on my page I´ve loaded angular and bootstrap. On default loading the panel "#default" is active. In an other case the page get a variable ("name") with. This variable is a string which identifies an other panel. Finally this name panel should be shown. In the code below the remove works but the add not.
if (name) {
angular.element("#other-"+name).attr("aria-expanded", true)
log('no Id "#other-"+name existent')
I'm replying because I'm assuming you want to highlight an "active" element.
In angular there's ng-class directive where you can assign class to an element based on a condition.
based on your comment, I think it doesn't work because when you try to addClass, the DOM is not ready yet. so try this:
angular.element(document).ready(function () {
based on your comment I think you should just simply do this
on the other-panel DOM element add ng-class like
<div id="other-panel" ng-class="{active: name}">
in your controller
$scope.name = name #this name should be the name you used in your old code, I guess you get it from $location service
I am new to AngularJS. I have been developing a site that displays a list. Each element in the list is a delivered from the server as a string. Within each element I use bars as delimeters for keywords that I'd like the user to be able to click on (i.e. this is a |keyword| in this element).
I use a controller/filter to create html to remove the delimiters and make the keywords red (using a class). So the html looks ends up looking like this:
<span ng-controller="formatForGlossaryAndCodeTextCtrl" class="ng-scope">
<span ng-bind-html="formattedLineItem" class="ng-binding">
this is a
<span class="glossaryLookup" >keyword</span> <!--here is my keyword-->
in this element
I tried having the filter also generate ng-controller=xxx and ng-click=xxx in order to stay in the angular world but that doesn't work (my keyword is not clickable when I do that).
I DO have jQuery code that binds the click event to the elements with class=glossaryLookup. It currently displays an alert when I click on the keyword.
I am at a loss as to how to get that click to display an angular modal dialog. I want it to use an angular modal dialog because there is another part of the same application that already displays an angular modal dialog and I want to be consistent
So, in short... the server delivers a string containing one or more delimited words to the browser. I'd like the angular/js/jquery code on the browser to not only highlight the delimited word(s) but allow me to click on them, look up a definition (I am not concerned about how to look up the definition, at least not yet) and display that definition in a $uibModal.
Thanks for any help.
I think I actually figured it out. I created a dummydiv and gave it an id (id=dummydiv). I "assign" a controller to that div (ng-controller=dummyCtrl).
`<div id=dummydiv ng-controller=dummyCtrl></div>`
In the jQuery code that binds the click event to my keyword I use this line of code to run the function in the dummy controller that displays the dialog:
`$(document).ready(function () {
.on("click", ".glossaryLookup", "NEED TO LOOKUP IN GLOSSARY", function (x) {
.on("click", ".codeTextLookup", "NEED TO LOOKUP CODE TEXT", function (x) {
BTW - the dummy controller looks like this:
Hydroware_Checkbox_List_Prototype_App.controller('dummyCtrl', function ($scope, $uibModal) {
$scope.testclick = function () {
var modalInstance = $uibModal.open({
templateUrl: 'line_item_help.html',
controller: "LineItemHelpDialogCtrl",
scope: $scope
What is the recommended Angular way of adding custom directives conditionally? No google post or SO article has seemed to really answer my question.
The app allows the user to display and interact with customer information. In one view, the person can click on the order details, which makes an API call to return the data. If the order comes back as a certain type, I want to add an indicator to the already rendered sidebar. It seems like a pretty simple and common use case so I'm wondering what I'm missing.
I'm using Angular 1.4x,
Angular Bootstrap
It is a big app but here is a contrived example of the relevant code:
sidebar.html - before API call:
Customer Info
sidebar.html - what I want to have after API call:
Customer Info
<a href="#/orders" id="ordertype">
<order-type-directive uib-tooltip="Phone Order" tooltip-trigger="mouseenter" tooltip-placement="top"/>
.controller('mainCtrl', function(){
var vm = this;
vm.orderType = data.type;
//This is where my question arises
So I can make a directive:
.directive('orderTypeDirective', function(){
Or I can just do something like this:
var el = angular.element('#orderType')
.html('<span uib-tooltip="Phone Order" popover-trigger="mouseenter"></span>');
var aNewScope = $scope.$new();
But I feel like the above is ugly and hacky. As to how I insert it into the DOM after creating the element, the documentation and all googling assumes I already know how to do that.
For the directive option I've tried to use an ng-if but it doesn't update when the API call comes back and updates vm.orderType.
For the create-element option, I could do something like this inside an if block in mainCtrl:
But I know there must be a better, more "Angular" way and that I'm missing something glaring.
