C plugin system - c

I am writing a plugin system for a shell in C using dlopen and dlsym with shared objetcs.
I wonder if a function in a shared object use a global in the same object, would the variable still be available for the function when loaded with dlopen, dlsym and then dlclose?
If not, what's the way to make two function in a shared object communicate between each other after being dynamically loaded?
Thank you

Your question may depend on the nature of the shared object format and implementation. Since you tagged your question [gnu], the most likely format for you to be targeting is probably ELF, the one used by pretty much all modern Linuxes and many other flavors of Unix.
I wonder if a function in a shared object use a global in the same object, would the variable still be available for the function when loaded with dlopen, dlsym and then dlclose?
With ELF, yes, unless the dynamic linker finds a different global with the same name earlier in its search path. Note also that dlopen()ing a shared object makes its contents available in more ways than just via dlsym(). The dynamic linker treats such objects pretty much the same way that it does shared libraries that are automatically loaded with the program.
It might be worth your while to read Ulrich Drepper's description of DSOs and the dynamic linking process. It's very good, and about as easy to read as you can hope for with a subject of this complexity. (Which is quite different from saying that it's an easy read.)

When a library is loaded by a process, this library will have its own memory space, in the process space, in which will be stored its static data.
If two libraries are loaded in the same process, they share the process memory space, that's mean that a library could read data from another library.... if we know where to read...
A simple approach to solve your question would be to have functions in your plug-in loader that will be callable from your plug-ins, to:
create such shared object, like void PLUGIN_createFooObject();
get pointer on this object, like void *PLUGIN_getFooObject();
clean-up created data, like void PLUGIN_deleteFooObject();


Why we need separate library for static and dynamic linking?

There are related post here and here.
According to my understanding, static linking directly insert code(what code?machine code?) from library into executables. However, dynamic linking only insert reference(pointer?) point to somewhere in the library.
Then I am wondering why we need two separate version of library of same functionality? For example, for intel MKL, we have libmkl_sequential.a and libmkl_sequential.so. And static linking must link static library, dynamic linking must link dynamic library. Why dynamic linking can not just simply point to static library?
What is the real difference between content of .so and .a of same functionaly?
Code which you want to execute needs to be loaded in memory. A function linked statically becomes a part of your program and so they are both loaded together when the program starts.
Why dynamic linking can not just simply point to static library? Static library is a disk file, how would you want to point inside this? There must be a mechanism (loader & binder) which investigates the starting executable program, asks which functions it wants to use, and loads the corresponding libraries into memory.
Yes, the netto code (instructions) in both versions "libmkl_sequential.a" and "libmkl_sequential.so" may be identical, but static and dynamic types of libraries require different auxilliary metainformation dictated by the library format creator.

How to circumvent dlopen() caching?

