Get token with JWT without attempting user credentials Laravel? - angularjs

I'm currently working on a Angular (Front End) - Laravel (API) application. I need to know whether I can make a hybrid log in.
Currently I'm using a stored procedure for the log in. But then if the login was succesful I want to send a JWT token to the client side. Is this possible without calling the JWT attempt method? Does JWT has something like a JWT::getToken($mail); method? If I can't do this, are any other work arounds?
$mail = $request['email'];
$password = $request['password'];
$query = new Query("CALL SP_USER_LOG_IN(?,?, #outputMessage)");
$query->addParameter(1, $mail);
$query->addParameter(2, $password);
$outputMessage = DB::executeQuery($query);
if($outputMessage === null)
//It means the login was successful
$token = JWT::getToken($mail);
return ["error" => NULL, "token" => $token];
return ["error" => $outputMessage];
I just found out about JWT and it looks like a really good solution since I'm working with a light angular application on the front end. But since I must use a stored procedure, I don't how to proceed.

Once you've verified the user, grab them from the database then create the token fromUser($user).
if($outputMessage === null)
//It means the login was successful
$user = User::where('email', $mail)->first();
$token = JWT::fromUser($user);
return ["error" => NULL, "token" => $token];


React, Django: How do I manage a session after a user changes their password?

I am developing an administration panel in React with Django for user management, amongst other actions.
Django takes care of ORM and users' login.When the user first logs in, the React app obtains the session id and the csrf token. The app asks for the csrf token from the document cookies and that's the token used for later REST queries.
One of the app component allows a user to change the password. However, after a successful password change doing so, the session id and the csrf token become expired and the REST queries I do from that time on are unauthorized.
If I reload the page, after then, the session is expired. I tried to get the token again but it doesn't work.
How can I update the session id after changing the password?
Should I just send the user outside the app for them to log in again?
I don't know if that is the common way to proceded.
Below is the function that I use to get the token:
getCookie(name) {
let cookieValue = null;
if (document.cookie && document.cookie !== '') {
const cookies = document.cookie.split(';');
for (let i = 0; i < cookies.length; i += 1) {
const cookie = jQuery.trim(cookies[i]);
// Does this cookie string begin with the name we want?
if (cookie.substring(0, name.length + 1) === (`${name}=`)) {
cookieValue = decodeURIComponent(cookie.substring(name.length + 1));
token: cookieValue,
I don't usually work with cookies, apart from getting the csrf token, so I would appreciate any help.
I found the problem might be due to Django:
As I am changing the password with Django Rest Framework -- following this tutorial: -- I used the function update_session_auth_hash in the serializer as follows:
## serializer
def update(self, instance, validated_data):
request = self.context['request']
user = request.user
update_session_auth_hash(request, user)
return instance
I doesn't work either...
I finally managed to make it work by using instance instead of user:
## serializer
def update(self, instance, validated_data):
request = self.context['request']
update_session_auth_hash(request, instance)
return instance

Authenticating guest/anonymous users using JWT

I'm building an SPA that a user can upload some files. The front-end is written in AngularJS while the back-end is using an API in Laravel 5.7. The authentication is implemented using the jwt-auth library.
So far I have implemented this for registered users where each user has a personal directory on the server where he/she uploads the files. The difference between the registered and the anonymous users is that the files of the anonymous will be deleted after a while.
Now, I want to do the same for anonymous/guest users (if the press the button continue as a guest). So what I tried first in the authContrroller.php side is to use something like this:
public function authentication(Request $rrequest) {
$credentials = $request->only('email', 'password');
// Guest authentication
if( $credentials['email'] === 'guest' && $credentials['password'] === 'guest' )
$payload = auth()->factory()->claims(['sub' => $this->createRandomDir()])->make();
$token = auth()->manager()->encode($payload);
// OR
$factory = JWTFactory::customClaims([
'sub' => $this->createRandomDir(),
$payload = $factory->make();
$token = JWTAuth::encode($payload);
// Registered user authentication authentication
if (! $token = auth()->setTTL(60)->attempt($credentials))
return response()->json(['error' => 'invalid_credentials'], 400);
return response()->json(compact('token'));
The idea was to create a random directory and enclose it inside the payload and use it on the next requests.
But in the case of the guest, the server returns as a token an empty object. Possibly because there wasn't a user in the DB.
Another idea that I'm thinking of is to create a random user (add it to the DB) and assign to it a random directory each time a user needs to use the app as guest/anonymous. The only thing that I'm afraid on that approach is that if there are thousands of guests then thousands random users should be created on the DB.
So what do you think? Is there any other and more efficient way to handle this?
Any idea is welcomed.

