AngularJS + Cloud Endpoints: loading endpoints api across multiple controllers - angularjs

I have initialized my app following these two guides:
AngularJS + Cloud Endpoints -- A Recipe for Building Modern Web Applications
Angular Js and google api client.js (gapi)
My setup looks something like this:
function init() {
console.log('running global init()');
var app = angular.module('app', []);
// Main Controller
app.controller('MainCtrl', ['$scope', '$window', 'cloudendpoints', function($scope, $window, cloudendpoints) {
// this is called once eventapi is loaded
var postInit = function() {
$scope.backend_ready = true;
$window.initgapi = function() {
$scope.fetchContent = function() {
.execute(function(resp) {
// do something with response
The cloudendpoints service is in its own file, cloudendpoints.js:
// for loading endpoints service
app.factory('cloudendpoints', [function cloudendpoints() {
var init = function(postInit) {
var restUrl = '//' + + '/_ah/api';
gapi.client.load('cloudendpoints', 'v1', postInit, restUrl);
return { init: init };
Lastly, our scripts are loaded in this order:
<script src="angular.min.js"></script>
<script src="app.js"></script>
<script src="controllers/mainCtrl.js"></script>
<script src="services/cloudendpoints.js"></script>
<script src=""></script>
The Challenge
This works well so far, because we are only using a single controller (MainCtrl). This is what happens in our code:
The gapi client loads, then calls init(), which calls window.loadCloudEndpoints()
cloudendpoints.init(postInit) loads the cloudendpoints endpoint service, which then calls the postInit() callback. We can then make calls to the endpoints API from within the postInit().
The challenge arises when we want to create another controller to handle another view of our app. Let's say we create a ContentPageCtrlcontroller — do we then need to once again init our endpoint service? How can we make the endpoint service available to all controllers without having to repeat ourselves?
My Hacky Solution
In order to get around this, I $watch the the backend_ready so that I may only start making gapi calls after the endpoints api has loaded:
app.controller('ContentPageCtrl', ['$scope', function($scope) {
* Make sure that the backend is ready before
* running any gapi.client.cloudendpoints calls
$scope.$watch('backend_ready', function() {
if ($scope.backend_ready === true) {
.execute(function(resp) {
// put content in DOM
This means I would need to $watch the backend_ready variable in every controller in which I need to make endpoint calls. My approach feels pretty dirty, and has problems scaling.
What is the better approach to this?

A better approach to this would be to leverage the power of Promises. you can then have your Service init once (inside the service function) and on every method you simply call promise.then(...) and keep the logic specific to this method. take this as an example:
app.factory('cloudendpoints', ['$q','$timeout','$window',function cloudendpoints($q,$timeout,$window) {
var backend_ready = $q.defer();
function checkLoaded(){
$timeout(checkLoaded,100); //check again in 100ms
var init = function(postInit) {
var restUrl = '//' + + '/_ah/api';
return backend_ready.promise.then(function(resp){
gapi.client.load('cloudendpoints', 'v1', postInit, restUrl);
}); //we are returning a promise so we can have more
//flexability inside the controllers (do stuff after the loaded api);
return {
init: init
//Somewhere inside a controller...
app.controller('someCtrl', ['cloudendpoints', function(cloudendpoints){
function postInit(){ ... }
cloudendpoints.init(postInit); //waits for gapi to load, then executes init


