remove "App_Data" from the "Hidden Segments" of "Request Filtering".
I started seeing an error "my.dll already exists in some-random-temp-folder". I just excluded the DLL from my deployment files. I think it had already been marked as "prerequisite".
There's an excellent answer here that provides instructions and some context.
I am new in dotnetNuke. I am trying to install file.Firstle i extract it to C:\DotNetNuke. There is a release.config file created in C:\DotNetNuke\WebSite\ . Renamed it as we.config. There is another we.config file in C:\DotNetNuke\DotNetNuke_Community_05.06.02_Source\Modules\RazorHost\ renamed it to web1.config. I configured it in IIS6.0 .Created a Database in SQLServer2005 named -DotNetNuke.Changed the connection string as directed by the installation guide. When i am trying to open the installtion wizard through browser it shows an error
Server Error in '/' Application.
Configuration Error
Description: An error occurred during
the processing of a configuration file
required to service this request.
Please review the specific error
details below and modify your
configuration file appropriately.
Parser Error Message: It is an error
to use a section registered as
beyond application level. This error
can be caused by a virtual directory
not being configured as an application
in IIS.
Source Error:
Line 56: Line 57:
Line 58:
Line 60:
In order to use the source package you must compile the code in release mode before attempting to access the website.
Being new to DNN, I recommend starting with the install package which will not need compiled, or even easier, you can get DNN through the Microsoft Web Platform Installer. WPI will also take care of all the dependnacies that may need configured on your computer.
I'ld like to clarify the intention behind downloading the Source Package. Were you intending to start developing and changing the dotnetnuke framework to suit your needs or did you want to set up a website that you could build modules against on IIS?
If you're intending to develop modules, I'ld suggest downloading the Install Package, creating an IIS site under Default Web Site.
- There's no need to change connection strings if you're using the database file that's in the App_Data folder.
- All you need to do is set the Folder Permissions for Network Service or IIS_IUSRS based on what application pool you're running.
- The url to the site will be http://localhost/xxx.
There are 2 ways to build modules in DNN. The Website Project and the Web Application are two different ways. They produce source code and dll's respectively. If it's internal, any way's good. If it's external facing, you might want a little bit more speed, so go Web Application.
However, If you're intending to muck around with the DNN Core Framework and adjust things, the Source is the way to go. there's no need to adjust the settings, just open the website project up in Visual Studio and away you go.