Is it possible to resolve AngularJS promises in a template? - angularjs

in all documentation and tutorials for HTTP request i found that recomanded usage is something like:
var ax = {
getCaseData: function() {
// puting my response to $scope.something
$scope.something =;
I really don't feel like senior so please tell me if I am wrong but I thing many times you don't need to store something like this on scope, for example you want to just resolve promise once and display data (you are not doing anything else with it)
So I was thinking if is there an option to make a promise as:
var ax = {
getCaseData: function() {
return api.cases.getCase(;
and after this call tempalte something like:
<li ng-repeat="ax.getCaseData()"></li>

This was handled automatically in old version of AngularJS (<1.2), but was removed since then.
Some posts state that the feature can be re-enabled manually by adding this line in your ".config" function :
But this is not advised as a solution. You are currently doing it the right way.
If you have plenty of cases like this, you can probably create your own "promises wrapper" function, and use it from your template.
See :


How $watch changes of a variable in a service from component's controller?

I have been through all related topics on SO, namely these two:
$watch not detecting changes in service variable
$watch not detecting changes in service variable
are tackling the same issue, but i failed to make it working. Unlike in the above cases, I am using a controller from a component, hence maybe this is related to lacking binding in components, idk. Hope for some experinced assistance.
Have a service:
(function (angular) {
'use strict';
.service('ShareData', ShareData);
ShareData.$inject = [];
function ShareData() {
let vm = this;
vm.indexes = [];
vm.setIndexes = function(firstIndexParam, lastIndexParam, message) {
if (leaderIndexParam !== undefined || partnerIndexParam !== undefined) {
vm.indexes.mainIndex = firstIndexParam;
vm.indexes.secondaryIndex = lastIndexParam;
vm.indexes.message = message;
vm.getIndexes = function() {
return vm.indexes;
It is used in 3 components. Two of them are sending data into the service, the third one uses this data. Sending of data is accomplished in the following way, works:
ShareData.setIndexes(firstIndex, secondIndex, 'update_indexes');
Now here is my problem. In main parent controller i can comfortably access the data by
But my issue is that I need changes in indexes to trigger certain actions in parent controller, so I tried so do as stipulated by relevant questions here on SO:
$scope.$watch('ShareData.getIndexes()', function(newVal) {
console.log('New indexes arrived', newVal);
In main controller, I am injecting the service:
TabController.$inject = ['ShareData'];
and using it like:
let indexService = ShareData.getIndexes();
As i said, I can get the data when I am explicitly calling the function. The issue is that it needs to be triggered by the service itself.
It does not work regardless of shamanistic ceremonies a made :) Now, obviously, I am missing something. Should I somehow bind this service to the component, and if yes how is it done? Or maybe the solution is totally dysfunctional and impossible to achieve in my circumstances? An advise is appreciated!
UPDATE: I already have a functional solution with the same service working with $rootScope.$broadcast, however my aim is to get rid of it and not work with the $rootScope.
The problem is that you never actually change the value of vm.indexes - it always points to the same array. setIndexes only modifies properties of this array. That's why $watch, which by default checks for reference equality only, fails to spot the changes.
There are (at least) two ways of solving this: either make $watch check the object equality instead, by adding a third param there:
$scope.$watch('ShareData.getIndexes()', function(newVal) {
console.log('New indexes arrived', newVal);
}, true);
... or (better, in my opinion) rewrite the set function so that it'll create a new instance of indexes instead when there's a change:
vm.setIndexes = function(firstIndexParam, lastIndexParam, message) {
if (leaderIndexParam === undefined && partnerIndexParam === undefined) {
vm.indexes = vm.indexes.slice();
Object.assign(vm.indexes, {
mainIndex: firstIndexParam,
secondaryIndex: lastIndexParam,
message: message
As a sidenote, simply calling setIndexes() does not trigger the digest - and $watch listener only checks its expression when digest is triggered.

