AngularJS: one service several modules - angularjs

This is a question about AngularJS modules and services, and how to define them.
An app can be composed of multiple modules
A service allows commonly-used code to be factored out and used by multiple modules
A service is (commonly) defined with:
angular.module('module1').factory('serviceA', function() { ... } );
If the above are all true, then why does the definition of serviceA include a reference to module1? Shouldn't it be ignorant of any modules that want to use it?
If I was building a module2 and I referenced serviceA.js in order to access the above service, it would tell me that module1 is not defined.
I guess my question is how do I create a set of independent modules and have them all access a global service? In all the examples I've seen the service is tightly-coupled to a specific module.

The factory() method is a method on module, so you need a module instance to be able to call it. Essentially, that statement says that you want that factory to be defined on that specific module.
If you need module1 in something used in module2, then module2 should declare a dependency on module1:
angular.module('module2', ['module1']);
One thing that writing unit tests will teach you really quickly is that the more places something is used, the more important it is to put it in a module. If you try to treat it as "global" because it's used in a lot of places, that means you have to bootstrap the entire app just to use those services that are basically used everywhere.


Naming Angular modules

I'm trying to clean up my Angular app a little bit and when I came to my file I ran into some things I have little knowledge of because I copy/pasted it from another source and it seemed to work.
To my knowledge every controller, service, filter etc. needs a ,
But 2 (or more) controllers can't have the same module name because then Angular outputs an error,
Error: [ng:areq] Argument 'nameOfModule' is not a function, got undefined
But it seems the module name that you give a controller such as nameOfModule can be used on multiple services,
So I'm starting to wonder what the module names are for.
Add dependency for your angular module and if not then put it blank like this
Error is occured because you don't add dependency for your module.
But 2 (or more) controllers can't have the same module name
This assumption is incorrect! Modules almost always have more than one controllers. In fact it is the highest level in an angular app and the module, along with all other entities (controllers, services, factories) comprise of a self sustaining AngularJS app.
For using another app inside another app, you just include the module as a dependancy like this:
angular.module('secondApp', ['firstApp'])

What resources do angular modules share

I would like to have more theoretical understanding how angular modules work.
When I would create one module 'clientApp' and I 'register' controller, services, factories, scope etc..., inject other services, factories, scope into the controllers. What objects are known to the 'clientApp' module?
Angular Modules
An efficient, production-ready controllers by encapsulating our functionality in a single core unit called a module.
In Angular, a module is the main way to define an AngularJS app. The module of an app is where
we’ll contain all of our application code. An app can contain several modules, each one containing
code that pertains to specific functionality.
Using modules gives us a lot of advantages, such as:
• Keeping our global namespace clean
• Making tests easier to write and keeping them clean so as to more easily target isolated
• Making it easy to share code between applications
• Allowing our app to load different parts of the code in any order
The Angular module API allows us to declare a module using the angular.module() API method.
When declaring a module, we need to pass two parameters to the method. The first is the name of
the module we are creating. The second is the list of dependencies, otherwise known as injectables.
angular.module('myApp', []);
When writing large applications, we’ll create several different modules to contain our logic. Creating a module for each piece of functionality gives us the advantage of isolation in which to write and test large features.
Angular modules have properties that we can use to inspect the module.
name (string)
The name property on the modules gives us the name of the module as a string.
requires (array of strings)
The requires property contains a list of modules (as strings) that the injector loads before the
module itself is loaded.
Better Read
ng-book -
The Complete Book on AngularJS
Ari Lerner
Download ng-book

Dynamically add service to $injector

I'm trying to dynamically create a service in another service and add it to the inejctor, so that other controllers and services throughout the app can inject it later. I'm not sure if what I'm even trying to do is possible but I've boiled down what I'm trying to do into an example on Plunkr
I'm basically having two modules use each other. One defines how a service should be configured on the fly, and the other module configures the services on the fly. I'm not sure what to do while configuring the new dynamic service though so that it can be found by the injector later and used in other controllers,services etc. Any thoughts?
Ok, so basically I needed to make a provider instead of a service. The provider can create factories, values, constants, etc. See a revised plunker here