According to its man page, dlopen() will not load the same library twice:
If the same shared object is loaded again with dlopen(), the same
object handle is returned. The dynamic linker maintains reference
counts for object handles, so a dynamically loaded shared object is
not deallocated until dlclose() has been called on it as many times
as dlopen() has succeeded on it. Any initialization returns (see
below) are called just once. However, a subsequent dlopen() call
that loads the same shared object with RTLD_NOW may force symbol
resolution for a shared object earlier loaded with RTLD_LAZY.
(emphasis mine).
But what actually determines the identity of shared objects? I tried to look into the code, but did not come very far. Is it:
some form of normalized path name (e.g. realpath?)
the inode ?
the contents of the libray?
I am pretty sure that I can rule out this last point, since an actual filesystem copy yields two different handles.
To explain the motivation behind this question: I am working with some code that has static global variables. I need multiple instances of that code to run in a thread-safe manner. My current approach is to compile and link said code into a dynamic library and load that library multiple times. With some linker magic, it appears to create several copies of the globals and resolve access in each library to its own copies. The only problem is that my prototype copies the generated library n times for n concurrent uses. This is not only somewhat ugly but I also suspect that it might break on a different platform.
So what is the exact behaviour of dlopen() according to the POSIX standard?
edit: Because it came up in a comment and an answer, no refactoring the code is definitely not an option. It would involve months or even years of work and potentially sacrifice all benefits of using the code in the first place. There exists an ongoing research project that might solve this problem in a much cleaner way, but it is actual research and might fail. I need a solution now.
edit2: Because people still seem to not believe the usecase is actually valid. I am working on a pure functional language, that shall be embedded into a larger C/C++ application. Because I need a prototype with a garbage collector, a proven typechecker, and reasonable performance ASAP, I used OCaml as intermediate code. Right now, I am compiling a source module into an OCaml module, link the generated object code (including startup etc.) into a shared library with the OCaml runtime and dlopen() that shared library. Every .so has its own copy of the runtime, including several global variabels (e.g. the pointer to the young generation) and that is, or rather should be, totally fine. The library exposes exactly two functions: An initializer and a single export that does whatever the original module is intended to do. No symbols of the OCaml runtime are exported/shared. when I load the library, its internal symbols are relocated as expected, the only issue I have right now is that I actually need to copy the .so file for each instance of the job at runtime.
Regarding thread-local-storage: That is actually an interesting idea, as the modification to the runtime is indeed rather simple. But the problem is the machine code generated by the OCaml compiler, as it cannot emit loading instructions for tls symbols (yet?).
POSIX says:
Only a single copy of an object file is brought into the address space, even if dlopen() is invoked multiple times in reference to the file, and even if different pathnames are used to reference the file.
So the answer is "inode". Copying the library file "should work", but hard links won't. Except. Since they will expose the same global symbols and when that happens all (portability) bets are off. You're in the middle of weakly defined behavior that has evolved through bug fixes rather than good design.
Don't dig deeper when you're in a hole. The approach to add additional horrible hacks to make a fundamentally broken library work just leads to additional breakage. Just spend a few hours to fix the library to not use globals instead of spending days to hack around dynamic linking (which will be unportable at best).

How can I "dump" a Function to a file?

For example, I have a function func():
int func (int a, int b) {return a + b;}
Now I want write it to a file, so that I can use the system-call mmap to load it with PROT_EXEC and I can call it from another program.What should I do for it?
If you know what signature you need and a static library or the location of a shared library at compile time, you probably just want to include the header and link against the output library. If you want to invoke a function dynamically, you probably want dlopen / dlsym (UNIX) or LoadLibrary / GetProcAddress (Windows) for loading the libary dynamically and retrieving the address of the function by name.
Note that the cases where you actually need to load a library dynamically (at least explicitly) are pretty rare. This is often used for modular architectures (e.g. "plugins" or "extensions") where individual pieces of the application are distributed separately (which can be achieved more securely using IPC rather than dynamic loading... see my note below). Or for cases where your application is not allowed to include dependencies statically and needs to conditionally supply behavior based on the existence of certain library dependencies in the environment in which it happens to be executing. In most cases, though, you'll simply want to include a header that declares the symbols you need and compile for each target platform (possibly using #if...#else macros if there are symbols that vary across OSes or OS versions).
From a stability, security, and code complexity standpoint, I personally recommend that you avoid dynamic library loading. For core system functionality, it's reasonable to link against a dynamic library, but you'll want to do it in a way where the burden of dynamic loading is entirely on your toolchain (i.e. you shouldn't need to call dlopen or LoadLibrary explicitly). For other functionality, it is almost always better to statically link (assuming you distribute updates when there are security fixes for your dependencies), since this will avoid you getting broken by incompatible version updates and also prevent your users from experiencing dependency hell (you require version A but some other application requires version B); modular architectures are often better (and more securely) achieved through inter-process communication (IPC), since dynamically loaded libraries live in the process of the program that loads them (thereby giving them access to the entire process's virtual memory space), whereas with interprocess-communication, each component would be a separate process, and individual components would only have access to information that was given to it explicitly by the calling process, which would make it more difficult for a malicious component to steal data from the caller or other components or to produce instability.
The sanest thing if you want this to actually be used in the real world is probably to just compile the source as part of your program on each platform, like a regular function.
Next best is probably a separate process that you talk to rather than merge with.
Semi-sane (but still not a great choice, see our discussion in the other answer) would be making the shared library, like Michael Aaron Safyan said.
But if you want to know how it works just because - say, you want to write your own dynamic linker, or are doing some kind of runtime code generation like a JIT compiler, or if you just wanna know - you can make a raw code file.
To use it, what we'd have to do is similar to what the linker does - load the code at a particular address that it is made to work on and run it. There is position independent code that can run at any address, too.
Let's first get our function compiled and linked, then output into a raw image for a certain address. Assume the function is func in the file func.c and we're using gcc on Linux. (A Windows compiler would have similar options - gcc on Windows is exactly the same, I believe, but something like Digital Mars's C compiler does it differently with the linker command being /BINARY for instance)
Anyway, here's what I ran:
gcc -c func.c # makes func.o
ld func.o --oformat=binary -e func -o func.binary
This generates a file called func.binary. You can disassemble it most easily with ndisasm -b 64 func.binary (or -b 32 if you compiled the C in 32 bit mode) to confirm it looks right - I see an add instruction there, so looks good to me.
If you loaded that and mmaped then called it... it should work.
Problems will be quick to come up though:
If there's more than one function in that file, they'll all be squished together.
The addresses they try to use to call each other may be totally wrong.
Global variables and other static data will be messed up.
And there's more. The operating system uses more complex file formats for executables and libraries for a reason!
To go to the next step, you could consider writing an ELF or PE loader which reads that metadata off a standard file. Of course, once you get into much of this, you'll be doing exactly what the OS provides with dlopen and LoadLibrary.... so unless the goal is to just learn about the guts, just call those functions and call it done!

