Drupal 7 - Cannot delete content - drupal-7

This is rather odd: I am suddenly unable to delete content from my Drupal 7 website.
I can no longer delete any content, regardless of the content type. When I click delete and confirm, I return to the content overview, but the items are still there (and accessible). No errors, no warnings, no error logs. Flushing the cache does not help. I'm logged in as admin, so I cannot be a permission-issue. The url aliases however are deleted, the nodes themselves not.
I haven't done any core hacking, or installed weird modules, it's a rather basic Drupal installation. Any thoughts on how to delete content again, or how I can try to figure out what's happening here? Much appreciated!

I had this same issue. I checked the 'error log' and saw a possible conflict with the "Heartbeat Plugin" part of the "Heartbeat" module. As soon as I turned that plugin off (via the "modules" section), the issue was resolved.


DNN 9 Module only displays in Edit Mode

We recently upgraded an old DNN site to the latest version (9.8.00). Everything has been running fine for the most part, but today I have ran into an issue I can't figure out how to resolve. Once of my users dropped an HTML module on the page but we can not get it to display outside of edit mode. I have tried adding an HTML module to other pages as well to see if it was isolated to an individual page, but it's doing the same thing across the entire site. I have tried all of the following things to no avail.
Debugged the page to make sure no errors where being thrown and none are.
Stopped inheriting permissions and made the module visible to all users.
Changed the Cache settings for the module to 0.
Verified the site was running on .Net 4.5.1 (I'm actually on 4.7.1).
Tested two other modules (link and event), both of these modules display outside of edit mode.
I am at a loss at this point. The HTML module is showing as version 9.8.0, but has an upgrade version as 10.0.3. So I'm not sure if that means it needs to be upgraded or it has already been upgraded.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Recents versions of the HTML module have this behaviour: they doesn't appear when they haven't any content. After you add some content, they keep displayed.
I think this feature is related to the default template which is containing an empty HTML module.

Unable to add a new page in DNN9 (dotnetnuke version 9)

I installed dnn version 9. When I want to add a new page I go to the contents-> Pages-> Add page. an empty white page appears without any options to add a new page or event to cancel.
This is caused by a problem with your templates folder, either missing, or bad permissions. I'm guessing when you installed you chose the blank template?
I've got a blog post on things to try to resolve
"If you are having problems adding Pages in DNN 9, read this blog post.
I recently upgraded all of my sites to DNN 9, the most recent one being upgraded last night. This morning I wake up to an email from a client of mine reporting a problem with adding pages in one of their sites that they also upgraded to DNN recently. I read through their email, and decide that I’ll look into their issue a bit later, have an itch to scratch on one of my own websites, so I’ll get to them later (sorry client).
Working on this site that I upgrade last night, I decided I wanted to add another page to the site, low and behold, I was unable to do so.
To add a page in DNN9 you click on the “Content” option in the persona bar, and then the Pages option. There you will be presented with a view similar to this:
When I clicked on Add Page there, the screen went blank, like so:
That’s not very useful, actually that is as far from useful as possible. Once that happens, you can’t actually “do” anything from an Admin perspective. You have to “leave” this page, go somewhere else (click on manage/users for example, then you might need to click BACK in your browser a bunch of times) then you can click on Content/Pages again to get back into the Page listing for a site.
So why is the persona bar page blank? This error is the cause:
GET https://SOMEPORTALALIASHERE/API/PersonaBar/Pages/GetDefaultSettings? 500 (Internal Server Error)
If you dig into the DNN Error Log (Admin Logs) a bit you might find a more detailed error, something along the lines of
Message:Value cannot be null. Parameter name: source
at System.Linq.Enumerable.FirstOrDefault[TSource](IEnumerable1 source, Func2 predicate) at Dnn.PersonaBar.Pages.Components.TemplateController.GetDefaultTemplateId(IEnumerable`1 templates) at Dnn.PersonaBar.Pages.Components.PagesControllerImpl.GetDefaultSettings() at Dnn.PersonaBar.Pages.Services.PagesController.GetDefaultSettings() at lambda_method(Closure , Object , Object[] ) at
So what does that message tell you? Well something is happening with your DNN Install trying to get a list of “page templates”. In digging further, on my site, I found the issue to be the File Permissions on the Templates folder in the portals/0/ directory. For some reason on the site that I upgraded last night, my permissions were set to ALL USERS DENY on the “Browse Files in Folder” and “Open Files in Folder” check boxes.
Unchecking those, clicking SAVE resolved my “pages” persona bar issues. How did those permissions get set? Who knows, this DNN site has been around since 2008 or earlier, and that never caused a problem.
There are definitely some “kinks” to be worked out of DNN9, but so far I am digging the new experience.
Regarding my “client”’s site, they had a similar, but different issue. In their case, the TEMPLATES folder didn’t exist in the Portal that they were trying to use. Simply creating a new Templates folder in their File Manager fixed that problem for their site."
I tried out many solutions but finally I figure it out by reinstalling and add Object Qualifier. because it is optional field I leave it without any value in my first installation
This error was fixed in DNN 9.0.1

