Using sscanf to read strings - c

I am trying to save one character and 2 strings into variables.
I use sscanf to read strings with the following form :
N "OldName" "NewName"
What I want : char character = 'N' , char* old_name = "OldName" , char* new_name = "NewName" .
This is how I am trying to do it :
sscanf(mystring,"%c %s %s",&character,old_name,new_name);
printf("%c %s %s",character,old_name,new_name);
The problem is , my problem stops working without any outputs .
(I want to ignore the quotation marks too and save only its content)

When you do
char* new_name = "NewName";
you make the pointer new_name point to the read-only string array containing the constant string literal. The array contains exactly 8 characters (the letters of the string plus the terminator).
First of all, using that pointer as a destination for scanf will cause scanf to write to the read-only array, which leads to undefined behavior. And if you give a string longer than 7 character then scanf will also attempt to write out of bounds, again leading to undefined behavior.
The simple solution is to use actual arrays, and not pointers, and to also tell scanf to not read more than can fit in the arrays. Like this:
char old_name[64]; // Space for 63 characters plus string terminator
char new_name[64];
sscanf(mystring,"%c %63s %63s",&character,old_name,new_name);
To skip the quotation marks you have a couple of choices: Either use pointers and pointer arithmetic to skip the leading quote, and then set the string terminator at the place of the last quote to "remove" it. Another solution is to move the string to overwrite the leading quote, and then do as the previous solution to remove the last quote.
Or you could rely on the limited pattern-matching capabilities of scanf (and family):
sscanf(mystring,"%c \"%63s\" \"%63s\"",&character,old_name,new_name);
Note that the above sscanf call will work iff the string actually includes the quotes.
Second note: As said in the comment by Cool Guy, the above won't actually work since scanf is greedy. It will read until the end of the file/string or a white-space, so it won't actually stop reading at the closing double quote. The only working solution using scanf and family is the one below.
Also note that scanf and family, when reading string using "%s" stops reading on white-space, so if the string is "New Name" then it won't work either. If this is the case, then you either need to manually parse the string, or use the odd "%[" format, something like
sscanf(mystring,"%c \"%63[^\"]\" \"%63[^\"]\"",&character,old_name,new_name);

You must allocate space for your strings, e.g:
char* old_name = malloc(128);
char* new_name = malloc(128);
Or using arrays
char old_name[128] = {0};
char new_name[128] = {0};
In case of malloc you also have to free the space before the end of your program.

The other answers provide good methods of creating memory as well as how to read the example input into buffers. There are two additional items that may help:
1) You expressed that you want to ignore the quotation marks too.
2) Reading first & last names when separated with space. (example input is not)
As #Joachim points out, because scanf and family stop scanning on a space with the %s format specifier, a name that includes a space such as "firstname lastname" will not be read in completely. There are several ways to address this. Here are two:
Method 1: tokenizing your input.
Tokenizing a string breaks it into sections separated by delimiters. Your string input examples for instance are separated by at least 3 usable delimiters: space: " ", double quote: ", and newline: \n characters. fgets() and strtok() can be used to read in the desired content while at the same time strip off any undesired characters. If done correctly, this method can preserve the content (even spaces) while removing delimiters such as ". A very simple example of the concept below includes the following steps:
1) reading stdin into a line buffer with fgets(...)
2) parse the input using strtok(...).
Note: This is an illustrative, bare-bones implementation, sequentially coded to match your input examples (with spaces) and includes none of the error checking/handling that would normally be included.
int main(void)
char line[128];
char delim[] = {"\n\""};//parse using only newline and double quote
char *tok;
char letter;
char old_name[64]; // Space for 63 characters plus string terminator
char new_name[64];
fgets(line, 128, stdin);
tok = strtok(line, delim); //consume 1st " and get token 1
if(tok) letter = tok[0]; //assign letter
tok = strtok(NULL, delim); //consume 2nd " and get token 2
if(tok) strcpy(old_name, tok); //copy tok to old name
tok = strtok(NULL, delim); //consume 3rd " throw away token 3
tok = strtok(NULL, delim); //consume 4th " and get token 4
if(tok) strcpy(new_name, tok); //copy tok to new name
printf("%c %s %s\n", letter, old_name, new_name);
return 0;
Note: as written, this example (as do most strtok(...) implementations) require very narrowly defined input. In this case input must be no longer than 127 characters, comprised of a single character followed by space(s) then a double quoted string followed by more space(s) then another double quoted string, as defined by your example:
N "OldName" "NewName"
The following input will also work in the above example:
N "old name" "new name"
N "old name" "new name"
Note also about this example, some consider strtok() broken, while others suggest avoiding its use. I suggest using it sparingly, and only in single threaded applications.
Method 2: walking the string.
A C string is just an array of char terminated with a NULL character. By selectively copying some characters into another string, while bypassing the one you do not want (such as the "), you can effectively strip unwanted characters from your input. Here is an example function that will do this:
char * strip_ch(char *str, char ch)
char *from, *to;
char *dup = strdup(str);//make a copy of input
from = to = dup;//set working pointers equal to pointer to input
for (from; *from != '\0'; from++)//walk through input string
*to = *from;//set destination pointer to original pointer
if (*to != ch) to++;//test - increment only if not char to strip
//otherwise, leave it so next char will replace
*to = '\0';//replace the NULL terminator
strcpy(str, dup);
return str;
Example use case:
int main(void)
char line[128] = {"start"};
while(strstr(line, "quit") == NULL)
printf("Enter string (\"quit\" to leave) and hit <ENTER>:");
fgets(line, 128, stdin);
sprintf(line, "%s\n", strip_ch(line, '"'));
printf("%s", line);
return 0;


