Simpler way to display multi array - arrays

I am not really sure whether this problem comes under multi array or not.
I have some set of values mentioned below
For 1 hr in 100 °C -> 2516
For 2 hr in 100 °C -> 2566
For 1 hr in 200 °C -> 2344
For 2 hr in 200 °C -> 2156
There are 50 to 60 records like this.. And I will enter everything manually in the code something like array..
What will be the best way to retrieve the values
For Eg: If I give 2 hr and 100 °C -> Result should be 2566
For more clear I am attaching one screen shots below
Software UI and Charts
I have embedded Charts below the UI screen itself and there are more charts like that..
If I select radio button 100 °C With 1 Hr. then the Output will be
B.H -> M21(2516) & NC(2573)
A.H -> M21(2512) & NC(2567)
Loss -> M21(0.159) & NC(0.2332)
Sorry if I am not good with English or else with Explanation.
Thanks in advance.

You can work with Dictionary, since this instruction can work with an index and a value. See if this can helps you:


Can I output text/variables that are not part of a graph to a figure window?

In Matlab Can I output text/variables to a figure window that are not part of a graph? For example.
I have a image that I am running a filter through. I want to display the new image with statistics (time ran,max,min,standard deviation) to show that the filter is changing. I can display the image just fine, but I cant seem to figure out a way to display the statistics next to the image in the figure window.
You can plot outside of the figure like this:
fig = figure(1);clf;
ax = gca;
plot([0 0 1 1 0],[0 1 1 0 0]);
You can modify the size of the figure and of the axis using:
fig.Position = [0 500 860 420];
ax.Position=[0.1 0.1 0.7 0.7];


I'm currently doing arima forecasting in R and i'm already on the last step of displaying the forecast result but I am having trouble in displaying the forecast on the graph.
Here is my code:
mydata.arima005 <- arima(d.y, order= c(0,0,5))
mydata.pred1 <- predict (mydata.arima005, n.head =100)
lines(mydata.pred1$pred, col="blue")
lines(mydata.pred1$pred+2*mydata.pred1$se, col="red")
lines(mydata.pred1$pred-2*mydata.pred1$se, col="red")
So as you can see, I want my graph to show the forecast values in color blue and the confidence interval on red. But this is what I am getting instead.
So as you can see it's not color coded at all. My code contains no error.
This is a sample of the output I am expecting(got it from youtube)I used the same codes used in this video I got thats why i was wondering why my graph doe not look like this.Hope you could help
The forecast package has some functions for displaying nice plots of the forecasts and prediction intervals.
You would need something like this:
mydata.arima005 <- Arima(d.y, order= c(0,0,5))
mydata.pred1 <- forecast(mydata.arima005, h=100)
Or using ggplot2 graphics:

Exporting ARIMA-regression forecasts

I'll be grateful if you can answer this. I fit a regression-ARIMA model as
Standard command for ARIMA with regressors.
Then I use it to predict ahead:
standard stuff
The problem appears next, where I get this output (focusing on the part that matters):
[126] 0.160095040 0.350650026 0.281973859 -0.161599717 0.305046264
Time Series:
Start = 131
End = 135
Frequency = 1
[1] 0.2268524 0.2283935 0.2299241 0.2314447 0.2329553
I'd overlook that it repeats the entire series, which I'm not interested in; my problem is that I can't export the predictions! When I submit
I get
Error in data.frame(pred = c(0.303546011854172, 0.240057038087077, 0.125706531559436, : arguments imply differing number of rows: 130, 5
As for the forecasts, the vector f1 appears of length 2, with f1[1] being the 130 original observations, and f1[2] being the 5 forecasts! (Instead of f1[1] being the forecast of the 1st period ahead, f1[2] the forecast of the 2nd period, etc)
Any ideas of what's going on and what can I do about it?
And to intrique you even more, the problem only appears when I use regressors! Everything works well if I only have ARIMA!
Any help is much appreciated!

Adding/generating content automatically in Vim

I have a huge list of numbers and I would like to add content on the end of each line. It's something like this:
123123, 1
123123, 2
13234, 3
124125, 4
12634, 5
5234, 6
A couple of points:
I know that :range s/oldpattern/newpattern/ will substitute the oldpattern by the new one.
I know that for i in range(begin, end) | something | endfor can generate those extra numbers.
However, I don't know if it's possible to combine them to do what I want (or if there's a different way to do it). Does anybody knows how can I add those extra values automatically? I'm quite sure that it's possible using Vim, but I don't know how.
You can do this by visually selecting the area then typing
:s/$/\=', '.(line('.')-line("'<")+1)<CR>
(range is added automatically when you type : from visual mode). Visual mode is needed to get line("'<") thing, if you are fine with typing line number in place of it use any range.
I'd do
:%s/\v^\s*(\d+)\s+(.*)$/\2, \1/g
nl will (by default) skip numbering empty lines
Or as a oneliner
:exec "%!nl"|%s/\v^\s*(\d+)\s+(.*)$/\2, \1/g
:%!awk '{print $0", "NR}'
:%!perl -lpe '$_.=", $."'

De-indexing Collada

How de-indexing the triangles of my collada mesh?. My goal is get something like:
<triangles material = "mat0" count ="12">
<input semantic = "VERTEX" source = "#mesh1"/>
<input semantic = "NORMAL" source = "#norm1"/>
0 0 1 1 4 4 3 3 5 5 7 7 6 6 8 8 .... <- same indices
it's this possible? I use C language and OpenGL API. I want to use VBO.
I still use COLLADA Refinery to fix my mesh data :
I have a script that goes through all my collada files doing different operations. It might have the operations you are looking for. Note that the last release was in 2007.
Full list of conditioners :
Rearranges vertices indexes so that each Vertices will reference the
corresponding Position, Normal, Texcoord with the same index number.
The size of source for position, normal, and texcoord might increase.
With meshtool you can run the following:
meshtool --load_collada file.dae
--save_collada file-normalized.dae
