Case Sensitive join TSQL - sql-server

I am at a bit of a standstill here. I have a simple left outer join to a table that is returning an ID.
My code is as
Select distinct TenantID
From Tenants
on TenantNumber = CashNumber
and tMoney.CashName = Tenants.Name2
My result set is as follows:
**TenantID | Name | Name2 | TenantNo | CashName**
100 |MyShop | John's shop | 12345 |John's shop
999 |MyShop | John's Shop | 12345 |John's shop
My Issue: for all intents and purposes, "John's shop" IS different from "John's Shop" - I am correctly joining my money table on the TenantNo and then on Name2, but name 2 is different by Case.
Is there any way to differentiate a join based on case sensitivity? I would not want to use UPPER or LOWER due to the fact that it would ruin the case on reporting.
Adding Table information below, please assume all columns are trimmed of whitespace.
CashNumnbr | CashName
102504 Bill's Place
102374 Tom's Shop
12345 John's Shop
12345 John's shop
TenantID | Name | Name2 |TenantNumber
1 |MyShop | John's Shop | 12345
2 |MyShop | John's shop | 12345
3 |Shoppee | Bill's Place | 102504
4 | Shop2 | Toms Shop | 102374
Since I want to join to get the correct TenantID for an AR report, I would want to make sure I am always bringing in the correct tenant. If the case is different, is there anything I can write to differentiate a situation like John's Shop?

The problem is that in the second row of your results "John's Shop" shouldn't have matched "John's shop"?
You can use a case sensitive collation.
This is probably best achieved by altering the collation of the columns involved to allow index use but you can also do it at run time with an explicit COLLATE clause as below.
FROM Tenants
ON TenantNumber = CashNumber
AND tMoney.CashName = Tenants.Name2 COLLATE Latin1_General_100_CS_AS
The comments about joining on id instead of name are likely correct though and would negate the need to do this at all.

If COLLATE ends up being too slow due to a lack of indexing, you could also do something like the below, where each 30 below must match the length of each column to avoid an invalid comparison.
TenantNumber = CashNumber


SQL Server Insert Using View

This is a simplified example of what I want to do. Assume there is table named contractor that looks like this:
name | paid_adjustment_amount | adj_date
Bob | 1000 | 4/7/2016
Mary | 2000 | 4/8/2016
Bill | 5000 | 4/8/2016
Mary | 4000 | 4/10/2016
Bill | (1000) | 4/12/2016
Ann | 3000 | 4/30/2016
There is a view of the contractor table, let's call it v_sum, that is just a SUM of the paid_adustment_amount grouped by name. So it looks like this:
name | total_paid_amount
Bob | 1000
Mary | 6000
Bill | 4000
Ann | 3000
Finally, there is another table called to_date_payment that looks like this:
name | paid_to_date_amount
Bob | 1000
Mary | 8000
Bill | 3000
Ann | 3000
Joe | 4000
I want to compare the information in the to_date_payment table to the v_sum view and insert a new row in the contractor table to show an adjustment. Something like this:
INSERT INTO contractor
to_date_payment.paid_to_date_amount - v_sum.total_paid_amount,
FROM to_date_payment
LEFT JOIN v_sum ON =
WHERE to_date_payment.paid_to_date_amount - v_sum.total_paid_amount <> 0
Are there any issues with using a view for this? My understanding, please correct me if I'm wrong, is that a view is just a result set of a query. And, since the view is of the table I'm inserting new records into, I'm afraid there could be data integrity problems.
Thanks for the help!
In order to fully understand what you are doing, you should also provide the definition for v_sum. Generally speaking, views might provide some advantages, especially when indexed. More details can be found here and here.
Simple usage of views do not provide performance benefits, but they are very good of providing abstraction over tables.
In your particular case, I do not see any problem in JOINing with the view, but I would worry about potential problems related to:
1) JOIN using VARCHARs instead of integer - ON = - if possible, try to JOIN on integer (ids or foreign keys ids) values, as it is faster (indexes applied on integer columns will have a smaller key, comparisons are slightly faster).
2) OR in queries - usually leads to performance problems. One thing to try is to change the SELECT like this:
to_date_payment.paid_to_date_amount - v_sum.total_paid_amount,
FROM to_date_payment
JOIN v_sum ON =
WHERE to_date_payment.paid_to_date_amount - v_sum.total_paid_amount <> 0
to_date_payment.paid_to_date_amount, -- or NULL if this is really intended
FROM to_date_payment
-- NOT EXISTS is usually faster than LEFT JOIN ... IS NULL
3) Possible undesired result - by default, arithmetic involving NULL returns NULL. When there is no match in v_sum, then v_sum.total_paid_amount is NULL and to_date_payment.paid_to_date_amount - v_sum.total_paid_amount will evaluate to NULL. Is this correct? Maybe to_date_payment.paid_to_date_amount - ISNULL(v_sum.total_paid_amount, 0) is intended.

