I can't edit files in AppCode 1.5 - mobile

I have a source code of IPhone App and i am on windows,
I install OSX on VirsualBox, And also install AppCode, Then open the project and try to edit some files it's not allowed i mean when double clicking on files or click Jump to source in context menu file not opened in the editor, i just want to change some configurations in file: "Configration.h"
I want to change this var:
#define AAID #"ca-app-pub-0000000/00000"
If it can't be editable with appcode is there any way to compile without Xcode ?

To use AppCode you should install Xcode first, because AppCode uses xcodebuild for building and LLDB bundled in Xcode for debugging. As was mentioned in the comments above, AppCode 1.5 is too old and for now you should use AppCode 2016.1 that can be downloaded from the product page


How do you uninstall an extension using the CodenameOne Settings tool in NetBeans?

I installed the braintree, and other, extension into my project in NetBeans. I no longer want to use the extension. There does not seem to be a way to remove the extension using the Settings tool. Removing the libraries from the project does not seem to remove the extension.
Remove the files with the name of the extension (cn1lib and the ver file) from the lib directory (you can see it in the files tab)
Open Codename One Settings -> Build Hints and remove the ios.* and android.* entries you didn't add manually
Right click project and select Codename One -> Refresh Client Libs
Was able to successfully resolve the problem using the supplied solution. I was not correctly removing the files from the project library.

How can I use xcode to edit typescript files?

I've setup and installed npm, node, and verified they are both there. I've also worked through the Angular 2 quickstart guide and have compiled and ran the demo app successfully in my mac environment. However, I can't use Xcode to edit the .ts files.. Xcode is associating the files to quicktime player and refuses to open in the Xcode editor.
MacOS Sierra (vr. 10.12)
Xcode vr. 8.2.1
NPM vr. 4.0.5
node vr. 7.4.0
Am I missing something?
What I see in Xcode
If you dont't want to install any xclangspec file, then you can change type to other in Identoty and Type inspector (on right side of window).
I changed to javascript and looks great!
But the best solution is the xclangspec of course if exists...

Ionic build iOS deletes changes

I have a file here:
I make a change to the file using Xcode. Then I click save changes and exit Xcode. If I immediately re-enter Xcode, I can see my change is there.
Then I do the following:
myNameMBP:Desktop myName$ pwd
myNameMBP:Desktop myName$ ls
myNameMBP:Desktop myName$ cd KMtoMiles/
myNameMBP:KMtoMiles myName$ ionic build ios
Now when I open Xcode and go to app.js, my changes are no longer there.
I have had issues with permissions. I ended up just making it wide open and doing chmod -R 777 KMtoMiles and it appears the permissions may be changing when I do a build.
Has anyone experienced this too?
Ionic build iOS project automatically from the existing source, so If you need to modify any f your files go to the source and modify files there then build iOS you will get the files changed within Xcode.
-- EDIT --
So you need to edit the source files first before building your project, don't edit files directly on xcode as ionic build ios command will ignore your edits and replace files with the source files.

installing GTK+3 on CodeBlocks Windows 7

I am trying to install GTK+3 on windows. It installs but it always tells me that it can't find the file libgtk-3-0.dll. However, GTK+2 works perfectly for me. The main issue is that I am trying to run some interface coded with GTK+3. Only the interface appears but none of the drawing in it! How can I make this work?
Do I need GTK+3 to make it work? If yes, how can I install it properly?
If you installed both gtk2 and gtk3 there might be a conflict with you path.
Surely if you installed gtk2 from a setup file (it usually add a path)
I do use both and compile gtk project with codeblock as well.
What I do is a dedicated folder where there is all gtk and dependency dll and always put the gtk executable I've build with CB.
download gtk3 from there http://www.gtk.org/download/win32.php and unzip
then create a folder MyGtk for example put all .dll from the /bin directory
copy also the /etc & share content at the root of MyGtk
then copy your .exe app also
everything should run fine.
If not edit your windows path and remove any location to c:\xxx\gtk

Wikitude Phonegap iOS Plugin

I have configured the Wikitude iOS plugin as suggested here -
However, during the compilation it is showing me build error - WTArchitechview.h not found in WTWikitiudePlugin.m file.
I am currently having iOS 6 device and using Cordova 2.0.0. I found one guide in the wikitude documentation -
It says I have to remove the armv7s architecture and have to do some modification files. I was not able to understand that modification part. I mean which file I have to modify.
I think you're having two problems.
The first is, that you have to download the Wikitude SDK from there website and then add the files from the SDK into your phonegap Xcode project (Follow the steps described in your first link). If you did this and still having compile time errors, make sure that either your user header search path from your Xcode project is set correctly or you copied the Wikitude SDK files into the folder which are already setup in the sample project. You can also remove the existing Wikitude SDK folder in your Xcode project and drag the one in, which you have downloaded.
The second link describes what you need to change in order to build your project with the Wikitude SDK in Xcode 4.5. You need to change this in your Xcode project settings. You have to do this because the Wikitude SDK needs some libraries which are not available for the armv7s architecture right now.
