Unable to load ngCookies into Web Application - angularjs

I am trying to implement a 'remember me' option on my login page and have ventured down the path of using ngCookies to store a local cookie to handle this. However, in trying to follow the instructions from angular documentation I am unable to get the module working in my Web Application.
I am using AngularJS version 1.4.8 and have made sure my angular-cookies.min.js is running the exact same version. I have made sure to add my <link> tags in the correct order:
<script src="../vendor/jquery/dist/jquery.min.js"></script>
<script src="../vendor/angularjs/angular.min.js"></script>
<script src="../vendor/angularjs/angular-cookies.min.js"></script>
However, when I try to load the module into my application:
var EdgeApp = angular.module('EdgeApp', [
I get an $injector:modulerr error:
Uncaught Error: [$injector:modulerr] http://errors.angularjs.org/1.4.8/$injector/modulerr?p0=EdgeApp&p1=Error%3A…2Fdrake-monitor%2FRestApi%2Fvendor%2Fangularjs%2Fangular.min.js%3A19%3A463)
All other modules and dependencies load correctly and work fine.

Based on the advice from #WonderGrub, I stripped my project back to the bear basics and worked from the ground up.
To start with, I installed all of my external modules correctly using Bower (something I wasn't doing before), then I added one module at a time to see if I had any conflicts.
I also reverted back to using .js files instead of .min.js files for my development to help me identify errors more accurately.
I'm unsure what the actual cause of my issue was, but going through the procedures above and the advice from my initial post has worked for me without errors.


AngularJS Error: [$injector:modulerr] came out of nowhere

I was following a tutorial for creating a MEAN stack project with Google Maps integration. I finished the project without any problems, thus, I stopped working on it. When I came back to check on it, it just doesn't work anymore. I didn't change anything with the code. I even pulled a previously working commit from my repository but the error
[$injector:modulerr] http://errors.angularjs.org/1.2.25/$injector/modulerr?p0=scotchApp&p1=Error…gleapis.com%2Fajax%2Flibs%2Fangularjs%2F1.2.25%2Fangular.min.js%3A18%3A387)
is still there. I really don;t have an idea what went wrong because this was previously working fine. I hope someone could help.
EDIT. Here's a part of the 'gservice' service of my project.
// Creates the gservice factory.
// This will be the primary means by which we interact with Google Maps
angular.module('gservice', [])
.factory('gservice', function($rootScope, $http) {
The problem is here: components.html
<!-- Client Scripts -->
<script src="../app/client/routes/script.js"></script>
<script src="../app/client/service/gservice.js"></script>
<script src="../app/client/service/aservice.js"></script>
Your scotchApp module is defined in script.js as:
var scotchApp = angular.module('scotchApp', ['ngRoute',
'controllerStoreDetail', 'controllerStoreCategory',
'controllerStoreQuery', 'controllerUserDetail',
'controllerUserAuthentication', 'geolocation',
'gservice', 'aservice',
It has a dependency on gservice, aservice etc. But those files are loaded after script.js. So while loading your module (script.js), angular is not able to find definition for those services. You need to make sure that all dependencies are loaded before script.js.
#devqon had asked this question:
Is your js file which declares the gservice module included before the
js file which declares the scotchApp module?
To which you answered:
#devqon Yes it is. I really find this case weird as it was really working perfectly for weeks until now.
Which doesn't seem to be the case.
Rectify the sequence in which you are loading JS files and the error will be gone.
I fixed the problem. The cause was a missing 'v=3' in the src of the script for loading the Google Maps API. I still don't why that's the case as the project was previously working properly.

bundling angular-permission with webpack

I'm currently in the process of migrating an AngularJS (1.5.8) from a Gulp pipeline to a webpack pipeline.
One of the dependencies we have is angular-permission.
We're relying on the commonjs style (require) and as documented here I added a require('angular-permission') before the declaration of my angular module.
I also added the angular dependencies permission and permission.ui right after ui.router.
The bundling process goes through, however every time we try to load the app we have this error message in the console: Unknown provider: PermissionStoreProvider <- PermissionStore(…)
I guess the problem is because angular-permission is not injecting the services properly but even playing with the require statement, adding provide plugin or few other attempts didn't solve the issue.
So the question is: how can I properly integrate angular-permission with webpack?
Finally found out what it was with the help of a friend. During my transition from bower to npm for client side deps I unintentionally changed the version of angular permission to the latest. And they changed the name of the service to PermPermissionStore (same thing for Role Store)
Related: https://github.com/Narzerus/angular-permission/issues/310

Django REST Framework + django-rest-auth: Error during setup of Angular helper module

