How to change kik bot config? - kik

It seems like after initial config POST request I can't change any properties (webhook and features), what is the way to change those? is this a temporary bug? :)
"webhook": "",
"features": {}
what I get
"webhook": "",
"features": {
"receiveReadReceipts": false,
"receiveIsTyping": false,
"manuallySendReadReceipts": false,
"receiveDeliveryReceipts": false

The python library has a set_configuration function, that if called with a Config object with just a webhook set, will set the webhook. See, though there’s a bug in those docs right now, the seconds function is set_configuration
If you aren't using that library can you show me what code you are using. Blank out your bot-name and api-key


Open URL in IBM Watson conversation

I am using a Blumix free account to develop a chat-bot using watson conversation.
How do I add a clickable URL in the response, or automatically call a URL in browser?
I have edited the "advanced response" using the suggestions as described on this page but could not get it work.
How can I achieve that?
I don't know if I understood your question correctly, but.. if you wants add some url inside flows Conversation Service (IBM Watson), try it:
1º: Add the url with tag <a target> and href= your URL inside flows. See the example:
"output": {
"text": "This is a link <a target=\"_blank\" href= \"\">Food and nutrition Guide</a>.\n<br/><br/>Talk to you later, bye for now!"
2º See that it did not work inside the Conversation, because it will be your browser that will render the html.
3º If you open with your browser, it works, see:
See that the link is showing up, and this will work for other things in html, like button, for example...
But if you can: based on user input should access a url:
This is done by using two features: Context.request skip_user_input
A request is a special context variable that has args, name and result. It is used to tell the calling app that it should do some action based on this variable.
Setting skip_user_input is optional. In many cases, you might want to execute some business logic in your application and then provide its results via result. Setting skip_user_input to true, will tell Watson Conversation to not wait for input from the user. Thus, your condition on the next node should be based on the content inside result.
"output": {},
"context": {
"request": {
"args": {
"url_to_invoke": "your_url"
"name": "Call_A_URL",
"result": "context.response"
"skip_user_input": true
Reference: IBM Professional #Dudi: here.

Need to read cookies value by it's name angularjs

I've cookie in my application and I need to read it using angularJS ngCookies.
When I exported the cookies from browser extension it looks like following json :
"domain": "localhost",
"hostOnly": true,
"httpOnly": false,
"name": "JSESSIONID",
"sameSite": "no_restriction",
"secure": true,
"session": true,
"storeId": "0",
"value": "00FC04BF082458FFE6F175C7E03F5712",
"id": 18
there can be more objects in this JSON along with 'JSESSIONID'. so I want to read only JSESSIONID's value.
my Code :
var jsessionCookie = $cookies.get('JSESSIONID');
console.log(" Cookies 'JSESSIONID' : "+jsessionCookie);
I'm getting undefined object.
The code you have seems fine, but the underlying issue is different.
You have your cookie marked as
"httpOnly": true
This means that cookie cannot be accessed by client side code including Angular.js.
The only way to access it is to change the code that generates the code so the cookie is not marked as httpOnly. There are some security considerations for making the change, so make sure you understand what you are doing.
You can read more about HttpOnly at OWASP web site.
To store a cokkie,
To get a stored cookie
var cookieValue = $cookies.get("cookie_name);

Is including additional information in the output object a good idea?

I'm experimenting with a Conversation where I would like to modify the output in a couple of different ways:
different output for speech or text
different output depending on the tone of the conversation
It looks like I can add extra output details which make it through to the client ok. For example, adding speech alongside text...
"output": {
"speech": {
"Hi. Please see my website for details."
"link": "",
"text": {
"Hi. Please see for details."
For the tone, I wondered about making up a custom selection policy, unfortunately it seems to treat it the same as a random selection policy. For example...
"output": {
"text": {
"values": [
"Hello. Please see for more details.",
"Hi. Please see for details."
"append": false,
"selection_policy": "tone"
I could just add a separate tone-sensitive object to output though so that's not a big problem.
Would there be any issues adding things to output in this way?
You can definitely use the output field to specify custom variables you want your client app to see with the benefit that these variables will not persist across multiple dialog rounds (which they would if you would add them to the context field).
Now currently there is no "easy" way how to define your custom selection policy (apart from the random and sequential supported by the runtime right now) - but you could still return an array of possible answers to the client app with some attribute telling the client app which selection policy to use and you would implement this policy in the client app.