Possible to query a database into excel on a cell by cell basis? Or another solution..?

I have various large views/stored procedures that basically churns out a lot of data into an excel spread sheet. There was a problem where not all of the
company amounts weren't flowing through. I narrowed it down to a piece of code in a stored procedure: (Note this is cut down for simplicity)
LEFT OUTER JOIN view_creditrating internal_creditrating
ON creditparty.creditparty =
LEFT OUTER JOIN (SELECT company, contract, SUM(amount) amount
WHERE status = 'Active'
GROUP BY company, contract) col
ON vd.contract = col.contract
Table with issue:
company | contract | amount |
| | |
TVC | NULL | 1006 |
KS | 10070 | -2345 |
NYC-G | 10060 | 334000 |
NYC-G | 100216 | 4000 |
UECR | NULL | 0 |
SP | 10090 | 84356 |
Basically some of the contracts are NULL. So when there is a LEFT OUTER JOIN on contract the null values in contract drop out and don't flow through...So i decided to do it based on company.
This also causes problems because company appears within the table more than once in order to show different contracts. With this change the query becomes ambiguous because it won't know if I want
contract 10060's amount or the contract 100216's amount and more often than not it gives me the incorrect amount. I thought about leaving the final ON clause with company = company.
This causes the least issues.... Then Somehow directly querying for for each cell value that would be inconsistent because it only affects a few cells. Although I've searched and I don't think that this is possible.
Is this possible?? OR is there another way to fix this on the database end?
As you've worked out, the problem is in the ON clause, and its use of NULL.
One way to alter the NULL to be a value you can match against is to use COALESCE, which would alter the clause to:
ON coalesce(vd.contract,'No Contract') = coalesce(col.contract,'No Contract')
This will turn all NULL's into 'No Contract', which will change the NULL=NULL test (which would return NULL) to 'No Contract'='No Contract', which will return True

Join two rows together if they share the same value?

I've shifted through views and other points and I've gotten to here. Take example below
Name | Quantity | Billed |
| | |
PC Tablet| 0 | 100 |
PC Tablet| 100 | -2345 |
Monitor | 9873 | 0 |
Keyboard | 200 | -300 |
So basically the select I would do off this view. I would want it to Bring in the data BUT it be ordered by the Name first so its in nice alphabetical order and also for a few reasons some of the records appear more then once (I think the most is 4 times). If you add the up the rows with duplicates the true 'quantity' and 'billed' would be correct.
NOTE: The actual query is very long but I broke it down for a simple example to explain the problem. The idea is the same but there is A LOT MORE columns that needs to be added together... So I'm looking for a query that would bring them together if it contains the same name. I've tried a bunch of different queries with no success either it rolls ALL the rows into one. or it won't work and I get a bunch of null errors/ name column is invalid in the select list/group by because it's not an aggregate function..
Is this even possible?
SELECT A.Name, A.TotalQty, B.TotalBilled
SELECT Name, SUM(Quantity) as TotalQty
FROM YourTableHere
) A
SELECT Name, SUM(Billed) as TotalBilled
FROM YourTableHere
) B
ON A.Name = B.Name

