Given a natural number N (set arbitrarily as a preprocessor constant) and one-dimensional array A0, A1, …, AN-1 of integers (generate positive and negative elements randomly, using the <stdlib.h> library function rand()). Perform the following actions: Determine the three maximum and two minimum values of this array.
Code with search for two minimum values:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#define N 9
int main() {
int M[N], i, a[N], fbig, sbig, tbig, min, smin;
for (i = 0; i < N; i++) {
M[i] = rand() % 20 - 10;
printf("%i\t", M[i]);
for (i = 0; i < N; i++) {
if (a[i] < min) {
smin = min;
min = a[i];
} else
if (a[i] < smin && a[i] != min)
smin = a[1];
printf("\nMinimum=%d \nSecond Minimum=%d", min, smin);
return 0;
I tried to compare array elements with each other but here is my result:
-7 -4 7 5 3 5 -4 2 -1
Second Minimum=0
I would be very grateful if you could help me fix my code or maybe I'm doing everything wrong and you know how to do it right. Thank you for your time
I will revise my answer if op address what to do about duplicate values. My answer assume you want possible duplicate values in the minimum and maximum arrays, while other answers assume you want unique values.
The easiest solution would be to sort the input array. The minimum is the first 2 values and the maximum would be the last 3:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <time.h>
#define MAX_N 3
#define MIN_N 2
#define N 9
void generate(size_t n, int a[n]) {
for(size_t i = 0; i < n; i++)
a[i] = rand() % 20 - 10;
void print(size_t n, int a[n]) {
for(size_t i = 0; i < n - 1; i++)
printf("%d, ", a[i]);
if(n) printf("%d\n", a[n-1]);
int cmp_asc(const void *a, const void *b) {
if(*(int *) a < *(int *) b) return -1;
if(*(int *) a > *(int *) b) return 1;
return 0;
int main() {
int t = time(0);
printf("%d\n", t); // essential for debugging
int a[N];
generate(N, a);
print(N, a);
qsort(a, N, sizeof *a, cmp_asc);
print(MIN_N, a);
print(MAX_N, a + (N - MAX_N));
If you cannot use sort then consider the following purpose built algorithm. It's much easier to use arrays (min and max) rather than individual values, and as a bonus this allows you to easily change how many minimum (MIN_N) and maximum (MAX_N) values you want. First we need to initialize the min and max arrays, and I use the initial values of the input array for that. I used a single loop for that. To maintain the invariant that the min array has the MIN_N smallest numbers we have seen so far (a[0] through a[i-1]) we have to replace() largest (extrema) of them if the new value a[i] is smaller. For example, if the array is min = { 1, 10 } and the value we are looking at is a[i] = 5 then we have to replace the 10 not the 1.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <time.h>
#define MAX_N 3
#define MIN_N 2
#define N 9
void generate(size_t n, int a[n]) {
for(size_t i = 0; i < n; i++)
a[i] = rand() % 20 - 10;
void print(size_t n, int a[n]) {
for(size_t i = 0; i < n - 1; i++)
printf("%d, ", a[i]);
if(n) printf("%d\n", a[n-1]);
int cmp_asc(const void *a, const void *b) {
if(*(int *) a < *(int *) b) return -1;
if(*(int *) a > *(int *) b) return 1;
return 0;
int cmp_desc(const void *a, const void *b) {
return cmp_asc(b, a);
void replace(size_t n, int a[n], int v, int (*cmp)(const void *, const void *)) {
int *extrema = &a[0];
for(size_t i = 1; i < n; i++) {
if(cmp(extrema, &a[i]) < 0) {
extrema = &a[i];
if(cmp(extrema, &v) > 0)
*extrema = v;
void min_max(size_t n, int a[n], size_t min_n, int min[n], size_t max_n, int max[n]) {
for(size_t i = 1; i < n; i++) {
if(i < min_n)
min[i] = a[i];
replace(min_n, min, a[i], cmp_asc);
if(i < max_n)
max[i] = a[i];
replace(max_n, max, a[i], cmp_desc);
int main() {
int t = time(0);
printf("%d\n", t); // essential for debugging
int a[N];
generate(N, a);
print(N, a);
int min[MIN_N];
int max[MAX_N];
min_max(N, a, MIN_N, min, MAX_N, max);
print(MIN_N, min);
print(MAX_N, max);
and here is example output. The first value is a the seed in case you have to reproduce a run later. Followed by input, min and max values:
-7, 0, -2, 7, -3, 4, 5, -8, -9
-9, -8
7, 5, 4
If MIN_N or MAX_N gets large, say, ~1,000+, then you want sort the min and max arrays and use binary search to figure out where to inserta[i]. Or use a priority queue like a heap instead of arrays.
