How to change double's endianness? - c

I need to read data from serial port. They are in little endian, but I need to do it platform independent, so I have to cover the endianness of double. I couldn't find anywhere, how to do it, so I wrote my own function. But I am not sure with it. (and I don't have a machine with big endian to try it on).
Will this work correctly? or is there some better approach I wasn't able to find?
double get_double(uint8_t * buff){
double value;
uint64_t tmp;
tmp = le64toh(*(uint64_t*)&value);
value = *(double*) &tmp;
return value;
p.s. I count with double 8 bytes long, so don't bother with this pls. I know that there might be problems with this
EDIT: After suggestion, that I should use union, I did this:
union double_int{
double d;
uint64_t i;
double get_double(uint8_t * buff){
union double_int value;
value.i = le64toh(value.i);
return value.d;
better? (though I don't see much of a difference)
EDIT2: attemtp #3, what do you think now?
double get_double(uint8_t * buff){
double value;
uint64_t tmp;
tmp = le64toh(tmp);
return value;
Edit3: I compile it with gcc -std=gnu99 -lpthread -Wall -pedantic
Edit4: After next suggestion I added a condition for endianness order checking. I honestly have no idea, what I am doing right now (shouldn't there be something like __DOUBLE_WORD_ORDER__ ?)
double get_double(uint8_t * buff){
double value;
uint64_t tmp;
tmp = le64toh(tmp);
else {
return value;

I'd just go and copy the bytes manually to a temporary double and then return that. In C (and I think C++) it is fine to cast any pointer to char *; that's one of the explicit permissions for aliasing (in the standard draft n1570, par. 6.5/7), as I mentioned in one of my comments. The exception is absolutely necessary in order to get anything done that is close to hardware; including reversing bytes received over a network :-).
There is no standard compile time way to determine whether that's necessary which is a pity; if you want to avoid branches which is probably a good idea if you deal with lots of data, you should look up your compiler's documentation for proprietary defines so that you can choose the proper code branch at compile time. gcc, for example, has __FLOAT_WORD_ORDER__ set to either __ORDER_LITTLE_ENDIAN__ or __ORDER_BIG_ENDIAN__.
(Because of your question in comments: __FLOAT_WORD_ORDER__ means floating points in general. It would be a very sick mind who designs a FPU that has different byte orders for different data sizes :-). In all reality there aren't many mainstream architectures which have different byte orders for floating point vs. integer types. As Wikipedia says, small systems may differ.)
Basile pointed to ntohd, a conversion function which exists on Windows but apparently not on Linux.
My naive sample implementation would be like
/** copy the bytes at data into a double, reversing the
byte order, and return that.
double reverseValue(const char *data)
double result;
char *dest = (char *)&result;
for(int i=0; i<sizeof(double); i++)
dest[i] = data[sizeof(double)-i-1];
return result;
/** Adjust the byte order from network to host.
On a big endian machine this is a NOP.
double ntohd(double src)
# if !defined(__FLOAT_WORD_ORDER__) \
|| !defined(__ORDER_LITTLE_ENDIAN__)
# error "oops: unknown byte order"
# endif
return reverseValue((char *)&src);
# else
return src;
# endif
There is a working example here:
An improved version would cater to the given CPU -- it may have an 8 byte swap command.

If you can adapt the software both sides (emitter & receiver) you could use some serialization library and format. It could be using old XDR routines like xdr_double in your case (see xdr(3)...). You could also consider ASN1 or using textual formats like JSON.
XDR is big endian. You might try to find some NDR implementation, is is little endian.
See also this related question, and STFW for htond

Ok, so finally, thanks to you all, I have found the best solution. Now my code looks like this:
double reverseDouble(const char *data){
double result;
char *dest = (char *)&result;
for(int i=0; i<sizeof(double); i++)
dest[i] = data[sizeof(double)-i-1];
return result;
double get_double(uint8_t * buff){
double value;
return reverseDouble((char *)&value);
return value;
p.s. (checking for defines etc. is somewhere else)

