How to manually close the circuit only in hystrix - hystrix

I want to use Hystrix to automatically falling back to a secondary implementation if the primary command failes. This works kinda well.
But once the primary command failes, and the secondary command is used to process the request, I don't want to switch back to the primary command automatically.
I want a manual "switch back" to the primary command (because there are business needs to do so).
I tried to implement a HystrixCommandExecutionHook which works with a state engine which can only be reset external. Once the PrimaryCommand is failed, the StateEngine switches to "circuit open". Whenever the Primary Command is tried to be executed again, the State-Engine is checked in the onExecutionStart hook and might raise a custom RuntimeException.
This works, but the problem is that once the customer decides to switch back to the primary command, there is no guarantee that the next execution tries to switch back to the primary command so some commands could still be executed as a secondary command by Hystrix.
Is there no possibility to just manually close the circuit once it is open without any automatic "magic" on how it is closed again?

The short answer is Yes.
You can force close the circuit with the circuit breaker property circuitBreaker.forceClosed. This property forces the circuit breaker into a closed state when it was set to true.


How can I intercept and block the caps lock toggle event globally, leaving other events intact?

I need to check the toggled state of caps lock and block it.
I have tried using a low-level keyboard hook SetWindowsHookEx with WH_KEYBOARD_LL and checking for WPARAM==WM_KEYDOWN || WPARAM==WM_SYSKEYDOWN messages, and LPARAM.vkCode==VK_CAPITAL || LPARAM.scanCode==0x3A, but this results in me intercepting/blocking caps lock when it's held down/pressed, not when it's actually toggled.
It's important that I intercept the toggled event exclusively because I don't wish to rely on a single press of caps lock toggling its state, and I don't want to disrupt other events in case of caps lock being used as a modifier.
I'm currently using GetKeyState(VK_CAPITAL)&1 to check for caps lock state in my window callback, and forcing it back off with SendInput , but I would rather intercept/block it if any possible.
I have tried Raw Input as well, and it generates a pair of RI_KEY_BREAK And RI_KEY_MAKE messages when caps lock gets toggled, but (unless I'm mistaken), there is no way to block keys based on WM_INPUT messages, and trying to synchronize a hook and Raw Input seems to be difficult because the hook always gets them first.
Using GetKeyState or GetAsyncKeyState from a hook also seems not to work, as they seem to get the event after the hook.
Use GetAsyncKeyState to detect when/if the caps key is hit, and its current state (up or down).
Then call keybd_event (or SendInput) to programmatically set the caps key back to the state that you want it to be.
The following code snippet (along with other setup code) is included in this link, and will toggle CAPS lock on or off when executed:
RUN keybd_event ({&VK_CAPITAL}, 0, {&KEYEVENTF_KEYUP}, 0, OUTPUT intResult).
RUN keybd_event ({&VK_CAPITAL}, 0, {&KEYEVENTF_EXTENDEDKEY}, 0, OUTPUT intResult).
RUN keybd_event ({&VK_SHIFT}, 0, {&KEYEVENTF_KEYUP}, 0, OUTPUT intResult).
RUN keybd_event ({&VK_SHIFT}, 0, {&KEYEVENTF_EXTENDEDKEY}, 0, OUTPUT intResult).
The recommended way to deploy this implementation (GetAsyncKeyState / keybd_event combination) within your application is to encapsulate it into a worker thread set in a forever loop with sleep() set to allow sampling of the state approximately every 100ms.
(Note, I believe GetAsyncKeyState() over GetKeyState() is an improvement for what you want to do here as GetKeyState() gets the key status returned from the thread's message queue. The status does not reflect the
interrupt-level state associated with the hardware. GetAsyncKeyState()
specifies whether the key was pressed since the last call to
GetAsyncKeyState(), and whether the key is currently up or down.) With a reasonable and appropriate sample cycle using GetAsyncKeyState().
The concept above is comprised of functions that run in user-mode, therefore almost certainly limited to implementations of reaction algorithms (detect toggle, then execute another toggle.) as opposed to a true prevention algorithm. (ie, one that either re-maps a key to a no-op at run-time, or trap the request at a low level.)
Most true prevention algorithms would likely make use of Kernel mode driver calls, which are accessible and implementable via the WinAPI and for which concepts are introduce (among other places) by burrowing down through the content here RAWKEYBOARD into areas such as Keyboard and Mouse HID drivers.
A key-mapping approach
The method described below meets the primary need, i.e. to disable the the Caps Lock key from toggling the keyboard into CAPS mode. However, it does not maintain the ability of key to be used as a modifier once it has been re-mapped. (One of the criteria you list.)
The uncap project worked (almost out-of-the-box) for me to disable the Caps Lock key.
Before trying it, I recommend going through the to get the details. In short, it uses a key map approach that allows keys to be mapped to different locations. I found it essentially does what it claims in terms of disabling Caps Lock, and it is capable of doing much more. This could be good or bad. Having the source code available allows you to create a pared down version that simply disables the Caps Key, or do other modifications as needed.
While exploring it, I found a couple of issues that I describe below under problems.
Note that the default behavior is to map Caps Lock key to VK_ESCAPE upon startup. I commented out the following line in the parseArguments(...) function to disable that feature so I could experiment with other mappings...
/*my.keymap[VK_CAPITAL] = VK_ESCAPE;*/
I used uncap.c as the only source file and the following on a Windows 10 machine:
gcc.exe -Wall -g -std=c89 -I"C:\Program Files (x86)\CodeBlocks\MinGW\mingw32\lib" -c C:\play_cb\uncap\uncap.c -o obj\Debug\uncap.o
It builds with a few warnings related to wrong number of arguments, or format specifiers in sprintf, but once addressing those issues, the code worked as described in this section of documentation.
Although the feature list claims "Disable key mappings easily by stopping Uncap.". did not work. Once the PC was re-booted, normal key mappings are restored.
If the keyboard is set to CAPS ON when uncap is executed, it remains in CAPS mode and the Caps Lock key is not able to undo it :)
I found this link useful when experimenting with mappings: Virtual key codes
You could set a low-level hook with SetWindowsHookEx. Refer to the thread: Best way to intercept pressing of Caps Lock

