Hockey App Wpf Integration - wpf

We have integrated the Hockey App in our wpf project as mentioned here.
For testing, I am throwing an exception in the client application and when I open the application next time, it shows a Yes/No message but even after selecting Yes I don't see any crash report on the portal. I check the namespace configured in the portal and it is same as the namespace of app.xaml.cs file. I have done manual configuration of the app in portal.


UWP App WPF .Net Core has no access right to dependencies

We're making a new application using WPF .Net Core. To use the auto update function we decided to pack it with the MSIX Packaging Tool as a UWP App in VS2019. I was able to host the appinstaller File on an IIS and to Install the App over a link to that file over the web. Auto updating is also working fine.
Now to the problem:
When I run the installed App it's icon is not showing in the task bar but it is shown in the Task-Manager using a lot of cpu. In the Process Monitor it shows that the App tries to access its dependencies (like PresentationFramework.dll) but is not successful as the result is always "File locked with only readers". The DLL itself is present in the WindowsApps/xxx/ Path. Also I can not start the EXE manually as my user do not have the rights. What am I missing here?
Edit: Also I realized now that my app is only starting as a background process in the task manager and not as an app. When I go to the app directory under WindowsApps/xxx/MyApp I can not start the EXE directly because of no rights as mentioned before. But when I copy the whole folder I can start the EXE, the GUI appears and the app is an app again in the task manager.
We found an answer. As the GUI is a WPF .Net Core Project and we make the setup with a Windows Application Packaging Project to generate a UWP App from it the technology used seems to be the so called Desktop Bridge.
In the process monitor it seems that it tries to access the files under the correct path but somehow it does it not in the right way as long as the application path is not set correctly in the WPF Projects App.xaml.cs.
To fix this use the solution from Andrew Leader

Kiosk mode WPF app throw Windows Configuration Designer

I have Windows 10 Ent and WPF app with installer. I want get .ppkg file with configuration this WPF app in kiosk mode, but I get some validation errors in Windows Configuration Designer on the step Configure kiosk account and app. I follow the guides:
Short. I am doing:
Turn on Shell Launcher in Windows features
Install Windows Configuration Designer
Set up a kiosk using the kiosk wizard in Windows Configuration Designer (guide 2)
I get an error at step 6
I try create KioskUser without Win Conf Designer. I try use another standart win app (for example notepad.exe), UWP app (calc). I create a kiosk user account with WCD and without WCD (Settings -> Account -> Family & other people). Anyway I fail in step 6. I guess the problem can be in the kiosk user.
In the end I want to get the .ppkg file with my WPF app in the kiosk mode.
Has anyone encountered a similar problem?

How to have a SharePoint action invoke a feature in a WinForms application launched by Click-Once?

We have a SharePoint site that our users have open all the time (type of dashboard for the business). We have a WinForms application that listens on a specific port for when the user clicks a web part on the SharePoint site, we take the JSON in the WinForms, parse the request and launch a feature in the WinForms. Essentially allowing a web site to launch a feature in a running WinForms app on the same client machine.
This worked great when we were running in XP. When we moved to Windows 7 (with elevated UAC), this feature stopped working. Since we launch the WinForms app via ClickOnce, and ClickOnce apps can't be Run As Administrator, our current code won't work.
We can't make the ClickOnce app Run As Administrator for all the reasons you see here on StackOverflow.
So my question is: how can we invoke a feature in a ClickOnce deployed WinForms app when a user clicks on something in SharePoint site? It is super easy to get the WinForms app to call a Sharepoint web service but I need to go the otherway.
You can invoke a ClickOnce application by calling the deployment manifest URL. If you want to be able to call the app and have it do something specific, call the deployment manifest URL and pass query parameters to it, then have the application handle the query parameters.
This article shows you how to handle query parameters with ClickOnce applications.

"Calls to the web service will fail..." Once Again

Last year someone reported encountering this problem ("The Silverlight project you are about to debug uses web services. Calls to the web service will fail unless the silverlight project is hosted in and launched from the same web project that contains the web services.") and accepted the answer to "set the web project which hosts the Silverlight application to be your startup project."
I'm seeing the same message, but think the solution might have to be different. I am building in VS 2010 a Silverlight application to access the Google Weather API, with VB as the code-behind. The API will return a XML file with data for the specified city (ex., ",england"). The Solution Explorer only shows my VB/Silverlight project ("GetWeather"), and the Project Properties dialog box shows the Startup Object as "GetWeather.App" -- the only choice. I'm trying to use a WebClient object to make the call and an XDocument object to parse the return. But I repeatedly get the above error message, with no other result. What am I doing wrong?
Thank you in advance!
I would add a simple Web project and configure it to host the Silverlight app. You'll need to host the app somewhere anyways, so why not create a stub ASP.NET application in your solution? The easiest way is to create a new Silverlight app solution selecting an ASP.NET web project as the host, and then copying your existing code to that solution. Then you should set the web project as the startup one. This should make debugging a lot easier.
Besides, do remember to configure the client access policy to enable cross-domain calls. Check out this article

Testing a silverlight application with statlight on Windows Server 2008 r2

I followed the instructions on to test our Silverlight application on TFS2010 on a Windows 2008 r2 Server. If I run the test as part of a build they all fail. Running them on the server as the same user reveals the following:
------------------ Test Failed ------------------
Test Namespace: [StatLight]
Test Class: [CannotFigureItOut]
Test Method: [NotEnoughContext]
Other Info: A Silverlight MessageBox dialog was automatically closed.
Caption: One or more ActiveX controls could not be displayed because either:
1) Your current security settings prohibit running ActiveX controls on this page
, or
2) You have blocked a publisher of one of the controls.
As a result, the page might not display correctly.
Dialog Message:
Web Browser
Statlight opens it's browser which displays a dialog with the same error message before closing it after a minute or so. The the browser displays the silverlight installation ad even though the silverlight runtime is already installed on the computer.
I've granted the executing user a ridiculous amount of privileges but still had no success. If anyone has had this problem before, I'd appreciate a little help with this.
You have to make sure the service executing StatLight has desktop interactivity enabled.
On the services Log On tab you have to check the "Allow service to interact with desktop"
