WPF User Control Library - Does not exsist in the namespace - wpf

I'm new to WPF.
I'm trying to create a WPF application with WPF User Control Library.
But when I try to build or run the project I'm getting the following errors.
I have added the reference to the starting project.
The name "HoverButton" does not exist in the namespace "clr-namespace:HomeSchool_KinectControls;assembly=HomeSchool_KinectControls;"
When I remove the Canves and other elements inside it and build, It successfully built. But when I try to use the HoverButton the error is appearing again and the project is not getting build.
I have seen it's kinda bug in the VS and I tried following:
Restarting VS
Change the Targeting Build Platform
And it doesn't work.
Please help me to find a solution.

From your code it is seen that you're trying to access the Hoverbutton from a certain library.
It is not possible to access a library without adding a reference to it.Right Click on References under the solution explorer and select Add reference. Now browse to the required library or select it if it is in GAC. It will solve your issue.


Failed to load toolbox item in VIsual Studio in WinForms C++

I am creating a windows form application in managed C++. To add a custom user control either one can create a new project or add CLR User control to same project. When I add a user control to same project it builds and shows control in toolbar. When I drag and drop it onto my main UI it throws up error.
"Failed to load toolbox item, It will be removed from Toolbox".
There is no error if I create a separate project under same solution and compile control as a DLL. Is there a way I can add a custom user control to same project and use it.
Also I looked up similar question on the topc but none of them has helped me. I have checked the files and I am building the project as Win32 and there is no way control being separately built as x64.
Had same problem after one or both of renaming project or/and changing platform, most posted "solutions" provided to other people asking the same question didn't seem to work.
What did work for me was to go into the project folder and delete the obj folder, and just to be safe the bin folder too, then build again. (Seems the so called Build->Clean menu item only does half of the required work.)

VS2012 - Add WPF existing user control to project

This seems like it should be pretty simple but I can't seem to make it happen. Lets say I have an existing project with a user control named uc1. I would like to use this user control in another project. I right-click the project name in the solution explorer and select add>existing item, change the drop down to all files and select the files uc1.xaml and uc1.xaml.vb. This of course adds the files to the project but there is no correlation between the xaml and the code behind file and there is no way to use the control. What is the proper way of doing this?
Reed's answer is a good architectural one. If you plan on creating a control that you will reuse in many projects then it's best to use a control library.
Your original question is valid in some situations though. Say you have some source code from the Internet that you've unzipped to your drive. This project contains a .XAML file and its linked .vb file that you want to add to a project.
As you seen, the Visual Studio Solution Explorer doesn't link the files when adding with the "Add Item" dialog. I think this is a bug. I find that if I reload the project, the affiliation is added.
Here's a workaround I use. I drag the files from Windows Explorer /File Explorer onto the project in Solution Explorer. That works correctly the first time.
This of course adds the files to the project but there is no correlation between the xaml and the code behind file and there is no way to use the control. What is the proper way of doing this?
Normally, you'd add a reference to the other project, and use the UserControl directly.
This allows you to build a single project with your UserControl, and use the resulting assembly (DLL) in multiple projects without duplicating the code.
If you want to reuse your user controls you need to create a new project and choose "Class Library" from the list of available projects. When compiled this class library can easily be used by any number of other projects and solutions simply by adding a reference to compiled DLL created when you build this class library.
Edit: As mentioned in other answer it's "WPF UserControl Library", not simple "Class Library"...
You just need to add the .xaml file and VS should auto add the code behind(nested). I've seen this not work a few times and as #Walt Ritscher said this is probably a bug.
I found simply restarting Visual Studio and reloading my solution worked.

UserControl in same project

I have a simple WPF Control project with 1 window and 1 custom user control. I built the project and the control showed up on the toolbox - great. I dragged a couple instances of the control onto the window and it worked as expected - great again. It added an xmlns for 'my' that referenced it's own base namespace and put in the proper references for the controls - perfect.
Then I tried to build it, not so perfect. It appears that it is looking for it's own build dll so when it starts to build the project and deletes the dll then suddenly it can't find the namespace reference so the build fails. Then the dll is missing so the designer gives the error. I can delete the reference to this namespace which fixes the error and I can rebuild successfully, which returns the dll which means I can paste the reference back in with no errors... until I try to build again...
Is there any way to do this without making every control it's own dll?
Don't do a rebuild on release?
Designer errors don't stop my compiles. But the designer error doesn't go away until release is built.
Check your build settings.

Silverlight Designer not finding custom controls

I'm having an issue where silverlight doesn't recognise custom controls or resources.
I include the namespace and intelisense recognises the item, the application builds fine and runs fine however the designer throws the following error.
The type 'x' was not found. Verify that you are not missing an assembly reference
and that all referenced assemblies have been built.
Usually I'm able to sort out the issue by performing a clean/rebuild of the project. however recently this route has been unable to resolve the issue.
Is this a known issue with the Visual Studio designer? are there any fixes/work arounds out there?
I'm using the following declaration:
and referencing the control using the following:
<converters:ReportTypeImageConverter x:Name="ReportTypeImage"/>
Restarted visual studio this morning when I logged in and now its recognising the controls, which means I can use the designer again.
Try to go to your Project Properties and put some Reference Paths(folders where you .dll are)
Hope it Helps

The tag "xxx" does not exist in XML namespace"yyy" / Reference could not be found

I have a winform usercontrol than I want to add to wpf project.
I added the relevant references (WindowsFormsIntegration, SystemWindowsForms and my user control dll) and added this row in my XAML:
And then this:
When I write "MyControl:" the "control" is automated show up that mean VS recognize the control and all references added ok... but when I compile the project this give me the error in the title.
Its very strange when I'm compile the all project i've got error "The type or namespace name "xx' could not be found..."
but I added all the refernces and the VS recognize the namespace so why the compiler don't found them? If this problem will be solved I beleive the other problem also will disappear.
The solution is: Go to your project properties and change the Target Framework from Client Profile to the full version of the .Net you are using, see the image below. This problem happens if your DLL targets the full .NET Framework, and your WPF Application (main project) targets .Net Client Profile.
This happened to me when I included the assembly name in the namespace definition, but both controls were in the same assembly. Just removing the assembly part of the namespace declaration solved it.
Visual Studio will load the reference only for reflection so it will show correct intellisense correctly. But in order to compile, compiler will need all the dlls that your referenced dll is dependent on. So visual studio will show intellisense for mycontrol as it can find it in reference. But your myontrol may reference other dlls which you may not have added. You will have to add dependent references of mycontrol in your project too.
It could also be that the target framework is different between your projects. We host a class library dll with the WPF pages, and it was targeted to 'Any CPU', but the host application was targeted to 'x86'. Once they matched, the problem went away.
I ran into the same "The type or namespace name 'xx' could not be found..." issue.
It disappears when I moved my Visual Studio files on a local drive. They were stored on a shared network directory before. I dont know the root cause of this, but at least I can have my designer running now.
I've encountered this problem before and replacing <MyControl:control></MyControl:control> with just <MyControl:control/> fixed it for me.
No idea why though. It seems like the first form is only for controls which can contain other controls.
