Redux Hot Reload Warning on changes - reactjs

I get the following warning when I try to update any of my react components...
Provider does not support changing store on the fly. It is most likely that you see this error because you updated to Redux 2.x and React Redux 2.x which no longer hot reload reducers automatically. See for the migration instructions.
As far as I can tell, my code looks like the instructions, but I still get the warning.
'use strict'
import React from 'react';
import { render } from 'react-dom';
import { Provider } from 'react-redux';
import { Router, browserHistory } from 'react-router';
import createStore from '../shared/store/createStore';
import routes from '../shared/routes';
const store = createStore(window.__app_data);
const history = browserHistory;
if (window.__isProduction === false) {
window.React = React; // Enable debugger
if ( {;
render (
<Provider store={store}>
<Router history={history} routes={routes} />
'use strict';
import { createStore, applyMiddleware } from 'redux';
import thunk from 'redux-thunk';
import reducers from '../reducers';
import { selectSubreddit, fetchPosts } from '../actions'
export default function createReduxStore(initialState = {}) {
const store = createStore(reducers, initialState, applyMiddleware(thunk));
if ( {
// Enable Webpack hot module replacement for reducers'../reducers', () => {
const nextReducer = require('../reducers').default;
return store;
import webpack from 'webpack';
import webpackDevMiddleware from 'webpack-dev-middleware';
import webpackHotMiddleware from 'webpack-hot-middleware';
import webpackConfig from '../../';
let compiler = webpack(webpackConfig);
app.use(webpackDevMiddleware(compiler, {
hot: true,
noInfo: true,
publicPath: webpackConfig.output.publicPath
Is there something I'm missing? Here is a link to the full Github Repo if you want to see the full src.
[Edited] Added server.js and github link.

Found the answer. There were multiple changes needed.
Remove code from client.js (Hot reloading that file caused Redux and React-Router warnings.
Create an index file for my React page components to export from.
Add code to newly created index file.
Change all React components to classes. const Page = () => () doesn't re-render with hot reloading.
After making those changes, everything started to work properly and I get no more warnings :-)


Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'dispatch')

I'm currently trying to use React + Typescript + Redux and I'm running into an issue. I'm trying to test the Redux Store setup via chrome devTools. I know I butchered the code (very new to Typescript) and I'm getting this error 'Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'dispatch')' every time I test it. I tried declaring a global window state, installed redux-dev-tools, but still very lost.
This is what my store/index.tsx file look like:
import {
legacy_createStore as createStore,
} from "redux";
import { devToolsEnhancer } from "redux-devtools-extension";
import thunk from "redux-thunk";
const rootReducer = combineReducers({});
let enhancer;
if (process.env.NODE_ENV === "production") {
enhancer = applyMiddleware(thunk);
} else {
const logger = require("redux-logger").default;
const composeEnhancers =
(window && (window as any).__REDUX_DEVTOOLS_EXTENSION_COMPOSE__) || compose;
enhancer = composeEnhancers(applyMiddleware(thunk, logger));
const configureStore = () => {
return createStore(rootReducer, devToolsEnhancer({}));
export default configureStore;
and my types/index.d.ts:
import { StoreEnhancer } from 'redux'
export {};
declare global {
interface Window {
store: {};
__REDUX_DEVTOOLS_EXTENSION__?: () => StoreEnhancer;
And finally my src/index.tsx:
import React from "react";
import ReactDOM from "react-dom/client";
import "./index.css";
import App from "./App";
import { Provider } from "react-redux";
import { BrowserRouter } from "react-router-dom";
import configureStore from "./store";
const store = configureStore();
if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production") { = store;
function Root() {
return (
<Provider store={store}>
<App />
const root = ReactDOM.createRoot(
document.getElementById("root") as HTMLElement
<Root />
I will also attach screenshots of my file setup:
And my console error:
I am open to all suggestions, thank you!
The first issue here is that the store setup code is using outdated patterns and a lot of handwritten code. Today, you should be using our official Redux Toolkit package to write your Redux apps, and as part of that, RTK's configureStore API. It does all that same work with just a few lines:
import { configureStore } from "#reduxjs/toolkit";
const store = configureStore({
reducer: {
posts: postsReducer,
comments: commentsReducer
That automatically combines reducers, adds the Redux DevTools extension setup, and adds the thunk middleware.
See our docs for guidance on setup:
As for the specific error message you're seeing... the code seems like it would run. My guess is that something is wrong with the process.env.NODE_ENV check you added and so it's not assigning
RTK also works much better with TypeScript than legacy Redux code does.

