Matlab Process on Windows Server hangs - sql-server

I run a Matlab process from the task scheduler, on a WindowsServer 2008R2 VM running on VMWare.
The process gets data from a SQL database and does calculation. The process seems to 'hang' and not do any calculations when the servers are particularly with less activity(on weekends). But when I log in via RDP - the process seems to kick off or come alive and completes its execution.
I have done research about this and have configured the NIC to not to goto sleep when its inactive, from the OS level.
Also I have a different application writing a log file to the Win200R2 server during that period hoping to keep the NIC alive.
But none of the above fixes are working, and still the process hangs on weekends. I would love to hear what the community thinks about this ...
VM Configuration Screenshot


SQL Server Trace Files Filling Up Agent Drive

SQL Compliance Manager is collecting files on an Agent Server to audit and once the trace files collect on the Agent the Compliance Manager agent service account moves these files to the Collection Server folder, processes them and deletes them.
Over 5 times in the last month, the trace files have started filling up the Agent drive to the point where the trace files have to be stopped by running a SQL query to change the status of the traces. This has also had a knock on effect with the Collection Server and the folder on there starts to fill up excessively and the Collection Server Agent is unable to process the audit trace files. 4/5 times the issue occurred closely after a SQL fail over, however, the last time this trace error occurred there had been no fail over. The only thing that was noticeable in the event logs was that 3 SQL jobs went off around the time the traces started acting up.
A pattern has been identified which shows on Windows Event Viewer that there is an execution timeout close or at the time the trace files start becoming unwieldy.
Error: An error occurred starting traces for instance XXXXXXXXX. Error: Execution Timeout Expired.
The timeout period elapsed prior to completion of the operation or the server is not responding..
The trace start timeout value can be modified on the Trace Options tab of the Agent Properties dialog in the SQLcompliance Management Console.
Although, I do not believe by just adjusting the Timeout settings will cause for the traces to stop acting in that way, as these are recommended settings and other audited servers have these same settings but do not act in the same way. The issue only persists with one box.
I want to find out if anyone else has experienced a similar issue and if so, was the environment the issue happened in dealing with a heavy load? By reducing the load did it help or were there other remediation steps to take? Or does anyone know of a database auditing tool which is lightweight and doesn't create these issues?!
Any help or advice appreciated!

PLESK - No access to Backup Manager

On the frontend of the plesk when I go to "Tools" > "Backupmanager" the page loads some minutes and then it times just out.
On the server via ssh I saw, that the process pmmcli get one more entry for one call of the backupmanager-page. Even killing the process is not going to work except the timeout comes faster. And the pmmcli - process is keeping the machine quite busy after a few tries.
My question is, how I can get the backup manager up running again?
I am still a rookie with server and even more (or less?) with plesk. I beg for your help or some tips please :)

Kill Job Activity in SQL Server

There is job on our SQL Server. It was started and stopped after some time. However, the job still appears to be running even if it is not.
I can see it "is running" in Job Activity Monitor and also sysjobactivity (= there is no stop_execution_date field filled, but in fact nothing happens. I do not see it running in Activity Monitor.
How to effectively kill the job without need to restart whole server? Stopping the job via SSMS GUI does not work.

Tomcat 6.0 is getting stopped after certain time automatically

Tomcat 6.0 is getting stoped after certain time automatically.. My machine is never turned off. but still this process is stopped . I am using My tomcat server in production mode.. and I really don't feel good starting my server daily.
What could be the reason because in Production mode server should never get stopped.
Check in your task scheduler;
Go To start->type in search task schduler
go to task scheduler. Check whether any task is running to stop the serverr.
or you can increase permgen space.
Server might be stop because of out of memory exception.

How to remotely Start/Stop SQLServer services kicking off existing connections?

I know there is already a question about this but my issue is more oriented to remote scenarios.
With net start/stop you can specify a /y parameter to bounce users off current sessions but you cannot start/stop remotely.
With sc you can start/stop remotely but if the SQLServer instance is being used it won't let you stop the service (with a "[SC] ControlService FAILED 1051: A stop control has been sent to a service that other running services are dependent on." message)
So my question is: what's the best way of kicking out users stopping the SqlServer service remotely?
I think the /y just answers Yes to the "Are you sure?" prompt. I'd think that sc could be used as well, though it may time out waiting for the service to stop if there's a lot of inflight transactions. Does it give you any specifics of why it can't stop?
Here's a couple of other methods to stop a remote SQL instance. Except for SHUTDOWN WITH NOWAIT, I'd recommend any of them.
psexec will let you run net stop remotely.
There's also the SQL SHUTDOWN command - you can issue that WITH NOWAIT to avoid waiting for current transactions to finish and checkpointing, which will make shutdown faster (but subsequent startup slower, and could lead to lost data).
Or you could use either Configuration Manager or Management Studio to stop a remote instance.
Edit: The error is pretty self explanatory. It means you must stop dependent services first. Sql Agent is probably at least one of them. Checking Admin Tools->Services will show you the rest.
Using SSMS is the best make sure you have the proper privileges to shutdown and check to see the status of replications and ALWAYS ON and Log Shipping.
