routed events in multi-instanced user controls wpf - wpf

I am building a WPF user control, which generates a SQL WHERE clause 'on the fly', so to speak. That control, in turn, hosts an arbitrary number of another user control, which construct the individual conditions in that WHERE clause.
The instances of this child control contains several comboboxes, a text box (to enter the target value of the condition), and a couple of buttons -- one to add values to a list (e.g., for an 'IN' condition), and one to delete the statement -- and the control which represents it -- entirely.
Here's the issue: When I create an instance of that statement-building control, the control class registers a routed event, which is fired when the user clicks that 'Delete' button; this event is handled by the 'parent' user control, by removing the control from the stack panel that contains the list of 'WHERE' conditions. And it works. Once. If I try to add another instance of that control, it throws an exception: "RoutedEvent Name 'DeleteRule' for OwnerType 'SQLBuilder.ClauseControl' already used."
I've spent the better part of a day Googling, and visiting every StackOverflow reference I found, but nothing deals specifically with the issue of registering routed events by multiple instances of a particular user control.
What am I missing here?
EDIT: Here's the code where I'm registering the event:
public partial class ClauseControl : UserControl
// Register the routed event
public readonly RoutedEvent DeleteRule = EventManager.RegisterRoutedEvent("DeleteRule", RoutingStrategy.Bubble,
typeof(RoutedEventHandler), typeof(ClauseControl));
public event RoutedEventHandler DeleteRuleEvent
add { AddHandler(DeleteRule, value); }
remove { RemoveHandler(DeleteRule, value); }
... (Rest of class definition)

Solved it! the RoutedEvent has to be declared 'static'. (At least, that's what worked for me; your mileage may vary.)


Master-detail: How to fetch a control from a template inside the "detail" ContentControl?

I have a ListView (on the 'master' side) whose selection drives a ContentControl's Content property (on the 'detail' side). The ContentControl's visual tree comes from either of two DataTemplate resources that use DataType to choose which detail view to render based on what is selected in the ListView.
That part works fine.
The part I'm struggling with is that there is a particular control inside (one of) the templates that I need to obtain a reference to whenever it changes (e.g. the template selected changes or the ListView selection changes such that the instance of the control is recreated.)
In my ListView.SelectionChanged event handler, I find the ContentControl has not yet been updated with its new visual tree, so initially it's empty on the first selection, and for subsequent selections its visual tree matches the old selection instead of the new one.
I've tried delaying my code by scheduling on the Dispatcher with a priority as low as DispatcherPriority.Loaded, which works for the first selection but on subsequent selections my code still runs before the visual tree is updated.
Is there a better event I should be hooking to run whenever the ContentControl's visual tree is changed to reflect a changed data-bound value to its Content property?
Extra info: the reason I need to reach into the expanded DataTemplate is that I need to effectively set my view model's IList SelectedItems property to a DataGrid control's SelectedItems property. Since DataGrid.SelectedItems is not a dependency property, I have to do this manually in code.
The fix required a combination of techniques. For the first selection that populates the visual tree, I needed to handle ContentControl.OnApplyTemplate() which is only a virtual method rather than an event. I derived from it and exposed it as an event:
public class ContentControlWithEvents : ContentControl
public event EventHandler? TemplateApplied;
public override void OnApplyTemplate()
this.TemplateApplied?.Invoke(this, EventArgs.Empty);
In the XAML I used the above class rather than ContentControl:
Content="{Binding SelectedAccount}"
TemplateApplied="BankingSelectedAccountPresenter_TemplateApplied" />
Then I handle the event like this:
void BankingSelectedAccountPresenter_TemplateApplied(object sender, EventArgs e) => this.UpdateSelectedTransactions();
private void UpdateSelectedTransactions()
if (this.MyListView.SelectedItem?.GetType() is Type type)
DataTemplateKey key = new(type);
var accountTemplate = (DataTemplate?)this.FindResource(key);
if (VisualTreeHelper.GetChildrenCount(this.BankingSelectedAccountPresenter) > 0)
ContentPresenter? presenter = VisualTreeHelper.GetChild(this.BankingSelectedAccountPresenter, 0) as ContentPresenter;
var transactionDataGrid = (DataGrid?)accountTemplate.FindName("TransactionDataGrid", presenter);
this.ViewModel.Document.SelectedTransactions = transactionDataGrid?.SelectedItems;
Note the GetChildrenCount check that avoids an exception thrown from GetChild later if there are no children yet. We'll need that for later.
The TemplateApplied event is raised only once -- when the ContentControl is first given its ContentPresenter child. We still the UpdateSelectedTransactions method to run when the ListView in the 'master' part of the view changes selection:
void BankingPanelAccountList_SelectionChanged(object sender, SelectionChangedEventArgs e) => this.UpdateSelectedTransactions();
On initial startup, SelectionChanged is raised first, and we skip this one with the GetChildrenCount check. Then TemplateApplied is raised and we use the current selection to find the right template and search for the control we need. Later when the selection changes, the first event is raised again and re-triggers our logic.
The last trick is we must call ContentPresenter.ApplyTemplate() to force the template selection to be updated before we search for the child control. Without that, this code may still run before the template is updated based on the type of item selected in the ListView.