CakePHP 3: How to automatically log a user in after registration

I am trying to log a user in using CakePHP 3 right after registration, but I have not been successful. This is what I am doing:
function register(){
// ....
if($result = $this->Users->save($user)){
// Retrieves corresponding user that was just saved
$authUser = $this->Users->get($result->id);
// Log user in using Auth
// Redirect user
I guess posting this question opened my eyes to a fix. This is what I did to get it to work... if there is better way, I would be glad to change it...
function register(){
// .... Default CakePHP generated code
if($result = $this->Users->save($user)){
// Retrieve user from DB
$authUser = $this->Users->get($result->id)->toArray();
// Log user in using Auth
// Redirect user
$this->redirect(['action' => 'account']);
CakePHP 3.8 × cakephp/authentication update.
Any place you were calling AuthComponent::setUser(), you should now use setIdentity():
// Assume you need to read a user by access token
$user = $this->Users->find('byToken', ['token' => $token])->first();
// Persist the user into configured authenticators.
Source: /authentication/1/en/migration-from-the-authcomponent.html#checking-identities

PrestaShop - Login programmatically

I am writing a android and windows native app. The native app stores the login details as reated for mulitple other web apps, and logs them into this when browsing to them from the native app.
one of the buttons in my app open a prestashop site for a authenticated user. How can i set the username and password and log that user in to the site programmitcally, giving the illusion and user experience that he has been seemlessly authenticated and accessed to his shop.
I know this is an old question, but theres another way which i find better for the purpose.
You include the AuthController from the controllers folder, set your post-parameters and execute the postProcess() method. After this, you can check the "$authController->errors" array for errors. If it's empty - the login was successful.
public function hookDisplayHeader()
if ($this->context->cookie->isLogged())
} else {
$acceptLogin = false;
if( isset( $_POST["email"] ) && isset( $_POST["passwd"] ) )
$acceptLogin = $this->attemptLogin($_POST["email"],$_POST["passwd"]);
if( $acceptLogin )
die( $this->display(__FILE__, 'logintemplate.tpl') );
protected function attemptLogin($email, $password)
include _PS_FRONT_CONTROLLER_DIR_ . "AuthController.php";
$auth = new AuthController();
$auth->isAjax = true;
$_POST["email"] = $email;
$_POST["passwd"] = $password;
$_POST["SubmitLogin"] = true;
if( count($auth->errors) > 0 )
$this->context->smarty->assign( "errors", $auth->errors );
return false;
} else {
return true;
Edit: This no longer works with Prestashop 1.6. As of PS 1.6 $auth->postProcess() either redirects or sends the ajaxs response immediately. There is no way to circumvent this. If you want to do something after login, you have to make two ajax calls.
Basically do the same as the PrestaShop login form does, which is (for v1.5 at least):
Sending a POST request to http(s):// with the following parameters:
email: your customer's email address
passwd: your customer's password
back: name of the controller you want to be redirected to after success (ex: my-account)
SubmitLogin: put anything there, it just needs to be true, so that the controller knows it's a login action
If it doesn't work, your version may work differently and you will have to check the network tab of your favourite developer tool, to see what kind of request is sent with which parameters.

CakePHP perform Auth before Constructing Models?