What is the application of dynamic loading in c programming? [duplicate]

Routine is not loaded until it is called. All routines are kept on disk in a re-locatable load format. The main program is loaded into memory & is executed. This is called Dynamic Linking.
Why this is called Dynamic Linking? Shouldn't it be Dynamic Loading because Routine is not loaded until it is called in dynamic loading where as in dynamic linking, Linking postponed until execution time.
This answer assumes that you know basic Linux command.
In Linux, there are two types of libraries: static or shared.
In order to call functions in a static library you need to statically link the library into your executable, resulting in a static binary.
While to call functions in a shared library, you have two options.
First option is dynamic linking, which is commonly used - when compiling your executable you must specify the shared library your program uses, otherwise it won't even compile. When your program starts it's the system's job to open these libraries, which can be listed using the ldd command.
The other option is dynamic loading - when your program runs, it's the program's job to open that library. Such programs are usually linked with libdl, which provides the ability to open a shared library.
Excerpt from Wikipedia:
Dynamic loading is a mechanism by which a computer program can, at run
time, load a library (or other binary) into memory, retrieve the
addresses of functions and variables contained in the library, execute
those functions or access those variables, and unload the library from
memory. It is one of the 3 mechanisms by which a computer program can
use some other software; the other two are static linking and dynamic
linking. Unlike static linking and dynamic linking, dynamic loading
allows a computer program to start up in the absence of these
libraries, to discover available libraries, and to potentially gain
additional functionality.
If you are still in confusion, first read this awesome article: Anatomy of Linux dynamic libraries and build the dynamic loading example to get a feel of it, then come back to this answer.
Here is my output of ldd ./dl:
linux-vdso.so.1 => (0x00007fffe6b94000)
libdl.so.2 => /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libdl.so.2 (0x00007f400f1e0000)
libc.so.6 => /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libc.so.6 (0x00007f400ee10000)
/lib64/ld-linux-x86-64.so.2 (0x00007f400f400000)
As you can see, dl is a dynamic executable that depends on libdl, which is dynamically linked by ld.so, the Linux dynamic linker when you run dl. Same is true for the other 3 libraries in the list.
libm doesn't show in this list, because it is used as a dynamically loaded library. It isn't loaded until ld is asked to load it.
Dynamic loading means loading the library (or any other binary for that matter) into the memory during load or run-time.
Dynamic loading can be imagined to be similar to plugins , that is an exe can actually execute before the dynamic loading happens(The dynamic loading for example can be created using LoadLibrary call in C or C++)
Dynamic linking refers to the linking that is done during load or run-time and not when the exe is created.
In case of dynamic linking the linker while creating the exe does minimal work.For the dynamic linker to work it actually has to load the libraries too.Hence it's also called linking loader.
Hence the sentences you refer may make sense but they are still quite ambiguous as we cannot infer the context in which it is referring in.Can you inform us where did you find these lines and at what context is the author talking about?
Dynamic loading refers to mapping (or less often copying) an executable or library into a process's memory after it has started. Dynamic linking refers to resolving symbols - associating their names with addresses or offsets - after compile time.
Here is the link to the full answer by Jeff Darcy at quora
I am also reading the "dinosaur book" and was confused with the loading and linking concept. Here is my understanding:
Both dynamic loading and linking happen at runtime, and load whatever they need into memory.
The key difference is that dynamic loading checks if the routine was loaded by the loader while dynamic linking checks if the routine is in the memory.
Therefore, for dynamic linking, there is only one copy of the library code in the memory, which may be not true for dynamic loading. That's why dynamic linking needs OS support to check the memory of other processes. This feature is very important for language subroutine libraries, which are shared by many programs.
Dynamic linker is a run time program that loads and binds all of the dynamic dependencies of a program before starting to execute that program. Dynamic linker will find what dynamic libraries a program requires, what libraries those libraries require (and so on), then it will load all those libraries and make sure that all references to functions then correctly point to the right place. For example, even the most basic “hello world” program will usually require the C library to display the output and so the dynamic linker will load the C library before loading the hello world program and will make sure that any calls to printf() go to the right code.
Dynamic Loading: Load routine in main memory on call.
Dynamic Linking: Load routine in main memory during execution time,if call happens before execution time it is postponed till execution time.
Dynamic loading does not require special support from Operating system, it is the responsibility of the programmer to check whether the routine that is to be loaded does not exist in main memory.
Dynamic Linking requires special support from operating system, the routine loaded through dynamic linking can be shared across various processes.
Routine is not loaded until it is called. All routines are kept on disk in a re-locatable load format. The main program is loaded into memory & is executed. This is called Dynamic Linking.
The statement is incomplete."The main program is loaded into main memory & is executed." does not specify when the program is loaded.
If we consider that it is loaded on call as 1st statement specifies then its Dynamic Loading
We use dynamic loading to achieve better space utilization
With dynamic loading a program is not loaded until it is called.All routines are kept on a disk in a relocatable load format.The main program is loaded into memory and is executed.
When a routine needs to call another routine, the calling routine first checks to see whether has been loaded.If not , the relocatable linking loader is called to load the desired routine into memory and update program's address tables to reflect this change.Then control is passed to newly loaded routine
An unused routine is never loaded .This is most useful when the program code
is large where infrequently occurring cases are needed to handle such as
error routines.In this case although the program code is large ,used code
will be small.
Dynamic loading doesn't need special support from O.S.It is the
responsibility of user to design their program to take advantage of
method.However, O.S can provide libraries to help the programmer
There are two types of Linking Static And Dynamic ,when output file is executed without any dependencies(files=Library) at run time this type of linking is called Static where as Dynamic is of Two types 1.Dynamic Loading Linking 2.Dynamic Runtime Linking.These are Described Below
Dynamic linking refers to linking while runtime where library files are brought to primary memory and linked ..(Irrespective of Function call these are linked).
Dynamic Runtime Linking refers to linking when required,that means whenever there is a function call happening at that time linking During runtime..Not all Functions are linked and this differs in Code writing .