Synchronous service using async service in Angular [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
AngularJS : Initialize service with asynchronous data
(10 answers)
Closed 7 years ago.
I have a link generator service that is able to generate links to specific content types (users' details page, content items' details pages etc).
This service is really easy to use and has synchronous functions:
links.content(contentInstance); // /items/123
links.user(userInstance); // /users/234
I now have to introduce separate routing for logged in user to change from /users/id to /users/me.
The only change I'd need to add to my link generator service is to check whether == and return a different route URL. This is not a problem as long as my logged-in user's info would be synchronously available. but it's not...
I have a userService.getMyInfo() that returns a promise. The first time it's called it actually makes a server request but subsequent calls return a resolved promise with already cached data.
So how should I implement my user link URL generation in my link generator service?
Ok. So to see better what I have at the moment and where I'm having the problem. I'm pretty aware that async will stay async and that it can't be converted to synchronous (and it shouldn't be).
This is some more of my code, that will make it easier to understand.
.factory("linkGenerator", function(userService) {
user: function(userInstance) {
// I should be calling userService.getMyInfo() here
return "/users/{0}/{1}".format(,;
.service("userService", function($q, cacheService, userResource) {
getMyInfo: function() {
if (cacheService.exists("USER_KEY"))
// return resolved promise
return $q.when(cacheService.get("USER_KEY"));
// get data
return userResource
.then(function(userData) {
// cache it
cacheService.set("USER_KEY", userData);
.controller("ItemDetailsController", function(linkGenerator, ...) {
this.model = { ... };
this.helpers = {
links: linkGenerator,
View uses ItemDetailsController as context notation.
<a ng-href="{{::context.helpers.links(}}"
As you can see my view generates links to item authors. The problem is that my linkGenerator (as you can see from the code may not have the information yet whether it should generate one of the correct links to user details view.
I know I can't (and don't want to) change my async code to synchronous, but what would be the best way to make this thing work as expected?
One possible solution
For the time being I've come up with a solution that does the trick, but I don't really like it, as I have to supply my logged in user's ID to linkGenerator.user(userInstance, loggedInUserId) function. Then I set up my routing so that I add resolve to my route where I call userService.getMyInfo() which means that my controller is not being instantiated until all promises are resolved. Something along this line:
.when("...", {
templateUrl: "path/to/my/details/template",
controller: "ItemDetailsController".
controllerAs: "context",
resolve: {
myInfo: function(userService) {
return userService.getMyInfo();
Then I also add an additional helper to my controller
this.helpers = {
links: linkGenerator,
And then I also change link generator's function by adding the additional parameter that I then supply in the view.
linkGenerator.user = function(userInstance, loggedInUserId) {
if ( === loggedInUserId)
return "users/me";
return "users/{0}/{1}".format(,;
and in the view
<a ng-href="{{::context.helpers.links.user(,}}"...
And I don't to always supply logged in user's ID. I want my service to take care of this data on its own.
There is no way to make anything in JavaScript that is asynchronous at some point synchronous again. This is a ground rule of how concurrency works - no blocking for waiting for stuff is allowed.
Instead, you can make your new method return a promise and use the regular tools for waiting for it to resolve. = function(){
var info = userService.getMyInfo();
return info.then(info => { // or function(info){ if old browser
// generate link here
return `/users/${}`; // or regular string concat if old browser
Which you'd have to use asynchronously as:{
// use link here

Restangular data, getting into $scope for a list

Been wrestling with API stuff all day, and decided to use Restanglar. Really having issues getting the data out, and into $scope.
I understand that it won't just be the JSON that is returned from the API, and has a bunch of other internal methods etc. But when I get the data out, I can see it buried somewhere in the debugging with console.log, but I can't seem to get it into $scope to use it in my view which was working fine previously.
How can I get that data out into my $scope, and therefore my view?
angular.module('horse', ['restangular'])
.config(function(RestangularProvider) {
function(data, operation, what) {
if (operation == 'getList') {
return data[what];
return data;
.controller("IndexController", function ($scope, Restangular) {
$ = null;
$scope.showSpinner = true;
Restangular.all('horse').getList().then(function(horse) {
$ = horse;
API response
{"error":false,"horse":[{"id":"1","name":"horse 2"},{"id":"2","name":"horse 2"}]}
Edit 1
Restangular response
[Object, Object, route: "horse", getRestangularUrl: function, getRequestedUrl: function, addRestangularMethod: function, clone: function…]
Edit 2
I have also tried this -
$ = Restangular.all('horse').getList().$object;
Which just results in an empty array being output. I have also tried removing the setResponseInterceptor and modifying the structure of the api to result the data array directly without the meta stuff (error, etc), no joy :(
The data seems to be coming through. I notice you're using Steroids, have you checked the markup and not just the console?
Make sure you set the scope spinner to false, to ensure that the spinner is hidden when the data comes through.
$scope.ShowSpinner = false;
Assuming that what you have shown as "API response" is what's getting outputted from the console.log in your controller, it seems that all you need to do is set your scope model the the property "horse" in the response data like this:
$ =;
Since that reads pretty oddly, you should change the param name of the .then callback to data, which would be a much more agnostic and standard param name. If you make that change you can set your horse data to your scope model from inside your callback like this:
$ =;
If I misunderstood your question let me know. Hope this is helpful.

