Download Image file from server using AngularJs in mobile device - angularjs

I want to download images from the server in mobile device.I have added the cordova-file and cordove-file-transfer plugin. But its not working. Please help me out.


Why is my website's mobile version not working properly?

I have created a webpage using Dreamweaver and the mobile view is not showing properly on my website after uploading using Cpanel. This webpage is a practice site that my boss asked me to work on.
I have set the mobile view to trigger from 0 to 720px width. When I do live preview on my smartphone using the live preview of Dreamweaver all looks ok but when I upload the files on Cpanel and visit the actual site from my phone the mobile view does not trigger at all.
enter image description here
Here is how it looks in the actual website:
Please help. I am very new to website development and only know basic stuff.

How to open phone camera in reactjs

I am using 'react-webcam' component in my application. For web it is working for me but in mobile device it is not working. And My client needs that he immediately get to the phone's camera if he click take camera button in mobile device. please anyone help me to fix this issue
There is an rpm package which can be used to open the camera. I have not used this yet.
Just try yourself.
npm package
As mentioned here, Your service should be served secure, either from localhost or an https connection.
AND in ios>=11 Apple restricts WebRTC to Safari only!

Download image from silverlight webpart in sharepoint2010

I want to download a image from any URL through silverlight webpart in Sharepoint 2010.
I am able to download image from the same site, but not from other ones (within the same server itself).
I am using WebClient class and opening the image file asynchronously.
Please suggest some ways to achieve this.

Videos not playing on iPhone when using JW Player plugin

In creating a mobile version of a site, I'm running into problems with the video not playing on the iPhone. I'm using the JW Player plugin and believe it has something to do with range request headers. My hosting company enabled range request headers but after it still wasn't working, they noticed that the videos were being passed via PHP so the apache header modifications had no affect.
I saw this question: Using php to output an mp4 video, but I'm not sure how implement that within WordPress.
Has anyone else been able to get videos working on an iPhone browser using the JW Player plugin?

Loading Images for Silverlight app from server without ssl

I have an Silverlight application that uses ssl to communicate with the site-of-origin. The application loads a number of images from a separate server (running apache under port 81 without ssl). The images are regular png's. The images from the Apache machine are not loaded properly, i.e. the image control remains blank. When I post the same image on my app server (i.e. site-of-origin), and modify the link accordingly, the images are displayed properly. This link on MSDN says that images are media are excluded from access-restriction policies.
Would appreciate any suggestions.
I hope you are deploying your Silverlight application to a web server and not running it using the Visual Studio development server. I had a similar problem with images when I was using the built in development web server. You can find about my experience here.
It might help if you subscribe to ImageFailed event and post the stacktrace.
You are running into cross-scheme access restrictions in silverlight, see table at the bottom of
One possible solution is to load image using WebClient and call SetSource on image element. That is what we do in our app. In fact we wraped it into custom image control that hides all annoying details.
