MongoDB remove an item from an array inside an array of objects - arrays

I have a document that looks like this:
"_id" : ObjectId("56fea43a571332cc97e06d9c"),
"sections" : [
"_id" : ObjectId("56fea43a571332cc97e06d9e"),
"registered" : [
I'd like to remove the 'e3d65a4e-2552-4995-ac5a-3c5180258d87' in the registered array of only the specific section with the _id of '56fea43a571332cc97e06d9e'.
My current attempt is something like this, but it just returns the original document unmodified.
$and: [
{'sections._id': ObjectId('56fea43a571332cc97e06d9e')},
{'sections.registered': 'e3d65a4e-2552-4995-ac5a-3c5180258d87'}
$pull: {
$and: [
{'sections._id': ObjectId('56fea43a571332cc97e06d9e')},
{'sections.registered': 'e3d65a4e-2552-4995-ac5a-3c5180258d87'}
I've looked in to $pull, but I can't seem to figure out how to make it work on an array of nested objects containing another array. The $pull examples all seem to deal with only one level of nesting. How do I remove the matching entry from the registered array of the item in the sections array with the _id that I supply?

You need to use the positional $ update operator to remove the element from your array. You need this is because "sections" is an array of sub-documents.
{ "sections._id" : ObjectId("56fea43a571332cc97e06d9e") },
{ "$pull": { "sections.$.registered": "e3d65a4e-2552-4995-ac5a-3c5180258d87" } }


Remove oldest N elements from document array

I have a document in my mongodb that contains a very large array (about 10k items). I'm trying to only keep the latest 1k in the array (and so remove the first 9k elements). The document looks something like this:
"_id" : 'fakeid64',
"Dropper" : [
"md5" : "fakemd5-1"
"md5" : "fakemd5-2"
"md5": "fakemd5-10000"
How do I accomplish that?
The correct operation to do here actually involves the $push operator using the $each and $slice modifiers. The usage may initially appear counter-intuitive that you would use $push to "remove" items from an array, but the actual use case is clear when you see the intended operation.
{ "_id": "fakeid64" },
{ "$push": { "Dropper": { "$each": [], "$slice": -1000 } }
You can in fact just run for your whole collection as:
{ },
{ "$push": { "Dropper": { "$each": [], "$slice": -1000 } },
{ "multi": true }
What happens here is that the modifier for $each takes an array of items to "add" in the $push operation, which in this case we leave empty since we do not actually want to add anything. The $slice modifier given a "negative" value is actually saying to keep the "last n" elements present in the array as the update is performed, which is exactly what you are asking.
The general "intended" case is to use $slice when adding new elements to "maintain" the array at a "maximum" given length, which in this case would be 1000. So you would generally use in tandem with actually "adding" new items like this:
{ "_id": "fakeid64" },
{ "$push": { "Dropper": { "$each": [{ "md5": "fakemd5-newEntry"}], "$slice": -1000 } }
This would append the new item(s) provided in $each whilst also removing any items from the "start" of the array where the total length given the addition was greater than 1000.
It is stated incorrectly elsewhere that you would use $pullAll with a supplied list of the array content already existing in the document, but the operation is actually two requests to the database.
The misconception being that the request is sent as "one", but it actually is not and is basically interpreted as the longer form ( with correct usage of .slice() ):
var md5s = db.collection.findOne({ "_id": "fakeid64" }).Dropper.slice(-1000);
{ "_id": "fakeid64" },
{ "$pullAll": { "Dropper": md5s } }
So you can see that this is not very efficient and is in fact quite dangerous when you consider that the state of the array within the document "could" possibly change in between the "read" of the array content and the actual "write" operation on update since they occur separately.
This is why MongoDB has atomic operators for $push with $slice as is demonstrated. Since it is not only more efficient, but also takes into consideration the actual "state" of the document being modified at the time the actual modification occurs.
you can use $pullAll operator
suppose you use python/pymongo driver:
{'_id': fakeid64},
{'$pullAll': {'Dropper': yourcollection.find_one({'_id': 'fakeid64'})['Dropper'][:9000]}}
or in mongo shell:
{ _id: 'fakeid64'},
{$pullAll: {'Dropper': db.yourcollection.findOne({'_id' : 'fakeid64'})['Dropper'].slice(0,9000)}}
(*) having saying that it would be much better if you didn't allow your document(s) to grow this much in first place
This is just a representation of query. Basically you can unwind with limit and skip, then use cursor foreach to remove the items like below :
{ $match : { _id : 'fakeid64' } },
{ $unwind : "$Dropper"},
{ $skip : 1000},
{ $limit : 9000}
db.your_collection.update({ _id : doc._id}, { $pull : { Dropper : doc.Dropper} });
from mongo docs
{ _id: 1 },
$push: {
scores: {
$each: [ { attempt: 3, score: 7 }, { attempt: 4, score: 4 } ],
$sort: { score: 1 },
$slice: -3
The following update uses the $push operator with:
the $each modifier to append to the array 2 new elements,
the $sort modifier to order the elements by ascending (1) score, and
the $slice modifier to keep the last 3 elements of the ordered array.