Why can i use Thumb.DragStarted in other controls? [duplicate]

I will appreciate if some body can explain with a simple example.
Imagine a Window containing a dense hierarchy of child controls. Now let's say you want to do something, there's a right click anywhere in your window.
With normal events, you'd have to handle a Click event for all controls, because you're not sure where the user might click.
With WPF's routed events, the events either "bubble" or "tunnel" (i.e travel up the UI tree or down) if they dont find an event handler, which "handles" it at the current level. So you could write one handler for the window's event i.e. TopLevel. (WPF has a convention of event pairs, PreviewXXX and XXX - the PreviewXXX event fires first and tunnels down from root to control which received the stimulus and the counterpart XXX event then bubbles up from child control back upto Root). So if you right click a button, WPF travels up the UI hierarchy, invoking all handlers that it finds (unless someone marks the event has "handled" in the event args.)
Routed events are events with more 'traveling abilities', as mentioned in a Gishu's answer. Routed events are represented by an instance of a RoutedEvent class + ordinary .NET event, which wraps it:
public class MyClassWithARoutedEvent : UIElement
public static readonly RoutedEvent DoSomethingEvent;
public event RoutedEventHandler DoSomething
add { base.AddHandler ( MyClassWithARoutedEvent.DoSomethingEvent, value );
remove { base.AddHandler ( MyClassWithARoutedEvent.DoSomethingEvent, value );
You would typically use touted events in such situations:
Implementing your own control which seamlessly integrates with WPF's infrastructure
Processing events, fired by different controls at a common root
Sort of communication between elements in an element tree
In most situations you will probably use the routed events infrastructure without even noticing it.
In addition it's worth to mention, that you can use RoutedEvent in your control even if it does not define it or even inherits from an element, which does. That's because you can really think about a RoutedEvent instance as a strong typed name of an event. So, if you have an access to this 'name' (this is why an instance of a routed event is usually made public), you can owe it:
public class MyClassWithARoutedEvent : UIElement
public static readonly RoutedEvent ClickEvent;
static MyClassWithARoutedEvent ( )
ClickEvent = ButtonBase.ClickEvent.AddOwner( typeof ( MyClassWithARoutedEvent ) );
// A wrapper should be placed here as described above

using routed events within Silverlight user controls

within my current project file I have a user control that has a storyboard animation applied to the control. When a button is clicked in the page the storyboard starts and basically visually presents the control to the user. The storyboard resides in the current page as a resource
<Storyboard x:Name="PreferncesOpen">....</Storyboard x:Name="PreferncesOpen">
Within the page I have button that I have a click event on that starts the storyboard
private void btnOpenPreferences_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
preferencesPanel.Visibility = System.Windows.Visibility.Visible;
Within the userControl (preferencesPanel) I have a button that when clicked needs to close/collapse the user control. I plan to do this using Visibility.collapsed. I assume that I need to use routed commands since the button is within the user control but the actions need to be called within the page that contains the control? I'm still new to routed commands and I assume this is the correct approach. I'm just unsure how to click on a button within the user control and have it modify or execute commands that would impact how the page (in which this control resides) may change or for that part affect other elements within the page? For example when the button is clicked within the user control I would like the visibility of the user control to be set to collapsed. I also would like to have the width of one of the grid columns within the main page re-size. I have done this in the past using the code behind for the page but I am trying to separate some of this and I thought routed commands would be the way to go?
I'd greatly appreciate any tips.
Thank you in advance
The title is a bit misleading, you're asking about commands rather then routed events if I understand you correctly.
Here's an example of using a DelegateCommand<T> from the Prism library; It happens to be my personal preference.
Markup :
<Button x:Name="MyButton" Content="Btn" Command="{Binding DoSomethingCommand}"/>
Code-behind* or ViewModel :
(* if you're not using MVVM make sure to add MyButton.DataContext = this; so you're sure that the button can databind to your code behind effectively)
public DelegateCommand<object> DoSomethingCommand
if(mDoSomethingCommand == null)
mDoSomethingCommand = new DelegateCommand(DoSomething, canDoSomething);
return mDoSomethingCommand;
private DelegateCommand<object> mDoSomethingCommand;
// here's where the command is actually executed
void DoSomething(object o)
// here's where the check is made whether the command can actually be executed
// insert your own condition here
bool canDoSomething(object o)
{ return true; }
// here's how you can force the command to check whether it can be executed
// typically a reaction for a PropertyChanged event or whatever you like
The argument that's passed to the above function is the CommandParameter dependency property (in Prism it's an attached property as well as the Command property if memory serves me right).
When it's set, you can pass a value of your choosing to the command that you wish to execute.
Hope that helps.