skip strtok's null terminators safely

I want to use strtok and then return the string after the null terminator that strtok has placed.
char *foo(char *bar)
strtok(bar, " ");
return after_strtok_null(bar);
foo("hello world") = "world"
foo("remove only the first") = "only the first"
my code is not for skipping the first word (as I know a simple while loop will do) but I do want to use strtok once and then return the part that was not tokenized.
I will provide details of what I am trying to do at the end of the question, although I don't think it's really necessary
one solution that came into my mind was to simply skip all the null terminators until I reach a non - null:
char *foo(char *bar)
bar = strtok(bar, " ");
return bar;
This works fine for the examples shown above, but when it comes to using it on single words - I may misidentify the string's null terminator to be strtok's null terminator, and then I may access non - allocated memory.
For example, if I will try foo("demo"\* '\0' *\) the of strtok will be "demo"\* '\0' *\
and then, if I would run the while loop I will accuse the part after the string demo. another solution I have tried is to use strlen, but this one have the exact same problem.
I am trying to create a function that gets a sentence. some of the sentences have have their first word terminated with colons, although not necessarily. The function need to take the first word if it is terminated with colons and insert it (without the colons) into some global table. Then return the sentence without the first colons - terminated word and without the spaces that follow the word if the word has colons - terminated word at the start and otherwise, just return the sentence without the spaces in the start of the sentence.
You could use str[c]spn instead:
char *foo(char *bar) {
size_t pos = strcspn(bar, " ");
pos = strspn((bar += pos), "");
// *bar = '\0'; // uncomment to mimic strtok
return bar + pos;
You will get the expected substring of an empty string.
A good point is that you can avoid changing the original string - even if mimicing strtok is trivial...

Tokenizing a string when encountered a newline - Not working newline is not getting recognized

I am trying to tokenize a string when encountered a newline.
rest = strdup(value);
while ((token = strtok_r(rest,"\n", &rest))) {
snprintf(new_value, MAX_BANNER_LEN + 1, "%s\n", token);
where 'value' is a string say, "This is an example\nHere is a newline"
But the above function is not tokenizing the 'value' and the 'new_value' variable comes as it is i.e. "This is an example\nHere is a newline".
Any suggestions to overcome this?
Several things going on with your code:
strtok and strtok_r take the string to tokenize as first parameter. Subsequent tokenizations of the same string should pass NULL. (It is okay to tokenize the same string with different delimiters.)
The second parameter is a string of possible separators. In your case you should pass "\n". (strtok_r will treat stretches of the characters as single break. That means that tokenizing "a\n\n\nb" will produce two tokens.)
The third parameter to strtok_r is an internal parameter to the function. It will mark where the next tokenization should start, but you need not use it. Just define a char * and pass its address.
Especially, don't repurpose the source string variable as state. In your example, you will lose the handle to the strduped string, so that you cannot free it later, as you should.
It is not clear how you determine that your tokenization "doesn't work". You print the token to the same char buffer repeatedly. Do you want to keep only the part after the last newline? In that case, use strchrr(str, '\n'). If the result isn't NULL it is your "tail". If it is NULL the whole string is your tail.
Here's how tokenizing a string could work:
char *rest = strdup(str);
char *state;
char *token = strtok_r(rest, "\n", &state);
while (token) {
printf("'%s'\n", token);
token = strtok_r(NULL, "\n", &state);

C String manipulation: How do I append = (equal sign) to the beginning and end of a tokenized string, Wrong output due to newline upon pressing enter

