How to use $header in routes - apache-camel

I'm creating a route using the Java DSL in Camel.
I'd like to perform a text substitution without creating a new processor or bean.
I have this:
constant(my_template.replace("{id1}", simple("${header.subs_val}").getText())))
If I don't add 'constant' I get type mismatch errors. If I don't put getText() on the simple() part, I get text mismatch answers. When I run my route, it replaces {id} with the literal ${header.subs_val} instead of fetching my value from the header. Yet if I take the quotes off, I get compile errors; Java doesn't know the ${...} syntax of course.
Deployment takes a few minutes, so experiments are expensive.
So, how can I just do a simple substitution. Nothing I am finding on the web actually seems to work.
EDIT - what is the template? Specifically, a string (it's a URL)
I've inherited some code, so I am unable to simply to(...) the URL and apply the special .tof() (??) formatting.

Interesting case!
If you place my_template in a header you could use a nested simple expression(Camel 2.9 onwards) like in the example below. I am also setting a value to subs_val for the example, but I suppose your header has already a value in the route.
.setHeader("my_template", constant("http://this/that/{id1}/another/thing"))
After this step header MY_THING has the value http://this/that/22/another/thing.
1)In this example I could skip to_String() but I do not know what's the type of your header "subs_val" .
2) I tried first with replaceAll(\"\{id1\"}\") but it didn't work with } Probably this is a bug...Will look at it again. That's why in my regex I used .?
3) When you debug your application inside a processor, where the exchange is available you can use SimpleBuilder to evaluate a simple expression easily in your IDE, without having to restart your app
SimpleBuilder.simple("${in.header.url.replaceAll(\"\\{id1.?\",${in.header.subs_val.toString()})}").evaluate(exchange, String.class);
Hope it helped :)


Need help parsing through JSON Object in JMETER

I'm testing an application that calls one API, gets a bunch of work orders, then only the work order ID's are passed to another API to display on the page.
The format they need to be in is: {"workOrderIds":["12345","123456"]}
I'm using the JSON Extractor with the following Path Expressions:
then I'm using the JSR223 PostProcessor and using the following script:
props.put("workOrderNumber", "${workOrderNumber}";
The problem is, that its creating the object like so when I add the variable into the POST Request body of the second request:
{"workOrderIds":["12345, 123456"]}
essentially, I just need to make sure that each value has quotations, but not sure how to make this happen. Sorry if this seems simple, I'm fairly new to QA and have spent several hours trying to figure this out.
We cannot provide a comprehensive answer without seeing the source JSON, maybe it worth trying explicitly casting the filtering result to an Integer like:
vars.put('workOrderIds', new groovy.json.JsonBuilder(new groovy.json.JsonSlurper().parse(prev.getResponseData()).findResults { entry -> entry.workOrderNumber as int }).toPrettyString())
More information:
Apache Groovy - Parsing and producing JSON
Apache Groovy - Why and How You Should Use It

Date not resolving in camel simple expression

New to Camel. I'm trying to get the current DateTime to be a part of a filename. The key bit is here:
sftpStr contains the relevant path. But the Date expression throws an error on compilation. I'm sure it's something simple and stupid I'm doing, but it's not clear to me why this doesn't work.
There is a related thing I don't understand, which might help give context to my confusion. I tried this:
.log(LoggingLevel.INFO, LOG.getName, s"Route Started! Time = ${date:now:dd-MM-yyyy HH:mm:ss z}")
which threw an error. But I took away the s tag in the string, and it worked fine. I thought the s just signaled to read the string that follows as a simple expression.
To reiterate, basically just looking to capture the current date/time in a filename (and I can't just create a variable using, say, or whatever for reasons too annoying to get into). I included the bit about the log to hopefully contextualize my confusion.
In the statement that you write the problem i believe is $sftpStr. I think that this cannot be resolved.
If $sftpStr is a property then you should use {{$sftpStr}}.
If it is header then you should use ${header.sftpStr}.
I propose to use headers for both folder and file name. Something like:
.setHeader("folder", constant("the value"))
.setHeader("CamelFileName", simple("${date:now:yyyyMMdd}"))
In the above ftp.server is a property that holds the SFTP host.
Hope that will help.

Are there any tools for recording web browser events for seleniumn2?