If you can assume the endianness of doubles is the same as for integers (which you can't, generally, but it's almost always the same), you can read it as an integer by shifting it byte by byte, and then cast the representation to a double.
double get_double_from_little_endian(uint8_t * buff) {
uint64_t u64 = ((uint64_t)buff[0] << 0 |
(uint64_t)buff[1] << 8 |
(uint64_t)buff[2] << 16 |
(uint64_t)buff[3] << 24 |
(uint64_t)buff[4] << 32 |
(uint64_t)buff[5] << 40 |
(uint64_t)buff[6] << 48 |
(uint64_t)buff[7] << 56);
return *(double *)(char *)&u64;
This is only standard C and it's optimized well by compilers. The C standard doesn't define how the floats are represented in memory though, so compiler-dependent macros like __FLOAT_WORD_ORDER__ may give better results, but it gets more complex if you want to cover also the "mixed-endian IEEE format" which is found on ARM old-ABI.


Endianness conversion without relying on undefined behavior

I am using C to read a .png image file, and if you're not familiar with the PNG encoding format, useful integer values are encoded in .png files in the form of 4-byte big-endian integers.
My computer is a little-endian machine, so to convert from a big-endian uint32_t that I read from the file with fread() to a little-endian one my computer understands, I've been using this little function I wrote:
#include <stdint.h>
uint32_t convertEndian(uint32_t val){
uint32_t value;
char bytes[sizeof(uint32_t)];
for(int i=0;i<sizeof(uint32_t);++i)
return out.value;
This works beautifully on my x86_64 UNIX environment, gcc compiles without error or warning even with the -Wall flag, but I feel rather confident that I'm relying on undefined behavior and type-punning that may not work as well on other systems.
Is there a standard function I can call that can reliably convert a big-endian integer to one the native machine understands, or if not, is there an alternative safer way to do this conversion?
I see no real UB in OP's code.
Portability issues: yes.
"type-punning that may not work as well on other systems" is not a problem with OP's C code yet may cause trouble with other languages.
Yet how about a big (PNG) endian to host instead?
Extract the bytes by address (lowest address which has the MSByte to highest address which has the LSByte - "big" endian) and form the result with the shifted bytes.
Something like:
uint32_t Endian_BigToHost32(uint32_t val) {
union {
uint32_t u32;
uint8_t u8[sizeof(uint32_t)]; // uint8_t insures a byte is 8 bits.
} x = { .u32 = val };
((uint32_t)x.u8[0] << 24) |
((uint32_t)x.u8[1] << 16) |
((uint32_t)x.u8[2] << 8) |
Tip: many libraries have a implementation specific function to efficiently to this. Example be32toh.
IMO it'd be better style to read from bytes into the desired format, rather than apparently memcpy'ing a uint32_t and then internally manipulating the uint32_t. The code might look like:
uint32_t read_be32(uint8_t *src) // must be unsigned input
return (src[0] * 0x1000000u) + (src[1] * 0x10000u) + (src[2] * 0x100u) + src[3];
It's quite easy to get this sort of code wrong, so make sure you get it from high rep SO users 😉. You may often see the alternative suggestion return (src[0] << 24) + (src[1] << 16) + (src[2] << 8) + src[3]; however, that causes undefined behaviour if src[0] >= 128 due to signed integer overflow , due to the unfortunate rule that the integer promotions take uint8_t to signed int. And also causes undefined behaviour on a system with 16-bit int due to large shifts.
Modern compilers should be smart enough to optimize, this, e.g. the assembly produced by clang little-endian is:
read_be32: # #read_be32
mov eax, dword ptr [rdi]
bswap eax
However I see that gcc 10.1 produces a much more complicated code, this seems to be a surprising missed optimization bug.
This solution doesn't rely on accessing inactive members of a union, but relies instead on unsigned integer bit-shift operations which can portably and safely convert from big-endian to little-endian or vice versa
#include <stdint.h>
uint32_t convertEndian32(uint32_t in){
return ((in&0xffu)<<24)|((in&0xff00u)<<8)|((in&0xff0000u)>>8)|((in&0xff000000u)>>24);
This code reads a uint32_t from a pointer of uchar_t in big endian storage, independently of the endianness of your architecture. (The code just acts as if it was reading a base 256 number)
uint32_t read_bigend_int(uchar_t *p, int sz)
uint32_t result = 0;
while(sz--) {
result <<= 8; /* multiply by base */
result |= *p++; /* and add the next digit */
if you call, for example:
int main()
/* ... */
uchar_t buff[1024];
read(fd, buff, sizeof buff);
uint32_t value = read_bigend_int(buff + offset, sizeof value);
/* ... */