In my CakePHP application I have multi-tenancy which is provided through isolated databases (each tenant has their own, tenant-specific database).
There is also a 'global' database which contains users and tenancy information. The 'tenants' table contains the name of which database the particular tenant occupies. Each user contains a single tenant_id.
users (contains tenant_id foreign key)
tenants (contains tenant-specific database name, ie: 'isolated_tenant1_db')
This system works correctly when the user is logged in via forms / sessions. When they login through /Users/login their tenancy is verified, stored in Session, and database parameters are loaded so their own 'isolated' models can use this dynamic connection.
However, issues arise when the user tries to login via Basic Auth, and directly request the controller function they want to access. For example /Orders/view/1.xml.
In this case, CakePHP attempts to construct the 'Order' Model before the user has been logged in, and therefore before any tenancy information is available - which means it has no idea what database to connect to in order to access orders.
From putting debug() statements around the place I can see that the order in which models / controllers / auth are constructed / executed is as follows (when executing /Orders/view/1.xml):
Model __construct: User
Controller __construct: OrdersController
Model __construct: Permission
Model __construct: Order
function: OrdersController/beforeFilter
AuthComponent __startup
Model __construct: Models related to Order
My problem is that AuthComponent::_startup is executed after Order Model has been constructed. I need to attempt to login the user (and get their database information) before this 'Order' model is constructed.
What causes the User model to be constructed before anything else? (I also have the default CakePHP ACL enabled)
Where in the App can I put a call to Auth->login() to attempt login if the request contains BasicAuth headers, that will be executed prior to trying to load tenant-specific models? I assume putting this inside User __construct is a very bad idea.
== UPDATE 01/05/2014 ==
Inserting code samples.
Checks whether the request is being made to api. subdomain:
// Determine whether the request is coming from the api.* subdomain, and if so set the API_REQUEST define to true.
if (preg_match('/^api\./i',$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']))
// Any links generated (in emails etc), will contain the full base url. If a cron job logged in via the API is generating
// those e-mails, then users will receive links to api.mydomain, instead of just mydomain.
$full_base_url = Router::fullBaseUrl();
$new_full_base_url = preg_replace('/\/\/api\./i', '//', $full_base_url);
CakeLog::write('auth_base_url_debug', 'modified fullbaseurl from ' . $full_base_url . ' to ' . $new_full_base_url);
public $components = array(
'Auth' => array(
'className' => 'ExtendedAuth',
'authenticate' => array(
'authorize' => array(
'Actions' => array('actionPath' => 'controllers')
'loginRedirect' => array('controller' => 'Consignments', 'action' => 'index'),
'logoutRedirect' => array('controller' => 'Users', 'action' => 'login'),
function beforeFilter()
// Reroute all requests to API subdomain (ie: api.mydomain) to api_ prefixed actions.
// Also, enable Basic Authentication if the user is accessing via api.*
// If login fails, return 401 error instead of 302 redirect to login page.
if(API_REQUEST == true)
$this->params['action'] = 'api_'.$this->params['action']; // prefix the actions with api_
$this->Auth->authenticate = array('BasicAlias'); // Switch to using Basic Authentication
if($this->Auth->login() == false) // Attempt Basic Auth Login
{ // Login failed
CakeLog::write('auth_api', 'Unauthorized API request to: ' . $this->params['action']);
header("HTTP/1.0 401 Unauthorized"); // Force returning an Unauthorized header (401)
It is important to note that BasicAlias Auth Component is not included in the $components within AppController, but used dynamically if the request is to the api.* subdomain. However, the order in which classes are constructed has no effect whether BasicAlias AuthComponent is included in $components, or used dynamically as shown above.
function __construct($id = false, $table = null, $ds = null)
if(($ds == null) && ($this->use_tenant_database == true))
// Create a connection to the tenants database and configure model to use this connection.
$Tenant = ClassRegistry::init('Tenant');
$db_name = $Tenant->checkAndCreateTenantDatabaseConnectionForCurrentUser();
if($db_name == false)
header("HTTP/1.0 500 Server Error"); // Force returning a Server Error Header (500)
debug('AppModel::$db_name = false, unable to proceed');
CakeLog::write('tenant_error', 'db_name = false, unable to connect.');
// Point model to the tenant database connection:
$this->useDbConfig = $db_name;
parent::__construct($id, $table, $ds);