drupal front page rendering on admin pages

When I look at various pages in my drupal 7 admin pages, the blocks from my page--front.tpl.php page are showing up above my content.
This started happening when I removed the ckeditor from the modules folder and replaced it with another coeditor folder from another durpal site. Not a good move I realized.
It's an intermittent behavior. Sometimes it displays the blocks, sometimes it doesn't. I've tried flushing the cache, uninstalling coeditor and reinstalling it, but I'm not sure what else to do.
A suggestion would be to restore from backup before you did the changes.
If you have created more content from that time the node export module could help you export and re-import it. And if you have created views or tother infrastructure features can be your friend.

Wordpress post content disappears when I click edit post

I am working on a site: greatlakesecho.org When I try to edit a post, the content just disappears from the visual editor. I am running the latest version of Word Press but this happened on the previous version as well. I am using the Project Largo theme with the site.
The site was recently migrated from to a new host and has gone an overhaul into a responsive design. This first started happening when I changed the character encoding to remove odd symbols from the posts. I was successful in that by changing it to utf16. At this point only older posts that were created before the migration would disappear when I clicked edit. I have since updated to the latest version of Word Press and it happens to every post.
I've already made sure the wp-config has the correct encoding.
It happens with all themes.
Tried deactivating all plugins.
I also see this when enabling debuggin:
WordPress database error: [Table 'greatlak_wp776.wp_itsec_lockouts' doesn't exist]
SELECT lockout_host FROM wp_itsec_lockouts WHERE lockout_active=1 AND lockout_expire_gmt > '2014-04-22 19:52:36' AND lockout_host='';
WordPress database error: [Table 'greatlak_wp776.wp_itsec_lockouts' doesn't exist]
SELECT lockout_user FROM wp_itsec_lockouts WHERE lockout_active=1 AND lockout_expire_gmt > '2014-04-22 19:52:36' AND lockout_user=93;
edit: Extra Info
Wordpress has this documented on their documentation. It can be found here, of course you will be converting to utf16 instead of utf8. http://codex.wordpress.org/Converting_Database_Character_Sets
Check your wp-config file's encoding, make sure it's set to utf-16
Activate a new theme, see if that still happens. If so, it was a theme issue.
Deactivate all plugins, see if it still happens. If so, reactivate 1 by 1 and see when it happens again.
Also, check your browsers console for any errors
I had to remove the Navis Media Credit plugin manually. I searched through the plugins folder using WinSCP and apparently when I was removing all the plugins using the WordPress admin panel, this one wasn't actually getting removed. This plugin was conflicting with the theme I am using and I learned this by deleting all the plugins and using one of the default WP themes.
It may be a Chrome Extension. Here is what I experienced...
In Chrome - a Wordpress site loads the Add New Post screen which appears to get overwritten - this happens after typing a few characters (not immediately) in the title or body. Updated theme, removed plugins, no change. At one stage noticed a bug in html2canvas.js but now cannot reproduce.
Tested in Firefox, works fine.
Traced to a Chrome Extension - Screen Shader - F.lux for Chrome 1.7.720 - one that removes BLUE from Chrome display (for night work). It probably does use use html2canvas. When it is deactivated, Chrome again behaves normally. Tried with another plugin "Blue Light Filter Guard" - not as well featured - but it does not trigger the bug.
May not be the same as your problem, but try in Firefox and check your Chrome Extensions.

DNN 7 Can No Longer Edit Page

One of my DNN 7 sites has lost its ability to edit any of the pages. It now alway displays the Modules, Edit and Pages menu regardless if admin is logged in or not. When I try to edit a page, a window appears and then quickly goes away. There is nothing of use in the event log and I have tried different skins with no luck. I have another DNN website on the same computer and it works fine.
I have found that I am losing permissions to ToggleUserMode after I recompile a custom module that I'm developing has been installed on a test page and then recompiled in debug mode.
I'm wondering if this can be related to the fact that when I install DNN I blank out the default installation option of creating a dotnetnuke application. I leave that option blank and create the installation in the root of my website.
P.S I tried the amended module tag suggested on SO without any luck.
I finally figured this out. I had originally bound www.example.com to my default website but later created a new site for www.example.com. Apparently most of the requests were going to my new site, but the request for authorization for page editing was going to my old site which resulted in the 401 error. I rebooted my computer and disabled my default website and all is well.
