search for literal hash character in solr query - solr

I cannot find any documentation on the solr website that indicates how to search for a string that contains a literal hash character inside it.
I've tried escaping the hash, 723\#52, and HTML encoding it, 723%2352, but the solr output shows that it cuts off at the hash symbol each time:
<lst name="responseHeader">
<int name="status">400</int>
<int name="QTime">2</int>
<lst name="params">
<str name="q">id_number:723</str>

Because solr will tokenize the query using class solr.StandardTokenizer so # character will removed from query. you can change the tokenizer for field type definition.
In your case for field id_number change the filter class from solr.StandardTokenizer to solr.WhiteSpaceTokenizer
But doing this method will accept all other special character in the query (.:,etc)


Solr - returning counts for facets specified in query

I would like to create a query that will return facet counts for some field values even if that value count is 0. But on the other hand I don't want counts for the values that were not in the original query.
For example if I use in my query:
<arr name="fq">
<str>Field:(4 OR 5)</str>
I and there exists no document with the value 5 in this field, I would like to get back:
<lst name="facet_fields">
<lst name="VersionStatus">
<int name="4">2</int>
<int name="5">0</int>
But there shouldn't be counts for other values (ex. 1, 2, 3, ...), because they weren't spcified in the query.
Is that even possible? I was trying to achieve that with missing=true parameter, but that didn't work.
instead of faceting on the field with 'facet.field' you can use N facet.query params, matching the terms in your fq, so, in your example:

Solr query- How to remove all special-characters logical interpretation?

This is slightly different than remove all special character from input String. I just want them as-it-is. For example:
Query: Haha AND LaLa would be tokenized as
1. Haha
2. And
3. LaLa
1. Haha
2. LaLa
and with the same logic, a single input of special character such as:
`! , . : ; OR NOT < >`
would be...themselves (Not logical constructor and the query would return result if in database there are names like that exist)
You can use field or raw query parser they search for the query string that you have typed without any analysis or transformation.
q = {!field f='title'} Haha AND LaLa
<lst name="debug">
<str name="rawquerystring">{!field f='title'}Haha AND LaLa</str>
<str name="querystring">{!field f='title'}Haha AND LaLa</str>
<str name="parsedquery">title:Haha AND LaLa</str>
<str name="parsedquery_toString">title:Haha AND LaLa</str>
<str name="QParser"/>
As you can see from the response Solr Looking for the document which contains "Haha AND LaLa". Field query parser treats "AND" as search keyword not as Logical operator.

Using alternative label for Solr 4.0 Multivalue-field

I'm struggeling a little about the label of my facet-fields. I'm using Solr4 and feed my solr-index with the drupal-solr-search-api-modul (‎).
I use some taxonomy-fields for facets and almost everything is working finde. But I can't change the label of the fields. Maybe say, I have the field
Then the field is in the index like
for the values of the field and
for the label of the (taxonomy)-field like "This Is Vocname".
So the XML looks
<lst name="facet_fields">
<lst name="sm_thisisvocname:name">
<int name="C">2</int>
<int name="B">1</int>
<int name="D">1</int>
<int name="E">1</int>
<sm_thisisvocname:vocabulary:name>This Is Vocname</sm_thisisvocname:vocabulary:name>
in the xml. I can't I use the query
because there colons in the field-names ... Can anybody help me?
you should change your field name to not have the colon : as it is treated as a special character for multiple things in solr query.
Could only find the Documentation:-
Currently a field name must consist of only A-Z, a-z, 0-9, - or _
Field Alias is something that you can check upon, however it too depends on :)
You can also try to escape the : in the field name.

Get total term frequencies by date query

I'd like to know the "top 10 terms" from a query (which is just a date range query). I need "total term frequency" by date...not a count of documents and not just a count of term frequency across the entire index. I've looked into the Solr TermsComponent and Lucene's HighFreqTerms, but neither seems to support the operation I want as the result of a query.
My index is pretty simple...every item goes into the 'content' field which also has a 'dateCreated' field (to support the query). Any thoughts to the technique I could use?
When you query for the date in question, you can iterate through the scoreDocs returned, and get TermVectors for the content field like:
Terms terms = myIndexReader.getTermVector(currentScoreDoc.doc, "content");
and you can then iterate through terms.iterator(), and create a collection of counts for each of the terms (acquired from the or TermsEnum.term() methods)
Faceting provides almost what you're looking for, but will give document frequencies for each term, not the total term frequencies. Make your date range query as a /select call, then add parameters:
* rows=0 since you don't want to see the documents found, just counts
* facet=true
* facet.field=<the field with the required terms>
* facet.limit=10 since you want top ten terms
Over a field called text, part of the response would look like:
<lst name="facet_counts">
<lst name="facet_queries"/>
<lst name="facet_fields">
<lst name="text">
<int name="from">3690</int>
<int name="have">3595</int>
<int name="it">3495</int>
<int name="has">3450</int>
<int name="one">3375</int>
<int name="who">3221</int>
<int name="he">3137</int>
<int name="up">3125</int>
<int name="all">3112</int>
<int name="year">3089</int>
<lst name="facet_dates"/>
<lst name="facet_ranges"/>
Warning, this request may be slow!

Sort Facets by Index with non-ASCII values

We have a field 'facet_tag' that contains tags describing a product. Since the tags are in german, they may contain non-ASCII characters (like umlauts). Here are some possible values:
Now if we query solr for the facets with a query like:
The sorted result looks like this:
<lst name="facet_counts">
<lst name="facet_queries"/>
<lst name="facet_fields">
<lst name="facet_tag">
<int name="Softshells">1</int>
<int name="Sägen">1</int>
<int name="Tunnelzelte">1</int>
<int name="Zelte">1</int>
<int name="Äxte">2</int>
<lst name="facet_dates"/>
<lst name="facet_ranges"/>
The tag "Äxte" should be the first item, followed by "Sägen". Obviously Solr does not handle non-ASCII characters well in this case (which is also stated in the documentation for faceted search, see
Is there any way to let Solr sort these values properly without normalizing umlauts (since we show the values to the user)?
I would use ASCIIFoldingFilterFactory:
Converts alphabetic, numeric, and symbolic Unicode characters which are not in the first 127 ASCII characters (the "Basic Latin" Unicode block) into their ASCII equivalents, if one exists.
This way what you index becomes normalized (for example Äxte becomes indexed as Axte), but what is stored doesn't change. That's why you should then get the expected sorting, but the content you'll show will still be the original one (Äxte for example).
The solution doesn't apply to facets since they use the indexed values. Using the ASCIIFoldingFilterFactory you can have the right sort but you'll see normalized character as output as well. Basically you can have the right sort but wrong output or wrong sort but right output. Unfortunately I don't know any other solution.