Have you tried maybe with a ng-if directive ? like:
Customer Info
<a href="#/orders" id="ordertype">
<order-type-directive uib-tooltip="Phone Order"
data-ng-if="mainCtrl.orderType && mainCtrl.orderType.length>0"/>
Or you can put any other condition in your ng-if directive that maybe match well your case
I'm new in angular and i'm looking for the best way to do what I want.
In my main page I have 2 directives, one is used to display a button (and maybe other stuff). And another used to display a kind of dialog box/menu.
Each directive has its own controller.
I want to show or hide the second directive when I click on the button in the first one.
I don't really know what are goods or wrong approaches. Should I use a service injected in both controller and set a variable with ng-show in the second directive? This solution doesn't really hide the directive because I need a div inside the directive to hide its content and isn't too much to use a service only for one boolean?
Should I use a kind of global variable (rootscope?) or inject the first controller inside the second one?
Or maybe use a third controller in my main page (used with a service?) or use only one controller for both directive?
Basically without directive I would probably used only one main controller for my whole page and set a variable.
In fact the first directive is just a kind of button used to display "something", and the second directive just a kind of popup waiting a boolean to be displayed. That's why I finally used a service containing a boolean with a getter and a setter to avoid any interaction beetween both controller.
My both controller use this service, the first one to set the value when we click on the element and the second controller provide just a visibility on the getter for my ng-show.
I don't know if it is the best way to do but I am satisfied for now.
Small example here (without directive but with same logic) :
angular.module('myModule', []);
.controller("ButtonCtrl", buttonCtrl)
.controller("PopUpCtrl", popUpCtrl)
.service("DisplayerService", displayerService);
buttonCtrl.$inject = ["DisplayerService", "$scope"];
function buttonCtrl(DisplayerService, $scope) {
var vm = this;
vm.display = function(){
popUpCtrl.$inject = ["DisplayerService"];
function popUpCtrl(DisplayerService) {
var vm = this;
vm.displayable = function(){
return DisplayerService.getDisplay();
function displayerService(){
var vm = this;
vm.display = false;
vm.setDisplay = function(value){
vm.display = value;
vm.getDisplay = function(){
return vm.display;
<body data-ng-app="myModule">
<div data-ng-controller="ButtonCtrl as btnCtrl" >
<button data-ng-click="btnCtrl.display()">
<div data-ng-controller="PopUpCtrl as popUpCtrl" >
<div data-ng-show="popUpCtrl.displayable()">
hello world
I have the following example.
In the example I'm using kendo menu with angular directive for kendo. Each item in the menu is my custom directive. When I use template inside the directive is works fine but when I use templateUrl it doesn't work, any ideas?
The reason I am using a custom directive for the menu is because I couldn't find out how to register click of a specific item in the menu. There is an event in kendo menu (select) that I can use to register all menu item selections but then in the callback function I don't know which item was selected because there is no id on the DOM element and I also don't get the model data so there is no indication of what was clicked. How can I know that the "Open" menu was clicked for example?
1) The directive kendo-menu bootstraps the kendo menu from it's content. If you are using a template all is fine because the sub html structure is created before kendo bootstraps the menu. If you are using a templateUrl the template gets loaded and if the data arrive angular updates the dom in your directive. But at this time the kendo-menu directive is ready with bootstrapping the menu, so it will not be aware of any changes angular made on the dom. How to solve this: as you did - only use inline templates or put the templates to the templateCache before you used the template. But this requires a lot of changes to your code.
2) I am not quite sure where your problem is. But you may register a ng-click function like this:
<ul kendo-menu>
<li ng-repeat="item in menuData.dataSource">
<li ng-click="menuSelected(subitem)" ng-repeat="subitem in item.items/>
in your controller you have access to the selected item:
$scope.menuSelected = function(selected){
here is the working PLUNKR
If you populate the menu from a dataSource you can specifiy a select function in your menuData:
$scope.menuData = {
select: function(e) {
dataSource: [ ... ] };
e.item.textContent is the value that you have provided in your dataSource as text.
Using this Code here: plunkr
How would I write the value on click to the console? It seems as though this will only work in a form submit environment, but I'm hoping I'm wrong.
Note that the rating element is converted into several i elements in a span, and each i has an ng-click applied to it already.
To summarize - When I select a star, spit out the value selected to the console.
Rating supports ng-click:
<rating value="rate" max="max" readonly="isReadonly"
on-hover="hoveringOver(value)" on-leave="overStar = null"
In your controller, simply add:
$scope.setRating = function() {
Since clicking on an icon changes the value of the bound rating variable, you can just $watch the change of that scope variable.
$scope.$watch('rate', function(value) {