Angularjs Passing array between controllers

I have been through several tutorials and posts about this topic and still can't seem to figure out what is wrong with my code. To me it seems I am having scoping issues with the data within my service. My code is split up into separate files. Here is my code:
github link :
//in dataService.js
var app = angular.module('se165PetPinterestWebApp');
app.service('SharedData', function ()
var categoryOfSelectedAnimals = [];
this.setCatOfSelAnimals = function(pulledCategoriesFromParse)
categoryOfSelectedAnimals = pulledCategoriesFromParse;
console.log('after assignment in set::' + categoryOfSelectedAnimals);
this.getCatOfSelAnimals = function()
console.log('in get::::' + categoryOfSelectedAnimals);
return categoryOfSelectedAnimals;
in my first controller to set the data in signup.js
app.controller('SignupCtrl',['$scope', 'SharedData', function ($scope, SharedData)
var Categories = Parse.Object.extend('Categories');
var query = new Parse.Query(Categories);
success: function(results)
$scope.availableCategoriesOfAnimals = results;
error: function(error)
alert('Error: ' + error.code + ' ' + error.message);
Then in my other controller trying to get the data from the array within my service:
var app = angular.module('se165PetPinterestWebApp');
app.controller('CatSelCtrl', function ($scope, SharedData)
$scope.availableCategoriesOfAnimals = SharedData.getCatOfSelAnimals();
When I print the contents from the SharedData.getCatOfSelAnimals I get 0 every time. Please help. Thank you very much in advance.
EDIT: After playing around with a string a bit I am finding the changed string in the set function is not saved into the service and when I call my get function within my service the string is not changed from the set method. Please help, thank you in advance.
EDIT: So it looks like when I navigate to new page by using window.location.href = '../views/categorySelection.html'; in my signup.js it reloads my dataService.js which re-sets my variables back to nothing. Does anyone have any ideas as to how to fix this?
First: why you lose data
You need to setup routing properly. Right now you are not changing views but rather using window.location.href to load a new bootstrap file (dashboard.html), i.e. everything saved in memory will be lost. So you have been doing it right, sort of, but the moment you change to dashboard.html all data from Parse is lost.
You can solve this by configuring routes and use $location.url() to change URL. Read more about angular.route here:$route
The angular way
After looking at your code and running your app I think we need to take a step back. Angular is tricky to get used to but there is a lot of good tutorials. I think you might wanna read some of them to get a better grasp of how it works and how to setup and build your app.
Start here:
Found this boilerplate for an Angular app using Parse. It might be something you could use.
Or an even quicker way to empty $scope.availableCategoriesOfAnimals and then merge new data without breaking reference:
$scope.availableCategoriesOfAnimals.length = 0;
Array.prototype.push.apply($scope.availableCategoriesOfAnimals, pulledCategoriesFromParse);
You are breaking the reference on assignment. This is a JavaScript issue, not an angular one for that matter ;)
Try this in your set function:
pulledCategoriesFromParse.forEach(function (e) {categoryOfSelectedAnimals.push(e)});
in stead of reassigning
edit: angular extend works on objects, not arrays, so replaced it with a bit of JS.

AngularJS Execute function after a Service request ends

I am using AngularJS Services in my application to retrieve data from the backend, and I would like to make a loading mask, so the loading mask will start just before sending the request. but how can I know when the request ends?
For example I defined my servive as:
angular.module('myServices', ['ngResource'])
.factory('Clients', function ($resource) {
return $resource('getclients');
.factory('ClientsDetails', function ($resource) {
return $resource('getclient/:cltId');
So I use them in my controller as:
$scope.list = Clients.query();
$scope.datails = ClientsDetails.get({
So the question would be, how to know when the query and get requests ends?
As a side note in this question I've been using using angularjs 1.0.7
In AngularJS 1.2 automatic unwrapping of promises is no longer supported unless you turn on a special feature for it (and no telling for how long that will be available).
So that means if you write a line like this:
$scope.someVariable = $http.get("some url");
When you try to use someVariable in your view code (for example, "{{ someVariable }}") it won't work anymore. Instead attach functions to the promise you get back from the get() function like dawuut showed and perform your scope assignment within the success function:
$http.get("some url").then(function successFunction(result) {
$scope.someVariable = result;
I know you probably have your $http.get() wrapped inside of a service or factory of some sort, but you've probably been passing the promise you got from using $http out of the functions on that wrapper so this applies just the same there.
My old blog post on AngularJS promises is fairly popular, it's just not yet updated with the info that you can't do direct assignment of promises to $scope anymore and expect it to work well for you:
You can use promises to manage it, something like :
Clients.query().then(function (res) {
// Content loaded
}, function (err) {
// Error
Another way (much robust and 'best practice') is to make Angular intercepting your requests automatically by using interceptor (see doc here :$http).
This can help too : Showing Spinner GIF during $http request in angular
As left in a comment by Pointy I solved my problem giving a second parameter to the get function as following:
$scope.datails = ClientsDetails.get({
}, function(){
// do my stuff here
