Determing established connection time - c

I'm trying to find a way to determine how long a connection as been established to any IP and any port and I want to use C.
So far, I can get the remote IP and port as well as the local IP and port and the program name and its PID by forking and calling netstat and extracting data from it byte-by-byte.
However, I prefer if theres a standard API thats included with linux that I can directly use in my program so I don't always have to call external programs to see if a connection is established and for how long.
Is there a way I can do this without the need for calling external programs and extracting output from them?
What I want to do later in my program is kill a process if the established connection time is way too long (I'm trying to defeat the slowloris DOS attack).


C : how to to execute remotely a command line programm and interact with it from a server?

I made a simple tcp client in C (in windows I precise), which is controlled by netcat. I would like to be able to run a command line executable (such as Strings for example) remotely, and above all to be able to interact from netcat or my server with this programme.( (in order to perform actions on the remote computer in particular).
What would be the best solution to do that ?
edit : Here is an example : I want to run String programm on the remote computer. To do that, I can simply write "string" in netcat, this command would be interpreted by client, and this client execute strings binary. The output of strings should be displayed on netcat.
I precise that the binary of the programm can be on the remote computer, but it would be great if there is a way to execute it as a "real" remote programm, without need to get the executable on the remote machine.
First of all, your terminology is a bit off. You said you write a tcp client. But it seems you wrote a server. Because this programs should receive incoming tcp connection and request to then send responses.
In order to execute commands, you can use the exec* syscalls.
But then you would need to have the executables available in the machine.
Then you would need to build some for for loop around the tcp read that execute things for each line send, and a bit of setup to ensure that you redirect the output in the tcp connection. See the dupsyscall.
Ultimately, if you do not want to write a full shell-like program, you could just execthe system shell (cmd.exe on windows I think), and redirect all inputs/output to it.

Checking port availability in Linux

I need to launch several instances of a game in the same computer using Linux. The game is created launching a server at a specified port number (using a command line command with --port NUMBER as an argument) and then each of the players attachs itself to that port to play the game (in a similar fashion).
I need to launch hundreds of games in parallel through a little C program that uses the stdlib.h system library function (system(const char *command)) to launch the game server and the game players.
What I need to know is: how can I check from withing that C program that a port is available before launching the game server on that port number? It´s important to note that my program itself does not bind to any port, it just launchs (with system) the program that will actually try to connect to that port.
You have to use bind() directly, and if it doesn't succeed you can try another port.
Checking if a port is free and then binding is not possible and would be a race condition: You just checked, that a port was free, but someone already used it.
Reading /proc/net/tcp can help you though, but the race condition still applies.
The simplest way is normally trying to open a port and then handle the error as a already used port. A nice example can be found here
Three simple steps:
Try to open socket on the port you desire
If it works return true and close the socket
If not, return false
In the example given, they do it remotely, but you easily can change that.

Forwarding an established TCP connection to another process on another port?

On a Linux machine, you have a daemon that listens on TCP port A. However, it is usually stopped because it is rarely used and takes away a large amount of system resources. Instead, I want to do something like this:
Code an application that listens on port B and does the following as soon as a connection is established: If the daemon is stopped, start it and wait until it listens on port A. Now the difficult part: Connect the client to the daemon in a completely transparent way, i.e. without the client having to reconnect on port A. Also, but this is irrelevant for this question, the application will shut down the daemon when there are no connections for a certain amount of time.
Of course, I could have my application connect to the daemon and pipe all communication. I do not want that. I want some way to forward the established connection to the daemon and then get rid of the connected socket, while the client is now happily connected with the daemon. In some way, I want to give the daemon's process my already connected socket. Is there any way to do something like this?
I'm running Debian, if that's important. I would want to code the application in C/C++, and it's okay to have OS-specific solutions (i.e. use syscalls). Forgive me though, I am not much of a Linux coder, so I am not very familiar with Linux system programming. If there is some obvious way to do it, I simply didn't know.
Of course, I am open for any kind of suggestion.
This problem has a pre-existing standard solution, generically known as inetd. It has been around for a long time, first in Unix systems and then Linux.
The more modern implementation is xinetd

Retrieving local IP before a connection is made

I am trying to determine which local IP would be used on a socket for a TCP connection towards a given host on Linux, using C.
Let me make an example. I could connect my socket and use getsockname() on the file descriptor to get the local ip (and local TCP port); but can I do this without opening the connection?
I could read the routing table and make a decision based on that - but the networking subsystem must have that algorithm already, for when the connection is actually open. In short, I'd like to know if there is an API to access the routing algorithms without having to parse the rules myself or opening an actual connection. The solution - if any - will probably be Linux only but that's OK.
EDIT: someone on IRC suggested I create a UDP socket and use connect() on it. No network is used at that point but I should be able to use getsockname() on it
The only solution I know to this is what traceroute does. Send a packet with a TTL of 1 and see which interface the ICMP return comes in on. As I recall there are lots of incompatibilities between different hosts, so there's probably several different types of messages you might need to send/receive to get the data you need.

Detect whether a socket program is connecting to itself

How, in C, can I detect whether a program is connecting to itself.
For example, I've set up a listener on port 1234, then I set up another socket to connect to an arbitrary address on port 1234. I want to detect whether I'm connecting to my own program. Is there any way?
Linux provides tools that I think can solve this problem. If the connection is to the same machine, you can run
fuser -n tcp <port-number>
and get back a list of processes listening to that port. You can then look in /proc and found out if there is a process with a pid not your own which is running the same binary you are. A bit of chewing gum and baling wire will help keep the whole contraption together.
I don't think you can easily ask questions about a process on another machine.
One of the parameters to the accept() function is a pointer to a struct sockaddr.
When you call accept() on the server side it will fill in the address of the remote machine connecting to your server socket.
If that address matches the address of any of the interfaces on that machine then that indicates that the client is on the same machine as the server.
You could send a sequence of magic packets upon connection, which is calculated in a deterministic way. The trick is how to do this in a way that sender and receiver will always calculate the same packet contents if they are from the same instance of the program. A little more information on what your program is would be helpful here, but most likely you can do some sort of hash on a bunch of program state and come up with something fairly unique to that instance of the program.
I assume you mean not just the same program, but the same instance of it running on the same machine.
Do you care about the case where you're connecting back to yourself via the network (perhaps you have two network cards, or a port-forwarding router, or some unusual routing out on the internet somewhere)?
If not, you could check whether the arbitrary address resolves to loopback (, or any of the other IP addresses you know are you. I'm not a networking expert, so I may have missed some possibilities.
If you do care about that "indirect loopback" case, do some handshaking including a randomly-generated number which the two endpoints share via memory. I don't know whether there are security concerns in your situation: if so bear in mind that this is almost certainly subject to MITM unless you also secure the connection.
