Confused with react Patterns/Architectures - reactjs

I'm new to react and while browsing through the net I came across various terms associated with React - Flux, Redux, Relay, Graph QL.
So far I understand these are design patterns for a React app.
I want to embark on a small side project using react and am confused as to which architecture to invest time and effort in learning and implementing .
Could someone please help me out here ? Thanks!
A brief overview of each with the pros and cons would be ideal .

Yeah, it can be daunting. The thing is React is just a UI component framework (but an awesome one) so the rest of the application architecture is up to you. Flux and Redux are solutions to managing state (not just in React), both are certainly worth learning about. Relay and GraphQL from Facebook are solutions to fetching data from a server and requires both client-side and server-side implementations to be used.
I agree with Tom's comment: for a small project start with just React (and complimentary libraries for details like AJAX and routing). There are still basic React patterns to get the hang off. Once you are comfortable with React and your app gets large enough, you will likely start to feel the strain of managing state in your UI, and that will be a good time to seek out something like Flux or Redux.


EmberJS vs. React

Good day! I have a question. It is planned to develop a large web project, which will be scaled in the future. I would like to know what is better to choose EmberJS or React? There is experience with EmberJs, but I would like to hear the opinion of experts who have experience with both frameworks. I've heard that react is lighter, but at the same time, you need to include a lot of libraries to add functionality like ember js. Tell me, please. It would be great to see some benchmarks in various conditions. Thanks guys!
I started with React and later moved to Ember. The truth of the matter is that the core problems teams face when developing frontend / single-page-apps are about the same regardless of what tool you're using. Those problems are going to include learning the business, learning the history, struggling with how to not over-use the framework, and instead using "the platform" (using MDN more than framework docs, etc). Generally, it takes way more time to learn a business / existing product than it does to learn a framework.
For some benefits of ember's whole ecosystem, which React does not have:
Ember has a more cohesive ecosystem which makes upgrades much more straight forward.
Ember's goal in frontend is to reduce the meanial differences between apps so that you can focus on features. This includes stuff like state management, routing, etc. For comparison, there are features in Next.JS that landed in the last month or so that Ember has had since the beginning.
Ember's discord is an invaluable tool of helpful people. A bit US-work-week centric at times, but it is the go-to place to get more synchronous help outside of your own team. Link here: (which is found on the community page: -- React also has a discord, but I found it way less welcoming due to the sheer volume of people moving through there.
Conventions is key to any framework in the single-page-app approaching SDK space. Conventions are optional guidance that are happy-path defaults that, once memorized, bring productivity ahead of where it would be without the conventions
Ember is mostly "Just JS". React has this same claim, and maybe that was true back when they were using classes for things, but with everything needing hooks now, and the over-use of useEffect, Folks end up writing more React than they write JS. With Ember, you still write more JS than the framework. Ember has tried very hard to allow you to stick to MDN for for anything but reactivity and routing. State management is even allow "normal JS" (with some conventions due to limitations of JS, itself)
I've heard that react is lighter, but at the same time, you need to include a lot of libraries to add functionality like ember js.
This is true, however, It stops mattering very quickly. Ember is only 100KB (min+gzip) -- React (at a minimum, I think is ~40kb (min+gzip), with no libraries (react + react-dom)), and the size of your underlying framework begins to not matter in comparison to the rest of your app's code very quickly.
Unless you're targeting low-connectivity areas and trying to also get your site to load in < 0.1s, the framework choice w/r/t size also doesn't matter. (I'd say this of Angular, too!).
Fwiw, and maybe this is a bit of a disclaimer, I feel like React is a modern day jQuery (usage in the vernacular is nearly the same as jQuery). Nearly everyone is using it because nearly everyone knows it. It doesn't matter if the tool is good or not, it's everywhere, yet holds no opinions about anything and relies on the broader community tot learn how to use it. You can't build products out of just React.
And kind of more cynical, React is an avenue to very cheap labor for employers to hire straight out of bootcamps.
As an aside, one thing I've noticed about frameworks, is that most of the "cool stuff" (that you'd want to use day to day) isn't documented in the framework docs. It's knowledge derived from knowledge of both the framework, and what the web can do on its own.
For example:
handling form submissions without a ton of wireup:
dynamic imports / await importing a component:
testing with MSW:
Filtering local data:
Integrating Tailwind: (the lazy way)
Thinking about template syntax:

Ant Design for react native truly native components?

