Set initial label in Angular UI dropdown list - angularjs

In this plunker I'm trying to get the selection of a list of dropdown lists. The problem is that the dropdowns appear empty (no labels are selected by default, as set in the controller). How to fix this?
var app = angular.module('app', ['ui.bootstrap']);
app.controller('ctl', function ($scope) {
$scope.rows = [ {selection: "Sel 1"}, {selection: "Sel 2"} ];
$scope.selectItem = function(ev,index) {
var sel =;
$scope.lastSelection = index + " - " + sel;
$scope.rows[index].selection = sel;
<tr ng-repeat="row in rows">
<div class="btn-group" uib-dropdown>
<button id="btn-append-to-body" type="button" class="btn btn-primary" uib-dropdown-toggle="">
{{selection}} <span class="caret"></span>
<ul class="dropdown-menu" ng-click="selectItem($event,$index)" uib-dropdown-menu="" role="menu" aria-labelledby="btn-append-to-body">
<li role="menuitem">
<a href="#" data-value="1" >The first item</a>
<li role="menuitem">
Another item
<li role="menuitem">
Yet another item
Last selection: {{lastSelection}}

You're missing the row element in your binding
{{row.selection}} instead of {{selection}}

there is the console error: i is not deifned,
solution is:
$scope.selectItem = function(ev,index) {
var sel =;
$scope.lastSelection = index + " - " + sel;
also edit button {{row.selection}} .
here is the plunker code without errors.

Try this ;)
In app.js replace
$scope.lastSelection = i + " - " + sel;
$scope.lastSelection = index + " - " + sel;
And in index.html replace
<ul class="dropdown-menu" uib-dropdown-menu="" role="menu" aria-labelledby="btn-append-to-body" ng-click="selectItem($event,$index)">
<li role="menuitem">
<a href="#" data-value="1" >The first item</a>
<li role="menuitem">
Another item
<li role="menuitem">
Yet another item
<ul class="dropdown-menu" uib-dropdown-menu="" role="menu" aria-labelledby="btn-append-to-body">
<li role="menuitem">
<a href="#" data-value="1" ng-click="selectItem($event,$index)" >The first item</a>
<li role="menuitem">
<a href="#" data-value="2" ng-click="selectItem($event,$index)" >Another item</a>
<li role="menuitem">
<a href="#" data-value="3" ng-click="selectItem($event,$index)" >Yet another item</a>


creating horizontal menu with angularjs

I want to create a menu like this but without using ng-repeat:
<ul class="sidebar-navi">
<li ng-repeat="item in items" ng-click="showChilds(item)">
<i class="fa fa-angle-left sidebar-nav-indicator sidebar-nav-mini-hide"></i><i class="fa fa-cogs sidebar-nav-icon"></i>{{}}
<li ng-show="">
<li ng-show="">
the problem is that I didn't find a way to pass parameter to this function showChilds (the current li) I tried to work with id but it didn't work:
<ul class="sidebar-navi">
<li id="first" ng-click="showChilds(first)">
<i class="fa fa-angle-left sidebar-nav-indicator sidebar-nav-mini-hide"></i><i class="fa fa-cogs sidebar-nav-icon"></i>1
<li ng-show="">
<li ng-show="">
<li id="second" ng-click="showChilds(second)">
<i class="fa fa-angle-left sidebar-nav-indicator sidebar-nav-mini-hide"></i><i class="fa fa-cogs sidebar-nav-icon"></i>2
<li ng-show="">
<li ng-show="">
and my controller will contain only this function
$scope.showChilds = function (item) { = !
I don't want to use $scope.items anymore
I have updated your HTML. If you are not using ng-repeat then you can use ng-init to initialize one variable and toggle that variable on ng-click to show/hide sub menus. Your updated sample is here
<ul class="sidebar-navi">
<li id="first" ng-click="first = !first" ng-init="first = false">
<i class="fa fa-angle-left sidebar-nav-indicator sidebar-nav-mini-hide"></i><i class="fa fa-cogs sidebar-nav-icon"></i>1
<li ng-show="first">
<li ng-show="first">
<li id="second" ng-click="second = !second" ng-init="second = false">
<i class="fa fa-angle-left sidebar-nav-indicator sidebar-nav-mini-hide"></i><i class="fa fa-cogs sidebar-nav-icon"></i>2
<li ng-show="second">
<li ng-show="second">