C - combine two uint32_t to a double

Hi I'm working on socket translation between two protocols. I read from a binary file and store the parsed header into an array of type uint32_t. Then I grab the fields out of the array and convert them into respective types. So far uint32_t/int32_t/uint16_t to int32_t works fine.
However, I get all kinds of wrong outputs when trying to combine two uint32_t (append one after the other) and then converting this 64bit long data into a double.
Being a newbie to C programming, I'm struggling with the computer methodology of double / float representation.
Basically what I want to do is: without altering the bit pattern of the two uint32_t, concast concatenate one after the other to make a 64-bit data, then convert the data as a double. The most important thing is not to alter the bit pattern as that part of the bit stream is supposed to be a double.
The following is part of the code:
uint32_t* buffer = (uint32_t*) malloc (arraySize * sizeof(uint32_t));
double outputSampleRate = ((union { double i; double outputSampleRate; })
{ .i = ((uint64_t)buffer[6] << 32 | (uint64_t)buffer[7])}).outputSampleRate;
Data in input file:
value after my code:
Also, is there a better way to handle the socket header parsing?
Reinterpreting bit patterns through a union requires that the union elements have the right type. Your union has two doubles, so when you read from one, it will have the same value as the other. The conversion from uint32_t to double will be one that preserves numeric results, explaining the "garbage", which is really just the double reinterpreted as an integer. You will also need to use the correct byte order (low word first? high word first?) and the easiest way to do this is by avoiding bit shifting altogether.
double outputSampleRate = ((union { uint32_t i[2]; double d; })
{ .i = { buffer[6], buffer[7] } }).d;
You could use uint64_t i but... why bother?
You could also use memcpy() to copy the bytes...
double outputSampleRate;
memcpy(&outputSampleRate, &buffer[6], sizeof(outputSampleRate));
The usual caveats apply: while these solutions are relatively portable, they do not take endian issues into account, and they will not work on systems that violate your assumptions about e.g. how big a double is, but it is generally safe to make these assumptions.
Your union definition is incorrect, you want i to be defined as uint64_t:
double outputSampleRate = ((union { uint64_t i; double d; })
{ .i = ((uint64_t)buffer[6] << 32 | (uint64_t)buffer[7])}).d;
You might also be running into an endianness issue. Try little endian:
double outputSampleRate = ((union { unt64_t i; double d; })
{ .i = ((uint64_t)buffer[7] << 32) | (uint64_t)buffer[6]}).d;
Reinterpreting the bits of the representation via a union is actually supported by the C Standard and is known as type punning. It is not guaranteed to work if the bits represent a trap value for the destination type.
You could try other casts and tricks: test your luck and use a pointer cast:
double outputSampleRate = *(uint64_t*)&buffer[6];
Another way to force type punning is to use the memcpy function:
double outputSampleRate;
uint64_t temp = ((uint64_t)buffer[7] << 32) | (uint64_t)buffer[6];
memcpy(&outputSampleRate, &temp, sizeof(outputSampleRate));
Or simply:
double outputSampleRate;
memcpy(&outputSampleRate, &buffer[6], sizeof(outputSampleRate));
But it does not seem guaranteed to work either, although I have seen some instances of both of the above in production code.