I am building a application using react native and am wanting to keep the components as native as possible.
Ant Design looks really good but i am worried that the components are not native and just web components? They state "Right now we include 47 web components and 40 native components."
Basically my question is has any one worked with this library ? What was the performance like with these designs?
Thanks in advance
You have to understand that right now there are 3 versions of ant-design
antd: Which is for web projects.
antd-mobile: Which is for web mobile projects.
antd-mobile-rn: Which is for native mobile projects.
And you should also check out Marc Lore answer of How does react native work question
With that in mind right now as far as I now there are a lot of Framework UIs for react native, but none of them are truly NATIVE, those are just components that would run on the Javascript Thread, but don't underestimate them, because they are very fast, and customizable; The only native solutions for react-native are some Calendars, Popups, and Navigators.
Ant design it's very awesome, and there are a lot of people backing the project up so it's an active project, I've been working on some private projects for the company I work for, using ant-design, and we haven't had any performance issues, take into account that performance it's also measured for a lot of factors, like if you are using too much observables (redux and rxjs/sagas), overenginnering the layouts, available RAM on the device etc.
A little late for an answer but I hope you give it a chance :D.
Note: I'll keep updating this answer when I find some TRULY NATIVE components for react-native.

VueJs 2 with Vuex vs React with Redux

I've spent the past few days looking at VueJs 2 with Vuex and i really like it.
Having only had a brief introduction to React, I've found vue js 2 has been easier to pick up.
React seems to be growing in popularity, but I can't see the benefits of React over Vue 2.
Both are component based frameworks with routing and state management tools.
So can someone explain which are the main differences between those frameworks?
This is an opinionated and subjective question. And it often starts holy-wars than really answering anything and thus it is not really suitable for StackOverflow. However, I will try to answer this in an objective manner as possible. (Note: I am purely comparing Vue with React and deliberately avoiding Vuex vs Redux)
Why Vue.js?
It is designed to be an approachable framework. It is suitable for beginners and advanced users alike. When you are starting with Vue.js, it is as simple as adding a script tag to your page. For the advanced developer, the possibilities are endless. You can start with any sophisticated build tools - TypeScript, Babel, Webpack, etc.
Vue.js is developed much after Angular and React. It has learned from both and managed to pick many best things from them into Vue. For a beginner, Angular's idea of components, services, dependency injection, bootstrapping application, etc can feel overwhelming. Same is applicable to React; JSX can feel odd (Even after years, I still find it weird.). Now, Vue.js is a cross-path. You can use angular like templates or you have the freedom to choose React like JSX.
Vue.js reactivity is very well abstracted. With Angular (digest cycle in v1 and zones in v2) or React, it is bit different. It takes time to learn these concepts.
There are tons of other reasons why Vue.js should be your choice. Sometime back, I had written an article explaining why Vue.js:
Why React?
React is a pioneering library (It is not a framework) just like Angular. It introduced the ideas of uni-directional architecture, virtual-dom, components (stateful and stateless), etc.
React Native is another reason why you may want to consider React. It allows you to take the same code that you wrote for Web and build native mobile applications. Now solutions do exist in the Vue.js world. But definitely not as mature as React Native.
Functional programming: No way React is a library based on functional programming. But doing React right way means you need to use immutability, explicit state management and all these allied concepts stemming from functional world.
Redux: Redux is the darling of React world. It has unlocked wonderful architectural patterns for front-end world like time-travel debugging, explicit side-effects, functional components, etc.
Innovation: React has some crazy ideas like Relay, Next.js (Vue.js has Nuxt.js). I also heard about some Drap-n-drop editor for React; first class TypeScript and Flow support (You just cannot get TypeScript + Vue.js + JSX working together even in 2018).
Why not React?
Using only React is not enough. Very soon, you will end up with using Redux, Redux middleware, Immutable.js, etc. Doing all of that at once can be intimidating.
Redux. It is wonderful but it is verbose.
Most important: Using React without any sophisticated build system is cumbersome. To do anything serious, you will need Babel, Webpack, etc.
Again, which one is better?
There is no better solution. I will choose Vue.js if I need to accommodate a vast array of developers (beginners-advanced). I will choose React if my team is versed with all the extra overload that comes with React and team loves everything JavaScript approach to web development (Even CSS is JS).
Finally, there is one another angle to it. Programming in React needs discipline and hence, there is a good chance that you will find it easier to bring homogeneity to your codebase. With Vue.js, there is often more than one solution to a problem. That makes it good and bad at the same time.
You will not go wrong with either of them.