AngularJS - Best way to provide HTTP URLs at run time

I have an AngularJS application, which is supposed to call several Spring-based REST API's, url of which would be dynamic based on the environment.
Like if I am running on dev environment, REST URL would be localhost:7777/..
If on production, it would be productionserver:7777/....
Now I have to provide these API URLs to Angular.
What is the best way to configure these REST URLs at run time in my AngularJS application?
You could place all of your api configuration into a single json file named for example config.json, and then before application is bootstrapped you can fetch that data and make a constant out of it and after inject it anywhere you need, something like the following:
Lets say config.json contains these values:
"ApiUrls": {
"ApiUrl1": "value1",
"ApiUrl2": "value2",
"ApiUrl3": "value3"
Injecting configuration api urls before bootstrapping:
(function () {
function fetchData() {
var initInjector = angular.injector(["ng"]);
var $http = initInjector.get("$http");
return $http.get("config.json").then(function (response) {
}, function (errorResponse) {
// Handle error case
function bootstrapApp() {
angular.element(document).ready(function () {
angular.bootstrap(document, ["app"]);
and for example your service:
app.factory('factory', factory);
factory.$inject = ['ApiConfiguration'];
function factory(ApiConfiguration){
var serviceFactory = {
ApiUrl1: ApiConfiguration.ApiUrl1
return serviceFactory;
This way you can set your values inside the config.json file as per enviroment. Locally it will be localhost:7777/.., in production it will be productionserver:7777/... etc..
Create Service for rest urls or REST Data:-
(function () {
var injectParams = ['$location'];
var service = function ($location) {
var vm = this;
vm.baseUrl = 'http://' + $ +':'+$location.port() + '/api/v1/';
return vm;
service.$inject = injectParams;
angular.module('showdown').service('restURL', service);
Depending on your setup, you may want to inject your URLs via ng-init. Just make sure to JS and HTML escape the string, if necessary.
So your HTML would look something like this:
<div ng-app="myApp" ng-init="
And your Javascript would look something like this:
angular.controller("myApp", () => ($scope) => {
$scope.myUrl; //url is here
Create a const in ur app like SERVER-ENV and write a build task to change the value of this constant based on the server environment.
Now you can create URL using this const e.g. SERVER-ENV + "";
This task can be automated with gulp or grunt.

Issues injecting Angular factories and services

I don't know what it is about injecting factories, but I am having the most difficult time.
I've simulated what I'm attempting to do via this sample plunk, which creates a kendo treelist - it works fine.
I have an onChange event in script.js which just writes to the console. That's also working.
My plunk loads the following:
1) Inits the app module, and creates the main controller myCtrl (script.js)
2) Injects widgetLinkingFactory int myCtrl
3) Injects MyService into widgetLinkingFactory
The order in which I load the files in index.html appears to be VERY important.
Again, the above plunk is NOT the real application. It demonstrates how I'm injecting factories and services.
My actual code is giving me grief. I'm having much trouble inject factories/services into other factories.
For example,
when debugging inside function linking() below, I can see neither 'CalculatorService' nor 'MyService' services. However, I can see the 'reportsContext' service.
(function () {
// ******************************
// Factory: 'widgetLinkingFactory'
// ******************************
'use strict';
app.factory('widgetLinkingFactory', ['reportsContext', 'MyService', linking]);
function linking(reportsContext, MyService) {
var service = {
linkCharts: linkCharts
return service;
function linkCharts(parId, widgets, parentWidgetData) {
// I CANNOT SEE 'CalculatorService' AND 'MyService'
// HOWEVER I CAN SEE 'reportsContext'
if (parentWidgetData.parentObj === undefined) {
// user clicked on root node of grid/treelist
_.each(widgets, function (wid) {
if (wid.dataModelOptions.linkedParentWidget) {
A snippet of reportsContext'service :
(function () {
'use strict';
var app = angular.module('rage');
app.service('reportsContext', ['$http', reportsContext]);
function reportsContext($http) {
this.encodeRageURL = function (sourceURL) {
var encodedURL = sourceURL.replace(/ /g, "%20");
encodedURL = encodedURL.replace(/</g, "%3C");
encodedURL = encodedURL.replace(/>/g, "%3E");
return encodedURL;
this.saveChartCategoryAxisToLocalStorage = function (data) {
window.localStorage.setItem("chartCategoryAxis", JSON.stringify(data));
One other point is that in my main directive code, I can a $broadcast event which calls the WidgetLinking factory :
Notice how I'm passing in the widgetLinkingFactory in scope.$on. Is this a problem ?
// Called from my DataModel factory :
$rootScope.$broadcast('refreshLinkedWidgets', id, widgetLinkingFactory, dataModelOptions);
// Watcher setup in my directive code :
scope.$on('refreshLinkedWidgets', function (event, parentWidgetId, widgetLinkingFactory, dataModelOptions) {
widgetLinkingFactory.linkCharts(parentWidgetId, scope.widgets, dataModelOptions);
I am wasting a lot of time with these injections, and it's driving me crazy.
Thanks ahead of time for your assistance.
I think you might want to read up on factories/services, but the following will work:
var app = angular.module('rage')
app.factory('hi', [function(){
var service = {};
service.sayHi = function(){return 'hi'}
return service;
app.factory('bye', [function(){
var service = {};
service.sayBye = function(){return 'bye'}
return service;
app.factory('combine', ['hi', 'bye', function(hi, bye){
var service = {};
service.sayHi = hi.sayHi;
service.sayBye = bye.sayBye;
return service;
And in controller...
app.controller('test', ['combine', function(combine){
So it would be most helpful if you created a plunk or something where we could fork your code and test a fix. Looking over your services it doen't seem that they are returning anything. I typically set up all of my services using the "factory" method as shown below
var app = angular.module('Bret.ApiM', ['ngRoute', 'angularFileUpload']);
app.factory('Bret.Api', ['$http', function ($http: ng.IHttpService) {
var adminService = new Bret.Api($http);
return adminService;
As you can see I give it a name and define what services it needs and then I create an object that is my service and return it to be consumed by something else. The above syntax is TypeScript which plays very nice with Angular as that is what the Angular team uses.