Difference between a theta join, equijoin and natural join

I'm having trouble understanding relational algebra when it comes to theta joins, equijoins and natural joins. Could someone please help me better understand it? If I use the = sign on a theta join is it exactly the same as just using a natural join?
A theta join allows for arbitrary comparison relationships (such as ≥).
An equijoin is a theta join using the equality operator.
A natural join is an equijoin on attributes that have the same name in each relationship.
Additionally, a natural join removes the duplicate columns involved in the equality comparison so only 1 of each compared column remains; in rough relational algebraic terms:
⋈ = πR,S-as ○ ⋈aR=aS
While the answers explaining the exact differences are fine, I want to show how the relational algebra is transformed to SQL and what the actual value of the 3 concepts is.
The key concept in your question is the idea of a join. To understand a join you need to understand a Cartesian Product (the example is based on SQL where the equivalent is called a cross join as onedaywhen points out);
This isn't very useful in practice. Consider this example.
Product(PName, Price)
Laptop, 1500
Car, 20000
Airplane, 3000000
Component(PName, CName, Cost)
Laptop, CPU, 500
Laptop, hdd, 300
Laptop, case, 700
Car, wheels, 1000
The Cartesian product Product x Component will be - bellow or sql fiddle. You can see there are 12 rows = 3 x 4. Obviously, rows like "Laptop" with "wheels" have no meaning, this is why in practice the Cartesian product is rarely used.
| Laptop | 1500 | CPU | 500 |
| Laptop | 1500 | hdd | 300 |
| Laptop | 1500 | case | 700 |
| Laptop | 1500 | wheels | 1000 |
| Car | 20000 | CPU | 500 |
| Car | 20000 | hdd | 300 |
| Car | 20000 | case | 700 |
| Car | 20000 | wheels | 1000 |
| Airplane | 3000000 | CPU | 500 |
| Airplane | 3000000 | hdd | 300 |
| Airplane | 3000000 | case | 700 |
| Airplane | 3000000 | wheels | 1000 |
JOINs are here to add more value to these products. What we really want is to "join" the product with its associated components, because each component belongs to a product. The way to do this is with a join:
Product JOIN Component ON Pname
The associated SQL query would be like this (you can play with all the examples here)
FROM Product
JOIN Component
ON Product.Pname = Component.Pname
and the result:
| Laptop | 1500 | CPU | 500 |
| Laptop | 1500 | hdd | 300 |
| Laptop | 1500 | case | 700 |
| Car | 20000 | wheels | 1000 |
Notice that the result has only 4 rows, because the Laptop has 3 components, the Car has 1 and the Airplane none. This is much more useful.
Getting back to your questions, all the joins you ask about are variations of the JOIN I just showed:
Natural Join = the join (the ON clause) is made on all columns with the same name; it removes duplicate columns from the result, as opposed to all other joins; most DBMS (database systems created by various vendors such as Microsoft's SQL Server, Oracle's MySQL etc. ) don't even bother supporting this, it is just bad practice (or purposely chose not to implement it). Imagine that a developer comes and changes the name of the second column in Product from Price to Cost. Then all the natural joins would be done on PName AND on Cost, resulting in 0 rows since no numbers match.
Theta Join = this is the general join everybody uses because it allows you to specify the condition (the ON clause in SQL). You can join on pretty much any condition you like, for example on Products that have the first 2 letters similar, or that have a different price. In practice, this is rarely the case - in 95% of the cases you will join on an equality condition, which leads us to:
Equi Join = the most common one used in practice. The example above is an equi join. Databases are optimized for this type of joins! The oposite of an equi join is a non-equi join, i.e. when you join on a condition other than "=". Databases are not optimized for this! Both of them are subsets of the general theta join. The natural join is also a theta join but the condition (the theta) is implicit.
Source of information: university + certified SQL Server developer + recently completed the MOO "Introduction to databases" from Stanford so I dare say I have relational algebra fresh in mind.
#outis's answer is good: concise and correct as regards relations.
However, the situation is slightly more complicated as regards SQL.
Consider the usual suppliers and parts database but implemented in SQL:
would return a resultset** with columns
The join is performed on the column with the same name in both tables, SNO. Note that the resultset has six columns and only contains one column for SNO.
Now consider a theta eqijoin, where the column names for the join must be explicitly specified (plus range variables S and SP are required):
The resultset will have seven columns, including two columns for SNO. The names of the resultset are what the SQL Standard refers to as "implementation dependent" but could look like this:
or perhaps this
In other words, NATURAL JOIN in SQL can be considered to remove columns with duplicated names from the resultset (but alas will not remove duplicate rows - you must remember to change SELECT to SELECT DISTINCT yourself).
** I don't quite know what the result of SELECT * FROM table_expression; is. I know it is not a relation because, among other reasons, it can have columns with duplicate names or a column with no name. I know it is not a set because, among other reasons, the column order is significant. It's not even a SQL table or SQL table expression. I call it a resultset.
Natural is a subset of Equi which is a subset of Theta.
If I use the = sign on a theta join is it exactly the same as just
using a natural join???
Not necessarily, but it would be an Equi. Natural means you are matching on all similarly named columns, Equi just means you are using '=' exclusively (and not 'less than', like, etc)
This is pure academia though, you could work with relational databases for years and never hear anyone use these terms.
Theta Join:
When you make a query for join using any operator,(e.g., =, <, >, >= etc.), then that join query comes under Theta join.
Equi Join:
When you make a query for join using equality operator only, then that join query comes under Equi join.
> SELECT * FROM Emp JOIN Dept ON Emp.DeptID = Dept.DeptID;
This will show:
| Emp.Name | Emp.DeptID | Dept.Name | Dept.DeptID |
| | | | |
Note: Equi join is also a theta join!
Natural Join:
a type of Equi Join which occurs implicitly by comparing all the same names columns in both tables.
Note: here, the join result has only one column for each pair of same named columns.
This will show:
| DeptID | Emp.Name | Dept.Name |
| | | |
Cartesian product of two tables gives all the possible combinations of tuples like the example in mathematics the cross product of two sets . since many a times there are some junk values which occupy unnecessary space in the memory too so here joins comes to rescue which give the combination of only those attribute values which are required and are meaningful.
inner join gives the repeated field in the table twice whereas natural join here solves the problem by just filtering the repeated columns and displaying it only once.else, both works the same. natural join is more efficient since it preserves the memory .Also , redundancies are removed in natural join .
equi join of two tables are such that they display only those tuples which matches the value in other table . for example :
let new1 and new2 be two tables . if sql query select * from new1 join new2 on = (id is the same column in two tables) then start from new2 table and join which matches the id in second table . besides , non equi join do not have equality operator they have <,>,and between operator .
theta join consists of all the comparison operator including equality and others < , > comparison operator. when it uses equality(=) operator it is known as equi join .
Natural Join: Natural join can be possible when there is at least one common attribute in two relations.
Theta Join: Theta join can be possible when two act on particular condition.
Equi Join: Equi can be possible when two act on equity condition. It is one type of theta join.

