maintaining session from server application in angularjs - angularjs

I have an angularjs application, in this application I have a login form when I submit it I call a rest service to authenticate the user to my server application, as following :
$http.get('http://localhost:8080/user', {
headers : credentials ? {
authorization : "Basic "
+ btoa(credentials.username + ":"
+ credentials.password)
} : {};
}).then(function(response) {
if ( {
$rootScope.authenticated = true;
} else {
$rootScope.authenticated = false;
}, function() {
$rootScope.authenticated = false;
So the $rootScope will have all the informations about the authenticated user, but when I refresh my application, all those informations I attached to $rootScope are removed.
Notice that http://localhost:8080/user will always maintain the session.
How can I solve that ?

You can either store it in sessionStorage or just get the current user logged from server side. Then in order to retrieve them use an$http, $rootScope){
// either use session storage or $http to retrieve your data and store them in $rootScope.
// if you use $http i suggest you to store the promise of $http to be sure in your controller/route to wait that it has been resolved.
The fact that you're loosing what you store when using f5 is normal, you lose all javascript context when doing so. The usage of permit to use the request before any controller is called However with $http you may need to wait the end of the promise. So it's better to have a reference to the promise store in $rootScope to be able to use it in the javascript part. You can reference directly the data in the templates as they will get refresh as soon they will be loaded.

Check for Local and Session storage service. You can easily attach informations to variables with getters and setters, and retrieving them through page refreshing.
Example: You can set a variable like this:
localStorageService.set('myVar', data);
And then retrieve it in another controller, after refreshing, or elsewhere in your application with:
It is rather well documented and easy to use.


Session Handling in Angular JS, with Spring MVC

I am creating a project in AngularJs at frontend and Spring MVC in backend.
Now assume when a used logged in and if he wants to update his information, for this i have created an api which request for emailid and update the rest object in database of that email id
Now i have some questions,
1.) I dont want to use CookieStore or others sessionStorage or localstorage (because of my personal vulnerability experience and also i want to use session only) in Angular, how can i do it in angular with Spring MVC.
2.) How can i retrieve the email id from session to update data?
3.)If a user goes to another page how can i maintain that session in another page, how can i check that session is there and user is authentic to see the page
Read a lot about it but unable to find the exact solution with session. Answer over there is manage it by cookieStore.or localstorage, Please help
Let's try and see what is happening here using cookies is the right way to this, you may think it is not safe but is the safest way to do it. With cookies you will be sharing the same session in all tabs, so you can handle in all tabs and share it.
There is also an alternative option and is using URL rewriting, quoting #vanje in this question in stackoverflow
the session is only identified via a URL parameter containing the session ID. So every internal URL of your web application has to be enhanced with this parameter using the method HttpServletResponse.encodeURL(). If you are using a web framework like Wicket, chances are good that this is already done for you.
Lets go now with the Angular JS - Spring MVC approach:
There is no need to access the session within the Angular JS front-end, if you need to use it and you are using JSP you may use scriplet to retrieve the information openening a <%= session.getAttribute("user") %> , but as I said there is no need to do this. You may call your function, and retrieve this information in your controller in Spring.
You have a controller in angular JS that calls with http to your REST controller in Spring such like this. assuming that you save your user first in session:
$scope.getUserInfo= function () {
$http.get(appContextPath +'/rest/getuser/').success(function (data) {
$scope.user= data;
You may have a request mapping for the URL above:
#RequestMapping(value = "/rest/getuser", method = RequestMethod.GET)
public User getUserInfo (HttpSession session) {
User nUser = session.getAttribute("user");
return nUser;
I think the best way is to create a method in your AngularJS controller and then call it.
Java code:
#RequestMapping(value = "/menu/get", method = RequestMethod.GET, headers="Accept=*/*")
public #ResponseBody Empleado showMenu(HttpSession session) {
Empleado empleado = (Empleado) session.getAttribute("empleado");
return empleado;
AngularJS code:
.controller('myMenuController', ['$scope', '$http'
function($scope, $http){
getEmpleadoInfo = function () {
$http.get(myContextPage + '/menu/get')
.then(function(data) {
$scope.empleado = data;
This way, when you load the page, the object will be loaded on the scope.

