WPF MVVM - Binding DataGrid to ObservableCollection of Model - wpf

I am pretty new to WPF MVVM, so pardon me if I understood MVVM concepts wrongly.
I have a DataGrid in my View, which I have bound the ItemsSource to an ObservableCollection<M> in the ViewModel. The M class is a Model class. However, the M class has bool properties, which are to be displayed in the DataGrid as "Yes/No" strings.
Currently, I am using a Converter to convert the bool value to string. But, it just feels wrong for the ViewModel to expose a list (ObservableCollection) of a Model to the View. I have also read that in MVVM, conversions should be done at ViewModel. So, what is the right way to implement this the MVVM way for a DataGrid?

In an ideal world, you would wrap your Model objects in their own ViewModel so that your ObservableCollection contains a ViewModel type with those bool Model properties converted to Yes/No string properties.
However, in a pragmatic world, if you are not editing those values, I wouldn't bother except to note that if you are exposing many of those bool properties and have many thousands of rows, you will take a performance hit on rendering the grid while the DataGrid instantiates a Converter per property and row.

Using converters is not a wrong way. As per my suggestion, you should bind the data as you're doing now and in the view you can create and use a BoolToStringConverter for converting the boolean value to yes or no.


WPF DataGrid Binding - Which is best?

I am fairly new to WPF and MVVM.
I see that a DataGrid can be bound to a CollectionViewSource or an ObservableCollection or a DataSet.
What is the significance of using one over the other?
CollectionViewSource is the XAML equivalent (can be instanciated in XAML) for CollectionView, which provides functionality for grouping, sorting, filtering, and navigating in any data collection. If you want to provide any of these features in the view (XAML) only and do not want to do this in the viewmodel, use a CollectionViewSource else use the ObservableCollection or CollectionView in your viewmodel. Use a DataSetwhen you have your data already in that form and do not want to go through the hassle of creating a viewmodel.
I mostly use the ObservableCollection in the viewmodel.
I would not recommend you using DataSet. You could sort, group and filter data using CollectionViewSource.

Can MVVM Usercontrols have property defined in codebehind?

I have a WPF user control ...which is in MVVM. The user control(which contains a listview) need data from the page (where it is included). I have to set a property to get this data input. Will this comply with MVVM...if not, what is the way for the same?
I'm afraid this won't be correct in MVVM design pattern. try to stick to your view model to define properties. Why don't you consider moving that property to control's vm?
Use an ObservableCollection rather.
ObservableCollection<myModel> myOC = new ObservableCollection<myModel>();
where myModel is a class that has to be constructed transforming your columns in the DataTable to Properties.
In your MainViewModel, loop through the DataReader and create myOC out of it.
Now bind myOC to a ListView in your page.
The DataTemplate of ListView should be a view(UserControl) drawing data from a ViewModel constructed out of myModel
But your UserControl has the entire ListView inside. If that is on purpose, then let me know the entire design to give a better idea.

Dynamically specify and change a Silverlight DataGrid's columns during runtime (MVVM)

What's the best method of dynamically specifying DataGrid columns in the Silverlight DataGrid control at runtime following the MVVM pattern?
What I'd like to do would be bind the "DataGrid.Columns" property to a property in my ViewModel so that, if the user adds/removes columns, I simply update the ViewModel property and the DataGrid would change. Problem is, the "DataGrid.Columns" property can't be bound to (I don't think).
Because this property isn't available nor is the DataGrid control itself available at the ViewModel level, my current approach is to step outside of the MVVM pattern for this particular implementation and capture certain events in View's code-behind using MVVM Light's Messenger class and then talk directly with the DataGrid control to achieve this capability. I know this is a general statement to this approach without details but is there an easier way... or maybe not so much easier, but a better way that adheres to the MVVM pattern a little better?
It's driving me crazy that the DataGrid control's Columns property can't be bound... seems like such a simple thing.
FYI - Before it's suggested to use AutoGenerateColumns = True, the class being bound for each item in the collection that's bound to DataGrid.ItemsSource does not have individual properties to identify what is bound to the columns... it's a collection property that contains the columns in order to keep them completely dynamic so that particular path is out. Also, handling the AutoGeneratingColumns and using e.Cancel to show/hide columns is also iffy for this same reason (I think).
I agree that it is a pain that DataGrid.Columns cannot be bound to. My recommendation here would be to define your columns in the ViewModel in an ObservableCollection. In the View (code behind), handle the CollectionChanged event of this ObservableCollection, and modify the DataGrid.Columns in code.
While this solution is less elegant, it is straightforward. For your ViewModel, you can unit test that the CollectionChanged event is raised properly when columns are added, removed or moved. The View code cannot be tested, so I guess this is something you need to live with. The advantage is that, if some day the DataGrid.Columns property can be databound, it will be easy to refactor this to remove the code behind.
Another way (I think) would be to create an attached behavior or a Blend behavior to take care of this. Attach it to the DataGrid; instead of binding to the DataGrid.Columns directly, bind to a property on the behavior, and have the behavior modify the DataGrid (the AssociatedObect) directly.
Does that make sense?

WPF and MVVM: Changing data binding converter at runtime

I am using WPF and the MVVM pattern in my user interface. In my ViewModel I have a List containing distances in millimetres, which I display in a ListView by binding ListView.ItemsSource to the List. However, I would like the values displayed to use a more natural unit - either metres or feet depending on the state of a "metric" checkbox.
I have written a couple of simple classes, MillimetresToMetresConverter and MillimetresToFeetConverter, both of which implement IValueConverter. Although I can set the Converter property on my data binding to one or the other, I am unsure how to change between these converters when the state of the checkbox changes.
My plan was to have a field "IValueConverter lengthConverter" on my ViewModel which I could set to one converter or the other, then in my XAML do ...="{Binding Converter={Binding Path=lengthConverter}}" - unfortunately this does not work since Converter is not a dependency property.
How can change the converter used by the data binding at runtime?
Most of the time when using the MVVM methodology, you can do the formatting task in the VM classes. In your case, you could add a Format property to the VM class, and based on the value of the Format property, return a well formated string.
See this discussion for more information.
If I may suggest a simple alternative solution: Create a small FormatMillimetresConverter in your ViewModel, whose UseMetric property is bound to the "metric" checkbox.

WPF: What is the right base class for collections used in data binding?

I am building an object model with strongly typed collection classes (e.g. CustomerCollection). I want to support full two-way binding on both the collection itself and all of the data models in the collection.
For the models it seems like implementing INotifyPropertyChanged is the right way to wire up the models. But what inferface/base class should I use so that WPF knows when my collection's contents change?
ObservableCollection<T> - designed specifically for WPF binding.
I would recommend typing your properties that you expose as IList, or IEnumerable (generic or not, your choice), rather than ObservableCollection since it ties you into that implementation, and there are a number of situations that this becomes annoying.
The specific interface you need your collections to implement is INotifyCollectionChanged.