Detecting Correlated Columns in Data

Suppose I have the following data:
OrderNumber | CustomerName | CustomerAddress | CustomerCode
1 | Chris | 1234 Test Drive | 123
2 | Chris | 1234 Test Drive | 123
How can I detect that the columns "CustomerName", "CustomerAddress", and "CustomerCode" all correlate perfectly? I'm thinking that Sql Server data mining is probably the right tool for the job, but I don't have too much experience with that.
Thanks in advance.
By "correlate", I mean in the statistics sense, that whenever column a is x, column b will be y. In the above data, The last three columns correlate with each other, and the first column does not.
The input of the operation would be the name of the table, and the output would be something like :
Column 1 | Column 2 | Certainty
CustomerName | CustomerAddress | 100%
CustomerAddress | CustomerCode | 100%
There is a 'functional dependency' test built in to the SQL Server Data Profiling component (which is an SSIS component that ships with SQL Server 2008). It is described pretty well on this blog post:
I have played a little bit with accessing the data profiler output via some (under-documented) .NET APIs and it seems doable. However, since my requirement dealt with distribution of column values, I ended up going with something much simpler based on the output of DBCC STATISTICS. I was quite impressed by what I saw of the profiler component and the output viewer.
What do you mean by correlate? Do you just want to see if they're equal? You can do that in T-SQL by joining the table to itself:
select distinct
case when a.OrderNumber < b.OrderNumber then a.OrderNumber
else b.OrderNumber
end as FirstOrderNumber,
case when a.OrderNumber < b.OrderNumber then b.OrderNumber
else a.OrderNumber
end as SecondOrderNumber
MyTable a
inner join MyTable b on
a.CustomerName = b.CustomerName
and a.CustomerAddress = b.CustomerAddress
and a.CustomerCode = b.CustomerCode
This would return you:
FirstOrderNumber | SecondOrderNumber
1 | 2
Correlation is defined on metric spaces, and your values are not metric.
This will give you percent of customers that don't have customerAddress uniquely defined by customerName:
SELECT AVG(perfect)
WHEN COUNT(customerAddress) = COUNT(DISTINCT customerAddress)
END AS perfect
FROM orders
) q
Substitute other columns instead of customerAddress and customerName into this query to find discrepancies between them.
