quickbook online export limit on line entries in journal entry - quickbooks-online

We are trying to export multiple accounts as Journal Entry to quickbook. For this each account is created as line item and added in Journal Entry. When we export the file we see there are many records not getting exported ( like 70 failed in 100). So we were wondering about any limit.
Is there any threshold of number of line entry to be added for a Journal Entry?
Actually prior to sending there was method call which will retrieve all accounts & validate the account if its present or not. It was failing there..QBO deosn't sends all accounts when ask for list of accounts & there is no documentation about the sharing the data.


How to use an array to work around google scripts "service invoked too many times for one day" error

I wrote a simple script to fetch the distance between two locations, each in a different cell in GoogleSheets (below). My sheet has one set of 65 locations in the top row and a second set of 6000 locations listed in the first column. I want to find the distance between each location in the top row and each location in the first column.
Given the size of my data set, I'm running into the "service invoked too many times for one day: route" error message. I found this post suggesting that one could create an array to execute calculations for the whole spreadsheet at once, rather than cell by cell. Would this be a suitable solution for my current problem? If so, how would I go about writing the script? Here's my current code:
function GOOGLEMAPS(start_address,end_address) {
var mapObj = Maps.newDirectionFinder();
var directions = mapObj.getDirections();
var meters = directions["routes"][0]["legs"][0]["distance"]["value"];
var distance = meters * 0.000621371
return distance;
If you desire overcome a daily limit established by the Google Apps Script you should initialize a Map with the Google Maps Premium plan credentials. This means you should contact Google and purchase a Google Maps Platform Premium plan license in order to get additional quota allowances.
There is a Maps.setAuthentication(clientId, signingKey); method for this purpose.
Enables the use of an externally established Maps API for Business account, to leverage additional quota allowances. Your client ID and signing key can be obtained from the Google Enterprise Support Portal. Set these values to null to go back to using the default quota allowances.
source: https://developers.google.com/apps-script/reference/maps/maps#setAuthentication(String,String)
I hope this answer clarifies your doubt.

How to send an Email notification by day end using Rules with all the nodes published that day?

I am trying to achieve email notification . The condition is , it should go by end of the day with the current day published content list.
For the same I have tried couple of things using Rules, but stuck in between.
Any help?
I tried using rules, and I created a rule like so:
After updating existing content of type(content type name)
Cron maintenance tasks are performed
Condition: Data to compare: [node:field-img-status], Data value: Approve
When I am trying to add second condition to check if the node is published within 24hrs, I am unable to achieve it. When I add strtotime("-1 day"), I get an error like:
Wrong date format. Specify the date in the format 2017-05-10 08:17:18.
I tried date('Y-m-d h:i:s',strtotime("-1 day")) but I did not succeed.
Now I am trying one more method to achieve it using Views Rules which is suggested in this answer to the question about 'How to create a Drupal rule to check (on cron) a date field and if passed set field "status" to "ended"?'.
Below is a blueprint of how I'd get this to work ...
Step 1: Create a single eMail for each node that was published
Create a view (using Views) of all the nodes that were published the last 24 hours. Make sure to include a column in that view for the various data you want to be included about each node in your eMail later on.
Use Rules to create a rule with a Rules Action that consists of a "Rules Loop", in which its "list items" are actually the list of nodes that you want to be included in your eMail later on. To create this Rules Loop, use the Views Rules combined with a Views display type of "Views Rules", for the view that you created. Refer to my answer to "How to pass arguments to a view from Rules?" for way more details on how to use the Views Rules module.
For each list item in the Rules Loop of the previous step, you have access to all data for each column in the View you created. By using these data you could add an additional Rules Action (within the same Rules Loop) to send an appropriate eMail about the node being processed.
Step 2: Group all eMails in a single eMail
Obviously, the previous step creates a single eMail for each node that was published in the last 24 hours. If you only have a few nodes that may not be a real issue to worry about. But if you have dozens (or more?) of such nodes then you might want to consider consolidating all such eMails in a single eMail, which contains (in its eMail body) the complete list of nodes.
A possible solution to implement such consolidation, is similar to what is shown in the Rules example included in my answer to "How to concatenate all token values of a list in a single field within a Rules loop?". In your case, you could make it work like so:
Add some new Rules variable that will be used later on as part of the eMail body, before the start of your loop. Say you name the variable nodes_list_var_for_email_body.
Within your loop, for each iteration, prepend or append the value for each "list item" to that variable nodes_list_var_for_email_body.
Move the Rules Action to send an eMail outside your loop, and after the loop completed. And finetune the details (configuration) of your (new) "send an eMail" Rules Action. When doing so, you'll be able to select the token for nodes_list_var_for_email_body to include anywhere in your eMail body.
Step 3: Schedule the daily execution of your rule
Use the Rules Once per Day to schedule the daily execution of your rule. Refer to my answer to "How to limit the execution of a rule for sending an email to only run once in a day?" for way more details about this module.
VoilĂ , that's it ...
This is how I would achieve this:
Make some view which would list all nodes created today.
Make some end-point (from my module, check out: https://api.drupal.org/api/drupal/modules%21system%21system.api.php/function/hook_menu/7.x)
It would call this view, and grab that node list (i.e. with views_get_view_result : https://api.drupal.org/api/views/views.module/function/views_get_view_result/7.x-3.x ), loop through the list, compose the email and send it.
Then I would set cron job to call that end-point at end of every day.