Lazy loading AngularJS modules with RequireJS

Thanks to the great article from Dan Wahlin, I managed to implement lazy loading of Angular's controllers and services. However, there does not seem to be a clean way to lazy load independent modules.
To better explain my question, assume that I have an app would be structure as below without RequireJS:
// Create independent module 'dataServices' module with 'Pictures' object
angular.module("dataServices", []).factory("Pictures", function (...) {...});
// Create 'webapp' ng-app, with dependency to 'dataServices', defining controllers
angular.module("webapp", ['dataServices'])
.controller("View1Controller", function (...) {...})
.controller("View2Controller", function (...) {...});
Here is the sample app with RequireJS in Plunker:
The core of the problem is that Angular does not allow adding dependency to ng-app post instantiation. As result, my solution is to use angular.injector to retrieve the instance of Picture object to be used in my View2Controller. See js/scripts/controllers/ctrl2.js file.
This creates 2 problems for me:
The injected services runs outside of angular and therefore all async call must end with $scope.$apply()
Messy code where some object can be injected using standard angular syntax while others require the explicit use of injector.
Have any of you figured out how to lazy load independent module using RequireJS and somehow hook this module in angular so normal angular dependency injection syntax can be used?
The question is on lazy loading of independent module. One simple solution to this specific example is to create "Pictures" object using cached $providers during ng-app.config but that is not what I am looking for. I am looking for solution that works with 3rd party module such as angular-resource.
I finalized my own implementation called angularAMD and here is the sample site that uses it:
It handles config functions and out of order module definitions.
Hopefully this can help other looking for something to help them with RequireJS and AngularJS integration.
Take a look at my project in GitHub: angular-require-lazy
This project is intended to demonstrate an idea and motivate discussions. But is does what you want (check expenses-view.js, it loads ng-grid lazily).
I am very interested in comments, ideas etc.
(EDIT) The ng-grid Angular module is lazy loaded as follows:
expenses-view.js is loaded lazily, when the /expenses route is activated
expenses-view.js specifies ng-grid as a dependency, so RequireJs loads ng-grid first
ng-grid is the one that calls angular.module(...)
In order to accomplish this, I replaced (proxied actually) the real angular.module method with my own, that supports laziness. See bootstrap.js and route-config.js (the functions initLazyModules() and callRunBlocks()).
This implementation has its drawbacks that you should be aware of:
Config functions are not implemented (yet). I do not know if it is possible to lazily provide config-time dependencies.
Order matters in definitions. If service A depends on B but A is defined after B in your module, DI wil fail. This is because the lazyAngular proxy executes definitions immediately, unlike real Angular that makes sure dependencies are resolved before executing the definitions.
It looks like the Node.js module ocLazyLoad defines a way of doing this lazy-loading, though I'm not sure how it fares, performance-wise, compared to the methods in the other answers or hard-coding the dependencies. Any info on this would be appreciated. One interesting thing is that the other answers need RequireJS to operate, while ocLazyLoad doesn't.
It looks like ocLazyLoad defines another provider that injects the dependency after the containing module has already been instantiated. It seems to do this by essentially replicating some low-level Angular behavior, like module loading and providing, hence why it looks so complicated. It looks like it adds just about every core Angular module as a dependency: $compileProvider, $q, $injector, ng, and so many more.

what can or cannot be done with a controller created in a module Vs controller created globally?

Have seen various angular JS examples and I get the hint that I should define controllers on a module rather than a global definition.
Say I have an app that has <body ng-app='mymodule'> - inside body it can acknowledge controllers created in mymodule and controllers created globally.
The controller defined on the module will not have access to any global
variables as compared to the global controller. True/False ?
Any other important points to note here ?
The controller defined on the module will not have access to any global variables as compared to the global controller. True ?
False. Global variables are, well, global. You can access them from within the controller, but you shouldn't, unless testing isn't a concern for you - and it definitely should be.
Any other important points to note here ?
A global controller cannot use services from other modules but from Angular itself. If you want to use components defined in another modules (directives, factories, providers, etc.) you'll have to create your own module and declare them as dependencies so you can inject the bits you need wherever you need them.
The only use for a global controller, IMO, is to demonstrate Angular in a simple, easy-to-understand way. Don't use it in production.
As #dotnetcoder pointed out in the comments, apparently due to the way Angular loads modules, a global controller can actually access the services from a module if that module was already loaded by the framework. I stand corrected. But, although technically possible, I can't think of any reason anyone should do that and I stand by what I've said previously: don't use global controllers in production.