AngularJS: add selected dropdown item to dropdown toggle

How can I add the selected item from dropdown menu to the button that opens that dropdown?
Example: I want to replace 'DIFFERENCES' with text selected from the dropdown menu; if I select 'All' then the text 'DIFFERENCES' should be replaced with 'All'...
<div class="filter-requests btn-group">
<div data-toggle="dropdown">
<a href="#" class="btn btn-default dropdown-toggle">
<i class="fa fa-chevron-down"></i>
<ul class="dropdown-menu">
<li><a href="#" >Exclusions</a></li>
<li><a href="#" >Differences</a></li>
<li><a href="#" >Variable Differences</a></li>
<li><a href="#" >Path Differences</a></li>
<div class="btn-group" uib-dropdown is-open="status.isopen">
<button id="single-button" type="button" class="btn btn-primary" uib-dropdown-toggle>
{{selected || 'Select one'}} <span class="caret"></span>
<ul class="dropdown-menu" uib-dropdown-menu role="menu" aria-labelledby="single-button">
<li role="menuitem">Action</li>
<li role="menuitem">Another action</li>
<li role="menuitem">Something else here</li>
<li class="divider"></li>
<li role="menuitem">Separated link</li>
$scope.selected = null;
$scope.changeOption = function(text) {
$scope.selected = text;
try like this.
var app = angular.module("app",[]);
app.controller("ctrl" , function($scope){
$scope.row = "";
$scope.items = ['All','Exclusions','Differences','Variable Differences'];
$scope.selectRow = function(item){
$scope.row = item;
<script src=""></script>
<div ng-app="app" ng-controller="ctrl" class="filter-requests btn-group">
<div data-toggle="dropdown">
<a href="#" class="btn btn-default dropdown-toggle">
<i class="fa fa-chevron-down"></i>
<ul class="dropdown-menu" >
<li ng-repeat="item in items" ng-click="selectRow(item)">

Angularjs ng-class toggle between several classes

This might be a simple question to some of you.
<div class="component"
ng-class="{'small': small, 'medium': medium, 'large': large, 'xlarge': xlarge}"
ng-if="component.title == 'Heading'"
ng-init="editing = false; small = false; medium = false; large = false; xlarge = false">
<input class="heading" ng-blur="editing = false" ng-hide="!editing" type="text" placeholder="Heading" ng-model="component.element" />
<h2 ng-click="editing = true" ng-hide="editing">{{component.element}}</h2>
<div ng-hide="!editing" class="textEditor">
<a href="" ng-click="small = true">
<span class="icon-size small"></span>
<a href="" ng-click="medium = true">
<span class="icon-size medium"></span>
<a href="" ng-click="large = true">
<span class="icon-size large"></span>
<a href="" ng-click="xlarge = true">
<span class="icon-size xlarge"></span>
I need to add class to .component based on clicked a tag from Unordered list. I need to add class small to .component if first item is clicked, then if another item is clicked I need to remove small class and add respective class from that A tag.
Currently it adds them classes but not removing the ones that were added previously.
Basically I need to create a sort of toggle between them 4 classes
ng-class="small ? 'small' : medium ? 'medium' : large: 'large : xlarge ? 'xlarge' : ''"
I'd say use separate variable for it customClass
Then markup
<a href="" ng-click="customClass = 'small'">
<span class="icon-size small"></span>
<a href="" ng-click="customClass = 'medium'">
<span class="icon-size medium"></span>
<a href="" ng-click="customClass = 'large'">
<span class="icon-size large"></span>
<a href="" ng-click="customClass = 'xlarge'">
<span class="icon-size xlarge"></span>

CLick UL tag using Selenium WEBdriver

I have a HTML code as mentioned below with UL tag, and I wanted to click the UL tag Manage -> Channel using Selenium Webdriver. To do that I have written the below code in java but it is not working, infact no error is throwing but page is getting opened. Please help.
<ul class="adb-primary_nav--items adb-layout-default">
<li class="adb-primary_nav--item">
<a class="adb-primary_nav--link en" href="../">
<img class="adb-primary_nav--image" src="" alt="Vodafone Group">
<li class="adb-primary_nav--item">
<a class="adb-primary_nav--link" id="myapps" href="../myapps">
<li class="adb-primary_nav--item">
<a class="adb-primary_nav--link" id="shop" href="../home">
<li class="adb-primary_nav--item"><a class="adb-primary_nav--link" id="developer" href="../cms/home">Developer</a></li>
<li class="adb-primary_nav--item js-drainable-menu">
<div class="adb-context_menu adb-js-context_menu">
<a id="manage" class="adb-context_menu--trigger adb-js-context_menu--trigger adb-primary_nav--link admin-item selected" role="button" tabindex="0">Manage</a>
<div class="adb-container adb-context_menu--menu adb-js-context_menu--menu" role="menu">
<ul class="adb-stack">
<li class="adb-stack--item"><a class="adb-link__option adb-stack--item_content" href="../corporate/home">Corporate</a></li>
<li class="adb-stack--item"><a class="adb-link__option adb-stack--item_content selected" href="./marketplace">Channel</a></li>
<li class="adb-stack--item"><a class="adb-link__option adb-stack--item_content" id="account" href="../account/home">Account</a></li>
<li class="adb-primary_nav--item adb-primary_nav--item__right">
<div class="adb-context_menu adb-js-context_menu" data-placement="right">
<a class="adb-context_menu--trigger adb-js-context_menu--trigger adb-primary_nav--link" role="button" tabindex="0">testchannel user</a>
<div class="adb-container adb-context_menu--menu adb-js-context_menu--menu" role="menu">
<ul class="adb-stack">
<li class="adb-stack--item">
<a class="adb-link__option adb-stack--item_content" id="myProfile" href="../profiles/5944276">My Profile</a>
<li class="adb-stack--item">
<a class="adb-link__option adb-stack--item_content" id="myCompany" href="../companies/219288">My Company</a>
<li class="adb-stack--item">
<a class="adb-link__option adb-stack--item_content" id="mySettings" href="../settings">My Settings</a>
<li class="adb-stack--item">
<a class="adb-link__option adb-stack--item_content" id="logout" href="../logout">Logout</a>
Java Code
Configuration_file var = new Configuration_file();
System.setProperty("", "C:\\Users\\gur29175\\workspace\\SAAS\\jars\\chromedriver.exe");
WebDriver firefox_dri = new ChromeDriver();
firefox_dri.get(var.env_URL + "/home");
In case of a listbox, you need to get the list of elements and iterate over it to choose the required element.
Please share the screenshot of the page with dropdowns. Will be able to guide you with the code.
You can replace
Try it