I'm trying to setup the angular-django-registration-auth AngularJS module to help smooth the login/logout process for my in-progress web app, which has an AngularJS frontend consuming a Django REST Framework API and django-rest-auth for authentication/registration.
The rest-auth endpoints for login and logout work just fine, however I'm having issues injecting the Angular helper module as described on the module's github page. I've added the requisite dependency to my main app declaration:
var app = angular.module('myApp', ['ui.router', 'ngRoute', 'xeditable', 'angularDjangoRegistrationAuthApp']);
But I get several of the following errors on load:
Uncaught Error: [$injector:nomod] http://errors.angularjs.org/1.5.0/$injector/nomod?p0=angularDjangoRegistrationAuthApp
This error seems pretty clear initially- that the app hasn't been declared, however I'm not sure how to do so beyond the injection above (I'm new to a lot of this in general, and definitely the frontend part). Even if I remove the angularDjangoRegistrationAuthApp dependency from the var app = declaration above, I still get instances of the $injector:nomod error, which seem to originate from the included djangoAuth.js file that contains all of the helper functions, and comes straight from the provided module.
The module repo hasn't been active since early last year, but a recently opened issue notes some changes that have to be made for Angular 1.4+ (I'm using 1.5) so it seems that it largely still works. I made those syntax changes but still hit the error. Have I neglected to do something simple as far as declaring the auth helper app?
I know this app has it's own dependencies, so could that be what I missed? I thought the files I added would handle those, so I haven't installed anything outside of angularDjangoRegistrationAuthApp
I ended up figuring this out, I believe it's related to something with my development environment (Windows, Python 3.4, Visual Studio 2015 + Python Tools for Visual Studio).
I simply declared the angularDjangoRegistrationAuthApp at the top of my JS file, above the line where I declared my own app with the registration app as a dependency. So it looks like this:
angular.module('angularDjangoRegistrationAuthApp', []);
var app = angular.module('myApp', ['ui.router', 'ngRoute', 'xeditable', 'angularDjangoRegistrationAuthApp']);
I'm not sure why this is necessary, as the person I'm working with (not using VS + PTVS) doesn't require the extra declaration in order to successfully load the module. I've had to add similar declarations for a couple other Angular modules I'm using, while my friend has had no issue simply adding them as dependencies in the main app declaration.

Bower dependencies for Angular in Eclipse

I have a web app I am launching from Eclipse using Spring Boot. I am trying to use Angular modals to have a nice looking confirm delete modal and I was following this tutorial to get the right dependencies. The Bower install seemed to go well:
bower install angular-modal-service --save
And I copy this into my html:
<script src="bower_components\angular-modal-service\dst\angular-modal-service.min.js"></script>
And I add the dependency in my Angular file:
var app = angular.module('myApp', ['angularModalService']);
But that is the point at which it fails. If I launch my app I just get a blank page, nothing at all loads. My console output from Chrome's developer tools gives me:
Uncaught Error: No module: angularModalService
This is a general problem I have had, anytime I try to add a dependency with something like
var app = angular.module('myApp', ['DEPENDENCY']);
it doesn't work. Is there something more I need to do in Eclipse in order for it to get it to pick up on my Bower dependencies?
When you have such problem, we can't resolve it for you.
But we can give you some advices to resolve this kind of problem :
Identify the problem. Open the developper tools of your navigator (F12), then the console. If you have nothing here, try to refresh. Angular will let you know if there is a dependency injection problem.
Check if you didn't forgot something. You have to import in your page angular, THEN angular-modal-service, THEN your application. The order is important.
Check if the module you want to use doesn't depend to something else. In your case, do this module needs bootstrap JS files ? Again, take a look at the console. It's here to help you.
Perhaps not specifying type="text/javascript in the script declaration causes your browser not to parse and execute the script? It is required in HTML < 5. Try adding that. Maybe that will help. Post your HTML file, if it still does not work.

issue with running Angle - Bootstrap Admin app (angular-meteor version): TypeError: $browser.addPollFn is not a function angular-cookies.js:60

just purchased Angle - Bootstrap Admin app from wrapbootstrap
Tried to run the angular-meteor version of the app
The first issue was that meteor did not like the contents of the default index.html, so I renamed the file to be index.ng.html
Now the error I'm getting in the browser console is:
TypeError: $browser.addPollFn is not a function angular-cookies.js:60
What can be done to fix this?
Not sure about wrapbootstrap, but generally this error means you are using incompatible versions of angular and angular-cookies.
The external angular modules you use (e.g. ngAnimate, ngCookies, ngResource, ngRoute etc), should always be the same version as angular.
This issue can be Resolved by using same Version of angular.min.js and angular-cookies.js.
It always good to use same version of files
