AngularJS hash causes redirect to fail - angularjs

I have build an AngularJS application and want to use to offer different payment methods. I am currently struggling with PayPal.
This api-call allows me to specify a redirect url where the customer gets redirected to after the payment:
I get a response with this URL as 'return_url':
which seems to be the correct encoding for:
Sadly the redirect after the payment does not work and simply redirects me to:
So it seems like that everything after the hashtag gets ommited...Is there a way to fix this on my end? I would rather not use html5 mode.
EDIT: If i use the above url without the '#' i get correctly redirect, but angularjs is unable to resolve this of course.

Why don´t you wanna use the html5 mode? you wouldn´t have any issue with the hashtag.
What angular method do you use for redirecting to the URL.


Make Nginx redirect to (angular route)?

Forcing html5 in angular is not an option since I need users to be able to use the website regardless of the browser they use. Any request with the same format should get redirected to its angular route.

Populate nr-src with a redirected (authenticated) URL

I have some trouble trying to load data from an Azure authenticated webservice. I have configured Adal / Adal-Angular to work with the authentication. I can log in, log out as a user, access pages when authorized etc.
The problem I am facing is loading an ng-src in an IMG tag. I retrieve the actual URL from a REST service. When I load it up in my ng-src tag, the image does not show. When I load the URL in my browser address bar, I can see the URL beging redirected to the authentication portal, then redirected back to the actual image. After the redirect is complete, I am able to load up the image perfectly well in my view.
The image URL seems to need that redirect in order to figure out wether the user is authorized to view that URL. My workaround would be injecting an iframe onto the page, in which I let the browser resolve authentication, then reload the ng-src tag.
I would guess there has to be a better, more compliant way of resolving the authentication for image URLs (of other embedded content, for that matter). If anyone has a better suggestion, I would love to hear it!
So, turned out the problem was that ng-src does not use the $http interceptor when loading a source. This got me searching in that direction and the accepted answer from this related question does work, as far as I can tell at the moment.
Force HTTP interceptor in dynamic ngSrc request

Angular routing - resolve or onEnter

My use case is very simple and i'm sure many apps share the same one. I need to verify user and need a simple url to retrieve user token from URL, make api call to my backend service and route the user according to the result from the API.
I don't need to render any page but just make API call and parse the response. I see two options to accomplish: Resolve or OnEnter. I also think there might be another simple way.
Here are the steps:
user getting email with link to /verify?token={token}
in app.js I have a state 'verify' and URL '/verify=token'
call API and get "true" or "false"
if false, redirect user to homepage, if true redirect the user the user profile page.
What is the best and simple way to accomplish what I like to do?
btw - I'm using ui-router.
In your case, I think you should use Resolve of ui-router to make sure state won't load until all data were resolved.
To make user feel good, you should show a loading indicator and register event $stateChangeSuccess to hide it once done

How to provide a specific link to angularJs routed page

I have an angularJs application, which uses $routeProvider to handle internal routing. The back end uses Rest controllers within a Spring Boot application. The application is based on this:
What I want to do is send an email with an embedded link similar to "http://localhost:8080/link/key1234". The user should be able to click this, and go to specific content as indicated by the key1234 variable.
I have seen a similar item (Refreshing page gives "Page not found") which suggests using .htaccess to handle this, but I do not currently have a .htaccess file.
I also have html5mode on [$locationProvider.html5Mode(true);]
Another suggestion (Spring Boot with AngularJS html5Mode) is to intercept the request and redirect to the home page. Whilst this prevents the application from failing, I need the user to go to a specific page, not the Home page.
I have managed to get quite confused about the interactions of my different components. Can you point me in the right direction to enable a specific link to be provided ?
I think that the .htaccess file is a red herring.
The tutorial includes the following code:
#RequestMapping(value = "/{[path:[^\\.]*}")
public String redirect() {
return "forward:/";
And this segment performs a redirect for some of the pages.
However, my tests (until recently) had been using "http://localhost:8080/public/about" which is not getting picked up by the RequestMapping snippet above.
If I use a single level url (e.g. "http://localhost:8080/test") then my existing code works fine.
It looks like there is a flaw in this regex.
When a request like http://localhost:8080/link/key1234 hits your server, you would need to forward the request to home page. Then, the client should get the response of the home page, while the URL will still be http://localhost:8080/link/key1234. html5mode will then come to play, changing the view at the client side.
I think the best way to do it might be to use urlrewrite filter, which should forward all requests except those starting with, say /api/**, to the home page.

Passport.js, Express.js, and Angular.js routing: how can they coexist?

I apologize this question turned out a bit long, but I have worked on this for some time and really needed to explain all the story.
Background: App based on MEAN stack, trying to authorize Facebook logins using Passport.js.
Following Passport.js guide I implemented something similar to:
Add a Facebook login
// send to facebook to do the authentication
app.get('/connect/facebook',isLoggedIn, passport.authorize('facebook',
{ scope : 'email' })
// handle the callback after facebook has authorized the user
passport.authorize('facebook', {
successRedirect : '/profile',
failureRedirect : '/profile'
Notice the target=_self in the html in order to skip Angular routing.
Clearly, authorization works fine. However, redirection does not work, as the routing is handled by Angular. After authorization I never land on /profile (but on the default Angular route).
Therefore, I tried with a custom callback as suggested by Passport.js here, with the hope of passing json data to Angular, and let Angular do the routing. I ended up doing something like:
// In the controller
// here I wait for json data from the server and do the routing
// I call this route from Angular
{ scope : 'email' })
// But Facebook lands here!
app.get('/connect/facebook/callback',function(req, res, next) {
passport.authorize('facebook', function(err, user, info) {
Clearly custom callbacks work for local-login, as Passport.js explains. But here do you see the problem? I call /connect/facebook from Angular, but I should receive some json from /connect/facebook/callback.
I am about to give up Passport, but before this, do you see any solution which would allow landing on /profile after FB authorization, perhaps with a custom message? Many thanks for reading through.
The same question had been reported as an issue on the Passport-Facebook GitHub account. Some additional attempts have been posted there, but not quite the fix yet.
This is a bit more in depth than can be described in one answer, but I'll try to start pointing you in the right direction.
Essentially, Angular.js routes are not really HTML routes at all, but an internal route structure that happens to use the URL for use of the end user. Remember that Angular.js is a client script, and that a full page reload is not desired, as this will reload the entire script. Therefore, /# is used to trick the browser into jumping to a specific bit of code within the already loaded script. (as opposed to the traditional anchor location in the HTML document). Unfortunately (or fortunately), HTML 5 mode allows you to hide the /# part of the url, so instead of seeing you just see Rest assured, however, that the /# is still there. Angular.js uses the HTML5 pushState (AKA HistoryAPI) to perform the magic replacement.
Given this, if you have called a server route, you are outside the Angular.js script, and any call to load the angular script again will start from the very beginning. You can't actually call your Angular.js route from the server without a full reload. Therefore, you are really doing a double route redirect here. Your server should be calling it's default route for angular, appending /#/someroute to the call. The angular.js page will load, parse off the /#, and redirect to the correct angular route. Keep in mind, however, that if there was any dependency on already loaded objects, those are no longer in memory. Therefore, any route accessed this way should operate as if it is an entry point to your application.
Effectively, you should try using successRedirect : '#/profile', keeping in mind that the profile route in angular should be treated as an app entry point.
Hopefully this gets you started.
If #Claies's way is not working, is it possible you have not get rid of the #= fragment from the facebook callback.
Have a read of this post
