Make Version Code & Version Name using Codename1 - codenameone

Good day...
When make changes to APK when the application is alreay in Play store Or App store, how to make the Version Code & Version name in codenameone like "menifest file" as well so that existing users will receive our update.

Right click the project and there is general properties under codenameone tab as shown below image and update version(eg: 1.1) and this will code version and the play store and app store will show update button


Has the latest Codenameone build version lost functionality to scroll through container of rows containing

We have 4 containers in an array, we show the first perfectly, but when we set as current the next container to show it, we call forceRevalidate() on it but only the most general container is showed.
When i update the project libraries through Codename One Settings -> Basic -> Update Project Libs and clean&build project the error persist.
It hasn't changed locally for a while since we didn't push an update for Ant in ages. I suggest migrating to maven where you can check such functionality.
Notice that if this applies only to device builds those do get updated for Ant and will be consistent with the latest maven version.

how to see modern view in Sencha Ext.js Universal application

Im using sencha ext- and creating a universal application using the below command.
sencha -sdk C:\Users\AANANTHA\sencha-sdks\ext- generate app MyApp
Once i build and launch the app using sencha app watch command i can see and modify only classic view , if i change anything in modern view its not reflecting in the app.
Please suggest as i'm new to sencha.
I tried changing the code in classic view and modern view js files .But i can see changes reflecting only in classic view .
You have to define a condition to select a specific profile to show to the user.
If you have just made a fresh universal app, this condition is located in index.html, in Ext.beforeLoad you'll see the profile is set based on the url.
So for testing purposes you can change your profile putting ?classic or ?modern at the end of your url, if you need or want to create other profiles, you can define them in app.json in the builds part.

Label with dynamically created build number react native

I'm building an app in React Native. I want to include a field in the settings screen which displays the build version of the app. This is because I test the app on several devices (5 different ones at the moment). A build label would therefore be useful just to be sure what bundle I'm running. The build label will basically just state the date that the bundle was built. For instance 20181201 (which would be 1st of December 2018). I can quite easily just create a constant, and update the constant manually before building a bundle. However, this relies on me remembering to update that label. It would be nice if this label was automatically generated at the time of build. Any good suggestions as to how I could achieve this in React Native?
If you write the build number you want in:
Android - app/build.gradle versionCode property
iOS - ios/[APP_NAME]/info.plist CFBundleVersion property
You can use react-native-device-info.
Check out getBuildNumber method.
I use a json file that contains information about the build. This json file is then imported and its contents are used to make a footer on the settings page, this allows me to track which build is on which device.
Personally I use Bitrise to make my builds, so in my workflow there I have a step that runs a bash script that updates the json file with specific information. i.e. date and time of build, Bitrise build number etc.
Alternatively if you don't use a CI suite like Bitrise
For iOS you could use a Pre-action in Xcode and run a script that would update the json file when you create your archive. Edit schema... select Pre-actions and then add a Run Script.
For Android you could use a custom task as explained in this SO answer Execute a custom independent gradle task in android studio

Change windows phone 8.1 app version while publishing

I had created an app using AppStudion and later modified it. After completion I had published it on windows phone store, but it display the app version as 2014.1012.1035.4168. I want to change it to something like, but it won't let me do it.
The input fields are disabled for changing app version are disabled.
I have changed the version to in package.appmanifest also
What am I doing wrong?
The strange version stands for appx bundle and you cannot edit it - it's created by the Store.
The app after submission should show up with correct version depending on the device.
Here is also reference to Rob Caplan's answer.
For sure the correct version will be after you install the app - get your App ID from Package.ID it will be

update notification in WP app

I want create update notification in my wp app, that when I will publish new version my app in main screen displayed pop-up with text available new version.
How I can do it?
Can I get data about last version my app from market?
See for code that checks if there is a newer version available.
See for easy integration in your app.