React architecture for a huge business application

So we've recently picked up React in our company as the front-end technology to build our huge business web application. By saying recently, I mean we don't have any previous experience with React (we have a huge background of AngularJS), and by saying huge application, I mean it's really huge and very dynamic with lots and lots of different pieces and functionality.
Because we will have a lot of huge components that all play a very important role and have complex logic inside them, and because we want them to be easily pluggable and reusable, we want them to be as isolated as possible from the outside world and other parts of our application, because otherwise because of their size and complex functionality it would be pretty much impossible to develop and maintain them. That's the reason why we have decided NOT to use Redux, at least in the beginning, while we are developing just the separate components themselves, because it compromises component isolation and makes the whole application data flow logic impossible to understand when there are so many complex components. Although I believe our choice could be wrong, because as I've already mentioned, we have no experience with React.
As I've already mentioned, the application is very dynamic. By that I mean that components are actually rendered by data. We use various configuration provider classes that interacts with our API endpoints to get the pieces of our application's configuration, like configurations of navigation, pages, various forms, lists, etc., and then try to render components that are read from that configuration.
The problem is, after a couple of weeks struggling to get the momentum with React and discover the right patterns and common solutions to our problems, we've been talking in our crew, that maybe React is not the right technology for us, as it's a UI library, not event a framework, and it doesn't help us a lot, but just adds its rendering rules that we have to break at times to achieve the dynamics and component independence we want.
Considering the component isolation and data flow management, I personally have heard that there is a language for front-end development Elm that has pretty robust data flow architecture where each component has its own model that is separate from others, but I don't know whether it's worth a try, as it may fall behind our big requirements pretty soon too.
The reason I'm writing this question here is that I hope to get an insight from people that have a solid background on working with huge front-end applications. I'd like to know whether it's possible to develop such an application with React, whether React is suitable for such complexity and dynamics, whether we really need Redux or something else, what path, practices, ideologies should we follow. If you understood my question correctly, it's more the architecture side that we are struggling with, than the technological. Maybe we are just walking the path that leads to more and more struggle and complexity but not towards production.
There is absolutely no question that React/Redux can (and is widely) used to develop the kind of applications that you describe. Nothing in your description makes what you are building so unique that it excludes React as a platform for building it. We are actively working with a large enterprise customer who is building their entire front end - with 100 + SPA (Single page applications) in React. This is a team of over 100 developers over a 2-3 year project.
The way we structured this has been crucial -
First, you want to choose a UI component library. A few examples below :
MaterialUI -
React Strap -
React Bootstrap -
Khan Academy React Components
We basically took one of these and built a component library off of them, because our components are very custom styled.
Second, we created a modular architecture, where each module (SPA) is an npm package with a main container component and redux store.
Finally, we have a central server package, where each of the modules is registered. The server package is responsible for authentication, authorization, logging, routing, etc.
The essence of this answer is not to advise on how to structure a large React application, but to let you know that React can be (and is being) used to develop applications similar to what you are describing.
I'm at the similar situation right now. I have a background in large desktop applications (ERP, LOB - WinForms, WPF) - 1000+ modules, very dynamic (more than 70% of the UI was generated by input data/configuration), adding new functionality was just about extending some configuration (without touching source code).
I'm deeply investigating current web technologies and I'm more and more convinced that React is not a good fit for that. React really shines in small/middle size applications where you (and other team members) develop every page/component 'manually' (not dynamically generated) and you want to have one global state. But it doesn't help you with building large scale application out of the box - it is only UI library (so no support for modules, routing, forms, binding, http requests, static typing (typescript), etc.) and to my surprise, there is no support for style shadowing/encapsulation (you have to integrate, for example, CSS Modules, by your own). And at the end, you have to constantly bother with libraries versioning (to make them always work together is truly time and energy consuming).