Chrome browser not caching js files while debugging extjs application

So far i was able to set
'disableCaching: false'
in Ext.Loader.config(in app.js) and debug extjs applications on chrome browser.
But now, on inspecting the source, i see that the files have filename.js?dc=1123123 and every time the files are fetched from remote and not cached. So i am unable to set breakpoints and debug run-time on browser.
Please note that this scenario is when i do a browser refresh.
Plz let me know how i can resolve this issue.
Set disableCacheing to false in app.js before Ext.application({...
disableCaching: false
This will remove _dc cache param from requests that are getting files.
For disabling _dc on XHR Ext.Ajax requests use
Ext.Ajax.disableCaching = false;
And for proxy communication with server use noCache property on class.
noCache: true
You can also set cache config in app.json file.
"loader": {
// This property controls how the loader manages caching for requests:
// - true: allows requests to receive cached responses
// - false: disable cached responses by adding a random "cache buster"
// - other: a string (such as the build.timestamp shown here) to allow
// requests to be cached for this build.
"cache": "${build.timestamp}",
// When "cache" is not true, this value is the request parameter used
// to control caching.
"cacheParam": "_dc"
Also if using Chrome Dev Tools for debugging take a look at disableCache on Networks tab and if using FF use CTRL + F5 insted F5 to reload page
Add ?cache=false to the end of your URL to temporarily disable caching on a per-request basis.
Setting Ext.Loader configuration is one thing. There is also something called Ext.Boot which is used before loader is up and running. Boot has his own disableCaching setting. It defaults to something like this:
disableCaching: (/[?&](?:cache|disableCacheBuster)\b/i.test( ||
!(/http[s]?\:/i.test(location.href)) ||
/(^|[ ;])ext-cache=1/.test(doc.cookie)) ? false :
Probably files with dc appended to url are loaded by Boot. If you want to disable it permanently just replace this code and set it to false.
"loader": {"cache": true},
sencha app refresh
it may seem confusing, but the _dc parameter then won't be present anymore - at all.

Removing _dc parameter in Ext

Using Ext, default Ext.Ajax add to GET-request _dc parameter. For example
GET /ConnViewProcessing/?_dc=1263286227619
How to remove this parameter?
PS: it's necessary to manually cache response to ETag and If-None-Match.
Set disableCaching option to false:
Ext.Ajax.disableCaching = false;
Using Ext JS 4.1, and after adding the following code to app.js, the _dc parameter disappears:
// Disable _dc parameter
disableCaching: false
// My App
The proper way to accomplish that with Sencha Cmd 6.x is to set a (global) switch in app.json (because all of those hacks and overrides might interfere unnecessarily with the functionality):
"loader": {
"cache": true
Then run sencha app refresh, in order to update the application's bootstrap.json.
Alternatively, one can configure Ext.Loader (at run-time):
Ext.Loader.setConfig({disableCaching: false});
When scrolling upwards and reading the actual question, concerning Ext.Ajax (per request):
Ext.Ajax.request({url: '/ConnViewProcessing', disableCaching: false});
The result: no more _dc parameters on scripted requests.
#see Sencha Cmd 6.x - The Microloader.
Note that the use of Ext.Loader has changed in ExtJS 5.
In ExtJS 5, caching can be disabled:
temporarily by adding "?cache" to the end of the URL
by setting a cookie called 'ext-cache' with the value of 1
or by editing the file .sencha/app/Boot.js and setting the '_config.disableCaching' property to be true (overwriting the dynamic lookup).
I am using ExtJS 4.2, but this should work for Ext JS 4.1 and on. In the proxy there is a property called noCache you should set this to false.
extend: '',
fields: [
{name: 'id'},
{name: 'key'},
{name: 'value'}
proxy: {
type: 'rest',
url : 'yaddayaddayadda',
noCache: false,
reader : {
type: 'json'
The reason my code says Ext4. is because I am using the sandbox mode as I move old Ext JS 3x code into 4.2
This should work with extjs 4.0.7:
Ext.Loader.config.disableCaching = false;
Setting the flag disableCaching to false (double negation - yay!) on the should do the trick.
For more, look at the disableCaching-documentation.
(Please note that quite a few classes in Ext seem to have the option available, so you might have to muck around a bit.)
For those that want to set "disableCaching: false" in Sencha Architect 3+, here is how..:
In the project inspector window, select the top node,
Then in the "Config" window below that where you
set the object properties, etc, select "Loader Config".. in my case
I had to click the "+" to the right of this as I hadn't set any
items yet. This will create a new "LoaderXX" object in the "Project
Inspector" window above; Loader25 in my case.
Now either select the new object in the
"Project Inspector" window, or click on the right arrow beside the
new "LoaderXX" (Loader25 in my case). This will take you to the
properties for the object.
Untick the "disableCaching" item.
Save the project and refresh the browser window, and enjoy persistent breakpoints, etc, etc in Chrome.
The only way I was able to disable _dc in ExtJS 4.2.x globally on my project:
Ext.define('', {override:'', disableCaching:false });
Ext.define('', {override:'', noCache:false });
Ext.define('', {override:'', disableCaching:false });
This is ugly, but any other ideas?
This is how I did this:
url: url,
I decided that I wanted the cache to be destroyed client side, but server side I was using my own caching mechanism (PHP's APC).
I left the _dc in the Ext ajax request, but then removed it from the REQUEST_URI, and then use the REQUEST_URI as the basis for the cache key
I found this useful: Regular expression to remove one parameter from query string
If you develop under Sencha CMD you can do like this
or just
For all who are looking for a way to disable it in a newer version:
proxy: {
type: 'ajax',
noCace: false
I use Ext.NET on top of Ext.JS. It adds some more voodoo to Ext.js...
I tried to get rid of the dc= parameter, but all mentioned configurations did not work. So, this is my uber-effective, uber-dirty solution: = function () { return ""; }
As far as I can see, is only used for the caching logic. So it should be relativity save.
