What Mime Type should I use for BASIC code? - mime-types

What is the mime type for BASIC code? I searched the interwebs but found nothing... maybe application/basic, or text/basic, or..? Visual Basic, or QBasic, any should do. I'm trying to get my ViewVC setup to do syntax highlighting for .bas files... at the moment I've set .bas as text/plain so no syntax highlighting occurs, but I'd rather have it if I can.

It depends if you are trying to save in a other-program-readable format or in the qbasic format - at least in QB64.
If you are saving it readable for other programs, text/plain is correct. Otherwise, it would be application/octet-stream.


React gives me red underline errors but there is no error

Visual Code gives errors in lines but there are no errors in those lines.
Please rename your file to "todo.jsx".
VSCode and other IDEs choose your parser based on the file extension. For VSCode it looks like you are creating a "normal" JavaScript file. But JavaScript does not know tags, so you get an error message.
A small addition: if you ever work with TypeScript in React, the same applies: instead of the .ts extension you should choose the .tsx extension.
It looks like your file is named ToDO.js. Since you're using JSX syntax, the file should be given a .jsx extension, so that VSCode knows how its syntax should be parsed (and, as a result, what errors to display).
So, rename it to ToDO.jsx.

How can I get a `Makeheaders` binary for Windows?

I'm tired of seperately having to generate a declaration in the header file for most of the functions I'm defining in my C file. Hence, I would like to automatize this.
I've found an ideal application for this: Makeheaders
Unfortunately only the sources seem to be available, no readymade binary.
Documentation: https://www.fossil-scm.org/xfer/doc/trunk/src/makeheaders.html
Code: https://code.launchpad.net/~lockal/makeheaders/head
Does someone know where to get a binary? Would it be hard to somehow build it myself?
You can download the source code from here. It is a single makeheaders.c file.
then you just need to call cl.exe makeheaders.c it will generate a makeheaders.exe that you can use.

Gatling not honouring -bdf parameter

I am doing a post(someUrl).body(RawFileBody("100_msg.json")).asJSON.
However I keep getting an error file 100_msgs.json doesn't exist.
I am passing a -bdf parameter that is pointing to a folder that contains the said json, but the same result. (At some point, I definitely saw something work, but not anymore)
I am using IntelliJ IDEA and configured a gradle to invoke Gatling. Am new to Scala, so debugging this seems a herculean task. Any pointers ?
Oops my bad. I had a space in the file name.

emacs flycheck errors and display issues

I'm trying to get used to Emacs, I'm coding in C for my school. So, I installed flycheck to check for potential compliation errors. However, I encounter several problems. Here's the message I get when I test flycheck with the c/c++-gcc checker : flycheck buffer
I have two issues there : - first, flycheck claims the checker "returned a 1 exit code without errors" depsite the fact it actually did, and it's even displaying it right after ! - secondly, it does not seem to be able to display quotes correctly, the only thing displayed are their unicode escape sequences.
I can't find out why those issues are present. Can anybody help me on this ?
fixed both my problems by setting my environment language to UTF-8.

Converting 2D XNA 4.0 project to silverlight 5.0

I followed the tutorial on http://silversprite.codeplex.com/ and got rid of a few issues that were expected (the colors etc). But there is 1 compile error left:
Error 2 The type 'Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Graphics.VertexDeclaration' exists in both 'c:\Program Files (x86)\Reference Assemblies\Microsoft\Framework\Silverlight\v5.0\Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Graphics.dll' and 'C:\Users\Brandon\Desktop\SilverSprite.dll' C:\Users\Brandon\Desktop\Projects\Other projects\Game Jam prac\Silverlight3dApp1\Silverlight3dApp1\Silverlight3dApp\VertexPositionColorNormal.cs 31
I've been searching for over an hour and can't find a solution.
The error means exactly what it says: There is a type, VertexDeclaration, that is being defined by both Silverlight and by SilverSprite. When your project tries to resolve which one to use - it can't decide.
SilverSprite is, and has always been, kind of buggy. This appears to be a bug in SilverSprite. It's coming from this file, which contains a declaration of VertexDeclaration which is nothing like the actual API.
Fortunately you don't have to implement it yourself - because Silverlight provides it. I suggest you download the SilverSprite source and include it as a project in your solution, and reference that instead of the DLL (ie: build SilverSprite from source yourself). Then you can easily modify it and simply delete the bogus type definition - your code will then automatically use the real one.
If you come across any other bugs, I suggest you look at ExEn. I made it last time I tried to use SilverSprite (although this was before Silverlight 5) - and I fixed many, many bugs. You might find it useful to salvage code from.
