Is there an event that is sure to fire when google maps is loaded, when using angular js? - angularjs

I am using angularjs and ngmap (
The map is initially hidden from view (using ng-show), and i want to be able to toggle between views without having to reload the whole map.
I also want to display a kml on the map.
The map is only initialized (using lazy initialization) when that part of the page is shown.
It seems to work fine, except that sometimes the map can't zoom into the kml (using fitBounds). I think I have established that this is because the height of the containing div is zero (due to the controller code firing before the view is actually rendered), and fitBounds needs that.
I am trying to wait until I am sure the map is good and ready. I have tried the following events:
but neither do what I want.
Currently I am using a $timeout, but I don't like it, as I don't know how long it takes to initialize the map, and whether or not my code will fire between that time.
My next idea is to repeatedly check for the height of the map, but I would prefer something more explicit.
Another idea is to always have the map in the background, and use absolute positioning to cover it with the other information when that part is visible, but that breaks my current design.

I've decided to avoid the issue.
The map is always going to be there, but I use some ng-class s to make it "visibility: hidden" and hide an unneeded scroll bar when the map tab is unselected.
As long as the visibility is hidden (instead of display: none) the initialization and positioning of the map goes okay.
It isn't perfect (I might need to scroll the other tabs one day), but it works for me for now.


Accessibility: Page Loader indicator using aria-live

Issue: I have an accessibility issue that I am struggling with. I have an angular web application. A page loading spinner/indicator is shown when content is loading. And when the page content has loaded the spinner is hidden. This "div" is never removed from DOM.
Content of the loading div are not read (by NVDAor jaws) when the loading div is shown.
<div class='loading' aria-live='polite' aria-label='Do not refresh the page' tabindex="-1">Do not refresh the page</div>
I wouldn't like to change the structure of the application but work around using 'aria tags' to resolve this, just wondering if I will have to do anything more to make aria-live work?
Updated (27/July/2016)
Further clarification: I am not removing the content from DOM but using css to show/hide content (display: none to display: block and vice versa)
aria-live triggers screen readers when an element with aria-live (or text within an element with aria-live) is added or removed from the DOM. In contrast, when you unhide a hidden element, neither elements nor text are added or removed from the DOM, so the element's aria-live property doesn’t come into play.
To get screen readers to announce “Do not refresh the page”, either of these options should do the trick:
You can create the <div class='loading' aria-live='polite'> element and its text content from scratch and then add that element to the DOM.
Or you can start with an empty <div class='loading' aria-live='polite'> element and then populate its text content.
A few other tidbits:
As long as the text inside the element is what you want to be read aloud, you can omit the element’s aria-label='Do not refresh the page' attribute.
For icing on the cake, it can’t hurt to include a role attribute on the div that has aria-live. If you’re not sure which role to use, go with role="status"—that’s a pretty safe bet.
When or if the page is at a state where you no longer need to display "Do not refresh the page”, be sure to reverse the steps above. (That is, if you went with the first option and you added the whole element to the DOM, remove that entire element from the DOM. Or if you went with the second option and you populated the element’s text content, clear out the element’s text content.)
There are several issues with dynamically added or shown/hidden live-region.
Firstly a quote from MDN - ARIA live regions:
Simply including an aria-live attribute or a specialized live region role (such as role="alert") in the initial markup as it's loaded will have no effect.
Dynamically adding an element with an aria-live attribute or specialized role to the document also won't result in any announcement by assistive technologies (as, at that point, the browser/assistive technologies are not aware of the live region yet, so cannot monitor it for changes).
Always make sure that the live region is present in the document first, and only then dynamically add/change any content.
From my personal experience, even if a live regoin exists in the DOM on page load if you use show/hide then NVDA also has a bug which requires a small delay before a text update in a live region after it was shown initially. Apparently because the region didn't exist when the first text was added, so this isn't an "update". Regarding the timeout, you'd need to set it to something greater than the browser's refresh tick. I use 100ms. Disclaimer: I am strongly against such workarounds to make up for the issues with screen readers or browsers but it might be useful for someone in some cases.

Get margin-top value from transcluded block's child element

My question is based on the image here
The above uses the angular plugin br-fullpage (angular version of the jquery's fullpage.js plugin) to create a vertical scrolling website. However unlike fullpage.js, br-fullpage is somewhat lacking, and makes it hard for me to determine the current page being displayed on the screen. The only way that i can possibly use (unless if i didn't aware of other methods) to determine which page is being displayed right now, is by using the margin-top value (yellow highlighted).
However everytime i tried to get the margin-top value, i always get 0px instead of the highlighted value. I don't understand what is the problem with this, and it makes me hard to do the animation if i don't know which page that i am currently on when the page is refreshed.
So how can i get the correct margin-top value below? Or is there any other method that i can use to know the current active page displayed on the screen?
Can you use sessionStorage.getItem('br-fullpage-index')? This won't give you the margin, but should contain the current page index.