How to synchronously bootstrap an angularjs app

How to synchronously bootstrap an angularjs app
I define a couple constant values on my app object. Some of these values need to be set via a call to a service and these calls need to complete before any of my controllers are instantiated.
In the example below, I define an array of values on an object named config. I need to set the value named PostIndexMenuID prior to any of my controllers being instantiated. How do I do that?
I have tried manually bootstrapping (removing ng-app from the html). I am not using routing.
Ideally I will not have to learn, download, install, configure, test, and maintain another framework to accomplish this.
angular.module('app', []);
var app = angular.module('app');
app.controller('controller', ['$scope', 'config', '$http', controller]);
app.service('menusService', ['$http', 'config', menusService]);
// Create config object. Some values are set in
app.value('config', {
siteID: 100,
webRoot: '',
apiRoot: '/api',
imageRoot: '/Content/images',
PostIndexMenuID: 0
});['$http', 'config','menusService', function ($http, config, menusService) {
menusService.GetMenuIDByName("PostIndex", function (data) {
config.PostIndexMenuID = data; // Need to complete this BEFORE GetPosts on the controller is called
function controller($scope, config, $http) {
var vm = this;
vm.Posts = 0;
function GetPosts() {
// In prod we call a service here get posts based on config.PostIndexMenuID
// for this example just return PostIndexMenuID.
vm.Posts = config.PostIndexMenuID;
GetPosts(); // need to delay calling this until AFTER PostIndexMenuID is set
function menusService($http, config) {
this.GetMenuIDByName = function (menuName, callBack) {
var uri = config.apiRoot + '/menu/GetMenuByName?menuName=' + menuName + '&siteID=' + config.siteID;
// use a timeout to simulate a slow service for this example and return a dummy value
var menuID = 99;
setTimeout(function () {
}, 2000);
// html
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html xmlns="" ng-app="app" >
<body >
<div ng-controller = "controller as vm">
<p>PostIndexMenuId is {{ vm.Posts }}</p>
<script src="Scripts/jquery-1.8.2.js"></script>
<script src="Scripts/angular.js"></script>
<script src="Scripts/angular-route.js"></script>
<script src="app/app.js"></script>
There is quite a nifty trick in Angular.js whereby you can defer the changing of a route until all promises have been resolved. You may have to restructure your application a little bit to cater for this approach, but I use it myself and it works like a treat!
$rootScope.$on('$routeChangeStart', function $routeChangeStart(event, next) {
// Extend the resolution of the route promise to wait for the user authentication
// process to determine if there's a valid session available.
next.resolve = angular.extend( next.resolve || {}, {
authenticating: api.isSession
By using the next.resolve you're extending Angular's sequence of promises that are resolved before a route change is considered a success. In the above case, as long as api.isSession returns a promise then everything will work wonderfully.
As soon as the api.isSession promise has been resolved, then the route change will succeed, and in your case, your controller will be loaded.