Changing the Endiannes of an integer which can be 2,4 or 8 bytes using a switch-case statement

In a (real time) system, computer 1 (big endian) gets an integer data from from computer 2 (which is little endian). Given the fact that we do not know the size of int, I check it using a sizeof() switch statement and use the __builtin_bswapX method accordingly as follows (assume that this builtin method is usable).
int data;
getData(&data); // not the actual function call. just represents what data is.
switch (sizeof(int)) {
case 2:
intVal = __builtin_bswap16(data);
case 4:
intVal = __builtin_bswap32(data);
case 8:
intVal = __builtin_bswap64(data);
is this a legitimate way of swapping the bytes for an integer data? Or is this switch-case statement totally unnecessary?
Update: I do not have access to the internals of getData() method, which communicates with the other computer and gets the data. It then just returns an integer data which needs to be byte-swapped.
Update 2: I realize that I caused some confusion. The two computers have the same int size but we do not know that size. I hope it makes sense now.
Seems odd to assume the size of int is the same on 2 machines yet compensate for variant endian encodings.
The below only informs the int size of the receiving side and not the sending side.
The sizeof(int) is the size, in char of an int on the local machine. It should be sizeof(int)*CHAR_BIT to get the bit size. [Op has edited the post]
The sending machine should detail the data width, as a 16, 32, 64- bit without regard to its int size and the receiving end should be able to detect that value as part of the message or an agreed upon width should be used.
Much like hton() to convert from local endian to network endian, the integer size with these function is moving toward fixed width integers like
#include <netinet/in.h>
uint32_t htonl(uint32_t hostlong);
uint16_t htons(uint16_t hostshort);
uint32_t ntohl(uint32_t netlong);
uint16_t ntohs(uint16_t netshort);
So suggest sending/receiving the "int" as a 32-bit uint32_t in network endian.
Consider computers exist that have different endian (little and big are the most common, others exist) and various int sizes with bit width 32 (common), 16, 64 and maybe even some odd-ball 36 bit and such and room for growth to 128-bit. Let us assume N combinations. Rather than write code to convert from 1 of N to N different formats (N*N) routines, let us define a network format and fix its endian to big and bit-width to 32. Now each computer does not care nor need to know the int width/endian of the sender/recipient of data. Each platform get/receives data in a locally optimized method from its endian/int to network endian/int-width.
OP describes not knowing the the sender's int width yet hints that the int width on the sender/receiver might be the same as the local machine. If the int widths are specified to be the same and the endian are specified to be one big/one little as described, then OP's coding works.
However, such a "endians are opposite and int-width the same" seems very selective. I would prepare code to cope with a interchange standard (network standard) as certainly, even if today it is "opposite endian, same int", tomorrow will evolved to a network standard.
A portable approach would not depend on any machine properties, but only rely on mathematical operations and a definition of the communication protocol that is also hardware independent. For example, given that you want to store bytes in a defined way:
void serializeLittleEndian(uint8_t *buffer, uint32_t data) {
size_t i;
for (i = 0; i < sizeof(uint32_t); ++i) {
buffer[i] = data % 256;
data /= 256;
and to restore that data to whatever machine:
uint32_t deserializeLittleEndian(uint8_t *buffer) {
uint32_t data = 0;
size_t i;
for (i = 0; i < sizeof(uint32_t); ++i) {
data *= 256;
data += buffer[i];
return data;
EDIT: This is not portable to systems with other than 8 bits per byte due to the uses of int8_t and int32_t. The use of type int8_t implies a system with 8 bit chars. However, it will not compile for systems where these conditions are not met. Thanks to Olaf and Chqrlie.
Yes, this is totally cool - given you fix your switch for proper sizeof return values. One might be a little fancy and provide, for example, template specializations based on the size of int. But a switch like this is totally cool and will not produce any branches in optimized code.
As already mentioned, you generally want to define a protocol for communications across networks, which the hton/ntoh functions are mostly meant for. Network byte order is generally treated as big endian, which is what the hton/ntoh functions use. If the majority of your machines are little endian, it may be better to standardize on it instead though.
A couple people have been critical of using __builtin_bswap, which I personally consider fine as long you don't plan to target compilers that don't support it. Although, you may want to read Dan Luu's critique of intrinsics.
For completeness, I'm including a portable version of bswap that (at very least Clang) compiles into a bswap for x86(64).
#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdint.h>
size_t bswap(size_t x) {
for (size_t i = 0; i < sizeof(size_t) >> 1; i++) {
size_t d = sizeof(size_t) - i - 1;
size_t mh = ((size_t) 0xff) << (d << 3);
size_t ml = ((size_t) 0xff) << (i << 3);
size_t h = x & mh;
size_t l = x & ml;
size_t t = (l << ((d - i) << 3)) | (h >> ((d - i) << 3));
x = t | (x & ~(mh | ml));
return x;

