Adding Multiple values to Cakephp3 Configure::write - cakephp

I want to do something like php's array_push
I'm using Cakephp3 Configure Class and want to store a list of user ids that are notified. Like this:
Configure::write('Notified_Users', 1);
Configure::write('Notified_Users', 2);
But the value 2 overrides value 1.
Is there any way i can push data to this variable? and then later i can check if the selected user is in the list.

you can create an array also this way
Configure::write('Notified_Users.0', 1);
Configure::write('Notified_Users.1', 2);
or simply
Configure::write('Notified_Users', [1, 2]);
if you debug(Configure::read('Notified_Users')); you'll get
(int) 0 => (int) 1,
(int) 1 => (int) 2

Push data to this variable:
$notified_users = [];
Configure::write('Notified_Users', $notified_users);
Check if the selected user is in the list:
if (in_array(1, Configure::read('Notified_Users')))
echo "Match found";
echo "Match not found";

Try this:
Configure::write('Notified_Users', [1, 2, 3]);
'0' => 1,
'1' => 2,
'2' => 3


How to count all data item array in laravel

How to count all data item array in laravel, please help me!. Thank you so much!
Output: 8
The reduce method reduces the collection to a single value, passing
the result of each iteration into the subsequent iteration:
$count = collect([
(object)["views_back" => 3],
(object)["views_back" => 5]
])->reduce(function ($carry, $item) {
return $carry + $item->views_back;
var_export($count); // 8
Alternatively, using native/vanilla PHP:
$count = array_sum(array_column([
(object)["views_back" => 3],
(object)["views_back" => 5]
], "views_back"));
var_export($count); // 8
When working with arrays in Laravel, it can be helpful to convert them to a Collection which provides some helper methods for arrays.
If all you want is the number of elements in the array use count.
If you want the sum of the views_back elements, use reduce.
$array = [
'views_back' => 3,
'views_back' => 5,
$count = collect($array)->count();
$sum = collect($array)->reduce(function ($carry, $element) {
return $carry + $element['views_back'];
dd($count, $sum);
In the above $count is 2 and $sum is 8.
If your original data is json (as you've used a json tag), you will need to convet the data to an array first:
$array = json_decode($json, true);
You can use laravel collection method sum() method to write smaller code and make it easier to read.
$data = [
(object)["views_back" => 3],
(object)["views_back" => 5]
Converting array to collection can be CPU costly depending on the size of the input array. In that case #steven7mwesigwa vanilla PHP answer would be the best solution.

I use countby() in query but how specific number of count to get? laravel

I work in Laravel, I get the students Ids and I count how many absents, but how I can select only students who have 2-time absents?
=> Illuminate\Support\Collection {#3095
all: [
"5d9ddb3512e5e17be04be12c" => 2,
"5d9ddb3512e5e17be04be12d" => 2,
"5da2411cf0d7276fab6ae8e5" => 13,
"5da2411cf0d7276fab6ae8f0" => 13,
"5da2411cf0d7276fab6ae8fd" => 1,
You need to filter your data like this:
App\StudentReport::pluck('absent')->collapse()->pluck('students')->collapse()->countby()->filter(function($item){return $item ==2;});

Flutter - Create list and 'addAll' in same instruction

I'm trying to search a element in the array. When get it i need to append some element of the end of the array.
I try similar to this.
List dataModelo = allMakers //THIS IS THE MAIN ARRRAY
.where((modelo) =>
modelo["fabricante"] ==
"id": 0,
But return
The expression here has a type of 'void', and therefore cannot be
So anybody know how can i do that?
dataModelo = allMakers
.where((modelo) =>
modelo["fabricante"] ==
"id": 0,
Use cascade notation after the .where(/**/).toList() part.
final arr = [1, 2, 3];
print(arr.where((a) => a > 2).toList()
..addAll([ 4, 5 ])); // returns [3, 4, 5]
In other words, adding another . to your .addAll part should do the trick.

Iterate over an array of hashes and add to the value of specific hash values

If you have an array of hashes such as:
t = [{'pies' => 1}, {'burgers' => 1}, {'chips' => 1}]
what would be an efficient and readable way to add 1 to the value of a hash that has a particular key such as 'pies'?
Here's one way to increment the value(s) of an array's hashes based on a desired key:
t = [{ 'pies' => 1 }, { 'burgers' => 1 }, { 'chips' => 1 }]
t.each { |hash| hash['pies'] += 1 if hash.key?('pies') }
# => [{"pies"=>2}, {"burgers"=>1}, {"chips"=>1}]
Hope this helps!
If you know there's only one hash that could take the key 'pies' then you can use find and increase the value it has, like:
array = [{ 'pies' => 1 }, { 'burgers' => 1 }, { 'chips' => 1 }]
pies_hash = array.find { |hash| hash['pies'] }
pies_hash['pies'] += 1
p array
# [{"pies"=>2}, {"burgers"=>1}, {"chips"=>1}]
Enumerable#find will try to find the element that satisfies the block and stops the iteration when it returns true.
You're using the wrong data structure. I recommend using a Hash.
Each item on your menu can only have one count (or sale), that is each item is unique. This can be modelled with a hash with unique keys (the items) and their corresponding values (the counts).
t = {'pies' => 1, 'burgers' => 1, 'chips' => 1}
Then we can access keys and add to the count:
t['pies'] += 1
t #=> t = {'pies' => 2, 'burgers' => 1, 'chips' => 1}

Assign arrays to hash subkeys

Given an array of keys and an array of values, I can create a hash with these keys and values using #hash{#keys} = #vals.
However, I would like to do this for subkeys of a hash. This does not work: $h{"key"}{#subkeys} = #vals.
$ perl -MData::Dumper -le '
#subkeys=(qw(one two));
#vals=(1, 2);
$hash{"key"}{#subkeys} = #vals;
for (qw(subkeys vals)) {
print "$_ :\n", Dumper(\#{$_})
print "hash: \n", Dumper(\%hash);'
What I get is:
subkeys :
$VAR1 = [
vals :
$VAR1 = [
$VAR1 = {
'key' => {
'2' => 2
If this is possible, what would be the correct syntax to get the following Dumper result:
$VAR1 = {
'key' => {
'one' => 1,
'two' => 2
It does work when using a temporary hash:
perl -MData::Dumper -le '#subkeys=(qw(one two)); #vals=(1, 2); #tmp{#subkeys}=#vals; $hash{"key"}={%tmp}; print Dumper(\%hash)'
But I suspect I'm just missing the correct syntax to get it without the %tmp hash.
You need to close the hashref part in a #{} slice "cast".
#{$hash{"key"}}{#subkeys} = #vals;