AngularJS Route-Based Animations

I am using AngularJS for a mobile web application and would like to get some "mobile-like" animations to make it look really sharp. My ideal goal would be animations similar to the iPhone's Gmail application, which incorporates lots of animations, like pages sliding from left/right/bottom. And the menu bar fades in/out simultaneously.
I think applying multiple animations at once would require more than one ng-view, which isn't supported at the moment, so I'll hold off on that.
Right now, I just want to be able to make a simple slide-left and slide-right animation similar to how many mobile apps work when you go back and forth between pages. I'd want to have a Back button in my application and somehow be able to specify that this animation should be right-to-left. And a Forward button that I can say has an animation of left-to-right, etc.
This page has exactly what I want (the second demo where the pages slide both left AND right):
However, this demo is using the deprecated ng-animate command. I haven't been able to convert it.
I attempted to make this using the new AngularJS way of animating. I THINK the issue I'm running into is that when I change routes, I have two ng-view's at the same time and the "old" one still has the animation applied to it, so it looks weird.
Here is my attempt:
Try pressing Run/Stop each time. I like how when you first run it and press B, both pages slide out together. But then the 2nd time when you press A, one page maintains the slide-right animation while the other does the slide-left, which I don't like. I also tried just removing the ng-leave CSS classes, but that adds some weird issues as well.
How can I update this code to make standard left-to-right and right-to-left sliding animations work?
Bonus: How can I structure the code to easily specify how I want each route/view change to animate? (Example: A-to-B = Left/Right, B-to-A = Right/Left)

Sometimes view not updated completely

Parts of a view of my Angular app are not rendered correctly - sometimes.
The behaviour is very strange, because this happens only sometimes and for certain items only.
My app consists of a service, a controller and a view. The service communicates with a backend and provides data for the controller. The controller is watching for certain data. With data-binding the values are shown in the view.
In general the shown values are correctly - I can see it in the logs. But sometimes when the a value has changed, not all depended view elements get updated - but some of them.
I mean a DIV shows the text of a certain value with ng-bind.
Moreover another DIV is visible or hidden with ng-if and depends on the same value of the same controller.
Sometimes I have the behaviour that the visibility of the button is switch correctly but the text of the other DIV does not (shows the old text).
It switches only if I scroll the view (or touch it on mobile device). Is this the next digest cycle maybe?
Otherwhile everything is rendered complete correctly!
I have already tried it with a directive and without one, with the 'controllerAs' syntax and without, with Angular 1.2 and 1.3 - but everytime the same result.
Has anyone further ideas to this behaviour?
Can this be a rendering problem?

Dojo drop-down detaches when scrolling page containing FilteringSelect or ComboBox

Since the ComboBox and FilteringSelect use a 'dijitPopup' whose DOM element gets inserted just before the closing body tag (presumably to help with ensuring it appears above everything else z-index-wise) this means that if the ComboBox is contained in an element that scrolls independent of the window itself and the user opens the dropdown and then scrolls the window (or whatever containing element) using the scroll wheel, that the menu part doesn't move with the control itself.
Is there a straightforward way to ensure that the menu part of the view remains positioned correctly relative to the control itself rather than simply assuming that its starting position is ok?
EDIT: appears to be a known issue ( I understand why they put the dijit popup just before the closing body tag for z-index stacking and overflow clipping issues, but it seems like it's maybe not the ideal way to do things given the bug in question here and things like:
You can restrict the Dijit theme to only small portions of a page; you
do this by applying the CSS class of the theme to a block-level
element, such as a div. However, keep in mind that any popup-based
widget (or widgets that use popups, such as dijit.form.ComboButton,
dijit.form.DropDownButton, and dijit.form.Select) create and place the
DOM structure for the popup as a direct child of the body
element—which means that your theme will not be applied to the popup.
~ from
Not sure if this is the very best solution, but here's what I came up with:
Since the widget may be programmatically added/removed, and to avoid coupling a solution with some particular surrounding markup that we can't always count on in all cases, what I did was to hook the _showResultList and _hideResultList methods of ComboBox and when the popup opens, traverse up the DOM till we reach the <html> tag, adding onscroll listeners on each ancestor.
The handler for the onscroll event is simply:
var myPos = dojo.position(this.domNode, true); = '' + (myPos.y + myPos.h) + "px";
where this is the widget in question. I scope the handler to the widget using dojo.hitch. In the close method I remove the listeners. I have to clean up the code a bit before it's presentable, but when it's finalized I'll add it to this answer.
Note: I only show updating the y position here. Part of the cleanup is to add x position updating in case someone scrolls horizontally.
Though its old I just faced this same problem and it looks like a Dojo issue and the fix is available here