Is using the most significant bit to tag a union considered a bad practice?

Suppose I have the following tagged union:
// f32 is a float of 32 bits
// uint32 is an unsigned int of 32 bits
struct f32_or_uint32 {
char tag;
union {
f32 f;
uint32 u;
If tag == 0, then it is a f32. If tag == 1, then it is a uint32. There is only one problem with that representation: it uses 64 bits, when only 33 should be necessary. That is almost a ´1/2´ waste, which can be considerably when you are dealing with huge buffers. I never use the 32 bits, so I thought in using one bit as the flag and doing this instead:
#define IS_UINT32(x) (!(x&0x80000000))
#define IS_F323(x) (x&0x80000000)
#define MAKE_F32(x) (x|0x80000000)
#define EXTRACT_F32(x) (x&0x7FFFFFF)
union f32_or_uint32 {
f32 f;
uint32 u;
This way, I am using 31 bits for the value and only 1 for the tag. My question is: could this practice be detrimental to performance, maintainability and portability?
No, you can't do that. At least, not in the general sense.
An unsigned integer takes on 2^32 different values. It uses all 32 bits. Likewise, a float takes on (nearly) 2^32 different values. It uses all 32 bits.
With some care it might well be possible to isolate a bit that will always be 1 in one type and 0 for the other, across the range of values that you actually want to use. The high bit of unsigned int would be available if you decided to use values only up to 2^31. The low bit of float could be available if you didn't mind a small rounding error.
There is a better strategy available if the range of unsigned ints is smaller (say only 23 bits). You could select a high order bit pattern of 1+8 bits that was illegal for your usage of float. Perhaps you can manage without +/- infinity? Try 0x1ff.
To answer your other questions, it's relatively easy to create a new type like this in C++, using a class and some inline functions, and get good performance. Doing it with macros in C would tend to be more invasive of the code and more prone to bugs, but with similar performance. The instruction overhead required to do these tests and perhaps do some mask operations is unlikely to be detectable in most normal usages. Obviously that would have to be reconsidered in the case of a computationally intensive usage, but you can just see this as a typical space/speed trade-off.
Let's talk first about whether this works conceptually. This trick more or less works if you're storing unsigned 32-bit numbers but you know they will never be greater than 231. It works because all numbers smaller than 231 will always have a "0" in the high bit. If you know it will always be 0, you don't actually have to store it.
The trick also more or less works if you are storing floating point numbers that are never negative. For single-precision floating point numbers, the high bit indicates sign, and is always 0 if the number is positive. (This property of floating-point numbers is not nearly as well-known among programmers, so you'd want to document this).
So assuming your use case fits in these parameters, the approach works conceptually. Now let's investigate whether it is possible to express in C.