How to call controller method from service in Angular?

I wonder if I can call controller method from service.
I know that Service is singleton and I can't inject $scope to the service.
In my case I manage Google Maps in service and want to open modal Dialog when user right clicks on Polygon.
As I know, to open/create new instance of dialog, somehow Service must notify controller to do that.
This is a template with controller + method and service: Template
var myApp = angular.module('myApp', []);
function MyCtrl($scope, gridService, $timeout) {
// how to call "foo" method from service?
$ = function(){
alert('called from service');
myApp.service('gridService', ['$timeout', function ( $timeout) {
var grid = {
fetching: false,
pristine: true,
pageType: 'Edit'
return {
gridSetup: function () {
return grid;
setGridSetup: function (newGrid) {
The answer is simple: you don't.
The service exists to manipulate data, nothing else. And it really shouldn't care "why" it's doing what it's doing. You ask the service to do something and wait for a response.
Personally I prefer using promises to resolve async operations (i.e. to notify the controller about a state change) since it's heavily supported by many angular services like $http.
But feel free to use callbacks of you wish.
Usually you do not need to call controller from the service - in general the single service could be used by any controller so service shall know nothing about them. In most cases controller calls to the service in react to some user's action and then you need to update view from controller somehow when service did its work (get response from server, etc.). I see following general ways how to do it.
1. Use callbacks.
$scope.onButtonClick = function() {
$scope.label = "wait, loading...";
function onSuccess(result) {
$scope.label = "done! result is " + result;
myService.doSomeWork(param1, param2, onSuccess);
doSomeWork: function(param1, param2, onSuccess) {
$.get({...}, onSuccess);
So you provide a callback for each action.
2. Subscribe on events
You may use jQuery for events subscribing/triggering
$(myService).on('update', function() {
$scope.lastUpdateTime = new Date();
$scope.onButtonClick = function() {
doUpdate: function() {
$.get({...}, function onOk() {
3. Use promises
A lot of built-in angular services return promise objects, you may use them too:
myService.doSomething(param1).then(function(result) {
$scope.result = result;
doSomething: function(param1) {
return $http.get({...});
4. Share some data
An example is $resource service - for example when you call query method it returns empty array-like object that could be safely put to scope and then fills it with values when http request is done.
$scope.options = myService.options;
$scope.onClick = function() { myService.update() }
options: [],
update: function() {
var self = this;
$http.get({...}).success(function(res) {
self.options.splice(0, self.options.length); //to keep same array
In all these cases services and controllers are separated, services could be used with any controller and you may easily write unit-tests on services that will not break if you change your controller/view part somehow.
A possible solution would be to have a dialog service which you can inject into the grid service. So when the user right clicks on the polygon the handler would call open on the dialog service.
Take a look at the modal service on angular ui as an example.

Load Google JS Client library in AngularJS

I created an oauth2 service to use a Google API. The following line loads the JS Client library and registers an onload handler which fires when the library has finished loading:
<script src=""></script>
My angular app is defined:
var myapp = angular.module('myapp', ['ui.state', 'ui.bootstrap', '$strap.directives']);
and the service
myapp.factory('oauth2', function($rootScope) {
this.load = function() {
gapi.client.load('oauth2', 'v2', function() {
console.log("OAuth2 API loaded");
return this;
The load callback is not called. I also tried oauth2.load, myapp.load but none of these work. How do you configure the onload, to call oauth2.load?
This is a complete guess, and may not even be close, but perhaps it can spurn others to take a look.
My guess involves accessing the angular service from outside angular. I'm using this post as a reference:
// since the callback is referencing the function 'load', define it here:
var load = function(){
var elem = angular.element(document.querySelector('[ng-controller]'));
var injector = elem.injector();
var oauth2 = injector.get('oauth2') // grab the factory
return oauth2
Again - just a guess. If it doesn't work, comment below and I'll delete!!