I'm currently having trouble with appending an equal sign, before and after my string is split into tokens. It leads me to the conclusion that I must replace the newline character at some point with my desired equal sign after splitting my string. I've tried looking at the c string.h library reference to see whether or not there is a way to replace the newline char using strstr to see whether or not there was already an "\n" in the tokenized string, but ran into an infinite loop when I tried that. I also thought about trying to replace the newline character, which should be the string length minus 1, and I admit, I have low familiarity in C. If you could take a look at my code, and provide some feedback, I would greatly appreciate it. Thank you for your time. I will admit I have low familiarity with C, but am currently reading the reference libraries.
// main method
int main(void){
// allocate memory
char string[256];
char *tokenizedString;
const char delimit[2] = " ";
const char *terminate = "\n";
// prompt user for a string we will tokenize
printf("Enter no more than 65 tokens:\n");
fgets(string, sizeof(string), stdin);
// verify input length
if(strlen(string) > 65 || strlen(string) <= 0) {
printf("Invalid input. Please try again\n"); }
} while(strlen(string) > 65);
// tokenize the string
tokenizedString = strtok(string, delimit);
while(tokenizedString != NULL){
printf("=%s=\n", tokenizedString);
tokenizedString = strtok(NULL, delimit);
// replace newline character implicitly made by enter, it seems to be adding my newline character at the end of output
} while(strcmp(string, "\n"));
return 0;
}// end of method main
Enter no more than most 65 tokens:
i am very tired sadface
Enter no more than 65 tokens:
i am very tired sadface
Since you are using strlen(), you can do this instead
size_t length = strlen(string);
// Check that `length > 0'
string[length - 1] = '\0';
This way you would call strlen() only once. Calling it multiple times for the same string is inefficient anyway.
You always remove the trailing '\n' from the input string to your tokenization will work as expected.
Note: strlen() would never return a value < 0, because what it does is count the number of characters in the string, which is only 0 for "" and > 0 otherwise.
Well, you have two ways to do it, the simplest is to add a \n to the token delimiter string
const char delimit[] = " \n";
(you don't need to use an array size if you are going to initialize a string array with a string literal)
so it eliminates the final \n that comes in with your input. Another way is to search for it on reading and eliminate it from the input string. You can use strtok(3) for this purpose also:
tokenizedString = strtok(string, "\n");
tokenizedString = strtok(tokenizedString, delimit);

Tokenizing a phone number in C

I'm trying to tokenize a phone number and split it into two arrays. It starts out in a string in the form of "(515) 555-5555". I'm looking to tokenize the area code, the first 3 digits, and the last 4 digits. The area code I would store in one array, and the other 7 digits in another one. Both arrays are to hold just the numbers themselves.
My code seems to work... sort of. The issue is when I print the two storage arrays, I find some quirks;
My array aCode; it stores the first 3 digits as I ask it to, but then it also prints some garbage values notched at the end. I walked through it in the debugger, and the array only stores what I'm asking it to store- the 515. So how come it's printing those garbage values? What gives?
My array aNum; I can append the tokens I need to the end of it, the only problem is I end up with an extra space at the front (which makes sense; I'm adding on to an empty array, ie adding on to empty space). I modify the code to only hold 7 variables just to mess around, I step into the debugger, and it tells me that the array holds and empty space and 6 of the digits I need- there's no room for the last one. Yet when I print it, the space AND all 7 digits are printed. How does that happen?
And how could I set up my strtok function so that it first copies the 3 digits before the "-", then appends to that the last 4 I need? All examples of tokenization I've seen utilize a while loop, which would mean I'd have to choose either strcat or strcpy to complete my task. I can set up an "if" statement to check for the size of the current token each time, but that seems too crude to me and I feel like there's a simpler method to this. Thanks all!
int main() {
char phoneNum[]= "(515) 555-5555";
char aCode[3];
char aNum[7];
char *numPtr;
numPtr = strtok(phoneNum, " ");
strncpy(aCode, &numPtr[1], 3);
printf("%s\n", aCode);
numPtr = strtok(&phoneNum[6], "-");
while (numPtr != NULL) {
strcat(aNum, numPtr);
numPtr = strtok(NULL, "-");
printf("%s", aNum);
I can primarily see two errors,
Being an array of 3 chars, aCode is not null-terminated here. Using it as an argument to %s format specifier in printf() invokes undefined behaviour. Same thing in a differrent way for aNum, too.
strcat() expects a null-terminated array for both the arguments. aNum is not null-terminated, when used for the first time, will result in UB, too. Always initialize your local variables.
Also, see other answers for a complete bug-free code.
The biggest problem in your code is undefined behavior: since you are reading a three-character constant into a three-character array, you have left no space for null terminator.
Since you are tokenizing a value in a very specific format of fixed length, you could get away with a very concise implementation that employs sscanf:
char *phoneNum = "(515) 555-5555";
char aCode[3+1];
char aNum[7+1];
sscanf(phoneNum, "(%3[0-9]) %3[0-9]-%4[0-9]", aCode, aNum, &aNum[3]);
printf("%s %s", aCode, aNum);
This solution passes the format (###) ###-#### directly to sscanf, and tells the function where each value needs to be placed. The only "trick" used above is passing &aNum[3] for the last argument, instructing sscanf to place data for the third segment into the same storage as the second segment, but starting at position 3.
Your code has multiple issues
You allocate the wrong size for aCode, you should add 1 for the nul terminator byte and initialize the whole array to '\0' to ensure end of lines.
char aCode[4] = {'\0'};
You don't check if strtok() returns NULL.
numPtr = strtok(phoneNum, " ");
strncpy(aCode, &numPtr[1], 3);
Point 1, applies to aNum in strcat(aNum, numPtr) which will also fail because aNum is not yet initialized at the first call.
Subsequent calls to strtok() must have NULL as the first parameter, hence
numPtr = strtok(&phoneNum[6], "-");
is wrong, it should be
numPtr = strtok(NULL, "-");
Other answers have already mentioned the major issue, which is insufficient space in aCode and aNum for the terminating NUL character. The sscanf answer is also the cleanest for solving the problem, but given the restriction of using strtok, here's one possible solution to consider:
char phone_number[]= "(515) 555-1234";
char area[3+1] = "";
char digits[7+1] = "";
const char *separators = " (-)";
char *p = strtok(phone_number, separators);
if (p) {
int len = 0;
(void) snprintf(area, sizeof(area), "%s", p);
while (len < sizeof(digits) && (p = strtok(NULL, separators))) {
len += snprintf(digits + len, sizeof(digits) - len, "%s", p);
(void) printf("(%s) %s\n", area, digits);