My reactJS app doesnt re renders when redux changes the state in store

Iam new to learning Redux.
When i write store.subscribe(render) my app compiles without errors but nothing shows up.
I've been following an article( that beautifully explains redux but that subscribe part is just not working.
Any help in this regard will be very much appreciated.
I tried everything i could i even rebuilt the app but no luck.
First, try changing line 17 of App.js from
<HelloWorld tech={}/>
<HelloWorld tech={store.getState().tech}/>
Else, try putting a constructor into your App component:
constructor(props) {
store.subscribe(() => {
tech: store.getState().tech
You need to add a provider into your store to subscribe the changes.
For more details please check this link
Please find the sample code for the store.
import React from 'react'
import ReactDOM from 'react-dom'
import { Provider } from 'react-redux'
import { App } from './App'
import createStore from './createReduxStore'
const store = createStore()
<Provider store={store}>
<App />
You have to import createStore.
import { createStore } from 'redux';
Then you will need to make the store variable and pass in the reducer.
const store = createStore(yourReducer);
Then your reducer will look something like this.
const initState = {
const yourReducer = (state = initState, action) => {
return state;
export default yourReducer

connectedRouter Error: Could not find router reducer in state tree, it must be mounted under "router"

I am new to React.js and was setting up base project at that I was getting one issue that my routing got changed but component doesn't load. After googling I found that I need to use ConnectedRouter. While setting up ConnectedRouter, I am getting console error: Could not find router reducer in state tree, it must be mounted under "router"
import React from 'react';
import ReactDOM from 'react-dom';
import { BrowserRouter } from 'react-router-dom';
import { ConnectedRouter, connectRouter, routerMiddleware } from "connected-react-router";
import { Provider } from "react-redux";
import { createStore, combineReducers, applyMiddleware, compose } from 'redux';
import createSagaMiddleware from 'redux-saga';
import loginReducer from "./store/reducers/login";
import { watchLogin} from "./store/sagas";
import { history } from '../src/shared/history';
import { push } from 'react-router-redux';
import './index.css';
import App from './App';
const composeEnhancers = window.__REDUX_DEVTOOLS_EXTENSION_COMPOSE__ || compose;
const rootReducer = combineReducers({
login: loginReducer
const routersMiddleware = routerMiddleware(history)
const sagaMiddleware = createSagaMiddleware();
const middlewares = [sagaMiddleware, routersMiddleware];
const store = createStore(
const app = (
<Provider store={store}>
<ConnectedRouter history={history}>
<App />
ReactDOM.render(app, document.getElementById('root'));
For the sake of helping future souls with this issue, it turns out that according to the linked github discussions, that version 5.0 of the history package is causing the issue and downgrading to version 4.10.1 solves the problem for me.
npm install history#4.10.1
Add router in your reducer with using connectRouter and history
Refer this link
import { connectRouter } from 'connected-react-router'
const rootReducer = combineReducers({
login: loginReducer,
router: connectRouter(history),
The main issue is the version of the history package, with react-router-dom v5 you need to use history v4 (the latest version of which is 4.10.1) - history v5 is only compatible with react-router-dom v6.
You have forgotten :
router: connectRouter(history),
in your combineReducers()
If you use immutable you should import ConnectedRouter from 'connected-react-router/immutable'.
I ran into the same issue.
I forgot to give the history as a parameter to my rootReducer, in my store initialization.
const store = createStore(
rootReducer(history), // <-- HERE

How to handle two configureStore files for Redux in TypeScript (multiple module.exports)?

