How to create relationships between tables in Quickblox - relationship

i am using Quickblox API in my ios app.i created two custom objects containers in quickblox admin panel named for instance (User, Book).Now my question is how to define relation so that each user can have multiple Books.How to add books to User and save, retrieve and manipulate.
Please suggest me.

This is how i did and worked well.
1.sending single child object to Quickblox API
let qbCustomObject = QBCOCustomObject()
qbCustomObject.className = "YOUR CLASS NAME"// as given in Quickblox Custom Object
qbCustomObject.fields?.setObject(each.fullName, forKey:"name")
qbCustomObject.fields?.setObject("YOUR PARENT ID", forKey:"_parent_id")
QBRequest.createObject(qbCustomObject,className:"PLProjectMember", successBlock: { (response, contributors) in
//Handle Success
}) { (response) in
//Handle Error
2.Sending multiple child objects in single request to Quickblox API
var qbObjects:[QBCOCustomObject] = [QBCOCustomObject]()
for each in self!.selectedContributors{
let qbCustomObject = QBCOCustomObject()
qbCustomObject.className = "PLProjectMember"
qbCustomObject.fields?.setObject(each.fullName, forKey:"name")
qbCustomObject.fields?.setObject("YOUR PARENT ID",forKey:"_parent_id")
QBRequest.createObjects(qbObjects, className:"YOUR CLASS NAME", successBlock: { (response, contributors) in
}) { (response) in


using multiple parameters in get method from (axios) reactjs front-end to core webapi Back-end

I want to get shop by userId and userName if the shop for that user exists.
i have used the url in axios get call as follows:
const url = `${config.apiUrl}/api/Shops/`
useEffect(() => {
axios.get(url + `details?id=${}&shopuser=${user.username}`)
.then((res) => {
At the back-end core web api I have used the following action Method:
public async Task<ActionResult<Shop>> Dashboard(int id,string shopuser)
var shop = await _context.Shops.FirstOrDefaultAsync(a=>a.UserId==id && a.UserName==shopuser);
if (shop == null)
return NotFound();
return shop;
The problem is that the call is not sent to this action method with correct parameters and hence the response with error error 500 .
The controller name is as follows:
public class ShopsController : ControllerBase
I have checked the Network tab of console the parameters are sent as follows:
thanks in advance for help.
[HttpGet("{dashboard}")] annotation means that your get request is expecting a route parameter (dashboard).So if you want to trigger your method, you should call /api/Shops/1?shopuser=asifranjha (I recommend you to keep the same naming so you should change dashboard to id or the opposite, you could also provide the type for your route with route constraints).
If you want to use /api/Shops/details?id=1&shopuser=asifranjha, you should just change your annotation parameter so it would look like this: [HttpGet("details")] and everything should work.Good luck with your project!

How to call the same api multiple times in Express Route?