You can't perform bitwise operations on floating-point values; for more info see [Why you can't] perform a bitwise operation on floating point numbers. So to get at the floating-point number's bit pattern, you need to treat it as a char* array:
typedef uint32_t tagged_t;
tagged_t float_to_tagged(float f) {
uint32_t ret;
memcpy(&ret, &f, sizeof(f));
// Make sure the user didn't pass us a negative number.
assert((ret & 0x80000000) == 0);
return ret | 0x80000000
Don't worry about that memcpy() call -- any compiler worth it's salt will optimize it away. This is the best and fastest way to get at the float's underlying bit pattern.
And you'd likewise need to use memcpy to get the original float back.
float tagged_to_float(tagged_t val) {
float ret;
val &= 0x7FFFFFF;
memcpy(&ret, &val, sizeof(val));
return ret;
I have answered your question directly because I believe in giving people the facts. That said, I agree with other posters who say this is unlikely to be your best design choice. Reflect on your use case: if you have very large buffers of these values, is it really the case that every single one can be either a uint32 or a float, and there is no pattern to it? If you can move this type information to a higher level, where the type info applies to all values in some part of the buffer, it will most definitely be more efficient than making your loops test the type of every value individually.
Using the high bit is going to be annoying on the most diffuse x86 platform because it's the sign bit and the most significant bit for unsigned ints.
A scheme that's IMO slightly better is to use the lowest bit instead but that requires decoding (i.e. storing a shifted integer):
#include <stdio.h>
typedef union tag_uifp {
unsigned int ui32;
float fp32;
} uifp;
#define FLOAT_VALUE 0x00
#define UINT_VALUE 0x01
int get_type(uifp x) {
return x.ui32 & 1;
unsigned get_uiv(uifp x) {
return x.ui32 >> 1;
float get_fpv(uifp x) {
return x.fp32;
uifp make_uiv(unsigned x) {
uifp result;
result.ui32 = 1 + (x << 1);
return result;
uifp make_fpv(float x) {
uifp result;
result.fp32 = x;
result.ui32 &= ~1;
return result;
uifp data[10];
void setNumbers() {
int i;
for (i=0; i<10; i++) {
data[i] = (i & 1) ? make_fpv(i/10.0) : make_uiv(i);
void printNumbers() {
int i;
for (i=0; i<10; i++) {
if (get_type(data[i]) == FLOAT_VALUE) {
printf("%0.3f\n", get_fpv(data[i]));
} else {
printf("%i\n", get_uiv(data[i]));
data[i] = (i & 1) ? make_fpv(i) : make_uiv(i);
int main(int argc, const char *argv[]) {
return 0;
With this approach what you are losing is the least significant bit of precision from the float number (i.e. storing a float value and re-reading it is going to lose some accuracy) and only 31 bits are available for the integer.
You could try instead to use only NaNs floating point values, but this means that only 22 bits are easily available for the integers because of the float format (23 if you're willing to lose also infinity).
The idea of using lowest bits for tagging is used often (e.g. Lisp implementations).