I have a great experience with Angular 2/4+ and I think, for now, it is the best technology for that kind of the applications (if you know WPF, it is very similar). It is a full framework, which is prepared to the scaling out of the box. You can split your app into independent modules (specifying which components will be visible to the outside world), every component has public api (statically typed, inputs/outputs) and encapsulated css styles (there is no interference between others).
For the global state (logged in user, global configuration, etc.), you can still use library ngrx/store (which implements Redux pattern and comes with extra nice things, like 'effects' and integrates really well into Angular ecosystem).
I tried to do in Angular really crazy stuff (dynamically generating the whole application from backend configuration) and everything worked perfectly, as expected.
You nailed the issue in your question- react is a view library, not an application framework. The real question is whether React+Redux(or other state management system) is appropriate for a large LOB app.
I will share some insights from our team’s experience in this realm. Large LOB apps have been developed using the MVC/MVP/MVVM design patterns for decades. These are tried and true patterns that ship software. Couple that with dependency injection and you have a modularized, testable, maintainable application. AngularJS (2.0+) is founded on these principles and leverages them deeply. For this reason we use AngularJS for all of our enterprise line of business apps.
React on the other hand is a lightweight, spritely view render that is awesome for smaller applications and client facing pieces (for example taking a dynamic survey or a simple dashboard). We often turn to React and VueJS here because the full AngularJS stack is way overkill and too heavy.
Getting started writing more complex apps in React can really be a struggle, I know exactly how it feels!
As you say, React is a UI lib and not an event framework. That's why you typically need a library to handle events, for example Redux. You clearly state that you decided not to use Redux (you even used capital letters for not :) ). I would take a step back if I were you and reconsider that decision. You say the reason for not using Redux is that your cannot keep your components easily pluggable and reusable when using Redux. I would argue that is not true. Redux is totally decoupled from your React components. Redux only handles receiving events, and managing state. From the React components point of view, it just receives data in props and sends events by calling regular functions. It's possible to still unit-tests, reuse, etc.
I would suggest you take another look at Redux with this in consideration. Happy to help if you have more questions!
React , Redux will make things easier because When it comes to
complex applications you can create Well structured data object. then you can manage the Complete UI through React and its
Materials ... There are some reasons Why this is right choice
State Management ,
Tree Structure data handling,
Reduce the code,
You will be knowing where the changes made (Actions, Reducers)
Your Component will only taking care of UI things
The things that you have to do is Structuring your data
Completely understand your feelings when you start with React and Redux. We were in the same situation when we started with React in our company. At first React has different approach than other frameworks. Yes of course it's not framework, it's just library. You have to start thinking in React way and that is: React components just render state (It's like you render scene on your graphic card at first you have to prepare scene then you are able render), all what component can do is dispatch actions, or better call just action creators.
You need some smart way how to store state in that point I will suggest use Redux.
We also use TypeScript with combination React, Redux. you have to write more code than pure JS but static type control is priceless when you work on large project.
Separating components logic is native approach of react ... you have to separate logic write "Dummy components" and then reuse this with connect. Or passing values as props.
We are using Thunk middleware as action creators it's good because connected component will call just method and logic is in action creators. You have access there to whole state of app then you can fetch something and base on result you can dispatch different actions.
What I like on react/ redux is how to implement async calls etc. First design component to map all states
1) like I have no data
2) data loading
3) loading done
4) loading error
For that you need only one semaphore in you state and a few checks in render method. Then one action creator that will load data and base on progress dispatch action that describing progress.
What is also cool that in react/redux app you have single data flow it's good when new dev jump into project.