And then within any models which use a specific tenant database:
class Order extends AppModel
var $use_tenant_database = true;
* Check whether a connection to the current users tenant database has already been created and if so, return its name.
* Otherwise, create the connection and return its name.
* #return boolean|Ambigous <mixed, multitype:, NULL, array, boolean>
public function checkAndCreateTenantDatabaseConnectionForCurrentUser()
// Check whether we have the tenants database connection information available in the Configure variable:
if(Configure::check('Tenant.db_name') == true)
{ // the db_config is available in configure, use it!
$db_name = Configure::read('Tenant.db_name');
{ // The tenants db_name has not been set in the configure variable, we need to create a database connection and then
// set the configure variable.
$tenant_id = $this->getCurrentUserTenantId();
if($tenant_id == null)
{ // Unable to resolve the tenant_id, instead, connect to the default database.
$db_name = $this->TenantDatabase->createConnection($tenant_id);
if($db_name == false)
{ // The database connection could not be created.
CakeLog::write('tenant_error', 'unable to find the database name for tenant_id: ' . $tenant_id);
return false;
Configure::write('Tenant.db_name', $db_name);
return $db_name;
So, if the user requests a URL for example:
Where they have supplied BASIC auth credentials along with the request, then what happens is that classes are constructed / executed in the following order:
Model __construct: User
Controller __construct: OrdersController
Model __construct: Permission
Model __construct: Order
Model __construct: Tenant
Model __construct: TenantDatabase
function: OrdersController/beforeFilter
AuthComponent __startup --> This then performs the login.
Model __construct: other models.
The problem is: Order.php is being constructed the user has been logged in, which means when the code in AppModel.php is executed:
$db_name = $Tenant->checkAndCreateTenantDatabaseConnectionForCurrentUser();
It is unable to determine the users current tenancy.
I need to find out a workaround for this, either by somehow performing the login BEFORE Order.php is constructed, or hacking it so that if you attempt to construct a model which has $use_tenant_database = true, and the user is not logged in, then BasicAuth is performed at this point to try and login the user.. however this feels wrong to me.
You might want to have a look at Authorization (who’s allowed to access what) portion in Cake's documentation. Specifically look at the isAuthorized function and how it works.
You might need something like this in your Orders controller:
// app/Controller/OrdersController.php
public function isAuthorized($user) {
// All registered users can add posts
if ($this->action === 'add') {
return true;
// The owner of an order can edit and delete it
if (in_array($this->action, array('edit', 'delete'))) {
$orderId = (int) $this->request->params['pass'][0];
if ($this->Order->isOwnedBy($orderId, $user['id'])) {
return true;
return parent::isAuthorized($user);
Implement your logic in before filter Request Life-cycle callback in the app controller.
Controller::beforeFilter() :
This function is executed before every action in the controller. It’s a handy place to check for an active session or inspect user permissions.
It turns out these models were being constructed by the 'Search.Prg' plugin, a CakeDC plugin for handling search / filtering of results. The initialize() function within the component was being executed and causing the model to be constructed prior to the user being logged in.
The way in which this was solved was to move the Basic Auth check / login process from AppController beforeFilter to ExtendedAuthComponent (my own custom authenciation component) initialize function.
The end code was this:
public function initialize(Controller $controller)
parent::initialize($controller); // Call parent initialization first, this sets up request and response variables.
$this->controller = $controller;
// Reroute all requests to API subdomain (ie: to api_ prefixed actions.
// Also, enable Basic Authentication if the user is accessing via api.*
// If login fails, return 401 error instead of 302 redirect to login page.
if(API_REQUEST == true)
$controller->params['action'] = 'api_'.$controller->params['action']; // prefix the actions with api_
if($this->loggedIn() == false) // Attempt Basic Auth Login
{ // Login failed
$this->authenticate = array('BasicAlias'); // Switch to using Basic Authentication
if($this->login() == false)
CakeLog::write('auth_api', 'Unauthorized API request to: ' . $this->params['action']);
header("HTTP/1.0 401 Unauthorized"); // Force returning an Unauthorized header (401)
This causes the user to be logged in via Basic Auth before the Search.Prg components initialize() function is run, which means the users tenancy is determined before the model(s) are constructed, solving the problem.
