C - tcc finds error in commdlg.h? - c

I'm attempting to write a C program incorporating OPENFILENAME and of course I need the header file. So, following the instructions provided with tcc, I downloaded the header files MinGW uses for the Win32 API (and the library files) and put them in the appropriate directories as instructed. However, when I come to compile the program, I get the following error:
In file included from sw1.c:2:
c:/prg/tcc/include/winapi/commdlg.h:503: declaration list expected
This seems rather odd, given it's a standard header. So, I look up the line and it's typedef __AW(CHOOSECOLOR) CHOOSECOLOR,*LPCHOOSECOLOR;, which doesn't look very valid to me but then I'm not really a C expert and I've mainly been writing in Linux. I have no idea why it's going wrong though and no knowledge of how to fix it? Is it a bug in tcc?
As evidence that this should be possible, here is the appropriate passage from the tcc readme:
Header Files:
The system header files (except _mingw.h) are from the MinGW
From the windows headers, only a minimal set is included. If you need
more, get MinGW's "w32api" package.
I understand that this question is similar to Error when including Windows.h with TCC but my "windows.h" file does work - it's just this that doesn't.
Does anyone know how to solve this? I'm really at a loose end!


How does compiler link in libraries in your code?

So I'm going through CS50 introduction course.
And I'm confused about the fact that if you write in IDE #include some header file, which tells computer to find some library, and your compiler will find that code and combine it with your code.
But then how does compiler find that code? Like I just type in #include <cs50.h> for example. But how does it find that code when I don't have it on my PC? Why would I have it without finding it online and downloading it beforehand? Does it look online and then download file, which it uses now and in future for my programs when I call #include? And if so does it mean that you can't properly program without connection to internet?
And im confused about the fact that if you write in ide #include some header file which tells computer to find some library,
Be careful with terminology. #include tells the compiler to find some header. The word library in C usually refers to the file with compiled code (.a, .lib, .so, .dll).
and your compiler will find that code and combine it with your code.
This is right. By and large, the effect is the same as copying and pasting the contents of the header in the place of the #include statement.
But then how does compiler find that code? Like i just type in #include Cs50 for example.
The compiler has default search paths built in, where it looks for the header that is being #included. Typically directories like /usr/include and /usr/local/include are built into the compiler, as well as the current directory .. You can add more search paths through compiler command line arguments, for example -I/some/path in gcc and clang.
But how does it find that code when i dont have it on my pc
It doesn't. You will get an error like "Cs50: No such file or directory".
If this works on your university's system, probably the header is installed on that system in some central location.
why would i have it without finding it online and downloading it beforehand? Does it look online and then download file which it uses now and in future for my programs when i call #include?
It doesn't.
And if so does it mean that you cant properly program without connection to internet?
C was developed in the 1970s. The internet barely existed yet. You can program perfectly well in C without an internet connection – if you can do it without StackOverflow, of course ;)
The code of the library must be present on your computer or nothing will work. There's no such thing as magic downloads of libraries, C compilers and linkers have worked the same since long before the Internet was even invented.
Standard library headers are typically downloaded & installed along with the compiler. They are also very likely already pre-linked into some convenient format for the target system. You don't need to worry about manually adding standard libs to your project since the compiler will take care of that for you.
Custom headers require their corresponding .c files or linked libs to be present too, but they must be manually added to the current project. Either by adding them in your IDE's project, or as in the old days by creating a make file.
How that works in CS50 I don't know, but the lib obviously comes pre-installed somehow and they have hidden how to the students. We wouldn't want to risk CS50 students actually learning how programming works, now would we...
if you write in ide #include some header file which tells computer to find some library
Slight misunderstanding. When you type #include "somefile.h" into your program, the first stage of C and C++ compilation called the pre-processor will search for that file (called a "header") from the INCLUDE path. That is, the pre-processor will search through the local directory of the .c file, then a specified set of standard directories, and perhaps your own project directories to find a file called "somefile.h". The INCLUDE path is highly configurable with IDEs, command lines, and environment variables. Upon finding that file, the result is that the contents of that file are virtually substituted directly into your source code, exactly where the #include statement originally appeared. It's as if you had typed that exact file contents yourself into your .c file. After the textual substitution of the #include statements with the file contents, the intermediate file contents are handed off to the compiler stage to convert to object (assembly) code.
Like i just type in #include Cs50 for example. But how does it find that code when i dont have it on my pc
If the file can't be found, the pre-processor stage of the compile will fail and the whole thing comes to an end. I'm not sure what's in Cs50, but if you type #include "Cs50" and it works, then my guess is that your university environment has some project or environment configuration that adds a course specific include directory into your compilation path. Difficult to say since you didn't specify how you were building your code. Most IDEs will let you right-click on a #include statement and navigate to the actual source of the header file so you can inspect its contents and see where it originates from on your disk.
Also, your title says "linking", but you really mean "including". Linking is final stage after the compiler compiles all source files to object code to produce a final executable program.
.h files (should only) contain data type definitions, extern declarations, and function prototypes. .h files are not libraries.
So the compiler will know what parameters function take and what is the return type. The compiler will know how to call them. It will also know the type of variables defined somewhere else in the code (including the libraries). When the compiler compiles the code it generates intermediate files called object files.
Those files are later linked together by a special program called linker. This program will find the actual code of the functions in other object files or libraries (Libraries are basically sets of object files grouped in one larger file). It happens behind the scenes. If you need to tell the linker to use specific library you simply use command line option. For example to use math library you need to use -lm compiler command line option.
But how does it find that code when I don't have it on my PC?
The library file has to be present in your file system. Otherwise linker will not be able to link functions or variables from that library.
And if so does it mean that you can't properly program without
connection to internet?
No, it means that you have to have properly configured toolchain (ie all libraries needed present in your file system).
But then how does compiler find that code?
For your level of knowledge: some libraries are linked by default. Other not - so you need to tell the compiler/linker what you want to use.
--gcc & binututils related--
Linking is generally quite a complicated process and the compiler has its own configuration files called "spec files" and linker has "linker scripts". But explaining what those files do is rather an advanced topic far beyond the scope of this question.

