azkaban keeps changing executor id - azkaban

I'm using Azkaban 3.0 and I have it on a server with two executors. I have a simple echo job that I'm running and I'm specifying the executor by setting the setExecutor=id# in the flow parameters. but whenever I run tise job the execution keeps alternating between the two executors although it explicitly specified in the job definition to run on the second executor only.
Do I need to change something in the configurations?
I restarted azkaban with executors but it didn't help.
Thanks in advance!

check this out to know how to configure azaban with multiple executers. . .

a got a help from a colleague and he showed me how to solve this issue.
it was solved by deleting the executor.port from azkaban webserver properties file.


Can not run the case of "Real Time Reporting with the Table API" in TryFlink

I just get start learning flink and try the case, "Real Time Reporting with the Table API "
When I ran docker-compose, all containers worked except jobmanager which is exited with 2.
up all
exit with 2
I tried rebuild and restart, but it does not work and I do not know what's wrong with it.
Could anyone help me to figure it out,please? Many thanks!
This particular tutorial does fail if you skip ahead and try to run it without first providing an implementation for Several versions of that method are provided in the tutorial: pick one (perhaps the last one), drop it in, rebuild the docker image, and try again.

Issues in creating jobs of size XL in Watson Machine Learning (WML)

I have an issue when trying to create jobs for Decision Optimization when using size XL in Watson Machine Learning (WML). The first job for the day I have no issues what so ever to create. But the second job is failing.
If changing to smaller instance (S or M) there is no issue to start a new job. But for size XL I can not start a second job. I can not find out why. Any ideas?
I get the following fault codes:
Instance creation of t-shirt-size XL and type do12.10 failed.
We encountered the same issue; for us it had to to with the facts that we did not properly remove our old models / deployments / jobs. After cleaning up all left-over resources accordingly, we were able to startup an instance again.
Thanks everyone for your support. We have now found out that it seems like IBM has updated the service.
Without doing any changes it is now possible to deploy multiple models in a day and execute the one you are interested in.
So I would say it solved it self

Jenkins build-flow plugin "build" command

I suspect there is more fundamental learning I need before I attempt to use the build-flow plugin.
Using the DSL plugin I created a Seed job which created sub-jobs:
FromTemplate-Job1 to FromTemplate-Job3
Ultimately I want to run these in parallel. However, for now, I just want to run FromTemplate-Job1
I thought this could just use build("FromTemplate-Job1") to run the job, however this generates the exception:
groovy.lang.MissingMethodException: No signature of method: is applicable for argument types: (java.lang.String) values: [FromTemplate-Job1]
There is obviously something fundamental that I need to understand?
Mahi - your question was the right one to ask - Thanks .
I had chosen FreeStyle as the job type and not Build Flow - it is now working!
DSL build command executes Free style job.
It won't execute job which is configured with multijob or dsl job.

How to interpret JMeter result while doing Database testing

I have recently started working with jMeter. And I was doing database stress testing for that. I have added the required drivers in the lib folder. And my jMeter is connected to database. And it works fine.
But the problem now I am facing is how to interpret those results. I just tested only one SQL which is doing SELECT on one table. Below is the screenshot of my various tabs in JMeter.
This below screenshot shows how many threads (10) I am running and Ramp up time.
This below screenshot shows me JDBC Connection Configuration settings, which I am not able to understand as well. It will be great if anyone can throw some thoughts on this what does it mean corresponding to number of threads I am running in my above picture.
This Below screenshot shows the result in a Summary report which I am again not able to interpret. What's the best way to interpret these results? Any thoughts on this will be of great help.
This Below screenshot shows the result which I am again not able to interpret. What's the best way to interpret these results? I was looking for how much time it is taking to execute that one single Select SQL. And this tab shows me lot of information but not sure how to interpret those. Any thoughts on this will be of great help.
Can anyone help me understanding these results? Thanks for the help.
You should use one of these:
Response Time Graph
Aggregate Graph
Look also at jmeter-plugins project:

Execute one SSIS Package from Another, but using a DIFFERENT proxy user. Is it possible?

I have one SSIS Package that must run as Proxy A and another that must run as Proxy B. I would love to have the first package run, and, as one of its tasks, execute the second package. Is this possible?
Thanks a lot!
You could have the first package use sp_start_job to kick off a job that is set up to run the second package. If this is "fire-and-forget", that's all you need to do. If you need to wait until it's completed, things get more messy - you'd have to loop around calling (and parsing the output of) sp_help_jobactivity
and use WAITFOR DELAY until the run completes.
This is also more complex if you need to determine the actual outcome of running the second package.
