Is there a way to ban IP addresses from accessing my parse-server? - google-app-engine

If a particular computer is making tons of accounts or flooding my server with other requests, could parse-server automatically check this behaviour and block the specified IP address?
Built-in rate limiting would also be a nice alternative, although it doesn't really solve the problem if the person continues to spam.
I am hosting on google app engine by the way.

I don't know about Parse itself, but from App Engine side you have DoS protection service controlled via dos.yaml file in your project that lets you blacklist IP blocks—sounds like that may help. It's not "automatic", though; you still need to manually update this file and issue update_dos <PROJECT_DIR> for changes to take effect.

I don't believe that this is a feature out of the box - see advanced options here:
You'd need to look at controlling access to the Google App Engine (or another host - such as Microsoft Azure Web App) using a firewall (you can easily do this with Azure. I'm not familiar with Google App Engine, but imagine similar functionality is available.
However, I don't believe that a firewall is necessary - just better app security. Disable anonymous users - Parse Server Security


Does Google Cloud App Engine Firewall have some API?

I've been searching about if Google App Engine (GAE from now on) has some kind of DDOs protection. Apparently it had but it's been replaced with GAE Firewall which allows you to choose which IPs to allow to access your App.
This firewall raises 2 questions on me:
If someone tries to launch a DDOs attack on my App. Will they success or will they fail? I want to believe that Google will stop it automatically (or try at least) but I don't really know if it does.
Is there some kind of API for pogramming languages like Java to modify the allowed IPs in the Firewall so that I can programatically forbid IPs that I feel are dangerous? I haven't been able to find anything for this and it'd be really great.
You can manage your firewall rule programmatically using AppEngine Admin APIs which have a Java client available here (however I couldn't find the call for updating firewall rules).
Okay, I think I found it. Here's a list of libraries for various programming languages:
And what seems to be what I'm looking for is the FirewallClient which has method insertFirewall(InsertFirewallHttpRequest request):
If you are concerned about the security of your app my recommendation is to use the Identity-aware-proxy. This should offer full protection to your app, not only for DDoS attacks.
Try to use Cloud Armor it’s the best solution :

Is it possible to use a fully managed service (Cloud Run or App Engine) with firewall in GCP?

Problem. I'm looking for an agile way to shoot a docker container (stored on GCR.IO) to a managed service on GCP:
one docker container with private data (say, Cloud SQL backend) - can't face the real world.
a bunch of IPs I want to expose it to: say [ "" , "" ].
My ideal platform would be Cloud Run, but also GAE works.
I want to develop in agile way (say deploy with 2-3 lines of code), is it possible run my service secretly and yet super easily? We're not talking about a huge production project, we're talking about playing around and writing a POC you want to share securely over the internet to a few friends making sure the rest of the world gets a 403.
What I've tried so far.
The only think that works easily is a GCE vm with docker-friendly OS (like cos) where I can set up firewall rules. This works, but it's a lame docker app on a disposable VM. Machine runs forever and dies at reboot unless I stabilize it on cron/startup. Looks like I'm doing somebody else's job.
Everything else I've tried so far failed:
Cloud Run. Amazing but can't set up firewall rules on it, or Cloud Director, .. seems to work only with IAP which is painful to set up.
GAE. Works with multiple IPs and can't detach public IPs or firewall it. I managed to get the IP filtering within the app but seems a bit risky. I don't [want to] trust my coding skills :)
Cloud Armor. Only supports a HTTPS Load Balancer which I don't have. Nor I have MIGs to point to. I want simplicity.
Traffic Director and need a HTTP L7 balancer. But I have a docker container, on a single pod. Why do I need a LB?
GKE. Actually this seems to work: [1] but it's not fully managed (I need to create cluster, pods, ..)
Is this a product deficiency or am I looking at the wrong products? What's the simplest way to achieve what I want?
[1] how do I add a firewall rule to a gke service?
Please limit your question to one service. Not everyone is an expert on all Google Cloud services. You will have a better chance of a good answer for each service if they are separate questions.
In summary, if you want to use Google Cloud Security Groups to control IP based access you need to use a service that runs on Compute Engine as security groups are part of the VPC feature set. App Engine Standard and Cloud Run do not run within your project's VPC. This leaves you with App Engine Flex, Compute Engine, and Kubernetes.
I would change strategies and use Google Cloud Run managed by authentication. Access is controlled by Google Cloud IAM via OAuth tokens.
Cloud Run Authentication Overview
I have agreed with the John Hanley’s reply and I have up-voted his answer.
Also, I’ve learned that you are looking how to restrict access to your service through GCP.
By setting a firewall rules, You can limit access to your service by limiting the Source IP range as Allowed source, so that only this address will be allowed as source IP.
Please review another thread in Server Fault [1], stating how to “Restrict access to single IP only”.
You can do quite easily with a Serverless NEG for Cloud Run or GAE
If you're doing this in Terraform you can follow this article