How to work around compiler built-in types in C standard header files

I am working on a static analysis tool for C. I need to pass the code being analysed through the C preprocessor so that the tool can see the library function prototypes, type definitions, etc. Unfortunately both with clang on Mac OS X and gcc on Linux distros, some of the standard header files refer to compiler built-in types like __builtin_va_list that my tool doesn't know about. Does anyone have any suggestions for how to work around this. One possibility, if it's available somewhere, would be a vanilla-flavoured set of header files that produce C that conforms strictly to the standard. The header files don't have to map to any ABI, as the tool doesn't need to compile and run the code: they just have to give the API promised by the C standard. Any suggestions will be gratefully received.
Instead of finding a set of standard standard header files, you can just use a set of empty files with the expected names and pass the source code through the compiler preprocessor with a -Idirectory option. Your syntax analysis tool should be able to deal with the remaining symbols.
It would be useful to have a preprocessor option in addition to -dI to preserve #include lines instead of handling them.
In the mean time, you can try using the include files from my nolibc repository.

Why is stddef.h not in /usr/include?

I have compiled the gnu standard library and installed it in $GLIBC_INST.
Now, I try to compile a very simple programm (using only one #include : #include <stdio.h>):
gcc --nostdinc -I$GLIBC_INST/include foo.c
The compilation (preprocessor?) tells me, that it doesn't find stddef.h.
And indeed, there is none in $GLIBC_INST/include (nor is there one in /usr/include). However, I found a stddef.h in /usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu/5.3.0/include.
Why is that file not under /usr/include? I thought it belonged to the standard c library and should be installed in $GLIBC_INST/include.
How can I compile my foo.c with the newly installed standard library when it doesn't seem to come with a stddef.h?
Edit: Clarification
I feel that the title of this question is not optimal. As has been pointed out by some answers, there is not a requirement for stddef.h to be in /usr/include (or $GLIBC_INST/include, for that matter). I do understand that.
But I am wondering how I can proceed when I want to use $GLIBC_INST. It seems obvious to me (although I might be wrong here) that I need to invoke gcc with --nostdinc in order to not use the system installed header files.
This entails that I use -I$GLIB_INST/include. This is clear to me.
Yet, what remains unclear to me is: when I also add -I/usr/lib/gcc/x86..../include, how can I be sure that I do have in fact the newest header files for the freshly compiled glibc?
That's because files under /usr/include are common headers that provided by the C library, for example, glibc, while the files at /usr/lib/gcc are specific for that particular compiler. It is common that each compiler has their own different implementation of stddef.h, but they will use the same stdio.h when links to the installed C library.
When you say #include <stddef.h> it does not require that /usr/include/stddef.h exists as a file on disk at all. All that is required of an implementation is that #include <stddef.h> works, and that it gives you the features that header is meant to give you.
In your case, the implementation put some of its files in another search path. That's pretty typical.
Why is that file not under /usr/include?
Because there's absolutely no requirement for standard headers to be located at /usr/include/.
The implementation could place them anywhere. The only guarantee is
that when you do #include <stddef.h>, the compiler/preprocessor correctly locates and includes it. Since you disable that with -nostdinc option of gcc, you are on your own (to correctly give the location of that header).

how can get lib functions bodies in C?

As you can see above,I want to know how library functions (like printf) are made in C. I am using the borlandC++ compiler.
They are defined in lib files (***.lib), header files only have prototypes.
Lib files cannot be read in text editors.
So, please let me know how they could read?
C is a compiled language, so the C source code gets translated to binary machine-language code.
Because of that, you can't see the actual source code of any given library you have.
If you want to know how it works, you can see if it's an open source library, find the source code of the particular revision that generated the version you're using, and read it.
If it's not open source, you could try decompiling - use a tool that tries to guess what the original source code could have been like for generating the machine code your library has. As you can guess, this is not an accurate process - compiling isn't an isomorphic process - and, as you probably wouldn't have guessed, it could be illegal - but I'm not really sure what conditions it depends on, if any.

Error when compiling c-graphics in a Turbo C++ program

In my Turbo C++ program, I can't run any of the graphics program. When it compiles, it shows an error like:
undefined symbol _line, _closegraph,_ getmaxx etc...
Is it due to the settings of my c-program?
Is this an old program that was written for Turbo C++, and that you're trying to compile with a modern compiler? If so, it might be the case that the program uses compiler-specific extensions and libraries, that are simply not available in the compiler you're using now.
If that is the case, you must either
find an existing library for your current environment that emulates the old Turbo C++ one, or
find out exactly what each call is supposed to do, and change the code to use something that your environment supports.
It's compile error and not link error. Looks like "graphics.h" is missing.
#include "graphics.h"
Those errors are typical of a missing library in your build. Try linking the appropriate libraries and rebuild the solution (most likely graphics.lib).
If the problem is of compiling error then you may add the header file:
if the problem still persists then make sure you have added the header file:
