Does OnsenUI support SwipeTableCell? - onsen-ui

I want to use from right to left swipe menu on OnsenUI it like IOS's mail app delete menu.
Does OnsenUI has function or similar fuction?
I guess realize it to be custom to ons-carousel.
Do you know easier solution or function?


Collapse menus in mobile UX

This web app has 2 menus essentially, the one on the left hand side (3 items) and the the user profile menu also on the left (drop-down opens once you click on picture).
What would be the best way to display these on mobile? Hide both elements, move them around? Looking for the best practices for something like this. Thanks!
Not sure there's a 'best way', here's one idea to get you started though.

create swipe up to open content - ionic

I am creating a simple app with the ionic framework, and I want to run a function on each of the swipe events or drag events.
like this :
When user swipe up/drag up arrow, it will open it ( like open notifications smarthphone ).
swipe down or drag down, it will close it.
Can anyone help provide sample HTML & JS to listen to gesture event?
Regarding gesture events handlers you can check the Ionic docs, for example:
AFAIK no official component fits with your requirement (the most similar is ionSlides but works horizontally). However there are some 3rd party directives or demos like the following you may adapt to your needs:

Angular Material Sidenav Template?

I'm trying to implement the Material Design's Sidenav. I've got it to work correctly, but I was wondering if I can add templates to it like the mdDialog templates so that I can view different information on it?
I also was wondering how to get the side animation to work as for me right now, it just appears and has a fading black overlay.

AngularJS - Carousel mouse click and phone touch

I am using Angular-UI-Bootstrap. in they github they have allot of examples, one is about carousel and it's really cool on they site. All over the internet i have tried like 50+ examples an none of them worked out. What i need it's simple clicking and moving items inside carousel, without click on sides. I have seen things about animation, i am not using that, maybe angular-ui-bootstrap using it, i am not sure. Any one have found solution for this problem?

Getting Started with AngularJS and Material Design

I am trying to play around with the Material Design stuff for AngularJS. The Project can be seen here. I'm trying to do a basic project. This has led me to two questions about material design.
How do I use an icon for a button? I ran git submodule update --init per the docs. I have the icons directory. However, I do not understand how to actually use a button. For instance, I want to use the refresh icon (/icons/system_icons/av/res/2x_web/ic_loop_24dp.png), so I'm trying the following:
However, the icon is off-center. How should I fix this?
How do I setup navigation up in the app?
Thank you!