$rootScope behaviour in angularJs

I am storing authentication token in $rootScope . This token will be sent as part of header in every request via interceptor.
Interceptor code is as below :-
var bpInterceptor = function($q,$rootScope){
return {
request : function(config){
if($rootScope.jwtToken !== undefined){
config.headers.Authorization = $rootScope.jwtToken.token;
return config;
Q) Does $rootScope have different object for two browser sessions?
Angular code is executed client side only, so any state will disappear once you reload the page.
If you want to keep information between two user session, you have many options:
Keep that info in the URL using $location or location
Store that info in localStorage and retrieve it next time
Persist the information server side and query your server to get it back
Once you get your token you can do:
localStorage.setItem('myToken', $rootScope.jwtToken);
And when you load your application, check if a token has been stored:
$rootScope.jwtToken = localStorage.getItem('myToken');

AngularJS : How to encode decode JSON data in Services

I have used CakePHP + AngularJS for the application
I have below code in Sevices file
test.factory('Dashboard', function ($http, $q) {
return {
userDirectory: function (){
return $http.get(hostName + 'dashboards/userDirectory.json');
The above code calls dashboards's controllers userDirectory function and return JSON data this is how it's work.
Some one raised one issue, When he hit url "http://hostname/dashboards/userDirectory.json" he can see the response data in browser and that is not authenticated. Is there any way through which I can secure it.
By any encoding/decoding or What you prefer.
Decode/encode doesn't make any sense here if the client can decode it the user can get the data as well.
Just send data the user is allowed to see and use, even if he is authorized for that request, remove everything else that is not needed.
Use a JWT token to authorize them

Setting localstorage cookie service that contains spaces inbetween words

I can set the cookie fine,how ever if the cookie name that I am setting is "Cookie code 1" it gets saved as
"cookie%20code%201". How do I solve this issue with the spaces in between words?
localStorageService.cookie.set("CookieId",decodeURIComponent(self.Id), 100000);
The official doc for $cookieStore says the following:
Provides a key-value (string-object) storage, that is backed by session cookies. Objects put or retrieved from this storage are automatically serialized or deserialized by angular's toJson/fromJson.
Means, serialize and unserialize (urlEncoded) happens automatically. So i promise you are using this plugin atm, which also serialize/unserialize. Just use localStorageService.cookie.get(key); to check the callback.
myApp.controller('MainCtrl', function($scope, localStorageService) {
function setAndGetItem(key) {
localStorageService.cookie.set(), "Its a cookie"); // persisted as "Its%20a%20cookie"
console.log(localStorageService.cookie.get(key)); // returns "Its a cookie"

How do I handle Token Authentication with AngularJS and Restangular?

I have an angular app that uses Restangular and ui.router.state.
This is what I am currently doing
I have an Endpoint /Token that accepts a username/pass and gives
back a bearer token and some user info.
On successful login I save off the userinfo and token into a global var, user.current and I also set Restangular's default headers to include the bearer token:
Restangular.setDefaultHeaders({Authorization: "Bearer " + data.access_token});
When a user wants to access a route that has requiredAuth = true (set in the routeprovider as custom data like Access routeProvider's route properties) I check the user.current to see if its set.
a. If user.current is set, take them to the route.
b. If user.current is null or if the token would be expired (based on time) send them to /login
If I Ctrl+R I lose my user info and the user has to log in again.
a. Should I be saving off the bearer token or credentials into a cookie or something and have a user service try to grab that in the event that user.current == null?
Am I even approaching this right? Seems like something that literally 100% of people using AngularJS would want to do, yet, I can't find an example that aligns with my situation. Seems like Angular would have mechanisms built in to handle some of this auth routing business...
When do I need to be getting a new token/verifying the current one? Do I just let anyone with devtools set something like isAuthorized = true so they can get to /admin/importantThings but then let the calls to /api/important things fail because they don't have a valid bearer token or should I be verifying that they have a valid token before I even let them get to that route?
You could put it in localStorage (always kept) or sessionStorage (cleared when browser is closed). Cookies are technically also a possibility, but don't fit your use case that well (your back end checks a separate header and not a cookie)
I guess there are many ways to skin a cat.
Always depend on server-side checks. Client-side checks might offer some increased usability, but you can never depend on them. If you have a lot of buttons that result in going to a login screen, it will be faster if you keep the client-side check. If this is more the exception than the rule, you could instead redirect to the login page when you get a 401 Unauthorized when calling your back end.
Here is an example of how you can manage your token:
/* global angular */
'use strict';
(function() {
angular.module('app').factory('authToken', ['$window', function($window) {
var storage = $window.localStorage;
var cachedToken;
var userToken = 'userToken';
var authToken = {
setToken: function(token) {
cachedToken = token;
storage.setItem(userToken, token);
getToken: function() {
if (!cachedToken) {
cachedToken = storage.getItem(userToken);
return cachedToken;
isAuthenticated: function() {
return !!authToken.getToken();
removeToken: function() {
cachedToken = null;
return authToken;
As you can see I use "$window.localStorage" to store my token. Like "Peter Herroelen" said in hist post.