Codename One: detect "caps lock" key

In Codename One, is there a way to detect if the "Caps Lock" key is active (and to listen to its activation or deactivation), at the purpose to show a warning in a login Form (to prevent wrong typing of password)?
Of course this question is referred to the contexts in which it makes sense, that means: Simulator, Desktop ports, Javascript ports.
We don't have such an API but I'm guessing it could be added. You can also check if all the letters are upper case and use that as a heuristic.

Save to .settings file diffrence between 2 diffrent ways of saving

I was reading about the .settings file on msdn and I noticed they give 2 examples of how to set the value of a item in the settings. Now my question is what is the real diffrence between the 2 and when would you use one instead of the other, since to me they seem pretty mutch the same.
To Write and Persist User Settings at Run Time
Access the user setting and assign it a new value, as shown in the following example:
Properties.Settings.Default.myColor = Color.AliceBlue;
If you want to persist changes to user settings between application sessions, call the Save method, as shown in the following code:
The first statement updates the value of the setting in memory. The second statement updates the persisted value in the user.config file on the disk. That second statement is required to get the value back when you restart the program.
It is very, very important to realize that these two statements must be separate and never be written close together in your code. Keeping them close is harakiri-code. Settings tend to implement unsubtle features in your code, making it operate differently. Which isn't always perfectly tested. What you strongly want to avoid is persisting a setting value that subsequently crashes your program.
That's the harakiri angle, if you saved that value then it is highly likely that the program will immediately crash again when the user restarts it. Or in other words, your program will never run correctly again.
The Save() call must be made when you have a reasonable guarantee that nothing bad happened when the new setting value was used. It belongs at the end of your Main() method. Only reached when the program terminated normally.

How to create Clearcase trigger for only one user?

I would like to make a trigger that only executes for a single user(myself). The reason, is so that I don't "break the build".
Longer explanation: I'm trying to sandbox a Clearcase trigger to automatically apply an attribute to an element when it is checked in, and I don't want to accidentally create a trigger that applies to all developers and potentially ruin everybody's day with the prototype(what works on the first try?).
I see the -nus/ers option which seems to exclude users in the list. I suppose I could comma separate a list of all users, excepting myself. Is this what I'm looking for?
The best sources of information about triggers are listed here, and then EV (Environment Variables) are mentioned in mktrype man page.
Check for isntance:
The user who issued the command that caused the trigger to fire; derived from the UNIX or Linux real user ID or the Windows user ID.
If the user id somehow doesn't work, you could consider other environment variables:
Your script can control if the user id is yours, and if not, abort.
The path to the root of the snapshot view directory in which the operation that caused the trigger to fire took place.
If your script detect that the path isn't the exact one expected (ie your snapshot view from which your triggered your script), said trigger script would abort.

What are the exit codes used by RASPHONE.exe?

Due to a major time constraint, need to stick with invoking rasphone.exe from my c program, rather than best approach of using RAS API's. From my code, when the rasphone pop's up a dialler window to the user, if the user click's on cancel button, i have to stop blocking another set of code.
Ultimately, i need to handle the rasphone returns to control my code flow based on the Success/Failure-Cancel. How to do this? Also, is there any other possibility for silent dialling without any popup?I hope no, as its discussed.
