WPF project Taskmanger icon - wpf

I have a WPF project. when I run it, the icon appers in the Taskbar and in the app. But in the Taskmanger windows app it's blank, how can I change that?
I have the "icon" property set on the window. And also the projects properties has the icon as its icon.
And also the icon on "programs and features" looks strange

Looks like your ico file has not enough resolutions. Edit it with some graphic software like Free Icon Editor
Take a look at Icons Guidlines
For Classic Mode, the full set is 16x16, 24x24, 32x32, 48x48 and 64x64. (but better have some more resolutions up to 256x256)
Here is screenshot of IcoFX editor with opened icon that has multiple resolutions inside


Windows 8 Live Tile Icon Background Color

I am developing a WPF application. My customers want to use it on Windows 8 and it's working correctly. But they are complaining me about the background color of the app's icon on Start Screen.
So can you please show me how to change it in Visual Studio or some tricks? I found some tuts on Google to customize it but using tools and I want to make it happen in Installer or Property of project...
Change app icon color from the App Manifest file.
Heres the app manifest portion where you can change in the image
In My case the bacground color is #464646 you can change it to any thing you want and update to the users :)
Because of this reason it is always advised by Microsoft to use Transparent Png logo and a uniform background color for app tile.
That background colot of app's icon on Windows 8 is the default behavior of Windows 8. It will display the background color of the app's icon using the "dominant" color of the app's icon. If your icon has dominant color of brown, it will display brown background.
This is also the similar default behavior when hovering mouse on running application's icons on Windows 7's taskbar. To enhance the look, try change the application icon to use neutral colors or light colors instead of dark colors.
Or you can change the icon of your app to use single color's icon (such as white) on transparent background to reflect the flat theme icons of Windows Store apps in Windows 8, or use full rectangle icons as those games in Windows 8.
There is a similar question and answer: UWP Tile Background Color Not Working by Kasper, but is not specific to Windows 8, for anyone looking for a UWP solution.
As the answer by Anobik states, set the colour in the app manifest page. However, as it was found by Kasper, the value must be set in HEX for it to work as expected.

How to set different icon in ALT+TAB view and taskbar

I have a Winform application and I would set two different icons, one for the application shown in the taskbar and the left-upper corner of the window and a different one for the ALT+TAB switch.
The properties Icon of the Form sets only the small one but seems that it is used also for the ALT+TAB view.
In Visual Studio 2012 I've already tried to select a diffenrent icon under Project Properties > Application > Resources > Icon and Manifest.
Any help will be appreciated!
I got the solution which is quite simple. Basically I created a multi-size icon with the same image (64x64, 32x32...) and I changed the 16x16 size with another icon. In this way you can have different type of icon inside one.

Custom Font in WP7 silverlight app

I have an issue, I tried to load a custom font in wp7 silverlight app for my buttons, and it worked nicely. This font supports greek language in word, photoshop etc. But in expression blend or in visual studio when i change the content of the button in greek word then the button fontfamily loads in default font. Why is this happening?
It sounds as though you aren't loading the font correctly.
What are you actually doing. (Show the code. Don't just describe it.)

Adding an external font to WP7 app

I want my WP7 app controls and to have a certain font which is not in Visual studio font selection, how can I add the font to the font list of Visual studio or directly into my controls?
This can be easily done using Expression Blend.
In your project, select a TextBlock and go to the Properties panel, under Text section, there is a Font Manager button (see below), click it and then you can select the font you want in a popup window.
Expression Blend will automatically create a Fonts folder and put all the embedded fonts in there, really easy to use. :)
Here's a post showing how to embed fonts in a silverlight project (see the section 'Custom Fonts'):
I haven't tested this in a windows phone project but it should work.

Image Icons like Macbook in WPF

I am looking for very simple UI; with three Image Icons on Bottom of the screen. And when user hovers over that Image Icon it pops out and come bigger then normal size when no mouse over the Image.
Exactly like Mac where they have list of Icons on the bottom and when you hover over one Icon it stands out and when you click on it it opens respective application...
How can I do this in WPF C# ?
Or if you can direct me to existing example/code etc ?
You are looking for Fish Eye Effect in WPF.
Here is a good article from CodeProject:
FishEyePanel/FanPanel - Examples of custom layout panels in WPF
I wrote this user control that would mimic the dashboard of the Mac's (Fish eye effect).