Will dlopen yield the same handle for two calls with the same file?

If I use dlopen on the same lib/file two times in the same application-run, will it yield the same handle in both cases? Is there any guarantee for this (a short experiment showed that it at least does on my box)?
I'm currently playing around with a little plugin-system (out of curiosity) and if there would be some kind of guarantee for this observed behaviour I could use this address as a key for a plugin to prevent duplicated loads.
Yes. The dlopen(3) linux man page says:
If the same library is loaded again with dlopen(), the same file
handle is returned. The dl library maintains reference counts for
library handles, so a dynamic library is not deallocated until
dlclose() has been called on it as many times as dlopen()
has succeeded on it.
BTW, on Linux systems, you can dlopen a lot (many dozens of thousands) of shared libraries, as my example manydl.c demonstrates. The main limitation is address space.
So practically, not bothering about dlclose-ing stuff is possible.
(unless your dlopen-ed shared libraries have weird or resource consuming constructor or destructor functions)
Added in December 2017:
Notice that what is relevant is the exact path string passed to dlopen. So if you use "./foo.so" and "././foo.so" (or "../foosymlink.so" where foosymlink.so is a symlink to foo.so) the dlopen-ed handles are different, and in some cases weird behavior of the two instances of that shared library might happen.
added in june 2019:
Read also Drepper's How to write shared libraries paper (it explains also well how to use them!).