Adding a sub-menu in my HTML with AngularJS?

I have an application created with AngularJS which has a strip of menus. What I am trying to do is to create submenus with each menu. The submenus can be created by adding additional <ul> <li> ... </li> </ul> under my existing list items of menus. How can I do it?
This is my code with AngularJS calls:
<div id="menu">
<li ng-class="{selected: $index==currPage}" ng-repeat="page in data.pages">
{{page.menuTitle}} {{page.subMenu}}
This generates the following code in HTML with div of id=menu:
<li class="ng-scope ng-binding selected" ng-class="{selected: $index==currPage}" ng-repeat="page in data.pages">
<a class="ng-binding" href="" ng-click="goToPage($index)">Introduction</a>
<li class="ng-scope ng-binding" ng-class="{selected: $index==currPage}" ng-repeat="page in data.pages">
<a class="ng-binding" href="" ng-click="goToPage($index)">Cases</a>
AngularJS JS code
The Angular JS Code to compliment above HTML is:
data.title = 'Amanpour consult Petrochemicals & Energy';
data.pages = [];
data.pages[0] = {};
data.pages[0].menuTitle = 'Introduction';
data.pages[0].slides = [];
data.pages[0].slides[0] = {heading:'A Heading: profile', speaker: 'The man himself', title:'Expert in awesomeness', img:'showing-awesomeness.jpg', video:'witnessing-awesomeness.m4v'};
Now to add the submenu, I thought may be I could following to AngularJS code:
data.pages[0].subMenu = '<ul> <li> First Link </li> <li> Second Link </li> </ul>';
and then call it in HTML like this (notice the {{page.subMenu}}):
<li ng-class="{selected: $index==currPage}" ng-repeat="page in data.pages">
{{page.menuTitle}} **{{page.subMenu}}**
But it doesn't work, all it gives me is the following, which just prints the HTML literally on the page:
<ul> <li> <a href="#">First Link</a> </li> <li> <a href="#">Second Link</a> </li> </ul>
I'd have to create a menu within JS like this:
data.subMenu = [];
data.subMenu[0] = {};
data.subMenu[0].list = [];
data.subMenu[0].list[0] = 'Menu 1';
data.subMenu[0].list[1] = 'Menu 2';
data.subMenu[0].list[2] = 'Menu 3';
and would have to call it in my HTML like this:
<div id="menu">
<li ng-class="{selected: $index==currPage}" ng-repeat="page in data.pages">
<li ng-repeat="smenu in data.subMenu">
The only problem is that I'd have to do the looping right; I am not able to make the index within the loop correctly.
I'm not quite sure if this is what you were looking for but take a look at this jsfiddle :
In the HTML you have the structure for two nav, the main nav, the sub nav and respective ul/li
<section ng-app ng-controller="navCtrl">
<nav class="main">
<ul class="ul-nav">
<li class="li-nav li-main" ng-click="select($index)" ng-repeat="list in lists">{{}}</li>
<nav class="sub" ng-show="subMenuShow">
<ul class="ul-nav ul-sec">
<li class="li-nav li-main" ng-repeat="sublist in sublists">{{sublist}}</li>
In your controller you have 2 lists for the main and sub nav.
function navCtrl($scope) {
$scope.lists = [{
name: "Cinema"
}, {
name: "TV Shows"
}, {
name: "Music"
}, {
name: "Awards"
$scope.subMenu = [
["Snatch", "Rockrolla"],
["Sherlock", "Game of Thrones"],
["The National", "Johnny Cash", "Xutos & Pontapés"],
["Oscars", "Golden Globes", "Emmys", "BAFTA"]
$ = function ($index) {
$scope.sublists = $scope.subMenu[$index];
$scope.subMenuShow = true;
The select() function is showing the subMenu based on the index of the main list.
Hope it helps!