There are multiple problems in your code:
min and smin are uninitialized, hence the comparisons in the loop have undefined behavior and the code does work at all. You could initialize min as a[0] but initializing smin is not so simple.
there is a typo in smin = a[1]; you probably meant smin = a[i];
Note that the assignment is somewhat ambiguous: are the maximum and minimum values supposed to be distinct values, as the wording implies, or should you determine the minimum and maximum elements of the sorted array?
For the latter, sorting the array, either fully or partially, is a simple solution.
For the former, sorting is also a solution but further testing will be needed to remove duplicates from the sorted set.
Here is a modified version to print the smallest and largest values:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <time.h>
#define N 9
#define N_MIN 2
#define N_MAX 3
void swap(int *a, int *b) {
int tmp = *a;
*a = *b;
*b = tmp;
int main() {
int a[N], i, j, e, dup;
int smallest[N_MIN], nsmall = 0;
int largest[N_MAX], nlarge = 0;
for (i = 0; i < N; i++) {
a[i] = rand() % 20 - 10;
printf("%i\t", a[i]);
for (i = 0; i < N; i++) {
e = a[i];
dup = 0;
for (j = 0; j < nsmall; j++) {
if (e == smallest[j]) {
dup = 1;
if (e < smallest[j]) {
swap(&e, &smallest[j]);
if (!dup && nsmall < N_MIN) {
smallest[nsmall++] = e;
e = a[i];
dup = 0;
for (j = 0; j < nlarge; j++) {
if (e == largest[j]) {
dup = 1;
if (e > largest[j]) {
swap(&e, &largest[j]);
if (!dup && nlarge < N_MAX) {
largest[nlarge++] = e;
printf("smallest values: ");
for (i = 0; i < nsmall; i++) {
printf(" %d", smallest[i]);
printf("largest values: ");
for (i = nlarge; i --> 0;) {
printf(" %d", largest[i]);
return 0;
As already noted, the most direct way to do this would be to simply sort the array. (In fact, if all you need is an output of five integers then your array only need be five elements long.) But I will presume that that is not the point of this homework.
Your goal isn’t super efficiency or a pretty algorithm. It is simply to solve the tasks. Do them one at a time.
First question: How would you find the largest value?
Answer: Loop through the array, keeping track of the largest element found so far.
int largest = array[0]; // why start with this value?
for (int n = 0; n < size; n++)
if (array[n] > largest)
largest = array[n];
Second question: How would you find the smallest value?
Answer: Almost the same way, with only a simple change: Instead of testing if (array[n] > largest) we want to test if (array[n] < smallest), right?
int smallest = largest; // why start with this value?
for (int n = 0; n < size; n++)
if (...) // new condition goes here
smallest = array[n];
Third question: How would you find the second smallest value?
Answer: It should not surprise you that you just need to change the if condition in that loop again. An element would be the second smallest if:
it is the smallest value greater than the smallest.
Think about how you would change your condition:
int second_smallest = largest; // why start with this value?
for (int n = 0; n < size; n++)
if (... && ...) // what is the new test condition?
second_smallest = array[n];
Remember, this time you are testing two things, so your test condition needs that && in it.
Fourth question: can you write another loop to find the second-largest? How about the third-largest?
At this point you should be able to see the variation on a theme and be able to write a loop that will get you any Nth largest or smallest value, as long as you already have the (N-1)th to work against.
Further considerations:
Is it possible that the third-largest is the same as the second-smallest?
Or the smallest?
Is it possible for there to not be a third-largest?