I'm working on a Node app with Express. I'm chaining several http calls to data api's, each dependent on the previous req's responses.
It's all working except the last call. The last call needs to happen multiple times before the page should render.
Searching has turned up excellent examples of how to chain, but not make a call to the same API (or HTTP GET, data endpoint, etc.) with different params each time.
I'm trying to do something like this: Using a generator to call an API multiple times and only resolve when all requests are finished?
var getJSON = (options, fn) => {
.get((req, res) => {
var idArray = [];
var results = [];
.... send params here, (result) => {
//add response to results array
//create var for data nodes containing needed id params for next call
let group = result.groupsList;
//get id key from each group, save to idArray
//use id keys for params of next api call
function dataCallback(myArray){
// number of ID's in myArray determine how many times this API call must be made
myArray.forEach(element => {
.... send params here, (result) => {
// put render in callback so it will render when resolved
}, myRender());
function myRender() {
res.render("index", { data: results, section: 'home'});
I learned the problem with the above code.
You can call functions that are outside of the express route, but you can't have them inside the route.
You can't chain multiple data-dependent calls, not in the route.
Anything inside route.get or should be about the data, paths, renders, etc.
This means either using an async library (which I found useless when trying to build a page from multiple data sources, with data dependent on the previous response), or having an additional js file that you call (from your web page) to get, handle and model your data like here: Using a generator to call an API multiple times and only resolve when all requests are finished You could also potentially put it in your app or index file, before the routes.
(It wasn't obvious to me where that code would go, at first. I tried putting it inside my Even though the documentation says "Methods", it didn't click for me that routes were methods. I hadn't really done more than very basic routes before, and never looked under the hood.)
I ended up going with a third option. I broke up the various API calls in my screen so that they are only called when the user clicks on something that will need more data, like an accordion or tab switch.
I used an XMLHttpRequest() from my web page to call my own front-end Node server, which then calls the third party API, then the front-end Node server responds with a render of my pug file using the data the API provided. I get html back for my screen to append.
In page:
callFEroutetoapi(_postdata, _route, function (_newdata){
function putData(tData){
var _html = tData;
var _target = document.getElementById('c-playersTab');
applyHTML(_target, _html);
function callFEroutetoapi(data, path, fn){
//url is express route
var url = path;
var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
console.log('data coming into xhr request: ', data);
//xhr methods must be in this strange order or they don't run
xhr.onload = function(oEvent) {
if(xhr.readyState === xhr.DONE) {
//if success then send to callback function
if(xhr.status === 200) {
// ]console.log('server responded: ', xhr.response);
else {
console.log("Something Died");
console.log('xhr status: ', xhr.status);
xhr.onerror = function (){console.log('There was an error.', xhr.status);}"POST", url, true);
xhr.setRequestHeader("Content-Type", "application/json;charset=UTF-8");
It adds an extra layer, but was necessary to show the latest, frequently changing data. It's also reusable which is better for a multiscreen web app. If there were fewer views (completely different screens and co-dependent datasets), a more centralized model.js file mentioned above would work better.

Return a firebase database reference as an array in a cloud function

Below is the firebase database reference returned as an array in my AngularJS scope:
var ref = firebase.database().ref("users").child(user.uid).child("week1");
However when I tried writing the same code in my index.js file for a database Cloud Function, there was an error message:
ReferenceError: $firebaseArray is not defined at /user_code/index.js:22:18
Is there a way to make a Firebase reference ref return as an array in my index.js Cloud Functions file since $firebaseArray is not defined outside the AngularJS scope?
Below is an illustration of the database:
users: {
user uid (generated by push) : {
deviceToken : "tokenID",
name : "Display Name"
anotherUserID : {
deviceToken : "tokenID",
name : "Display Name"
Players: {
player1: John,
Player2: ken,
Is there a way for a change in the Players database node to trigger a function in the users node (for each user):
exports.update = functions.database.ref('/Player')
var ref = admin.database().ref('/users/'+ user.uid+ '/week1');
My issue was accessing the user.uid (created by the push() method) for each user.
In Cloud Functions, you can use the Firebase Admin SDK to save and retrieve data from the database. To initialize the Admin SDK, you can use environment configuration:
const functions = require('firebase-functions');
const admin = require('firebase-admin');
You can then attach a value listener to your database reference, utilizing and returning a JavaScript Promise to keep the function alive and chain your logic:
const ref = admin.database().ref("/users").child(user.uid).child("week1");
return ref.once("value").then(snapshot => {
const values = snapshot.val();
// Do something with the snapshot
The values variable here will be assigned an array of the values at the location (see val()), so could be used in place of $firebaseArray.
If you need to obtain a reference to the node that triggered your database function, you can use the event parameter from the function definition:
let ref =;
This is useful if you need to obtain the specific location in the database that triggered your function. The variable is a DeltaSnapshot instance for database functions.
Similarly, you can use event.params to obtain any of the variables specified in a database trigger definition, for example {uid} in the below definition can be obtain using event.params.uid:
exports.example = functions.database.ref('/users/{uid}')
.onWrite(event => {
const uid = event.params.uid;
// ...
The method you take here depends on what work you need your function to perform, how it's triggered and what variables or values you need access to.
Remember that your function can freely read and write data anywhere in the database using the Admin SDK too.
In your newest example, it would be hard to match a node at /players to /users because there isn't a value with the user's UID. So you would need to change the /players child nodes to include further data, something like:
players : {
player1 : {
name: "John",
uid: "anotherUserID"
You could then extract this uid using'uid').val() from your function (where your function is triggered by children under this node using /players/{playerId}):
exports.update = functions.database.ref('/players/{playerId}')
const uid ='uid').val();
var ref = admin.database().ref('/users/' + uid + '/week1');

