docker of solr and nutch working together? - solr

I'm trying to activate nutch and solr as dockers out of the box to consume that in REST.
same docker - started it with
docker run --name nutch_solr -d -p 8899:8899 -p 8983:8983 -t momer/docker-solr-nutch:4.6.1
can't surf to ..:8983, or ...:8899
Tried different dockers - nutch and solr
started it with:
docker run --name my_nutch -d -p 8899:8899 -e SOLRURL= -t meabed/nutch
Solr is up and running, but can't really work with nutch (my question)
tried more another nutch docker - what am I missing? I'd like to write a post on how to raise solr and nutch dockers in 5 minutes, but I just can't seem to work with it..
so, does someone know how to activate it including send a sample of crawling job for work?


How to start Solr Cloud collection without -e -cloud

I use Solr Cloud for my project and I always start it with bin/solr start -e -cloud that always prompt all the questions for making a new collection or re-use one.
But is there a command that can directly start the collection I want, like bin/solr start [collectionName] -cloud -p 8983?
I didn't find anything in the Solr Manual.
Thanks :)
All collections are available by default, so starting Solr in cloud mode should be enough.
bin/solr start -c
The default port is 8983, so there is no need to give the -p parameter unless you're changing it.

SOLR full-import not working when running using lynx command

I want to setup a cron in Amazon EC2 Linux to run a SOLR full-import at 12:15AM every night.
Before I setup the cron I tried testing in the terminal whether it is working or not. I used below command to test
/usr/bin/lynx http://amzon-instance-ip:8983/solr/work/dataimport?command=full-import
Output of the command:
[1] 15153
But when I go to below url to check whether the full-import actully initiated. I see the full-import command is not running.
Anyone can help me why the SOLR full-import not running with lynx command? Am I using lynx correctly or do I need to use a differnt approach? Any Suggestions please.
I spent some time on internet searching the solution for why a url not working with lynx but could not find the solution.
Thanks for #Oyeme suggestion, I got two ways to get my URL running using linux curl and wget commands.
Using linux curl command:
curl -s ' http://amzon-instance-ip:8983/solr/work/dataimport?command=full-import&clean=false' > /dev/null
Using linux wget command:
wget -O /dev/null ' http://amzon-instance-ip:8983/solr/work/dataimport?command=full-import&clean=false'

StanfordCoreNLPServer listening at /0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:9000 This site can’t be reached

I'm tring to run the Stanford CoreNLP server. I'm using the Docker files on this official Stanford list
My OS is ubuntu16-4lts. I don't know much about ubuntu, coding, servers, or NLP.
I tried the first one on the list I ran it as is and got this far:
steve at ubuntu16-4lts:~$ docker run --name coreNPL --rm -i -t motiz88/corenlp
-- listing properties --
Starting server on port 9000 with timeout of 5000 milliseconds.
StanfordCoreNLPServer listening at /0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:9000
But when I goto http://localhost:9000/ I get:
This site can’t be reached
localhost refused to connect.
The second one on the list got similar results.
Is there something else I'm supposed to do or configure? Is the the Stanford CoreNLP server a HTTP server in it's own right, will it serve the link to the localhost:9000 by itself, or does it require the help of an Apache HTTP Server?
I've searched stack exchange for "[stanford-nlp] /0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:9000" but could not find one that compares to my situation. Could not connect to server
StanfordCoreNLP differs from StanfordCoreNLPServer
The container's port 9000 has to be published to the host. So, the command would be
docker run -p 9000:9000 --name coreNPL --rm -i -t motiz88/corenlp

Solr insatnces/nodes in solr Cloud not linking

I am trying to setup Solr cloud with multiple instance(s), all on one machine my zookeeper ensemble is runing on local machine.
for first instance
bin/solr start -c -s $INSATNCE_DIR -p $solrport -z localhost:2181,localhost:2182,localhost:2183 -Dsolr.log=/logs -Dsolr.install.dir=/solr-5.4.0 -V -Dbootstrap_conf=true
and for other instance
bin/solr start -c -s $INSATNCE_DIR -p $solrport -z localhost:2181,localhost:2182,localhost:2183 -Dsolr.log=/logs -Dsolr.install.dir=/solr-5.4.0 -V -Dbootstrap_conf=false
all works fine, but each of these instance admin interface under cloud>Tree only lists one live node
not the other instances.
This is causing issue when i am creating collection to be distributed to nodeSet.
Anyone has any idea whats am i doing wrong?

How does solr loads configsets in examples provided by solr?

I have started learning solr.I have downloaded the latest zip(5.1.0) provided by solr and run the server using bin/solr start -e cloud -noprompt.
I check that this internally calls
bin/solr start -cloud -s example/cloud/node1/solr -p 8983
bin/solr start -cloud -s example/cloud/node2/solr -p 7574 -z localhost:9983
I check that these is no config(conf/solrconfig.xml) defined in example/cloud/node1/solr so how does solr load config from the SOLR_HOME/configsets directory?
I read the documentation on several places but i am still unable to figure out the use of cloud like in 'bin/solr start -cloud -s ... ' and use of zookeeper.
Please help.
when you are working on solr cloud with zookeeper, you have to upload your solr config on zookeeper.
./bin/solr zk -upconfig -z localhost:2181,localhost:2182,localhost:2182 -n my-config -d server/solr/files/conf/
using upconfig you can upload your solr config, only have to provide path of your config directory.
You can use config name(my-config) for create core using api.
So it will create core using your config only.
Download the latest version of the Apache solr reference guide.
check this section in the PDF.
Configuration Directories and SolrCloud
Since you are not specifying a specific configset, the default is loaded.
First, if you don't provide the -d or -n options, then the default
configuration ($SOLR_HOME/server/solr/con
figsets/data_driven_schema_configs/conf) is uploaded to ZooKeeper
using the same name as the collection