Does it matter?
Put all these loops together in your main() and print out the results each time and you are all done!
int main(void)
int array[SIZE];
// fill array with random numbers here //
int largest = array[0];
for (...)
if (...)
int smallest = largest;
for (...)
if (...)
int second_smallest = largest;
for (...)
if (...)
int second_largest = smallest;
for (...)
if (...)
int third_largest = smallest;
for (...)
if (...)
printf( "The original array = " );
// print original array here, then: //
printf( "largest = %d\n", largest );
printf( "2nd largest = %d\n", second_largest );
printf( "3nd largest = %d\n", third_largest );
printf( "2nd smallest = %d\n", second_smallest );
printf( "smallest = %d\n", smallest );
return 0;
Example outputs:
{ 1 2 3 4 }
smallest = 1
2nd smallest = 2
3rd largest = 2
2nd largest = 3
largest = 4
{ 5 5 5 5 5 }
smallest = 5
2nd smallest = 5
3rd smallest = 5
largest = 5
{ 1 2 }
smallest = 1
2nd smallest = 2
3rd smallest = 2
largest = 2
Bonus: be careful with variable names. There has been no need to use short abbreviations since before the early nineties. Prefer clarity over brevity.
I am working with combinatorics and I would like to know if there is an algorithm that prints all arrangments of subsequences of a given array. That is, if I give to this algorithm the sequence "ABCDEF" it will print :
or for a more simple case, if i give it 1234, it will print:
As you can see it is not an arbitrary permutation it is only the permutation of the last members of a subsequence in a way it still reains a subsequence.
I have tried to make a function in c that does this but i got really confused, my idea would be to make a int L that keeps the size of the subsequence,and another tree integers one that keeps the head of the subsequence, one that marks the separation from the head and one that slides trought the given number of characters, but it gets too confused too quickly.
Can anyone help me with this ?
my code is:
int Stringsize( char m[] ){
int k;
if( m[k] == '\0') break;
return (k-1);
void StringOrdM(char m[]){
int q,r,s,k;
for(s=q;s<=Stringsize(m);s++ )
for(r=q+1; r<=Stringsize(m) && (r-q+1)<= k ;r++ )
printf("%c", m[r] );
And for ABCD it prints A,A,A,A,B,B,B,C,C,D,AA,AB,AC,AD,BC,BD,CC,CD,DD,... so it is not right because it keeps repeating the A 4 times the B three times and so on, when it should have been A,B,C,D,AB,AC,AD,BC,BD,CD,...
As I said in my comment above, one solution is simple: count in binary up to (1<<n)-1.
So if you have four items, count up to 15, with each bit pattern being a selection of the elements. You'll get 0001, 0010, 0011, 0100, 0101, 0110, 0111, 1000, 1001, 1010, 1011, 1100, 1101, 1110, 1111. Each bit is a true/false value as to whether to include that element of the array.
#include <stdio.h>
int main(void) {
int A[] = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 };
size_t len = sizeof A / sizeof A[0]; // Array length (in elements)
size_t elbp = (1<<len) - 1; // Element selection bit pattern
size_t i, j; // Iterators
// Cycle through all the bit patterns
for (i = 1; i<=elbp; i++) {
// For each bit pattern, print out the 'checked' elements
for (j = 0; j < len; j++) {
if (i & (1<<j)) printf("%d ", A[j]);
return 0;
If you want the elements sorted shortest to longest, you could always store these results in a string array (using sprintf()) and then sort (using a stable sorting algorithm!) by string length.
I mentioned in a comment above that if you didn't want to use a bit pattern to find all permutations, and sort the results according to whatever criteria you'd like, you could also use a recursive algorithm.
I suspect this is a homework assignment, and you only asked for an algorithm, so I left some of the key code as an exercise for you to finish. However, the algorithm itself is complete (the key parts are just described in comments, rather than functional code being inserted).
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
void printpermutations(const int *A, const size_t n, const char *pfix, const size_t rd);
int main(void) {
int A[] = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 };
size_t n = sizeof A / sizeof A[0]; // Array length (in elements)
size_t i; // Iterator
for (i = 1; i <= n; i++) {
printpermutations(A, n, "", i);
return 0;
// Recursive function to print permutations of a given length rd,
// using a prefix set in pfix.
