connecting to sql server without IP address and host name on the internet - sql-server

I don't know ip address and host name of a system on internet.I only know database name, how do i connect with that database using internet and without using any third part tool.

Basically... you can't.
Every Database-Server can provide databases with any name, so you can have Database foo on server x and at the same time on server y with different data.
So without any additional info you can't get the adress of the server.
Q: Actually server does not have static IP it generates dynamic IP.
A: You can use a DDNS prvider, to create a hostname, which changes automatically the IP adress depending on your current server IP, but without a 3rd party app it seems difficult.


Should a Connection String include a local instance or IP Address

We are optimizing our Web System and I then had a thought.
In the web system's Web.config, should the connection string include an IP Address to the local SQL Server or rather an Instance? Will there be a performance difference?
I was thinking that with an IP address a formal IP or TCP connection would be established and perhaps with a local Instance reference a different protocol is executed?
I couldn't find related information on the web.
Using an instance name such as SomeMachine\SomeInstance means the client needs to look up the port using SQL Browser.
For best performance it would probably be best to use an IP address and port number. You must set a static port for the instance, otherwise it won't connect.
Ideally use a DNS name rather than an IP address, otherwise you keep having to change it. So you want something like,1433.

Very slow SQL query when using IP in connection string

I am having a real big headache with slow SQL query. I have two connection string which are as follows :
ConnectString1 = "Driver={SQL Server};Server=MSSQLSERVER5;Database=SchoolMain;Uid=Admin;Pwd=admin101;"
ConnectString2 = "Provider=SQLOLEDB.1;Persist Security Info=False;User ID=Admin;Password=admin101;Initial Catalog=SchoolMain;Data Source=,1433"
Both are connecting to a SQL Server database instance on the same system. The first connects using the database instance name, while second connects using IP address (over the internet to the system) and port number.
The query with ConnectString1 is very first, takes less than 2 seconds to execute while query using ConnectString2 is extremely very slow and most times comes back with timeout expired error.
I have searched everywhere on the internet and still cannot find where the issue is. I read about turning off the LLMNR protocol and adding entries in the hosts file to tackle Reverse DNS, followed the steps but it's still the same as query with ConnectString2 is still very slow.
Though when I changed the IP address in ConnectString2 from to, the query works very fast, just exactly as it is with ConnectString1.
Is there a way to route all IP address to on the machine?
I need ConnectString2 to work query will be pushed over the IP address from other systems outside the LAN.
Note: I am using SQL Server 2008
Please help.
The main reason this may happen is reverse DNS, meaning the sql needs to translate the IP to a physical address and it takes time.
To fix this problem use your host file to add the address to your machine and than use the name given at the host file instead of the IP.
If you do not want to temper with the host file try to look at the alternate solution to enable the TCP/IP which is disabled by default.

Assigning static/same IP address to the Server everytime it logs in

I am working on udp server/client applicataion. Since for communicating with the server, all the clients must know the ip address and port number of the server. For this purpose, I have hard coded the ip and port number of my server to the clients so that everytime, the client connects to same ip and port number. (found the ip address of the server machine using ipconfig command.)
But now, the problem is that I am working on DHCP network, and there is a chance that everytime sever machine is restarted, a new ip address may be assigned to it (different from the ip address known by the clients at which they will connect.)
So, I always want the ip address hard coded at client side to be assigned to the server machine, everytime it logs in.
Is there any way to do it? I have no idea about it. Searched internet but couldn't find anything relevant.
Looking forward to help :(
Assuming that your clients are local to the server, why not abandon the hard-coded server IP address, and borrow a page from DHCP and use some kind of service discovery method:
Your clients broadcast "where is the server" message when they first come online. The server responds with "I am at IP address X.X.X.X"
When the server comes up, it broadcasts "Server is now at IP address Y.Y.Y.Y" so that if the server crashed, the clients start using the new server.
Presuming you are working on a LAN, that's how I'd do it.
Presuming your DHCP server is configurable enough:
Assign a static map MAC address/IP address in the dhcp server, so
that the same machine always get the same IP (just for the server,
not for every client).
Most entry level all in one devices with DHCP have this functionality, if not it should be quite cheap to buy a new one that has it.
If your DHCP server is a real computer, you can surely configure it to do so.
Additionally you might want to tell your clients to use a local DNS and in this local DNS server define a name for your server, so you won't have to hardcode an IP address in your clients. But the address should be located in some configuration file rather than hardcoded in any case.
I have used dnsmasq to serve as both DNS server with local names, and as DHCP server, giving the servers always the same address and pointing all the DNS requests towards itself.
This questions could be useful to find a windows alternative for dnsmasq:
By adding a reservation field in the DHCP server we can attain this. If you are using Windows DHCP server, there is a section named 'Reservations', there we can give the MAC address of your pc and the desired IP address. Then the server will provide the mentioned IP for you.
With the narrow focus of a developer a DHCP reservation might be the logical step. But using a nameserver is far better. If the network itself changes or maybe the server is moved to another subnet or maybe even into anoher zone, using an IP address from a DHCP reservation fails, because the server's address changes.
You don't have any of these problems if you use a nameserver. That is what DNS is meant to be doing. Think of it as a "serviceprovider finding service" that detaches your service from the host it is running on.
And, like already suggested, you should never hardcode an IP address or DNS name or anything else that might change (even if you think it will not change) unless it is a design goal that things aren't working anymore if something changes (=not configurable).

Get DNS server IP addresses from the adapter?

I am unable to get the DNS Server IP address using C. I have tried using IP_ADAPTER_INFO however it only gets the Primary and Secondary WINS Server IP address using pAdapter->PrimaryWinsServer and pAdapter->SecondaryWinsServer.
And based on my knowledge the WINS server and the DNS server are two different types of servers.
Use GetAdaptersAddresses(), and see the IP_ADAPTER_ADDRESS structure.

How to connect to SQL Server Management Studio with changing IP address

I need to work with another team on a project to which I need to connect to a remote DB. I am on ADSL so my IP address changes all the time and every time it changes I need to let the remote guys know so that they can allow my new IP address.
Is there a way, using DYNdns for that IP address to be updated autmogically? Or at least to set up a script that checks my IP address, sends it off to them and then updates their SQL Server Management Studio?
Many thanks!
A suggestion can be to use:
Example you can run a server on a dynamic IP with a dynamic update client to keep track of your dynamic IP address.
Check here for more info about this free service
Hope it help