Account name must be unique

What I am looking to do is Make it the "Account" name field require a unique name.
Basically If one of my reps tries to create an account, and that account all ready exists it tells them no that account all ready exists.
Salesforce tells me this funicality is not build into sales force. Any help or dirrection would we wonderfull.
Make a new text field, call it Name__c. Mark it as unique, length... probably 80, same as Name field length.
Create new Workflow rule with condition ISNEW() || ISCHANGED(Name) || ISBLANK(Name__c) and the action should be a field update that simply has Name in the formula that determines new value.
Remember to activate the workflow and to fill in the newly created field because it will be blank for all your existing accounts!
Your call if you want to show the field on page layouts (it's quite "technical" so could be hidden). If you do - it's a good idea to make it readonly!
You can use this validation:
AND(CONTAINS(VLOOKUP( $ObjectType.Account.Fields.Name , $ObjectType.Account.Fields.Name, Name), Name), OR(ISNEW(), ISCHANGED(Name)) )
Salesforce offers duplication management for this purpose.
You just set up Matching Rules and Duplicate Rules for your Account object in Setup > Administration Setup > Data.com Administration > Duplicate Management.
Link: https://help.salesforce.com/apex/HTViewHelpDoc?id=duplicate_prevention_map_of_tasks.htm&language=en_US
You could write a trigger to prevent duplicates. It'd be a "before insert" trigger that queried for existing accounts with the same name. If an Account name already exists, you'd call addError() on the new Account record, preventing the insert from continuing.
Have you searched the AppExchange for solutions? Might want to check out something like DupeCatcher
You could always make a custom field to contain the account name (something like "Business Name") and then ensure that's required and unique.
You'd need to do some basic Data Loader gymnastics to move your account names to the new field, and come up with a strategy for populating the existing Name field for accounts.
AND(VLOOKUP($ObjectType.Object_Name.Fields.Name, $ObjectType.Object_Name.Fields.Name, Name) = Name, OR(ISNEW(), ISCHANGED(Name)))

Salesforce Bulk api InvalidBatch : Field name not found

I am using the bulk upload code described at http://www.salesforce.com/us/developer/docs/api_asynch/.
The only difference is that i am uploading a custom object type. I can access Employee_c. But now i get a different error
stateMessage='InvalidBatch : Field name not found : First Name'
First Name is the first column in the csv.
While debugging i can see that the temp csv is being created correctly. However i get this error when checkResults executes. The code is exactly the same as in the sample java code for bulk api using REST.
I am using the free developer version of salesforce.
I created a new permission set where i have given following permissions on custom object employee:
Read/create/edit/delete/view all/modify all.
All fields are given edit permissions.
The permission set is associated with salesforce user license.
The programmatic login is with a user associated with System administrator profile , which has sales force user license.
But still the error persists!
Any pointers would be appreciated
Try "FirstName" without the space.
You can view the API name of any field in Setup > App Setup > Objects > (Select Your Object) > (Select Your Field). Make sure all the fields you are querying have the correct API names.

Retrieving only 30 records from active directory per page and at the same time not loading all the data on the go

I have a web application and I have a feature of "Browse User Pictures". I have 1700 users. Now I am using Active Directory query to do that like:
DirectorySearcher ldapSearcher = new DirectorySearcher(lrootDSE, strRetrieve);
ldapSearcher.PageSize = 20;
ldapSearcher.SizeLimit = 1700;
But it loads all the information on the go and that slows my application.
Can someone let me know a way where I can show user 30 entries per page and fetch only 30 records from Active Directory at a time.
One way is to use the "LDAP Control Extension for Simple Paged Results Manipulation", it is supported by MS Active Directory and allows you to specify how many results you need.
It is defined in RFC2696: http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc2696.txt, but is a lot more readable in the MSDN article: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa366953%28v=VS.85%29.aspx