// Arguments:
// int *A The integer array we're finding permutations in
// size_t n The size of the integer array
// char *pfix Computed output in higher levels of recursion,
// which will be prepended when we plunge to our
// intended recursive depth
// size_t rd Remaining depth to plunge in recursion
void printpermutations(const int *A, const size_t n, const char *pfix, const size_t rd) {
size_t i;
char newpfix[strlen(pfix)+22]; // 20 digits in 64-bit unsigned int
// plus a space, plus '\0'
if (n < rd) return; // Don't bother if we don't have enough
// elements to do a permutation
if (rd == 1) {
for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
// Use printf() to print out:
// A string, consisting of the prefix we were passed
// Followed immediately by A[i] and a newline
else {
strcpy(newpfix, pfix);
for (i = 1; i <= n; i++) {
// Use sprintf() to put A[i-1] and a space into the new prefix string
// at an offset of strlen(pfix).
// Then, call printpermutations() starting with the ith offset into A[],
// with a size of n-i, using the new prefix, with a remaining
// recursion depth one less than the one we were called with
Depending on torstenvl's answer I did this code and It works perfectly.
If there is any problem let me know.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
int main(void)
char str[] = "1234";
size_t len = strlen(str); // Array length (in elements)
char *A = malloc(sizeof(char) * len);
size_t elbp = (1<<len) - 1; // Element selection bit pattern
size_t i, j; // Iterators
int a = 0, b = 0, n = 0;
char **arr = malloc(sizeof(char*) * (10000)); //allocating memory
if (A[0] >= 'A' && A[0] <= 'Z') //If the string given is "ABCD...." transfer 'A' to '1' ; 'C' to '3' ...etc
for(int i = 0; i < len; i++)
A[i] = A[i] - 'A' + '1';
// Cycle through all the bit patterns
for (i = 1; i<=elbp; i++)
arr[b] = malloc(sizeof(char) * len);
// For each bit pattern, store in arr[b] the 'checked' elements
for (j = 0, a = 0; j < len; j++)
if (i & (1<<j))
arr[b][a++] = A[j];
int *num = calloc(sizeof(int) ,10000);
for (i = 0; i < b; i++)
num[i] = strtol(arr[i], NULL, 10); //convert char to int
for (i = 0; i < b; i++) //sort array numbers from smallest to largest
for (a = 0; a < i; a++)
if (num[i] < num[a])
n = num[i];
num[i] = num[a];
num[a] = n;
char *result = calloc(sizeof(char),10000);
for (i = 0, a = 0; i<b; i++)
a += sprintf(&result[a], "%d,", num[i]); //convert int to char and store it in result[a]
result[a - 1] = '\0'; //remove the last ','
len = strlen(result);
if (str[0] >= 'A' && str[0] <= 'Z') //if the string given is "ABCD..." transfer '1' to 'A' ; '12' to 'AB' ; '13' to 'AC'.....etc
for (i = 0; i < len; i++)
if(result[i] != ',')
result[i] = 'A' + (result[i] - '1') ;
return 0;
the output for "1234":
the output for "123456789":
the output for "ABCDEF":
Combinations, or k-combinations, are the unordered sets of k elements chosen from a set of size n.
Source: http://www.martinbroadhurst.com/combinations.html
This is the code:
unsigned int next_combination(unsigned int *ar, size_t n, unsigned int k)
unsigned int finished = 0;
unsigned int changed = 0;
unsigned int i;
if (k > 0) {
for (i = k - 1; !finished && !changed; i--) {
if (ar[i] < (n - 1) - (k - 1) + i) {
/* Increment this element */
if (i < k - 1) {
/* Turn the elements after it into a linear sequence */
unsigned int j;
for (j = i + 1; j < k; j++) {
ar[j] = ar[j - 1] + 1;
changed = 1;
finished = i == 0;
if (!changed) {
/* Reset to first combination */
for (i = 0; i < k; i++) {
ar[i] = i;
return changed;