Add data to array within array in MongoDB

So heres my mongodb document:
"_id" : "",
"lists" : [
"name" : "list 1",
"items" : []
"name" : "list 2",
"items" : []
How would I go about adding an object inside "items"?
This is the code I have so far, but it doesn't work:
xxx.update(_id, {$push: { "lists.$.items": item}});
Note that I have access to the index (variable called 'index'), so its possible to insert an item at index, 0, 1, 2..., etc.
I tried this before, but it won't work:
xxx.update({_id, "lists": index}, {$push: { "lists.$.items": item}});
I also looked at other similar questions and couldn't find anything. Most of them have some sort of id field in their arrays, but I don't.
What about
xxx.update({_id}, {$push: { "lists.index.items": item}});
Of course this would fail, what I mean is replace index with real index values
xxx.update({_id}, {$push: { "lists.2.items": item}});
You can manipulate the update json based on the index maybe as below.
var update = '{$push: { "lists.'+index+'.items": '+item+'}}';
var updateObj = JSON.parse(update);
xxx.update({_id}, updateObj);
Not sure if it will work as it is or it would need further tweaking, but you get the idea.

Find items in array where item._id is empty

I have a MongoDB document containing an array where each element is supposed to have a non-empty _id. How do I identify array elements where the _id exists but is empty? I have some records like this:
"_id" : ObjectId("123456789012345678912345"),
"questions" : [
"_id" : {
The question itself has an empty _id. I've tried the following queries, which all return no results:
db.topics.find({ 'questions.$._id': {} })
db.topics.find({ 'questions.$._id': '' })
Sounds like you want to check for the presence of the value of the _id field in questions, so you could use the $in operator like so:
db.topics.find({"questions._id": { $in: [null, {}, ""] }})
That will find any record where _id is either null, empty object {} or empty string "".
You don't need the positional $ operator.
db.topics.find({ "questions._id": {} })

How to retrieve a specific field from a subdocument array with mongoose

I'm trying to get a specific field from a subdocument array
I'm not gonna include any of the fields in the parent doc
Here is the sample document
"_id" : ObjectId("5409dd36b71997726532012d"),
"hierarchies" : [
"rank" : 1,
"_id" : ObjectId("5409df85b719977265320137"),
"name" : "CTO",
"userId" : [
I would like to return the rank of the hierarchy if the a userId is in the userId array
here's what I have so far in my query
{$elemMatch : {userId: ObjectId("53a47a639c52c9d83a2d71db")}}}
, "hierarchies.$.rank", function(err,data){}
so far it returns the entire object in the hierarchies array I want, but I would like to limit it to just the rank property of the object.
The projection available to .find() queries generally in MongoDB does not do this sort of projection for internal elements of an array. All you can generally do is return the "matched" element of the array entirely.
For what you want, you use the aggregation framework instead, which gives you more control over matching and projection:
{ "$match": {
"hierarchies.userId": ObjectId("53a47a639c52c9d83a2d71db")
{ "$unwind": "$hierarchies" },
{ "$match": {
"hierarchies.userId": ObjectId("53a47a639c52c9d83a2d71db")
{ "$project": {
"rank": "$hierarchies.rank"
],function(err,result) {
That basically matches the documents, filters the array content of the document to just the match and then projects only the required field.

Removing the array element in mongoDB based on the position of element

Actually I need to remove an element from the array based on its position. Using $pop we can remove element from top or bottom (considering it as a stack. 0th element at top) as explained here.
We can also remove element from array based on the value of the elements in the array using $pull as explained here.
But I need to remove element from the array based on position. So is there any way I can do this.
From documentation:
{ $pull : { field : {$gt: 3} } } removes array elements greater than 3
So i suppose that you can do somethig like this for now:
{ $pull : { field : {$gt: 3, $lt: 5} } } // shoud remove elemet in 4 position
Or try update using position operator, i suppose shoud be something like this:
{ $pull : "field.4" }
{ $pull : {"field.$": 4}}
It is only a suggestion, because i can't test it right now.
Seems you cant do it right know in one step(there is such bug in jira)
But you can remove using unset element in position and that pull elemets with null value:
{$unset : {"array.4" : 1 }}
{$pull : {"array" : null}}
That is how possible to do that with latest mongodb v4.2, ugly but working
_id: ObjectId("5e4539cb6aebbeaa0a6b8fe7")
}, [
{ $set:
{ notes:
$concatArrays: [
{ $slice: ['$notes', 4] },
{ $slice: ['$notes', { $add: [1, 4] }, { $size: '$notes' }]}
Here's your answer: MongoDB pull array element from a collection
To remove specific element from an array of some document first you need to identify this element. For instance I have a document with array and every element of this array is an object:
"_id" : ObjectId("5140f34888dd50971900002d"),
"_permissions" : {
"edit" : [
"profile_id" : NumberLong(123),
"comment" : "app/project owner"
"profile_id" : NumberLong("153579099841888257"),
"comment" : "project admin"
"profile_id" : NumberLong("153579095869882369"),
"comment" : "project admin"
"view" : [
"profile_id" : NumberLong(123),
"comment" : "app/project owner"
"profile_id" : NumberLong("153579099841888257"),
"comment" : "project admin"
"profile_id" : NumberLong("153579095869882369"),
"comment" : "project admin"
So let's remove profile_id with "153579099841888257" value from _permissions.view array.
Here we go
db.collection.update({_id: ObjectId("5140f34888dd50971900002d")}, {$pull:{"_permissions.view": {"profile_id": NumberLong("153579099841888257")}}});
I define scope of the object (to make sure id doesn't affect any other first found document)
Identify needed element to pull out: profile_id with "153579099841888257" value in the _permissions.view array