Can the GAE Servlet code be accessest by anyone

I just when trough this tutorial about Using
Firebase and App Engine Standard Environment in an Android App
It was grate but I wonder now can anyone upload and replace my servlet code. Like do I need to set up some firewall somewhere. I read the docs
Using Networks and Firewalls
but I cannot see any hands-on how to apply this, it´s really advanced and if someone could break it down, what I need to do to only allow me to access the code.
I´m a bit new to this but when working with this tutorial
Build an Android App Using Firebase and the App Engine Flexible
I got this email from CloudPlatform-noreply saying I must maintain a Firewalls :
Dear Developer, We noticed that your Google Cloud Project has open
project firewalls. This could make your instance vulnerable to
compromises since anyone on the internet can access and establish a
connection to the instance. The following project has open firewalls:
Playchat (ID: playchat-4cc1d) Google Cloud Platform provides the
flexibility for you to configure your project to your specific needs.
We recommend updating your settings to only allow access to the ports
that your project requires. You can review your project's settings by
inspecting the output of gcloud compute firewall-rules or by visiting
the firewall settings page on the GCP Console. Learn more about using
firewalls and secure connections to VM instances.
What do I need to be afraid of here - what does "since anyone on the internet can access and establish a connection to the instance." really mean?
I want my Firebase signed in users to be able to access only
Source code deployment
The only people that can deploy source code to your app are ones that you've given access to in the IAM permissions pages in the Cloud Platform Console. People there need Owner or have the specific role of "App Engine Admin" or "App Engine Deployer".
Connecting to your instances
If you are using the App Engine standard environment there are no virtual machine instances. The standard environment is purely a platform as a service, not your typical hosting environment with servers.
If you are using the App Engine flexible environment, your code does run on virtual machine instances. However, those instances by default are locked down. You can enable SSH for debugging purposes. These connections however use the tokens via your authorized gcloud installation to connect. All this is just to say, that by default your instances are locked down and even in the debug mode they are still pretty secure.
Overall, your code is secure by default. Protecting your resources is actually probably more about protecting your Gmail account and thus its connected resources like your Cloud Platform projects. Protect your account with two-factor authentication, don't give people more access to your project than they require, and lastly don't enable debugging unless you need it and even then close it down when you're done.

Logging into Google with curl?

I'm working on a project with Google App Engine. I am using continuous integration via Travis, and wish to be able to deploy directly from it. Due to a bug that will not be resolved directly, I can't rely on Travis' built-in GAE deployment, so I basically have to use mvn appengine:update manually. This requires me navigate to a generated URL and manually paste to the terminal an authentication code, which I can't do in automated builds.
It was suggested to me, however, that I do some Unix magic instead. While I can easily pick out the URL I need to navigate to from grep, I still need to log in to Google with my credentials in order to actually get the authentication code (which I can then grep out and pipe to the deployment program).
Given that, how do I log in to Google with my credentials, using only curl or similar command-line utilities?
I've accomplished similar things in the past using Service Accounts. These are likely a good fit for your problem.
Service Accounts will allow you to authenticate and upload your app without manual intervention.
A Service Account will allow you to do "passwordless" authentication like you may already do with ssh, and git, etc. by setting up your keys. This will remove the requirement that you log in manually, or follow the road to madness by trying to do a "manual" login automatically.
There are basically two steps:
Create your service account and key (with the right permissions)
Use that credential instead of what you're doing now
I think it's better to give a list of resources than concrete instructions since it's basically impossible to express concisely (even though it's a simple process, there's bound to be a lot of little things that annoy), everyone's requirements will be slightly different, and Google is likely to change the process at some point.
Using the Google Cloud Platform Console for App Engine | Permissions
Using OAuth 2.0 for Server to Server Applications
Setting up OAuth 2.0 | Service Accounts
gcloud auth activate-service-account
Hopefully that's enough to get you headed in the right direction.
You'll likely have to spend some time looking at your .appcfg_oauth2_tokens_java and sorting out a variety of other annoyances, but I believe that this approach is the best way to solve your problem.
It sounds like you have a pretty straight-forward setup and that a Service Account alone will get you there, but if you need to get a little weird, the App Engine Admin API is always there.

Secure login on your domain with Google App Engine

We are starting a very large web based service project. We are trying to decide what hosting environment to use. We would really like to use Google App Engine for scalability reasons and to eliminate the need to deal with servers ourselves.
Secure logins/registrations is very important to us, as well as using our own domain. Our target audience is not very computer savvy. For this reason, we don't want to have the users have to sign up with OpenID as this can't be done within our site. We also do not want to force our customers to sign up with Google.
As far as I can see, I am out of luck. I am hoping to have a definite answer to this question. Can I have an encrypted login to our site accessed via our domain, without having to send the customers to another site for the login (OpenID/Google).
The hardest part is getting around the cookie issue. While you can do secure and custom logins against, you cannot set a cookie there that will work on
Here is what I propose:
When you need to log the user in, send them to If they enter the credentials properly, create a one-time token and place it either in the datastore or in memcache. Give it a lifetime of a few seconds.
Then redirect the user back to (obviously substitute the names as appropriate), check to make sure that the token is valid and has not expired, and if all is clear, set the appropriate cookies and expire the token.
I think that'd work just fine. Hope it helps!
As of June 27, 2012, App Engine supports SSL for custom domains.
There is nothing stopping you from creating your own authentication/registration mechanism with Google App Engine. The only problem is that Google App Engine currently only supports HTTPS via and not your Google Apps Domain (i.e. However, this is on the product roadmap for future support (SSL for third-party domains). Note, also on the product roadmap is built-in support for OAuth & OpenID.
Update: Another option may be to use a proxy server (like Apache with mod_proxy) and map your domain to the proxy server and then the proxy server can proxy the HTTP and HTTPS requests to Google App Engine. The requests could be proxied to the domain behind the scenes. I haven't actually done this, but I believe it should work. However, this would give you a single point of failure at the proxy server which basically defeats the purpose of Google App Engine's high-availability and scalability. This would definitely just be a short-term solution until Google supports SSL for third-party domains or OpenID.
Depending on whether your threat model can accept a non-encrypted link on the "last hop" to GAE, you can use a proxy to handle SSL from the browser. Here's a HOWTO I wrote up on using CloudFlare to get always-on SSL:
This isn't structurally any different than the way SSL from Google will work, it's just that Google-provided SSL will terminate within G's network rather than just outside it. If you're trying to protect against Firesheep, CloudFlare (or any other SSL proxy) will do fine. If you're worried about snoops on the trunk connection between CF and Google, you may want a more sophisticated solution.