I'm building a React Native app with TypeScript using Redux for my state.
I like using two seperate files for configureStore. In JS This looks like this:
import { applyMiddleware, createStore } from "redux";
import logger from "redux-logger";
import reducers from "../reducers";
const configureStore = () => {
const store = createStore(reducers, applyMiddleware(logger));
return store;
export default configureStore;
import { createStore } from "redux";
import reducers from "../reducers";
const configureStore = () => {
const store = createStore(reducers);
return store;
export default configureStore;
import Config from "react-native-config";
if (Config.REACT_ENVIRONMENT === "staging") {
module.exports = require("./");
} else {
// tslint:disable-next-line no-var-requires
module.exports = require("./");
And then within App.js:
import React, { Component } from "react";
import Orientation from "react-native-orientation";
import { Provider } from "react-redux";
import Navigator from "./navigation/Navigator";
import configureStore from "./redux/store/configureStore";
export const store = configureStore();
export default class App extends Component {
componentDidMount = () => {
render() {
return (
<Provider store={store}>
<Navigator />;
The problem now with TypeScript is that - after converting these files to .ts and .tsx - this code throws linting errors (and it furthermore blocks all Jest unit tests from running).
The lines where modules.exports exports the respective file depending on environment variables throws the error:
[tslint] require statement not part of an import statement (no-var-requires)
And in App.tsx the import of configureStore throws:
[ts] Module '"/Users/jan/Documents/FullStackFounders/PainButton/painbutton/app/redux/store/configureStore"' has no default export.
How would one handle this case in TypeScript?
The only solution I could come up with was only using one file and using a lot of if's for all the Dev only configs. But that doesn't seem clean to me.
It seems you are mixing import / export and require / module.exports syntax.
Try to use dynamic import expressions.
export default Config.REACT_ENVIRONMENT === "staging" ? import("./") : import("./");
main render file
import configure from "./configureStore.js";
configure.then(configFunc => {
const store = configFunc();
ReactDOM.render(<App store={store} />, document.querySelector("#root"));
Pass the store as a prop to the <App /> Component.
I hope it will help.

Redux TS Generic type 'Dispatch<S>' requires 1 type argument(s)

Trying to setup a project with typescript and redux.
I am getting this error
Generic type 'Dispatch<S>' requires 1 type argument(s).
here is my store.ts
import { connectRouter, routerMiddleware } from 'connected-react-router'
import { applyMiddleware, compose, createStore } from 'redux'
import { createLogger } from 'redux-logger'
import ReduxThunk from 'redux-thunk'
import { createBrowserHistory } from 'history'
import reducers from './reducers'
import { composeWithDevTools } from 'redux-devtools-extension'
export const history = createBrowserHistory()
const composeEnhancers = composeWithDevTools({
// Specify name here, actionsBlacklist, actionsCreators and other options if needed
const logger = createLogger()
const middleware = [ReduxThunk, logger]
const Store = createStore(connectRouter(history)(reducers), {}, composeEnhancers(applyMiddleware(...middleware, routerMiddleware(history))))
export default Store
here is root reducer
import { combineReducers } from 'redux'
import { ActionType } from 'typesafe-actions'
import * as actions from '../actions'
export interface IState {
test: string
export type Actions = ActionType<typeof actions>
export default combineReducers<IState, Actions>({
test: () => 'hey'
and here are some dummy actions
import { action } from 'typesafe-actions'
export const toggle = (id: string) => action('TOGGLE', id)
// (id: string) => { type: 'todos/TOGGLE'; payload: string; }
finally here is index.ts
import * as React from 'react'
import * as ReactDOM from 'react-dom'
import App from './App'
import './index.scss'
import registerServiceWorker from './registerServiceWorker'
import store, { history } from './store'
import { Provider } from 'react-redux'
import { Route, Switch } from 'react-router' // react-router v4
import { ConnectedRouter } from 'connected-react-router'
<Provider store={store}>
<ConnectedRouter history={history}> { /* place ConnectedRouter under Provider */}
<div> { /* your usual react-router v4 routing */}
<Route exact path="/" render={() => (<div>Match</div>)} />
<Route render={() => (<div>Miss</div>)} />
document.getElementById('root') as HTMLElement
Here seems to be a similar issue without solution yet
But I am new to typescript so might be missing something basic
It looks to me like you are indeed facing the same issue you linked. While we wait and see if 7mllm7's pull request is merged, you can use his modified version of the react-redux types. I'd recommend the following approach:
git clone --depth=1
Copy the types/react-redux folder into your project (suppose for example you copy it to a folder named react-redux.fixed).
Edit react-redux.fixed/package.json to replace "private": "true" with "name": "#types/react-redux".
In your package.json, specify the version of #types/react-redux as ./react-redux.fixed.
Run npm install. npm will make a symlink from node_modules/#types/react-redux to react-redux.fixed.
Compared to just editing the file in node_modules/#types/react-redux, this way npm knows you are using a modified version of the package and won't overwrite it. (This process deserves to be widely known; I'll find a better place to document it if I have time.)
I solved this by downgrading to Redux 3.7. It has proper typings (There still aren't typings for Redux 4.0). There are some Github issues where they discuss about it (here and here).