how to cast uint8_t array of 4 to uint32_t in c

I am trying to cast an array of uint8_t to an array of uint32_t, but it seems not to be working.
Can any one help me on this. I need to get uint8_t values to uint32_t.
I can do this with shifting but i think there is a easy way.
uint32_t *v4full;
v4full=( uint32_t *)v4;
while (*v4full) {
if (*v4full & 1)
*v4full >>= 1;
Given the need to get uint8_t values to uint32_t, and the specs on in4_pton()...
Try this with a possible correction on the byte order:
uint32_t i32 = v4[0] | (v4[1] << 8) | (v4[2] << 16) | (v4[3] << 24);
There is a problem with your example - actually with what you are trying to do (since you don't want the shifts).
See, it is a little known fact, but you're not allowed to switch pointer types in this manner
specifically, code like this is illegal:
type1 *vec1=...;
type2 *vec2=(type2*)vec1;
// do stuff with *vec2
The only case where this is legal is if type2 is char (or unsigned char or const char etc.), but if type2 is any other type (uint32_t in your example) it's against the standard and may introduce bugs to your code if you compile with -O2 or -O3 optimization.
This is called the "strict-aliasing rule" and it allows compilers to assume that pointers of different types never point to related points in memory - so that if you change the memory of one pointer, the compiler doesn't have to reload all other pointers.
It's hard for compilers to find instances of breaking this rule, unless you make it painfully clear to it. For example, if you change your code to do this:
uint32_t v4full=*((uint32_t*)v4);
and compile using -O3 -Wall (I'm using gcc) you'll get the warning:
warning: dereferencing type-punned pointer will break strict-aliasing rules [-Wstrict-aliasing]
So you can't avoid using the shifts.
Note: it will work on lower optimization settings, and it will also work in higher settings if you never change the info pointer to by v4 and v4_full. It will work, but it's still a bug and still "against the rules".
If v4full is a pointer then the line
uint32_t *v4full;
v4full=( uint32_t)&v4;
Should throw an error or at least a compiler warning. Maybe you mean to do
uint32_t *v4full;
v4full=( uint32_t *) v4;
Where I assume v4 is itself a pointer to a uint8 array. I realize I am extrapolating from incomplete information…
EDIT since the above appears to have addressed a typo, let's try again.
The following snippet of code works as expected - and as I think you want your code to work. Please comment on this - how is this code not doing what you want?
#include <stdio.h>
#include <inttypes.h>
int main(void) {
uint8_t v4[4] = {1,2,3,4};
uint32_t *allOfIt;
allOfIt = (uint32_t*)v4;
printf("the number is %08x\n", *allOfIt);
the number is 04030201
Note - the order of the bytes in the printed number is reversed - you get 04030201 instead of 01020304 as you might have expected / wanted. This is because my machine (x86 architecture) is little-endian. If you want to make sure that the order of the bytes is the way you want it (in other words, that element [0] corresponds to the most significant byte) you are better off using #bvj's solution - shifting each of the four bytes into the right position in your 32 bit integer.
Incidentally, you can see this earlier answer for a very efficient way to do this, if needed (telling the compiler to use a built in instruction of the CPU).
One other issue that makes this code non-portable is that many architectures require a uint32_t to be aligned on a four-byte boundary, but allow uint8_t to have any address. Calling this code on an improperly-aligned array would then cause undefined behavior, such as crashing the program with SIGBUS. On these machines, the only way to cast an arbitrary uint8_t[] to a uint32_t[] is to memcpy() the contents. (If you do this in four-byte chunks, the compiler should optimize to whichever of an unaligned load or two-loads-and-a-shift is more efficient on your architecture.)
If you have control over the declaration of the source array, you can #include <stdalign.h> and then declare alignas(uint32_t) uint8_t bytes[]. The classic solution is to declare both the byte array and the 32-bit values as members of a union and type-pun between them. It is also safe to use pointers obtained from malloc(), since these are guaranteed to be suitably-aligned.
This is one solution:
/* convert character array to integer */
uint32_t buffChar_To_Int(char *array, size_t n){
int number = 0;
int mult = 1;
n = (int)n < 0 ? -n : n; /* quick absolute value check */
/* for each character in array */
while (n--){
/* if not digit or '-', check if number > 0, break or continue */
if((array[n] < '0' || array[n] > '9') && array[n] != '-'){
if(array[n] == '-'){ /* if '-' if number, negate, break */
number = -number;
else{ /* convert digit to numeric value */
number += (array[n] - '0') * mult;
mult *= 10;
return number;
One more solution:
u32 ip;
if (!in4_pton(str, -1, (u8 *)&ip, -1, NULL))
return -EINVAL;
... use ip as it defined above - (as variable of type u32)
Here we use result of in4_pton function (ip) without any additional variables and castings.