AWS. Storing and displaying the profile picture of users

I have a requirement of storing andd displaying the profile picture of my users. So I used the S3.upload function in my nodeJs backend to store the image.
And after the image is stored I stored the link in database to fetch it using ng-source in my view. It worked but the link got expired after few hours and did not work. Below is the code for my upload. Is there any solution in how to do this or any other better way to do this.
var body = fs.createReadStream(file.file.path);
//Upload the photo to AWS
s3.upload({Body: body}, function (err, data) {
if (err) {
if (data) {
//getSignedUrl and Store it in Database
var AWS = require('aws-sdk');
var url = req.params.doctorId + "/Images/" + fileName;
var s3 = new AWS.S3()
,params = {Bucket: S3Bucket, Key:url };
s3.getSignedUrl('getObject', params, function (err, url) {
if (err || url == null) res.status(500).send({msg: "amazon s3 error"});
else if (url) {
if(req.body.picture == 1) {
User.findByIdAndUpdate(req.params.doctorId, {$set: {'FileName.profilePicture': url}},
function (err, doc) {
if (err)
res.send({url: url});
This is because you're getting the URL from a signed URL and signed URLs expire by design.
From Share an Object with Others on AWS docs:
All objects by default are private. Only the object owner has permission to access these objects. However, the object owner can optionally share objects with others by creating a pre-signed URL, using their own security credentials, to grant time-limited permission to download the objects.
It seems like you're not exactly storing "secret" resources here that access has to be granted to, then the best approach here is store the image publicly. This is trivial to do and you simply have to set the ACL to public-read when you call PutObject or upload. That way you'll know the URL for the object without actually having to retrieve it:
This is what your upload statement would look like then:
s3.upload({ Body: body, ACL: 'public-read' }, function (err, data) {

Implementation of Paypal in single page application

I am currently working on a game, which will consist out of an API-based backend, along with a web frontend (which is a single page app, in AngularJS) and on several mobile devices (using Cordova). I am planning on serving the SPA over the main domain name, along with a CDN. The SPA (and homepage) will all be static HTML/Javascript/CSS files, so the only part which is dynamic is the api. The domain name for the "main server" hosting the static sites will be in the style of, the one for the api will be
I am wondering how I can integrate Paypal into this scenario though. The internet doesn't seem to offer much advice on how to integrate it into S.P.A's like this...or my google-fu could be off. Thanks for the replies.
Below is how I am handling the situation,
I have a button to say pay with paypal and onClick I open a new window ->"/paypalCreate", width = "20px", height = "20px");
and I capture this get request "/paypalCreate" in my node.js server and call create method which looks liek below
exports.create = function (req, res) {
//Payment object
var payment = {
//fill details from DB
//Passing the payment over to PayPal
paypal.payment.create(payment, function (error, payment) {
if (error) {
} else {
if (payment.payer.payment_method === 'paypal') {
req.session.paymentId =;
var redirectUrl;
for (var i = 0; i < payment.links.length; i++) {
var link = payment.links[i];
if (link.method === 'REDIRECT') {
redirectUrl = link.href;
This redirects user to paypal and once user confirms or cancels payment, the redirect urls are called. And in the success redirect url I capture the payment details into the databse and render a html in this opened window with the confirmation.
exports.execute = function (req, res) {
var paymentId = req.session.paymentId;
var payerId = req.param('PayerID');
// 1. if this is executed, then that means the payment was successful, now store the paymentId, payerId and token into the database
// 2. At the close of the popup window open a confirmation for the reserved listing
var details = {"payer_id": payerId};
paypal.payment.execute(paymentId, details, function (error, payment) {
if (error) {
} else {
//res.send("Hell yeah!");
res.render('paypalSuccess', {payerId: payerId, paymentId: paymentId});
Once the user closes the opened window in which paypal was being handled the orginal SPA window will be refreshed and thus getting the payment details from the DB and here you can handle the SPA in whatever way you want.
I know that this is a dirty hack, but like you I couldnt find a better way. Please let me know if this works for you or if you have a found a better way to do tihs.