WPF - Detect when UserControl is not visible anymore and prompt user

So, I have a class, which goes as follows:
public class EditorUserControl : UserControl
public EditorUserControl()
: base()
this.IsVisibleChanged += new DependencyPropertyChangedEventHandler(
void EditorUserControl_IsVisibleChanged(
object sender,
DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs e)
if (IsEditing && !((bool)e.NewValue))
PressedButton pressedButton = PromptUser(new Buttons[] {
"Save changes to the object you just edited?",
Buttons.Cancel });
if(pressedButton == Buttons.Cancel)
In words - this class is a base for all entity editing controls and when it goes invisible (e.g. window is closed, tab changed etc.) I need to check if the user has made changes and prompt the user whether to save/discard/cancel. The save/discard are easy. The problem is with the third option (and it must be there) - I cannot figure out a way how could I cancel the source event that caused the visibility to change (as there is no way to get to that actual event). Is there a better way to do this functionality (that would not require signing up for all of the possible sources of events)?
I don't think it is possible to cancel the source (event) as you want to.
Consider this line of code - EditorUserControl.Visibility = Visisibility.Hidden;
This will also cause the IsVisibleChanged event to fire, but there is no way to cancel a single line of code.
Your only option is to move the logic inside the IsVisibleChanged event handler to a method that will be called as appropriate by the application. For instance if you close the window then in the window_closing event handler you call the method and if the result is Button.Cancel then you cancel the closing event. If you change tabs then you handle a SelectionChanged event and again call the method and if you need to cancel then you set the selected tab index back to the previous value etc.

When to unhook events in Silverlight

One-line summary: What is the best practice for unhooking event handlers created in the constructor of a UserControl in Silverlight2?
I am currently building a line-of-business application in Silverlight2. As Silverlight is a browser plugin, there is no concept of a Window - everything is done within UserControls. The way I'm handling different "forms" in the application is to have a top-level usercontrol that contains a Viewbox. To show different forms, I set the Child property of the Viewbox to different UserControls. My app has a singleton PageManager class that is called to open and close forms. The forms (UserControls) are stored in a stack. Opening a form puts it on the top of the stack, closing it removes it from the stack and shows the one below it.
I'm trying to follow the Model-View-ViewModel pattern. In each form (derived from UserControl), I have a ViewModel that manages all the data for the View. The ViewModel exposes events so the UI can be notified when operations such as load and save have completed.
In my form, I subscribe to the event in the constructor, after I've got the ViewModel
public partial class MyPage : UserControl
public MyViewModel ViewModel{get; set;}
// other constructors, which create the viewmodel and call the constructor below.
public MyPage(MyViewModel viewModel)
ViewModel = viewModel;
this.LayoutRoot.DataContext = this.ViewModel;
// subscribe to event so we can do stuff
this.ViewModel.LoadCompleted += new MyViewModel.LoadCompletedEventHandler(ViewModel_LoadCompleted);
My question is: Now that I've subscribed to this event, when do I remove the handler? Do I create a destructor and do it there, or does that create a chicken-and-egg situation where the garbage collector wont destroy the object until all references (ie: the event handlers) are gone? Do I create an interface that the forms must implement that specifies an UnhookEvents function that's called when the form is closed by the PageManager?
Edit: Thanks for the responses. What about the situation where the ViewModel lasts longer than the form (UserControl)? Part of my app allows users to create what is quite a complex structure, but in 95% of cases it's much simpler. What I've did was create 2 forms that use the same ViewModel. Users can start filling out the simple form, then switch to advanced mode, which creates a new form, passing the ViewModel to it.
In the simple setup form:
private void AdvancedSessionSetupButton_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
PageManager.GetPageManager().Open(new CreateSessionPage(this.ViewModel), "Create Session");
In the advanced setup form:
private void BasicSessionSetupButton_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
PageManager.GetPageManager().Open(new CreateBasicSessionPage(this.ViewModel), "Create Session");
After PageManager.Close, the only things referencing the form are the events within the ViewModel. I guess that's where I should be unhooking them.
A destructor, more commonly known to C# programmers as Finalizers, is not necessary in this case. Assuming that ViewModel_LoadCompleted is a member function, it contains a pointer to "this" which you are giving to the ViewModel object which is fully contained by "this". The garbage collector should intelligently ignore this.
In this case, the correct thing to do is to not waste time unbinding them.
In general, you need to unbind an event handler when you pass "this" (explicitly, or implicitly) to some object which will hold that reference longer than the intended lifetime of "this". For example, if you set a handler on a parent control's event. Now the parent has a reference to you via the handler as well as in its Children controls collection. In this case, you should unbind when you are removed from the parent.
When in doubt, implement IDisposable and unbind in the call to Dispose().
Events are automatically unbinded when the garbage collector goes through your object.
But you can explicitly unbind them with the "-=" syntax at anytime:
this.ViewModel.LoadCompleted -= ViewMode_LoadCompleted;
You can implement a destructor:
this.ViewModel.LoadCompleted -= ViewMode_LoadCompleted;