String split in C with strtok function

I'm trying to do split some strings by {white_space} symbol.
btw, there is a problem within some splits. which means, I want to split by {white_space} symbol but also quoted sub-strings.
char *pch;
char str[] = "hello \"Stack Overflow\" good luck!";
pch = strtok(str," ");
while (pch != NULL)
printf ("%s\n",pch);
pch = strtok(NULL, " ");
This will give me
But What I want, as you know,
Stack Overflow
Any suggestion or idea please?
You'll need to tokenize twice. The program flow you currently have is as follows:
1) Search for space
2) Print all characters prior to space
3) Search for next space
4) Print all characters between last space, and this one.
You'll need to start thinking in a different matter, two layers of tokenization.
Search for Quotation Mark
On odd-numbered strings, perform your original program (search for spaces)
On even-numbered strings, print blindly
In this case, even numbered strings are (ideally) within quotes. ab"cd"ef would result in ab being odd, cd being even... etc.
The other side, is remembering what you need to do, and what you're actually looking for (in regex) is "[a-zA-Z0-9 \t\n]*" or, [a-zA-Z0-9]+. That means the difference between the two options, are whether it's separated by quotes. So separate by quotes, and identify from there.
Try altering your strategy.
Look at non-white space things, then when you find quoted string you can put it in one string value.
So, you need a function that examines characters, between white space. When you find '"' you can change the rules and hoover everything up to a matching '"'. If this function returns a TOKEN value and a value (the string matched) then what calls it, can decide to do the correct output. Then you have written a tokeniser, and there actually exist tools to generate them called "lexers" as they are used widely, to implement programming languages/config files.
Assuming nextc reads next char from string, begun by firstc( str) :
for (firstc( str); ((c = nextc) != NULL;) {
if (isspace(c))
else if (c == '"')
return readQuote; /* Handle Quoted string */
return readWord; /* Terminated by space & '"' */
return EOS;
You'll need to define return values for EOS, QUOTE and WORD, and a way to get the text in each Quote or Word.
Here's the code that works... in C
The idea is that you first tokenize the quote, since that's a priority (if a string is inside the quotes than we don't tokenize it, we just print it). And for each of those tokenized strings, we tokenize within that string on the space character, but we do it for alternate strings, because alternate strings will be in and out of the quotes.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
int main() {
char *pch1, *pch2, *save_ptr1, *save_ptr2;
char str[] = "hello \"Stack Overflow\" good luck!";
pch1 = strtok_r(str,"\"", &save_ptr1);
bool in = false;
while (pch1 != NULL) {
if(in) {
printf ("%s\n", pch1);
pch1 = strtok_r(NULL, "\"", &save_ptr1);
in = false;
pch2 = strtok_r(pch1, " ", &save_ptr2);
while (pch2 != NULL) {
printf ("%s\n",pch2);
pch2 = strtok_r(NULL, " ", &save_ptr2);
pch1 = strtok_r(NULL, "\"", &save_ptr1);
in = true;
Tokenizing multiple strings simultaneously