For UI we are using Material UI, yes this framework has some problems but nothing what you will not able to deal with.
We are using also Router for navigating in app.
In the beginning I will avoid server side rendering because it will much easier for you start just with client side rendering and with initial state.
When we start for us was useful this template where everything works in one project JavaScriptServices
Then off course great Abramov tutorials.
For design components very useful Storybook
We can write why use or not React for long time ... but What I can say ... for us it was good choice, with some pain in begging but now we have good payback.
We started a large scale business application using Reactjs as frontend technology.
We have over 30 people in the team and we have over 15 modules in our product.
My approach is to the project is developing a common react project that handles only the Authentication, authorization and routing of the application and all other components developed as separate npm react libraries.
To develop the libraries I used
This library generates the template with an example app which can use to test our library.
Following is the structure of the project
--Library 1 ( Developed using create-react-hook )
--Library 2 ( Developed using create-react-hook )
--Library n
--Common Container App (Developed using create react app and have used all above libraries using npm install)
The main advantage of this approach is developers can focus only on their npm packages and they can develop and test relevant component(s) separately.
The deployment also becomes very easy because we can just update npm package of tested version and rebuild the container app and do the deployment without affecting any other part of the application.
We are using this for several months and running the project with a large team without any issue. I think this may be helpful to anyone else too.
So this is just to share my experience working on an enterprise react application that is in production for years in several banks. yes, you heard me right. Now you can imagine how huge the application will be if it's related to fintech (I know it's not always the case). we have huge modules (70+) with a complex logic that pretty much handles a lot of the work that a bank needs. Modules are both isolated and re-useable. I am going to give an example of only one module so you can imagine the size of each module.
Card Production Module
Bulk Card Generation
Bulk Card Export
Bulk Card Request
Card Operations
Card Operations Approvals
Card Printing
New Card Requests
Pin Generation
Pin Printing
This application is a product, not a project and as a product it is configurable. Even the UI is configurable. I have been working on this application as a full-stack developer. Since it's pretty old the state management library that we are using is flux. With state management, the development speed is a little slow but the tradeoffs are better with us not being worried about state management. By far the application has been able to handle huge changes and things which seemed unachievable. Stability has also been a key element throughout this period.
On the back-end, we have Restful services build using Dot Net which supports both MSSQL Server or Oracle depending on the client's needs/feasibility.
After countless react.js projects, I summarized a domain oriented and practical architecture in my blog post.
It is the absolute best practice that I applied many times, enjoy:

Build app with react really efficient?

Building app with react with flux, I'm wondering developing an app with react is really efficient.
With flux all states are maintained by domain. All state of components have to manuplate in flux. I need to normalize data structure to consume in react components. This is verbose.
And more components are listed we have to consider rerender optimization. This is time consumer stuff.
Of course reusing react components is nice but configuring, designing, planning are also complex.
I need some advice of using react.
It is very overwhelming at first as there are so many decisions to be made. Just do a google search for "JavaScript fatigue" and you will realize you are not alone.
Fortunately, there are lots of great resources out there (both free and paid) to learn about all of this stuff. I personally used Cory House's two React courses on Pluralsight to get up to speed and found this route very helpful.
Still, project setup can be very time consuming with flux or redux, and you have to consider whether your application is complicated enough to warrant their use. React itself is extremely flexible and can be used in a simple application on it's own, or even in conjunction with other frameworks or tools like backbone.
There are plenty of things out there to help ease some of the pain of setting boilerplate for a react project.
Both of those are good resources (there are many more out there as well) and serve as good starting places.
Lastly, Facebook just the other day released an official tool that allows developers to start writing react apps without having to worry about any configuration. There are still some limitations to the tool, but it seems very promising and looks like a great place to start for beginners.