I am looking for something very simple. It can use the Selenium IDE recording tool, but it does not allow me to pick what kind of locators I get.
I want to use:
to locate things. All I need is something which watches which UI elements on a web page get clicked and writes out the class attributes of those tags.
If I use the Selenium IDE recording (and export to the right type of thing), I get:
public void testNav() throws Exception {
driver.get(baseUrl + "/");
driver.findElement(By.linkText("Create a Category")).click();
There are problems with this. First, it is not give me any By.className() calls. Why? Those first 3 calls will not help me. The framework I am using puts arbitrary things into the name. How can I get it to see the class attribute?
There actually are unique words in the class attribute of all of the above tags. I design my apps so that this is so. Yet it will not use them.
Earlier I asked:
Why is it doing a "driver.findElement().click()"? This is fragile and does not
end up working.
What I need is:
elt = driver.waitFor(By.className("c"));;
This will work reproducibly.....
I am considering to be removed from the question, as the findElement() code does work. You need to set a general time-out on the driver. It is not very obvious that this can be done, but it can.
So, continuing on....
I can go to the "Options" and change the order of the "Locator Builders" in eclipse. I can put "css" at the top. Then I get:
The tags are like:
<input class="form-control LoginUsernameField" ... />
But it does not see the class attribute.... Or I can do this manually.
Selenium looks for a unique identifier to identify elements in a webpage. classNames are a very less desired option for this purpose as they are generally not unique. Ids and names on the other hand are generally unique. This might be the reason why Selenium IDE is not selecting classNames and going for other identifiers.
Selenium IDE records user actions. You would have clicked on the element for Selenium IDE to identify it and that is why you are getting driver.findElement().click().
If you want to wait for element to wait you can try implicit wait.
When you want to use driver.findElement(By.className(str)), are you sure that there is one and only one element in the webpage that is associated with a className? If that is the case you can modify the webdriver code manually to use className.

Do not allow ".xml"/".html"/"index" in URI?

I'm going through Lift's basics in Section 3.2 SiteMap of Simply Lift and one thing struck me.
Using the default SiteMap code, you can ask for, say, info view in three ways:
GET /info,
GET /info.html,
GET /info.xml (why?).
What is more, you can request index view in four different ways:
GET /,
GET /index,
GET /index.html,
GET /index.xml.
How can I limit this behaviour to GET / for directories and GET /info for files?
P.S. All of these return 200 OK:,,,
Shouldn't one resource have one URL only?
There are actually more than four ways that it can be parsed. The full list of known suffixes (any of which can be used to access the page) can be found here.
I think the reason for that is that lift can be used to serve any resource, so most are explicitly added by default.
I think you could disable Lift's processing of all extensions by adding this to Boot.scala:
LiftRules.explicitlyParsedSuffixes = Nil
However, I wouldn't recommend that as there may be some side-effects.
Using Req with RestHelper you can specify the suffix explicitly, but I don't know if there is such a construct to do so with Sitemap.
Actually, the code to determine whether Lift should handle the request or not is here. You can see the default extensions in the liftHandled method directly above, but they can all be overridden with LiftRules.liftRequest. Something like:
LiftRules.liftRequest append {
case r => Full(r.path.suffix.trim == "")
Should do the trick.
As far as why it works that way, Jason is right that Lift is designed to handle multiple types of dynamic resource.

Sublime Text 2: Different language highlighting based on context? (a la Webstorm)

I was watching some videos on about AngularJS. The creator of the videos uses Webstorm (and, I believe, works for them). One feature I noticed is that he can set different syntax highlighting within different scopes or quotation marks. So, in code like the following (from an AngularJS directive)
return {
template: '<div>something</div>',
// ^^^ these guys ^^^
...he can get the inside of the quotation marks to highlight as HTML.
I use Sublime Text 2, and am fairly wedded to it. Is there an existing feature/plugin for Sublime that could handle a case like this? If not, is something like this technically possible using the Sublime Text 2 API?
I don't think it's built in, but it's certainly possible. I've been doing some work with graphviz and wanted to do something similar. Labels can be generated with html like syntax. Anyways, I played around with the .tmLanguage file and added a new pattern to match the context where html like entries were valid (I look for label = <). The patterns I used for the captures aren't that good, but it works for fine for me. This give me the following, which I think is similar to what you are looking for.
I don't know anything about AngularJS, so I can't help you with anything specific to that, but it is certainly possible. Note that in the image below, the last <table></table> are just to show that highlighting doesn't occur there.
Forgot to include this in the original post, but here is my updated tmLangauage file. That first pattern is what I added(link). I used PlistJsonConverter to go from JSON to plist, then saved the file as .tmLanguage. Hope this helps.
#skuroda is right, I implemented #skuroda's code with an additional plugin to easily edit HTML within an AngularJS directive JS file. The result is HTML syntax highlighting within a directive JS file and additional functionality to remove string related delimiters while editing templates.... Sublime AngularJS HTML Template Plugin
